Order: 4 Americanos

Check Please!

It was the normal day for Jimin, spending the morning at home and then racing out the door as soon as the clock ticked 3 to head off to work for the next 7 hours. The only thing he liked about going to work was talking to Yoongi and the thrilling idea to promote his soufflé, not only would it be quite the honor to have his own dish on the menu but maybe it would also promote the idea of a raise. The night shift wasn’t bad but it wasn’t good; bad because Jimin had to deal with cranky businessmen but good because he got to see his cranky favorite businessman with a soft spot for him; that of which was Yoongi.


Jimin looked up to watch out the door and back down at the counter as he heard his coworker mock you missed a spot. Jimin scowled, wiping the spot down once again and looking back up, butterflies tickling his stomach as he saw Yoongi… and 3 others around him.

“Jimin table 5…” The words barely leaving his lips before Jimin practically skipped over to the table, a pen caught between his lips and his notepad out and ready to go

And before Jimin could even speak “Ah guys, this is my lovely neighbor and by far the sweetest waiter around; Park Jimin. Be easy on him, he’s worked a long day I’m sure of it- can we just get 4 americanos?” Yoongi smiled, rubbing his thumb comfortingly on Jimin’s arm, smiling as Jimin looked down at his feet and nodded shyly.

Jimin scampered off into the kitchen, giggling constantly as he tried to prep the americanos, his hand coming up to bat the tears away from his eyes. He took a couple of deep breaths before picking up the countless americanos into his arms and made his way out to the table, smiling nervously as all their eyes shifted to look over at Jimin.

“1…2…3…and 4” Jimin counted, eyes crinkling in a smile as he set them down on the table

They all thanked Jimin warmly and went back to their work, pens scribbling out notes and fingers moving quickly across the keyboard, the four talked quietly and with the low rumble of their voices, Jimin was sure he was about to be put to sleep at the counter. But, as soon as he heard Yoongi’s laughter, Jimin was sure he could stay awake for now what felt like millennia- and he had to ask himself if he was sure that he didn’t take a sip of americano as well.

Jimin spoke up over the counter “if you guys need anything else just speak up, ok?”

Yoongi turned around in his chair “oh thanks Jimin, but I think we’re all going to part ways, besides I want you to leave early. Did you need a ride tonight?”

Jimin nodded, watching as Yoongi's coworkers silently left the café and money down on the table “a ride would be nice but I have to clean up first,”

Yoongi watched as Jimin whizzed past him, swooping the mugs off the table and rushing back into the kitchen to clean them, grab his things, clock out and make his way back to Yoongi; walking out with him to his car.

The car ride was silent but only because the two were beyond exhausted and just itching to lay down, sleep was the only thing on their mind- well at least one of them. Yoongi was the one with the busy mind, not only cause of work but well to be quite frank, because of Jimin. He couldn’t help but look over at the boy as they stopped at the red lights, watching as he pinched his lips, sighing and then moving to card a hand through his hair. Yoongi quickly looked away as Jimin looked over at him,

“I should really get a car but I think if I did, I’d still ride with you, it’s nice and elegant and your presence is warming”

Yoongi smiled shyly and coughed, “that’s sweet, but we’re here and unfortunately that means we'll have to depart for the night despite walking upstairs”

Practically dragging each other to their rooms, Yoongi was the first to truly depart. Once at the door, he fiddled in his bag for his keys, fishing them out to only have them drop onto the floor, a groggy curse cutting the silence. Groaning in agony, placing a hand on his back as he began to slowly bend down.

“I’ve got it” Jimin said quietly and crouched down, swiping the keys up and standing back up. His breath catching in his chest as he met only a few centimeters away from Yoongi's face, their lips nearly brushing against one another. He froze there for a second before bowing his head down and exhaling nervously, placing the keys in Yoongi's open palm, “sorry, I didn’t realize how close together we were…” Jimin cleared his throat and kept his eyes low, stepping back. His stomach flipping as he felt Yoongi pull him back in softly by the waist and planting a small warm kiss land on his forehead.

“I don’t mind,” Yoongi muttered shyly “you’re cute, sleep well” Yoongi turned to unlock his door, smiling to himself as he felt Jimin place a kiss on the back of his neck and drag his lips foreward to place another on the side of his neck.

“Sleep well,” Jimin smiled and made his way quickly into his apartment, sliding down back against the door as it closed, muffling his giggles in his hands as he covered his face in embarrassment "Am I in love?"

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Literally as I write these chapters I listen to jazz. A MOOD


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mrlasagna #1
Chapter 9: I love them so much together
mrlasagna #2
mrlasagna #3
Chapter 8: ITS HAPPENING YES. I ing love this so much. I love the jazz part and this whole fic has such a jazz vibe and I'm here for it
Isolemlysweariloveme #4
Chapter 9: You're such a tease oh my gosh why you doing this
Isolemlysweariloveme #5
Chapter 8: What kind on trickery is this?
mrlasagna #6
Chapter 6: I'm loving how this is progressing!!
mrlasagna #7
Chapter 5: Oh bless they kissed, I'm so happy!
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Chapter 7: I love this story so much omg
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Chapter 6: What happened to this chapter?
mrlasagna #10
Chapter 4: This was cute