Order: 1 Jimin

Check Please!

It was the daily of all dailys, for Jimin at least. For Yoongi, it was an earlier rise and shine and he was the last person that wanted to wake up early. Yoongi was a cranky individual, only a few things could truly make him happy: coffee, Jimin, and sleep. With his stunning intellect came a rather pessimistic mood, but that seemed to be the trade off. He rolled around in bed, groaning and staring at the clock with a pillow thrown over his head, not only were the people in room 27 moving out but someone was singing- but he didn’t mind it; it sounded rather angelic.

As he got dressed the singing continued and as he left at 8 am, the singing didn’t cease to stop. As he entered the café at noon, he was greeted with it again and of course he wasn’t complaining. He took a spot at the counter, biting down at his pinky as he saw Jimin singing in the back kitchen and making his one and only…soufflé. So he rang the bell and smirked as Jimin turned around, his cheeks turning and obvious pink and his eyes crinkling in a smile.

He raced up to the counter “give me one second and I’ll be with you, ok?” and after serving his guest, Jimin made his way back to chitchat at the counter “hey you”

“you can sing, so I’ve heard” Yoongi bit down on his knuckle as Jimin giggled, blushing and gave a small nod “it’s lovely, sing more often…you’re truly so gifted”

“I didn’t think I was that good but if you like it, I’ll sing more often” Jimin smiled and scratched the back of his head “but, what can I get you today?” Jimin took out his notepad

“I don't want anything, I'm just here for you and you only” Yoongi sighed dreamily and Jimin chuckled, shaking his head and tossed his notepad down on the counter, Yoongi’s eyes shifting to look at it “oh come on! You can draw too!? Unfair, you’re so talented”

Jimin! Table 12!! Come on! Don’t make me keep you late today.

Jimin grumbled, picking up his notepad and rushing over to table 12, apologizing endlessly. Yoongi turned around to watch as Jimin took their orders and apologized once more, insisting that he would rush their order in return. Spinning in his chair once more, Yoongi watched as Jimin prepared their desired choice- two soufflés. He couldn’t help but smile, watching as Jimin wiped the sweat from his forehead and mumbled to himself, popping the soufflés into the oven. Yoongi smiled to know that Jimin's soufflés had made it to the restaurant.

“I’m proud of you, you deserve this. You really need to get recognized more for your countless talents, I mean it- I will talk to someone if I have to” Yoongi insisted, sliding across the counter in an effort to keep eye contact with Jimin.

“Yoongi, that’s very sweet. I appreciate it but I’m doing just fine with my position now, I insist thought- please let me get you something to eat or drink, it’s on me and with that, forget about ever hearing me sing,” Jimin raised his brows, wagging his finger before prepping himself and taking the soufflés out of the oven, promptly delivering them to the table. He came back and leaned on the counter “Besides I’m sure you’ve got plenty of talents”

Yoongi giggled, blushing and looking down from Jimin’s gaze “you’re too sweet but I’ve gotta go” he stood up from the chair and took his coat, slinging it over his arm.

“I thought work didn’t start till 8?” Jimin cocked his head to the side in question “You don’t have to leave, it’s only 7:45”

“Yea only 7:45 meaning…” Yoongi chuckled “I’m going home and going to go back and sleep- besides I might take a “sick day” I cannot be bothered with those people today, I’m too grumpy for my own good, I’ll see you when you get home” Yoongi winked

Leaving Jimin to do his work, Yoongi couldn’t help but turn around and watch Jimin as he walked out, nearly bumping into another server, cheeks getting warm as he saw Jimin watching him walk out- and nearly spill food all over himself.


Jimin sat at the couch, television on in the back, comfy clothes on and a sketch book in his lap, pencil moving lightly against the page. He jumped as he heard a knock on the door, clutching his chest and shaking his head as he got up,

He opened the front door and promptly moved aside “Oh, it’s just you”

“You seem like you’re in a trance, dazed really…”  Yoongi scratched the back of his head, watching as Jimin sat back down on the couch, picking up his sketch again “Oh, that’s why”

Looming over the back of the couch, Yoongi leaned over to take a peek at the drawing, “is that me?”

Jimin quickly hid the book, keeping it close to his chest as Yoongi tried to pry it away to look. Moving around the couch, a hand still gripped on the book, Yoongi took a seat on the couch.

“Just let me see” he whined, “You know that I won’t criticize it, please Jimin?” Jimin handed it relentlessly over with a sigh, watching Yoongi’s eyes as they looked over his drawing which indeed- was of him; of Yoongi. “this is- this is…I’m stunned, it’s amazing” Yoongi looked over at Jimin, whom of which was sheepishly looking down with a small smile “Is this from-”

“The first day you showed up at the café? Yes” Jimin chuckled, shaking his head “It’s silly, I know, to be able to remember that exact scene but- ah I don’t know, you’re just memorable” Jimin grew quiet “I like drawing you” He mumbled “It makes me happy and at ease, but not as much as your actual presence does”

The pair smiled at one another before Yoongi spoke up, smirking slightly “C’mere”

So Jimin did, moving closer to Yoongi and giggling as Yoongi turned to face him, covering his mouth with his hand as his head fell against Yoongi’s chest. Feeling his chest fall as Yoongi sighed, Jimin picked his head up, coming eye to eye with him. He cleared his throat and apologized, taking a deep breath in as an effort to relax.

Though his breath caught halfway in his chest as Yoongi’s hand came up to cup his cheek and move its way along Jimin’s jaw, thumb brushing over his bottom lip. Jimin kept his eyes low, flicking them up for a moment to catch Yoongi’s, watching his close as he leaned in, placing a soft kiss on Jimin’s lips. He returned the kiss, biting lightly at Yoongi’s bottom lip before pulling back with a loss for words.

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Literally as I write these chapters I listen to jazz. A MOOD


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mrlasagna #1
Chapter 9: I love them so much together
mrlasagna #2
mrlasagna #3
Chapter 8: ITS HAPPENING YES. I ing love this so much. I love the jazz part and this whole fic has such a jazz vibe and I'm here for it
Isolemlysweariloveme #4
Chapter 9: You're such a tease oh my gosh why you doing this
Isolemlysweariloveme #5
Chapter 8: What kind on trickery is this?
mrlasagna #6
Chapter 6: I'm loving how this is progressing!!
mrlasagna #7
Chapter 5: Oh bless they kissed, I'm so happy!
fatpony #8
Chapter 7: I love this story so much omg
Bananana_ #9
Chapter 6: What happened to this chapter?
mrlasagna #10
Chapter 4: This was cute