The darkness inside


"Norae, Norae wake up!!!" I hear lami waking me up. Lami is a rookie, like me, my future fellow group member and my best friend. Although she's younger than me, it feels like she's my sister. "What's up Lami?" I ask smirking and lying on my bed. She hits me "Ya no smiling! This is i-m-p-o-" I cut her off "why are you spelling? It's too early for riddles!" I push a pillow onto my face. She takes away my pillow "It's important! You have to get up n-o-w,now! We only have one month left till our debut.." I put my blanket over my face. "BUT I'M TIRED!" "so you don't want to debut?" "I DON'T CARE" I can't hear a sound. I put down my blanket and she's gone. "Finally.-" suddenly I feel cold water pouring down my body. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" lami smiles. "Now you're awake. Get ready, today they announce who'll be in the new girlgroup."

30 minutes later

"This least I had a shower because of her" I thought to myself while walking to the sm building with lami."who do you think will make it?" She asks me. "I don't really know... Probably all the rookies..." "ALL THE ROOKIES? Do you think i'll make it?" I look at her bright expression and smile. "Nah, you're too young and ugly." She hits me "hey, i'm only two years younger than you and the VISUAL" I love at her using the term visual. She has pale skin and huge eyes. A typical korean beauty. That's why everyone calls her the second yoona. "I know who'll make it" she suddenly points in. "Who,now I'm interested..."  She puts her hand to her chin. "Hina, because of her dancing...koeun because of her age...yiyang and ningning because of their nationality and hyerin because of her cuteness...and you!"  I laugh " why me?" "Because you have charisma...oh we're there." We step into the building. The staff greets us with a warm smile "Lami, Norae, nice to see you" suddenly the smile turns into an angry expression. "You're late." "See! I knew we should've come earlier" lami whispers before I hit her. " Sorry, we thought-" the staffmember rolls his eyes "now get in" we quietly walk into the room. Because we're rookies we can walk up to the front row, to the other rookies. "They haven't started yet" says hyerin. After a while Lee SooMan comes into the room. "Greetings Trainees. You probably heard that our entertainment wants to create a new girlgroup. After years of scouting trainees and training them. We finally got the right members. The official members are koeun, lami, hyerin, hina, ningning, yiyang, shihyo, kara, tyla, mirae and jinny. Thanks for listening." He walks off. " I knew I wouldn't make it..."  I walk back to the dorm. I'm trying not to cry but I'm just so disappointed. I'm also a rookie. Why did they choose some trainees noone knows and not me? Why did they choose untalented people and not me? I'm lazy sometimes, but I'm talented. Now tears stream down my face. I open the door and walk into my room. Lami calls me,but I don't care. Of course she's super happy now and I should support her but I can't while I'm in this state. After 20 minutes I hear the dorm door opening. Lami runs into our room. "WHY DIDN'T YOU PICK UP- wait...did you cry?" I look into the mirror and my eyes are already swollen. "No..what's up?" I try to smile. "YOU AREN'T IN THE GROUP RIGHT?" "yeah, thanks for remembering me..." "WAIT. One of the staff members walked up to me after you left and asked me where you were. I said you went home and they told me to tell you to contact them immediately because they don't want you to be in the new girl group, but they want you to be a solo singer. You gonna become the new Boa." I look at her. "I- wait. I gonna be a solo artist?" I storm out of the dorm and run back to the company building. I open the door and run to the staff member. "Hey, I mean hello. You wanted to see me?" I'm out of breath but still manage to speak somehow. "Yes follow me." I follow him. "Mr. Lee is in his office upstairs." The elevator opens. A woman walks out and smiles at us. "Hello Ms. Kim" says the staff and smiles back. I smile back, but for some reason my heart it beating faster than it ever has.


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Chapter 4: please update soon