Indirect Kisseu!

The Best of Friends


Woohyun stared at his phone. "Should I, or should I not?" He paced back and forth in his room. "I mean, I went through so much trouble to get her number but.." Woohyun plopped down onto his bed remembering how he had to beg Sunggyu to get her number for him. "Aish! Just do it Woohyun, just do it." He sits up and clicks on his phone. 
After erasing and retyping he finally pressed send.

Woohyun: Hi.

In a matter of seconds his phone vibrates.

Yoonji: Who is this?

"Ahhasdfghjkl!" Woohyun fumbled with the keys on his phone. "Dammit! I didn't tell her who I was, pabo Woohyun!"

Woohyun: It's your destiny. BI

After pressing the send button he automatically panicked. "Why did I put that?! She'll think I'm a creeper!" He quickly typed another message.

Woohyun: Hahaha just kidding! It's Woohyun.
Yoonji: Ohh, hahaha hi Woohyun-shi. 
Woohyun: Ah, you can drop the shi Yoonji. Just call me Woohyun, nae?
Yoonji: Naee, Woohyun. :)

 A wide smile spread across Woohyun's face.

Woohyun: Uh.. I was wondering, are you busy today?
Yoonji: ... No.. why?
Woohyun: Ah! I was wondering.. did you want to go out with me today? I mean like not a date! I just thought.. since.. we both have nothing to do...
Yoonji: Hahaha I understand Woohyun. Where do you want to meet?

Woohyun threw his arms up into the air. "ASSA!"

Woohyun: At xxxxx, in about thirty minutes!
Yoonji: Arraso~ I'll see you there! ^^

"ASSA!" He yells again and gets up to get ready.


Humming a tune, Woohyun leans against a pole. He looks at his watch, "She's fifteen minutes late." Yet he still manages to smile. "She is a girl though." He snickers.

"Woohyun! Sorry I'm late." Yoonji huffs and bows her head a little. "It's okay." Woohyun laughs slightly and rubs the back of his neck. "But why are you breathing so hard?"
"Oh, because once I got finished changing I realized I was late." She laughs, showing off her dimples. Woohyun got goosebumps. "You're so cute."
"Eh?" Yoonji stares at Woohyun. "AHAHAHA nothing! Let's go!"

They walked side by side through the crowded streets. "Gosh, why are so many people out today?" Woohyun looks around, "There are a lot of couples out today." Yoonji smiles, "I wonder why." She breaths onto her hands. Woohyun smiles, "Are you cold? Wait here nae?" Before Yoonji could say anything he sprints into a store.

Minutes later he comes back. "Let me see your hands." He smiles and takes Yoonji's hands. "Wow, you're really cold." Woohyun laughs a little and puts a mitten on each one of her hands. "There, all warm."
Yoonji blinks and stares at her hands, ".. Thanks." She slowly smiles. "But aren't you cold?" She says after noticing his red ears.

"Ahaha, ani. I'm alright." Woohyun waves his hands around but stops, "Eh..."
Yoonji had put her hands on his ears, "If you weren't cold than why are your ears red?" Woohyun stares at her, "See! Now even your cheeks are red." She giggles, "I think we should go inside or something." Yoonji removes her hands and walks towards a cafe. Once she realizes he isn't following she walks back to him and takes his arm. "Let's go Woohyun, seems like your legs are frozen now."

"Annyeonghaseyo! " They were greeted by multiple waitresses and waiters. "Annyeong~" Yoonji smiles and leads the way to a booth. Woohyun just bows his head and follows. The waitresses quickly gather together and squeal.

"Hello, my name is Hyunseok and I'll be taking your order." The waiter, Hyunseok smiles at Yoonji. Woohyun narrows his eyes and coughs causing Hyunseok to look at him. "Hm?" Hyunseok smiles and Woohyun mocks his smile. "Can I get a hot chocolate please?" Yoonji takes off her mittens. "Sure thing, and for you sir?" Hyunseok's bright eyes blinded Woohyun. "I'll just take a frappuccino." 
"Coming right up~"

"So Yoonji-"
"Here you go~" Hyunseok set a plate of cake in front of Woohyun. "What's this? I didn't order this. "
"The ladies over there ordered it for you." Hyunseok nods to the table seated with two giggling girls. Woohyun gives them a smile and they squeal. Hyunseok takes his leave and Woohyun takes a bite of the cake. "Hey this is pretty good." His face brightens and takes another bite. "You want some?" He holds the fork in front of Yoonji and smiles. 
Hesitating, Yoonji opens and Woohyun feeds her. "It's good right?" 

Yoonji nods, "Mhhm! Really good." She stares at the cake and then back to Woohyun with expectant eyes. "You want more?" He watches her nod and he pushes the plate towards her. "Is it okay if I have all of it?" Yoonji takes the fork in her hand, her eyes sparkling. "Yeah, go ahead."
"Thank you!" Yoonji puts another forkful into . Woohyun rests his elbows on the table and put his chin on his hands, gazing at her. She stops eating and stares back, "What? Do I have something on my face?"

Woohyun shakes his head, "Ani, you're just so pre-"

"HERE YA GO~"  Hyunseok puts the cups down with a clang. "Sorry if I interrupted anything~" He coos and shuffles away slyly.

Woohyun sighs and takes a sip of his drink. From the corner of his eye he sees Yoonji drink some of her drink and watches her expression cringe. "What's wrong?"
"Eh? Oh it's just kind of flat." She pushes it towards him, "Taste."

Woohyun took the cup and tasted it for himself. "It does taste kinda.. weird." He put down the cup, "If you want, you can have some of mine." Yoonji nods and reaches over to the cup. "Hmm.. yours taste good." She pouts and drinks some more. "Yah, don't drink all of it." Woohyun reaches over to the half eaten cake. "Save some for me." They both say at the same time. Woohyun laughs and eats the cake. Yoonji sips some more of his drink.

"Wait Yoonji, I need to go to the restroom." Woohyun stands up, "Arraso~" She reaches over to the cake. "I'll be back."

In the bathroom, Woohyun washed his hands counting to thirty in his mind. The sink beside him . "You know,"
Hyunseok smirked, "You two are awfully cute together. It's a pity it'll never work out." Woohyun turned off the faucet. "Well you know what Hyunseok?" He turns towards him. "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK!" Woohyun put Hyunseok into a headlock.
"Ahh hyung! Stop it!" Hyunseok flailed his arms and whined. "Shutup kid!" 
"Hyung! I'm 17, that's not a kid age!" He bit into his arm until he released him. "Ow what the heck? " Woohyun rubbed his arm.
"Hmph. Serves you right hyung." Hyunseok crossed his arms, "So the girl out there, she's Yoonji right?" He nods.
"I don't know what you see in her, in my opinion her fashion sense is hor-"
"I never asked for your opinion!" Hyunseok puts his hands up in defense. "Alright alright hyung. Gosh no need to get so mad." He sticks out his tongue. "But I was watching you guys and,"
"You stalker."
"I wasn't stalking hyung! Observing observing! Anyways, you guys shared your food and drink~" He cooed. "Yeah, what about it?" Woohyun raises his eyebrow. "You don't know?" Hyunseok puts his hands on his cheeks. "IT'S AN INDIRECT KISS!" 

"M-Mwo!? I-INDIRECT KISS!?" Woohyun puts his hands on his cheeks too. "Y-You mean, I kissed Yoonji multiple times today!?"

Hyunseok nods, "HYUNGG, YOU PLAYAH."

"Player? I'm not a player!" 

"But you know what hyung? You've been in here for a while now so she probably thinks you're taking a dump." Hyunseok snickers. "Shutup kid!" Woohyun hits him on the head and leaves. "Oww hyung.."

"Sorry, if I was gone too long." Woohyun laughs a little and sits down. "It's okay." Yoonji smiles and looks at her phone. "But Woohyun, I need to get home soon. Myungsoo said hes coming over." 

"Oh.. okay then. Let's just finish this cake and the dri..." He picks up the cup. "It's empty. " He looks at the plate. "The cake is gone." He looks at Yoonji who was smiling sheepishly. "Sorry.."
"It's okay, " Woohyun laughs and gets up. "Let's go pay."


"I had a great time. Thanks for getting me out of the house today. " Yoonji smiles and bows her head a little. "Well, I guess I'll see you later."
"Wait!" Woohyun grabs her wrist, "Hm?" Yoonji tilts her head to the side. "What is it Woohyun?"
He pulls her close and kisses her forehead. "I'll call you." Woohyun lets go of her wrist goes back into his car. 

She watches his car disappear the corner before bringing her hands to her cheeks. "Why do I suddenly feel so hot?"

"You're late." 

"You know, you're the one who suddenly decided to come over." Yoonji unlocks her door and walks in, tossing her bag on the couch. "Where were you anyways?" Myungsoo flopped down onto her couch. "I was out," Yoonji sits down on the opposite side and opens a new box of pocky. 
"Out where?"
"What are you? My mother?" She pops one stick in . "No," Myungsoo reaches over and pulls the stick out of and into his, "I'm your bestfriend."
Pouting, Yoonji puts another stick in .
"And we just had an indirect kiss." Myungsoo smirks and finishes the chocolate covered cracker stick.

Yoonji puts her finger to her lips. "Then... I kissed Woohyun a lot today..."

"MWOYA!?" Myungsoo sits up, "What do you mean you kissed Woohyun!?" He walks over to her and trips, again. But this time he ends up hugging Yoonji.
"Get off me." She tries to push him off. "You fatty, get off!"
"Aniyooo," Myungsoo whines and hugs her neck. "What the heck Myungsoo!? Get off!"
"Woori broke up with me today." He whispers. "Eh.." Yoonji stops trying to push him off and feels him smirk against her neck. "I guess it's just like that, huh?" He chuckles.



How was this? >.< orz whatamiwriting~? LOLOL

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Please Update I like The Story Line ♥ ♥
mytientran #2
awww so sad for myungsoo.<br />
YAY FOR ME!!!<br />
mytientran #3
WOORI IS A !!<br />
MAN. Myungie's OVERPROTECTIVE of Yoonji. Which, of course, means that he's already in love with his best friend despite having that y girlfriend of his. >:)))) Forgive my foul language. T.T<br />
Woori's just... ARGH.<br />
<br />
Anyway, I love the clumsy Myung gif spam. ^_^ Thanks for the update too! Looking forward for the next chapter. Hwaiting~ <3
mytientran #5
OMG!<br />
Did Myungsoo hit Woohyun??<br />
Because woohyun kissed her then. boom!
entertaemint #6
WOAHHHHHHH, update soon! O:
kyudiq #7
basscalifornia #8
I like it! Update soon~
WAAAA~ They SRSLY should date. KYAAA. <br />
<br />
Anyway, update soon!^^
mytientran #10
awwww.They should totally date each other.<br />
If there that close.<br />