
The Best of Friends



Yoonji rolls over covering her eyes. "Why sun? Why must you be so bright?" Groaning, she rolls over onto her stomach and hugs her pillow. "What happened last night?"


Yoonji stared at Woohyun with slightly ajar. "What?"

"I said I love you Yoonji."

A crash was heard and they both turned their heads towards the noise. Woori had bumped into a vase and it was shattered on the floor. "Woori?" Woohyun walked towards her.

"W-What?" She bends down to pick up the pieces of glass. "Hey that's not safe. You might cu-"
"Ouch!" Woori looked at her now bleeding finger. "See, come on I'll go get you a bandage. " Woohyun offered her his hand and she gladly took it.

"Wait! I can take her." Yoonji stands up and walks towards them, "Let's go Mo- I mean Woori." She grabs onto her arm and leads her out of the room.  Woohyun runs his hand through his hand once they were gone. "Aish! Why did I do that?" He sits down, covering his face.

"I would like to know why too." Myungsoo walks from out of the corner he was hiding/creeping from. "Myungsoo, how long have you been there?"
"Long enough to see you confess." He takes the seat opposite from him. "Hyung, do you really love Yoonji?"
"Why do you ask?" Woohyun raises his eyebrow. "Because she's my bestfriend."
"I'm your friend too, remember? And what's with the vibe you're giving off, it's as if you don't like me." Woohyun chuckles but stops when he sees Myungsoo's pokerface. 
"Hyung, stay away from her."


"Stop, let go of me! I don't your help you clutz." Woori shakes Yoonji's arm off harshly. "I'm not the one who broke the vase." Yoonji rolls her eyes and reaches for the first-aid kit. "Who's fault do you think it is that I broke it in the first place!?" Woori yells.
"Excuse me but it sounds like you're blaming me for it!" Yoonji puts down the first-aid kit and takes Woori's hand, wrapping a bandage around her finger. After she was done Woori pulled her hand away again.
"It is your fault." Woori pushes her, "Stay away from Woohyun oppa!" Yoonji stumbles back.

"You heard me! I said stay away from Woohyun oppa! Gosh, I never knew you were blind and deaf." Woori rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "What the heck? You sound like you like him or something." Yoori's face express turns from confusion to shock. "You do like him don't you? That means.. you were using Myungsoo?!" 
Woori smirks, "Looks like you're smart after all. You better not tell Myungsoo or Woohyun about this or your job will be history." Yoonji clenched her fists. Woori's father owned the company she was working at and that's how Myungsoo met Woori when he was visiting her.
"Good girl, just listen to me alright? Stay away from Woohyun."


The events from last night flashed through her head. "How could she do that to him?" She groans once again and rolls over on her back only to be greeted by a pair of eyes. 

"Oh my gosh! Sungyeol what are you doing here?!" Yoonji sits up and covers her body with the blankets. "What do you mean? This is my house." He rolls his eyes and gets off the bed.

"What the heck!? Why am I here?!" Yoonji yells.

"Aish, shhhh. I never knew you were so loud." Sungyeol covers his ears and looks at her, "You don't remember? We had a lovely time last night." He winks. Yoonji widens her eyes. "YAH! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?" She throws pillows at him. "ert, ert, ert! How dare you take my innocence?!"

"Bahahaahah!" Sungyeol laughs, catching all the pillows. "Yah," He wipes away a tear. "I never knew you thought like that, you dirty." He laughs even more when Yoonji's eye twitches like so o.e
"But if you wanna~" He gets on the bed again, "We can~" Sungyeol makes a smoochie face. Yoonji shoves a pillow into his face. "YAH!"

"Hahahahahaha, arraso arraso. I'll tell you when you brush your teeth. Your breath smells funky." Sungyeol laughs all over again and walks out of the room leaving a fuming Yoonji. 

Yoonji get's up to find that she's not wearing her dress anymore, but one of Sungyeol's shirts and shorts. Her eye twitched again. "What did I do last night." Her dress was on the chair beside the bed with her flats randomly flung on the floor. "What did I do last night." She walks to the bathroom and brushes her teeth. After spitting out the water she looks at herself in the mirror. "What did I do last night?" She shuffles to the kitchen asking the same question in her head and takes a seat at the counter. 

"Aww, don't you look lovely in my clothes." Sungyeol comments, putting a plate of eggs and bacon in front of her. "This looks like sh-"
"Yah! Would you rather starve then!?" He sits opposite from her and gulps down orange juice. He watches her poke her eggs. "Starve then!" He reaches over and takes the plate expecting her to object, but she didn't. Instead she just sat there glaring at him.


"What?" Yoonji narrows her eyes. "What do you mean what? Why am I here!?" She shouts. "Ahh~ you don't remember? Oh yeah that's right, you got knocked on the head." He snickers.
"What? Knocked on the head? What do you mean?" Yoonji crosses her arms.
"Well..." Sungyeol looks to the left off into space.

"What the heck are you doing?"

"Eh? Ahh... this is when the flashback is suppose to happen." He chuckles.


"NAEKKEO HAJA, NAEGA NEOL SARANGHAE, EO? NAEGA NEOL GEOKJEONHAE, EO?" Dongwoo and Hoya sang into the mic, while the rest of the members yelled and banged their tambourines. 

Even though the lights were off, there was that disco ball flashing lights every five seconds that would illuminate Woohyun's eyes that were boring in Yoonji's skin. She tried not to look but she felt uncomfortable with him staring. Woohyun finally gathered up the courage and approach her but was stopped when Myungsoo took a seat next to her. Myungsoo glanced at his hyung, giving him a look then whispered something to Yoonji. She nods and walks out of the room.

Sungyeol leaned back and forth on the chair he was sitting on. He was totally drunk and ready to go home. "Sunyeol-shi. " He looks up to Yoonji and smiles goofily. "Annyeong Yoonji-ah! Just drop the shi nae~? IT'S OPPA!" He laughs and stands up putting his arm around her shoulder. "So whatchaaa want?"
"Erm.." Yoonji removes his arm but he puts it back on. "Myungsoo told me to check on you, since you weren't back from the bathroom yet. What were you doing sitting there?" 
"Myungsoo? AHH THAT DUDE YOU KIS-" Yoonji covered his mouth. "What is your problem!?... EW!" She removed her hand and wiped off his saliva. "Hehe." Sungyeol smiled cheekly.

Yoonji glared at him, "whatever let's go back to our karaoke room." She started walking there but Sungyeol tugged on her hand towards the exit. "Where are you going?"
"Let's leave so we don't have to pay. " He smirks and drags her out of the building. 

"WAHHH~" He stretches his arms. "FEELS SO NICE OUTSIDE~ Right Yoonji?" He turns around and smiles when he sees her doing the facepalm. "Come on Yoonji-ah! Oppa doesn't wanna stand here and be caught by those losers." He laughs and takes her hand, dragging her again.

"Sungyeol, where are we going?" Yoonji looks around the streets that were crowded with teenage and up people. "I don't know. How about my house?" He winks. "No thanks." Yoonji walks towards a ddukbokki store. She reached for her purse only to realize that she left it at the karaoke place.
She glanced at Sungyeol who had his hands in his pocket whistling.

"Sungyeol, buy me ddukbokki. " She says flat out.

"Not with that tone young missy~" Sungyeol smiles and walks towards her. "Pleasee Sungyeol. I'm so hungry, I didn't eat anything at the party!" Yoonji pouts. 

Sungyeol's mouth makes an "o" shape. "So you can make those expressions too!" He smiles widely. "Show me aegyo!"

Yoonji frowned. "Nevermind, I'm not hungry." She started to walk away but Sungyeol grabbed her arm. "Yah, are you serious? Why nottttt?" He stomps his foot like a kid and whines. "Sungyeol." o.e There it was again, her eye twitch. "You're causing people to look."

"Oppa! Be quiet!" Yoonji takes his arm and leads him away from the eyes. "Hehe. You called me oppa." Yoonji rolls her eyes. Suddenly she gets jerked the other way. "Yah Sungyeol!"

"Mwo? Didn't you want something to eat?" He walks into a convenient store. "You like pocky right?"

"Mhhm, how did you know?" She takes the box Sungyeol hands her. "Because Myungsoo always has a bunch at his house in case you go over there." He grabs himself a bottle of water to sober him down. After paying they sit down outside on a curb.

Sungyeol takes a big gulp of water. Yoonji nibbles on her pocky. 

"So.." Sungyeol starts but stops when he feels a weight on his shoulder. "Eh? Yah, are you asleep?" He moves her by her shoulders. "What the? How can she just pass out like that?" Sungyeol tilts his head to the side. "Oh! Must've been when I ordered all of us beer at the karaoke bar." He stares at her face. "But I thought she was smart enough to drink it." Shrugging, Sungyeol puts her on his back and walks to his house which was forty five meters away.


"And that's what happened." He smiles.

"What the heck? That makes no sense! If I was drunk then why don't I have a hangover?" Yoonji raises her eyebrow. 
"Oh that's easy! Because earlier today at five in the morning you threw up everywhere. Even on your dress. " Sungyeol stares at his clothes on her. "Wait.. so.. you.." Yoonji gasps and stands up. "YOU ERT! YOU CHANGED MY CLOTHES DIDNT YOU!?" She points at him.
"Yah! Don't go calling me a ert every chance you get! I didn't change your clothes, you did by yourself. " Sungyeol pouts and crosses his arms, "Calling me a ert. Do I look like a ert? No. I look like a choding. "

"Oh.." She slowly sits back down. 

"Yeah, and also, Sungjong is coming over."

"Eh? Sungjong-ah?"

"Yup, he's suppo-"


There was pounding on the door. Sungyeol sighed and opened the door only halfway before Sungjong came barging in yelling. 


"Yah what am I? A ert?" Sungyeol sits down as well as Sungjong. "Yes hyung. Yes you are."


"Mian!" Sungjong puts his hands up in defense.

Yoonji just laughs but slowly stops when the conversation she had with Woori popped up in her mind. She looked at Sungjong and Sungyeol with a serious expression. "I have something to tell you guys."

And she poured it out, all about Woohyun kissing her and confessing, all about Woori confronting her about using Myungsoo to get to Woohyun.

"Whoa." Sungyeol puts down his cup of juice.

"But noona, won't she get mad if you tell us?" Sungjong played with his fingers. "I mean, she even threatened to get you fired."

"She only said I couldn't say anything to Woohyun or Myungsoo. Are you guys Woohyun or Myungsoo?" Yoonji raises her eyebrow and smirks. Sungjong and Sungyeol smirk as well.

"Don't worry noona. I'll get rid of her." Sungjong rubbed his hands in an evil way. "As well as I." Sungyeol laughed evilly and soon Sungjong did.

"What the heck you guys?" Yoonji laughs, "It sounds like you're gonna kill her or something." They both stopped laughing and smirked at Yoonji. 


TADAAA~ Lolol How was it? :3 Some Sungyeol in hurr, since he is my second favorite member. XD

(btw, i'm getting all these gif from tumblr so if you don't have one make one.. or.. be a loner. XD)

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Please Update I like The Story Line ♥ ♥
mytientran #2
awww so sad for myungsoo.<br />
YAY FOR ME!!!<br />
mytientran #3
WOORI IS A !!<br />
MAN. Myungie's OVERPROTECTIVE of Yoonji. Which, of course, means that he's already in love with his best friend despite having that y girlfriend of his. >:)))) Forgive my foul language. T.T<br />
Woori's just... ARGH.<br />
<br />
Anyway, I love the clumsy Myung gif spam. ^_^ Thanks for the update too! Looking forward for the next chapter. Hwaiting~ <3
mytientran #5
OMG!<br />
Did Myungsoo hit Woohyun??<br />
Because woohyun kissed her then. boom!
entertaemint #6
WOAHHHHHHH, update soon! O:
kyudiq #7
basscalifornia #8
I like it! Update soon~
WAAAA~ They SRSLY should date. KYAAA. <br />
<br />
Anyway, update soon!^^
mytientran #10
awwww.They should totally date each other.<br />
If there that close.<br />