Elevator Girl

The darkness inside


We are in her car, driving to a café. I knew I'd be overdressed but I couldn't care less to be honest. My mind about taeyeon has changed. She has the looks, but her personality is unfriendly and cold. I forgot to tell her that my dorm number is actually 5 because a forth dorm doesn't exist in our house. I was existed and know I now that I shouln't hug others just like that,but it's not a reason to pull back. The whole drive we haven't talked a bit. I can notice her looking at me once in a while, I guess she wants me to start a conversation. The smarter one gives up, I mean in. So I should give in and talk to her. "Wow, that awkward silence." I say laughing. "Yeah.." She smiles and looks away. Okay that's it! She doesn't even look into my face properly! "WHY DO YOU LOOK AWAY ALL THE TIME??" I suddenly scream and try to cover my mouth. "Well, I'm driving." She answers confused. 


I can't look at her,because every time I see her face my heart won't stop fluttering. "Why don't you like me?" She suddenly asks with a sad expression. I messed up. Now she thinks I don't like her although it's the complete opposite. "No, I like you." I say smiling and focusing on the road.  " But why did you pull away from the hug and look away and ignore me?"  I have to think of a good excuse. "You know, I'm that type of person that can only focus on one thing. While driving I can only drive. I'm not able to multitask really well. And I don't realky like hugs, I only hug my lovers." Did I just really say that? "My lovers" what the hell am I saying? "Then I'm your lover" she says with a baby-like voice placing her hand onto mine. Why does she always make me flustered? I know she doesn't mean it, but still. I stop the car "Are we there?" "Yeah, it's  my favorite coffee"  I usually don't take other people here because it's not expensive or anything, but she doesn't earn money yet so it's easier for her to pay here. We get out of the car and I can feel everyone staring at her. Guys, girls. I don't know if I'm angry at them staring at her or surprised that noone stares at me. We walk into the café fastly and take a seat. I order an americank while she orders the coffee mix,which is the most expensive drink. "I pay"   quikly say. I exoected her to be like "Nooo, you don't have to. You're so nice and awesome" but she just says "okay, thanks" with a smile. She's really weird, or special. I haven't decided yet. "What are you like?" She asks me. "What do you mean?" I answer confused. "What kind of person are you? Who is you ideal type and how many boyfriends did you have" I laugh. Why does she want to know that much about my love life? She could ask about being a celebrity or something like that instead. I think of a way to make myself look good. " I'm rather quiet, but kind. I like singing and drawing. In a relationship, I like someone who focuses on me the most and my ideal type...I don't have one. Someone who has beautiful eyes and a magnificent beauty." "So I'm your ideal type?" She winks. She's right,I basically described her. I look away and laugh. "I'm just kidding, go on" she looks at me like a little beagle. "I had boyfriends but I don't really want one right now." "Oh why?" "I'm not really interested in them." She smirks at me "because you're interested in girls?" I blush again. I know she is joking,but WHY. "I'm just kidding. I'm not that interested in boys either. They are trouble. Girls are better anyways." She winks again.


I feel so much more comfortable noe that I know she doesn't hate me. Actually she has a really cute and timid character. Although she is older it feels like I AM the older one. "How is your family doing?" I ask as if I's know them. "Good I guess. Why are you asking?" "I just want you to see that I'm a good junior and care about not only you but also your family"  She smiles at me. Her smile is beautiful. If I say something about her smile...would it be weird? "Has someone ever told you that you have the smile of a baby?" She laughs loudly and everyone is staring at us. "What do you mean by that?" She asks while laughing. I don't know what's funny about it, it's a normal complement. "Well. When babies smile it's the most wonderful thing in the world and you want to hug and kiss them. It's the same for you." she laughs. "Not that I want to kiss you" I add. She still laughs. "Talking to you is really fun" she says smiling. "Yeah, I think the same about you." I reply smiling.

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Chapter 4: please update soon