
Body parts

Byul's shoulders are as comfortable as a pillow. A fact Yongsun learned when the younger girl offered one for her to sleep on


The first time Yongsun saw Byul, the younger girl was surrounded by 3 other girls inside a coffee shop. She was waiting for her sister in the cafe for their most awaited sibling date for the month. Yongsun was reading her sister's text when a laugh broke the peaceful silence, making her look up from her phone. A deep mellow voice shush all of the girls talking. She turned her head towards them, wanting to know who's the owner of the voice. Byul then talked again, saying that they should be mindful of others. Yongsun giggled at this because the cafe is empty except for them and her (and of course the staffs). Byul then looked in her direction and made a little bow as if to say sorry for the noise. Heeyeon, as what Byul called the girl earlier, put her head on Byul's shoulders making the two girls whine. The other girl put her head on Byul's unoccupied shoulder, making the third girl pout and complain.

And at that time, Yongsun doesn't know why they would want to be on Byul's shoulders.


The first time Yongsun officially met Byul, the younger girl was surrounded by two other trainees. Wheein, the cheerful and cute girl, immediately hug Byul when she entered the room. Hyejin followed Wheein's actions, making Byul complain about their tight hug, but with a smile on her face. They were quite noisy and all, which makes it hard for Yongsun to focus on writing her lyrics.

She just gave up and observed the new girl. Raven hair that looks smooth like silk, oval shaped face and that pinchable cheeks, eyes that are staring right back at her-
*Wait. What?!*
Moving her eyes quickly to something else, Yongsun  ended up staring at the floor. *Yeah. Great. Nice floor we got here. Clean and-*
"Hello. I'm Moon Byul Yi, it's nice to see you again" A voice cut into her thoughts, making her look up.
"You remember me?" 
"Of course I remember you. How can I forget an angel?"
Yongsun's face becomes red in an instant, making the maknaes laugh.

After a minute of laughter, Wheein finally calmed down. Smiling broadly towards Byul, she inches closer until her head is on Byul's shoulder.
"Ugh unnie.. I missed you and your greasiness!"
Byul patted the pup's head, making the other sigh in content.
"Byul unnie, i missed your shoulders the most! Remember when we used to sleep in the practice room of our previous company? Thank you for always lending me your shoulders.."
Wheein said, gratefulness evident on her face.

And at that time, Yongsun doesn't know why Wheein chose Byul's shoulder rather than the pillow that she brought. 


The first time Yongsun's head was on Byul's shoulder, the younger girl was alone with her. They were practicing their debut song, which would be released in a few months time. They practiced until they can't feel their feet anymore, making them slump to the floor. Both crawled until they were in the corner of the room, with their backs against the wall.

Byul suddenly laugh, making Yongsun laugh as well.

"What do we do now Yongsun unnie? We're sticky as hell and can't even walk right now"

"Let's just stay here"

With her eyes closed, Yongsun starts singing 'Love is you'. She was nearing the chorus part, but a yawn escaped .

"Unnie, practicing hard is good but you have to rest as well. Even God rested when He was making the universe"  Yongsun smiled at this.

"Listening to Hyejin's Bible readings? I thought you always doze off when she's reading it to you and Wheein"

"I was awake at that part" Byul chuckles while her hand moves towards Yongsun, gently laying the older girl's head on her shoulder.
"Sleep well Yongsun unnie"

And at that time, Yongsun finally knows the reason why everybody likes Byul's shoulders.



Byul's shoulders is Yongsun's haven. It makes her monsters go away.


Yongsun hates it when she's alone at night because that's when her monsters come out. She blames herself for liking horror movies too much, that her special 3-seconds-sleeping technique is not working anymore. She turns and turns on her bed, changing positions if the thing she's staring at begins to have a form in her mind. Yongsun curses herself again, finally making up her mind, she texted Byul.

Y: Byul?
Y: I can't sleep :(
Y: You shouldn't have brought that dvd!
Y: Are you asleep already..?
Y: Goodnight. I hope they visit your dreams :P

Yongsun sighs as she tried to sleep again, only to find herself thinking about those monsters again. *Aish! Kim Yongsun! You're not a kid anymore! Act like an adult*

The doorbell rings, making her scream out of fright. She has seen this scene in the film, the stupid character opened the door only to let the killer in, and Yongsun swears she won't be as stupid as that character.

Her phone rings, frightening her again, to the point where her eyes are brimmed with tears. She answers it immediately when she sees that it is Byul calling.

"Unnie, can you please open the door?"
"What?! No! Why would I open the door?"
"It's me"

Yongsun scrambled to her feet, quickly opening the door and jumping on Byul.

"You dummy! You scared me!"


That night, with her cheeks on Byul's shoulder, Yongsun slept peacefully. 



Something Yongsun can hold on to.

When she's riding up and down Byul's strap on thing, trying to reach her peak. Her breath hitching as she slams down hard, and rises up almost at the tip, and down again. While biting her lips, she looks at Byul who's watching her pleasure herself. Byul's hands are on her hips, helping her with her movement. Her hands are on Byul's shoulders,  leaving crescent marks on the younger girl's porcelain skin.

"Unnie.." the younger girl said as Yongsun continues on her movements.

"You're so fcking hot Yongsun" She moans at Byul's deep voice. With a tongue playing with her ear and hands caressing her back, she came hard, almost passing out. Slowly going back to sanity, she watches Byul as the girl stares at her while whispering sweet words. Noticing something red in the girl's shoulder, she stares at it until she realizes that it's blood. Eyes widening and mouth forming a big O, she quickly apologizes while getting off of Byul's lap. But the younger girl held her body tightly, saying that it's okay, it doesn't hurt.

"Don't worry about it unnie. It's like the bite marks that I give you all the time, it shows how much you love me" Byul said with a shy smile, making her at ease. Even though Yongsun finds Byul's marking kink a bit weird, she just allows it all because the blonde likes it. 

And maybe, just maybe, she's starting to like it too.



i apologize for the grammatical errors and the typos that exist in all of the past and future chapters of this ff. 

Hey hey hey. I'm back! Sorry for the delaaaaay.

This is the hardest chapter ever cuz nothing's coming up in my head. And i'm not satisfied so i kept on rewritting this.

And actually i was being lazy so.. :'D

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Chapter 5: Niceee
Update more author-nim
Chapter 5: Woah its perfect o.o cute, sweet then y....
cjmoo_ #3
Chapter 5: Niceee
Great chapter! Can't wait to read moreee
Chapter 5: Omg I dont think that you would ever update ahhhhhh it's just perfect please continue this fic ;;; v ;;;
a_ellenna #5
Chapter 3: Mmm.which part most y????ahhh i dont know...authornim~~~~~more pleaseee
MyBaex #6
Chapter 4: Noooo why did you do this to me.
I was just thinking about the next chapter's body part as the back.
Then you fullfilled my dream lol
Anyway, good chapter again. :)
samchil37 #7
Chapter 4: If you do shoulder or neck for the next chapter, that'd be the death of me, Author-nim : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : ) : )
cjmoo_ #8
Chapter 4: Hiding in the closet huh... Hahah
I enjoy reading this~
KualiTongi #9
Chapter 4: This chapter somehow reminds me of Solar's anthem; y Back HAHAHAHAH