
The Best of Friends

Myungsoo let out a sigh and looked at his watch. "Late again." He mumbles to himself, reaching for the cup of coffee in front of him to
find it empy. He sighed again. 
"Uhm, excuse me? Would you like another cup of coffee sir?" A squeaky voice quacked.
Myungsoo eyed the waitress making her blush. She's been checking him out since he walked through the door of this cafe shop.
"No thanks." He adverted his eyes to his phone, mindlessly clicking the buttons hoping for a phone call or message at least.
"Are you sure sir? We have cake to go with that coffee." Her voice seemed even more high. "I said I didn't want anything alright!?"
Myungsoo half shouted glaring at her.

"Oh.. mian.." The waitress bowed her head slightly and left.

"Aish... " Myungsoo sat back in his seat. 

He suddenly sat up when he heard his phone ring. 

Just a text.
Still he opened it expectantly.

Oppa, I'm not going to be able to make it. Mian. I'll call you later. -Woori

Myungsoo snapped his phone shut, got up, grabbed his coat, and walked out the door.




"THREE HOURS! I WAITED THREE HOURS FOR HER! ARGH!" Myungsoo plopped himself onto the couch making a loud plop
noise. "And she tells me AFTER I waited three hours! What is this crap!?" He crosses his arms and furries his eyebrows in frustration.

"What do you expect?" Yoonji, his bestfriend sat across from him munching on some pocky. "I mean, hasn't she done this before?"

"Yeah but I didn't think she would do it again. THREE TIMES IN A ROW." Myungsoo reached over and snatched the pocky box from
Yoonji's hands. "Yah! Those are mine fatty!"
"Mwo? Fatty?" He raised his eyebrow and popped on in his mouth. "You're calling me a fatty when you eat this all the time?!" He
Sat back and popped another one in his mouth. "So!? You have an image to look after since you have a girlfriend. I don't have
a boyfriend so it's alright if I gain a couple of pounds." Yoonji got up and tried to take the pocky box. Myungsoo leaned back making
Yoonji hover over him. "And what happens if THE ONE happens to come back and he sees you all chubby?!"
"I don't care! If he only likes me for my body he's not the one then!"
Myungsoo held the pocky box above his head. "You know the saying, looks attract me and personallity makes me stay?"
"Yeah yeah whatever, who needs your dopey love quotes. Now give my pocky back!" Yoonji crawled over Myungsoo making her chest
eye-level to him. "Pftt, oh yeah. I forgot. Who would want anyone as flat as you are." He rolled his eyes.

"YAHHH. KIM MYUNGSOO!" Yoonji sat up and flicked him on the forehead. "Owwwwwwww apayo!" Myungsoo rubbed his forehead.
"Does it look like I care? Hmhp." Taking her pocky, Yoonji gets up and goes back to her original seat. "So," She munches on her
pokey, "What you gonna do about Mooie?"

"It's Woori. And I don't know. I want to break up, but at the same time don't. If that makes sense." Myungsoo gazes at his bestfriend. 
She nods her head. "Ahh, I see." -munch-

"Yah, are you even listening?" he watches her nod her head again.
"Then why aren't you saying anything? Usually you give me this big speech and stuff.'

"Because, Myungsoo-ah." Yoonji puts down her now empty pocky box. "I have nothing else to say. I mean, the same thing keeps
happening. If you're that upset about her being late, or not returning your phone calls, or never coming to see you then maybe
it is time to break up." She gets up and stretches her arms. "I mean, you have told her all this right? That you're upset?"

Myungsoo nods slowly.

"Then it's settled. Break up."

Yoonji eyed Myungsoo looking for any show of emotion. But of course he put on his poker face. "But you don't want to right?"

Myungsoo looked at Yoonji and shrugged.

"Arra arra, I get it." Yoonji walked to her closet. "Are you sleeping over tonight?"

"Yeah I guess so. I was suppose to spend the night at Woori's but.. yeah." Myungsoo stood up, walking towards Yoonji. "You mean
Mooie?." Yoonji hands Myungsoo his extra clothes she always keeps incase he sleeps over. "Woori. Wooooriiii pabo." Myungsoo
lightly hits her on the head. "Oh yeah. Why can't I ever remember that?" Yoonji closes the closet and rubs her head. "I'm going to
go change. Be right back."
"Whatever.." Yoonji waves her hand signalling him away.

                                                                                   -le one hour later-


Yoonbi yawned and leaned her head on Myungsoo's shoulder. 
"Sleepy?" He looked at her from the corner of his eyes.
"Noo, I'm yawning on my own will."

Myungsoo chuckled. "You have the smartest mouth out there." He ruffled her hair. "If you're sleepy go to sleep."

"I take that as a compliment." Yoonji sat up. "Kay, I'll be going to sleep now. Don't be up too long arraso?"

"Nae nae~ Gosh you sound like my wife." Myungsoo stuck out his tongue. 

"Psh, like that'll ever happen. Night~" Yoonji waved and waddled into her room.

Soon after Myungsoo found his eyes becoming heavy and decided it was time to sleep. He shut of the TV and also waddled
to Yoonji's room. He quietly openned the door and approached her sleeping figure. "Yah. Are you asleep?" After not getting an
answer. Myungsoo shrugged and laid down on his bed that was already made for him on the floor. "Night, Yoonji-ah."




The rays of sunlight blinded Yoonji when she woke up. She covered her eyes with her arms groaning. "I hate mornings."

She dragged herself to the end of the bed to find Myungsoo's spot empty and the blankets folded up. "oh. I wonder where
he went." 

After about five minutes of laying there, Yoonji finally gets up. She shuffles through her apartment, through the living room
and into the kitchen. On the counter there is breakfast waiting for her along with a note.

Sorry paboji, Woori called in the middle of the night so I left to go to her house. Thanks for hearing
me out like always :) See ya later~ -Myungsocool

Yoonji put down the note and rolled her eyes.

"Pabo? Who's the real pabo here.." 

She grabs a fork and stabs her pancakes.



How was that? o3o Lololol



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Please Update I like The Story Line ♥ ♥
mytientran #2
awww so sad for myungsoo.<br />
YAY FOR ME!!!<br />
mytientran #3
WOORI IS A !!<br />
MAN. Myungie's OVERPROTECTIVE of Yoonji. Which, of course, means that he's already in love with his best friend despite having that y girlfriend of his. >:)))) Forgive my foul language. T.T<br />
Woori's just... ARGH.<br />
<br />
Anyway, I love the clumsy Myung gif spam. ^_^ Thanks for the update too! Looking forward for the next chapter. Hwaiting~ <3
mytientran #5
OMG!<br />
Did Myungsoo hit Woohyun??<br />
Because woohyun kissed her then. boom!
entertaemint #6
WOAHHHHHHH, update soon! O:
kyudiq #7
basscalifornia #8
I like it! Update soon~
WAAAA~ They SRSLY should date. KYAAA. <br />
<br />
Anyway, update soon!^^
mytientran #10
awwww.They should totally date each other.<br />
If there that close.<br />