The darkness inside


I'm lying in my bed right now. 2 hours earlier I was at Lee SooMans office. He told me I'm going to be a solo artist and start promotions in 4 month. Till then we have to write songs,record them etc. Girls Generation Taeyeon,the woman from the elevator, will be my mentor. "Taeyeon." I push my head into my pillow. Thinking about her makes my whole body shiver. I didn't recognize her at first because of her dark, mid-length hair, but she was beautiful. I've never felt that way before, although I've met many beautiful and handsome men and women. I got her phone number, so maybe I should call her. It's my mission to find out everything about her, her age, her full name, her number...well I already got her phone number, but I want more. Wait, I don't have to call her...she's a celebrity so I can google her. I run to my laptop. "Okay Google, tell me who Taeyeon is". Wow that was kind of cheesy. Taeyeon, Kim Taeyeon, she is 28 years old, Pisces, bloodtype unknown, 160cm tall,has an older brother and a younger sister...THAT'S IT? I take out my phone, type in her number and push the call button. " !"  I hang up again. What was I'm thinking. Now she'll think I'm weird because I just called and hanged up. I gotta call again. I push the call button again. My heart is trembling..."Hello?" Her voice is so smooth. "Hey, I'm Choi Norae. Mr.Lee SooMan told me you're my mentor. I thought we could meet somewhere to get to know each other." THAT SOUNDED SO WEIRD. AS IF I'M ASKING HER OUT ON A DATE. She doesn't say anything. She probably thinks I'm completely a freak. "Yes sounds good. Send me your address and I'll pick you up." She want to come to MY HOUSE. Right now I'm happy that we are on the phone, because I feel my face turning bright red. "I-" she cuts me off. "Oh I forgot, you probably live in a dorm,right?" I laugh "yeah, number 4" "okay then see you in an hour" wait a second...SHE WANTS US TO MEET NOW? I thought of tomorrow or next week.If I cancel the "date" we will probably never meet. "Sounds great, see you soon" 

What should I dress like? Since I forgot to ask where we go to I just gonna wear a black dress and my hair up in a ponytail. Won't I look to overdressed? Who cares. I CARE. She's a celebrity, she will probably wear some overpriced shoes and a designer brand dress. 


It was really nice of her to call me, because I totally forgot about me being a mentor. I hope she's not the girl from the elevator, because that would be awkward. What should I wear? I just gonna stay like this, since it's 3pm and we're going out for a coffee. A white shirt, jeans and black sneakers. I gonna wear a face mask and a basecap so none recognizes me. The dorms are 20minutes away from me, so I'll pick her up in 40 minutes. Life can be so easy.

1 hour later. 

I'm a bit late,but she won't care that much I guess. She's probably chatting with her friends and doing stuff people her age do. I wonder what she looks like. I got out of the door and ring the bell. "Who is it?" It's the girls voice. "It's taeyeon, your mentor." The door opens and I walk in. She said number 4 right? I search for the number 4,but there is none. Instead I see the girl from the elevator at door number 5. She looks straight into my eyes, which makes me flustered. Now she waves at me with a bright smile and runs towards me to hug me. "Hey Taeyeon. I'm Norae it's nice to meet you." I pull away quickly so she doesn't notice me fast heart beat. So this is Norae. The elevator girl. I turn away my face to hide my blush."let's go then." I say running the my car quickly.

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Chapter 4: please update soon