
The Best of Friends


Myungsoo wrapped his arm around Woori's shoulder. "So what kind of dress are you looking for?"
They have been walking in and out of all kinds of dress stores and Myungsoo was getting slightly tired judging by his dragging feet. 

"I don't know. Dongwoo said it was a somewhat formal party right?" Woori looks around, "Yeah, he said his parents want at least one formal party so they can invite their friends."

"Well that's kind of stupid. " Woori says as she pulls Myungsoo with her into a store. "Ohh oppa~ look at these dresses! Jinjja kyeopta!" She squeals and detaches his his arm. "I'm going to look around~"

Myungsoo couldn't even say anything before Woori skips away deeper into the store. He walks around the store scanning the dresses until one catches his eye. He touches the fabric of the purple dress and smiles. "I wonder if she got a dress yet. This would suit her a lot." He takes the dress off the rack and examines it but it gets snatched out of his hands.

"Oppa, you like this?" Myungsoo watches Woori scowl. "This is so innocent oppa. It won't suit me." She throws the dress onto the rack and walks away, yelling for someone from the store to help her look for a dress.

Letting out a sigh, Myungsoo picked up the dress and put it back onto the rack. "I know it won't." Shaking his head slightly, he walks to a chair and sits down. After what seems like hours, Woori's helper hands him about twelve dresses. "It must be hard on you." She whispers and hands a dress to Woori who was waiting at the dressing room.

"Oppa, wait here." Woori winks and goes inside the dressing room.

"Aish! This doesn't look good! Hand me the other dresses." Woori slightly opens the door, with her hand sticking out. After the helper gives the dresses to Woori she scurries away.

Myungsoo sighed again and pulled out his phone. He started clicking away.

Myungsocool: Hey Yoonjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
Yoonji: What?
Myungsocool: What chu doing~?
Yoonji: Watching tv and eating pocky. What else? -w-

Myungsocool:  Mwo? Aren't you suppose to be out buying a dress? Since you know, your closet only consists of over sized clothing and nothing a female would wear.
Yoonji: Shuddup! I have girly clothes. Just not dresses... and skirts.. and.. high heels...
Myungsocool: Exactly! So how about I get you a dress since I'm out with Woori... can you walk in high heels?
Yoonji: You mean Mooie right? And it's okay, I went out earlier today and got a dress. And no I can not. T.T I'll just wear flats. 

Myungsoo's head popped up after hearing Woori complain how she went through ten dresses already. "Aish, I thought they would look good on me!" He hears hangers rustling and turns back to his phone.

Myungsocool: Woori paboya! But then you'll be so short!
Yoonji: Yah! I think my height is normal. T.T
Myungsocool: Well you've been thinking wrong all this time.

 Myungsoo chuckles and sits back, waiting for her reply.

Woori walks out finally wearing a strapless dress that comes up midthigh. "How is it oppa?" She smirks.
"You'll be wearing a jacket right?"
"Oppaa, it's going to be indoors so why should I?"

A frown forms on Myungsoo's face. "But you're showing too much skin Woori-ah."

"Oppa! Don't be a party pooper. I'm getting this one." She smiles and goes back into the dressing room. Myungsoo sighs once again and opens his phone.

Yoonji: Whatever. == I'm going to take a shower. I'll see you at the party.
Myungsocool: Do you have a ride? I can come get you if you want.

He stands up and walks over to where the purple dress was. He rubs his fingers between the fabric. "That's been very popular." He turns his head to the side and sees the person who helped Woori. "It's been going very quickly, we even had to sell our display one today." She chuckles. "Too bad I found this one way back in the storage room before we sold our display one to a couple. They looked so good together and the boy just wouldn't leave without that dress for her." Myungsoo nods, "Well I guess your girlfriend found what she's looking for, how about I ring it up for you guys?" The lady walks over to the cashier table where Woori was waiting.

Myungsoo let's go of the fabric and checks his phone.

Yoonji: No thanks, Woohyun is giving me one.

Myungsoo raises his eyebrow. "Woohyun?"
"What about Woohyun, oppa?" Woori's voice snaps him out of his thoughts. "Woohyun oppa is coming to the party right?" He looks at his girlfriend who was smiling happily. "Yeah, of course he is. "
"Assa!" She turns back to the counter. Myungsoo pulled out his wallet.

"600,000 won please." The lady carefully put the dress into a bag. Myungsoo handed her the money and thanked her.


Myungsoo had dropped off Woori at her house so she could get ready and for him to get ready at his house.

He fumbled with his tie, unable to tie it he stuffs it in his back pocket. "Stupid tie." Myungsoo floops onto his couch and looks at the ceiling. Eventually his head is tilted back with his cellphone to his ear.

"What now?"
"What? I can't call my best friend?"
"No, no you can't. Seriously Myungsoo, I'm trying to put on some earrings and you're making it really difficult."
"Put it on speaker smarty pants."
After a pause, Myungsoo raises his eyebrow. "Yoonji?"
"Why is Woohyun taking you to the party?"
"Oh, because while I was out buying a dress I bumped into him and he offered to take me."
"You take rides from adult men?!"
"What the heck Myungsoo?" He hears her laugh, "It's Woohyun, not a e. Plus I'm 19 and he's 20. Not exactly the age to call it a e act." 
"Yeh yeh~ Whatever. Just be careful, that dude is greasy as he-"
"Oh, mian Myungsoo, looks like he's here. I'll see you at the party!"

"She hanged up." Myungsoo blinked his eyes and stared at his phone. "How dare she!"

 "Aww, how nice of you to make it Myungsoo-ah!" Dongwoo laughs and puts one arm around Myungsoo and the other around Woori. "Hyung, you called me this morning telling me to come early. What are you talking about." 
"Ahahaha, but you didn't come early as you can see." He removes his arm around Woori and gestures towards the people mingling. 

"All these people are adults oppa." Woori grabs a glass of wine only to receive a glare from Myungsoo. "Yah, you're not old enough for alcohol." 
"Oppa, I'm the same age as you." She takes a sip.

"Yeah, I don't really have a lot of friends." Dongwoo pouted, "Yet my parents have a whole bunch!"
"Loner Dongwoo!" Sungyeol pops out of nowhere with Sunggyu and Sungjong. "What are you talking about? You only have Infinite too!" Dongwoo headlocks Sungyeol. "Yah yah yah~!" Sungyeol flails his arms around.

The people around them started looking their way and laughing. "Yah, you guys are causing people to look at us! " Sunggyu looks around with caution. "Anyways, where's Woohyun?"

"Speak of the devil, there he is." Hoya walks behind Sungjong and points to the door.

"Is that Yoonji? YOONJI NOONA~!" Sungjong yells and waves his arms in the air. "OVER HERE NOONA!"

"Yah, Lee Sungjong. Be quiet!" Sunggyu flicked him on the shoulder.

Because of Sungjong's shouting, everyone in the room had their eyes on Yoonji and Woohyun. Myungsoo watched as Woohyun took Yoonji's arm and locked them together, walking towards them. Something inside him triggered.

"Noona!" Sungjong hugged Yoonji as soon as they got there. "I haven't seen you in a while, jinjja! How have you been? Wahh noona, you look so pretty! The dress is so pretty!" Sungjong touched the hem of her dress. Woohyun chuckled, "It suits her right? I picked it out for her."
"Mwo? Since when did Woohyun have fashion sense?" Sungyeol and Dongwoo laughed. The dress Yoonji was wearing was purple. The dress that Myungsoo saw.

"How about after this we all go norebanging!?" Dongwoo and Sungyeol high fived. "How about it Woori? Want to go?" Myungsoo turned to Woori but found her standing next to Woohyun instead.

"Oppa, are you going norebanging?" She bats her eyelashes. Woohyun nods, "Yup, I would never miss out on that." He smirks and looks at Yoonji, "You coming too?"
"Ohh noona, you have to come!" Sungjong smiles and takes her hand into his. "It's going to be so much fun."
"Yeah, come on Yoonji~" Sungyeol puts his arm around her shoulder. "Yah, why are you guys so touchy?" Myungsoo pushes Sungyeol away. "Yah, I'm the hyung!"
"Oh jinjja? I haven't noticed." He rolls his eyes, "So you coming or what?"
"Well if you put it that way, I guess yeah."

"Yay! We're going to have so much fun noona~" Sungjong hands her a glass of wine. She smiles and glances at Woori who rolls her eyes and brings her attention back to Woohyun. "Yoonji, you're too young to drink." Myungsoo glares at her. "I know, I know. I wasn't going to drink it anyways.." She puts her hand up in defense and walks over to a table behind where Woori and Woohyun were standing.

As she makes her way a waiter bumps into her making her spill her wine all over Woohyun's shirt. She gasped, covering . "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry Woohyun-shi." She bowed her head. "It's ok-"
"You clutz! " Woori yelled at Yoonji, "Watch where you're going next time. Maybe you need glasses, ugh." She rolled her eyes, "Oppa, let's go clean you up nae?" Before he could say anything, Woori drags him up some stairs.

"Wah good job noona!" Sungjong give her two thumbs up. "Whattt..?"
"I never really liked her." He snickers. "Yah, that's my girlfriend you're talking about."
"Mian hyung. But don't you think it's weird how she blew up like that?" Sungjong looks at Yoonji who just shrugs. "Maybe she just doesn't like stains?" Sungyeol pipped up. "O'r me." Yoonji says and watches Myungsoo walk past them and onto the balcony. "I'll be back."

"Myungsoo-ah.." She walks up behind him. "Myungsoo.." Yoonji pokes his back again and again. Swinging around quickly, Myungsoo grabs her hand. "Stop that." 

"Sorry." She giggles.

Myungsoo lets go of her hand, "Listen, I'm sorry about Woori yelling at you." 

"Why are you apologizing for her?" Yoonji reaches into his pocket and pulls out his tie. "You still don't know how to tie a tie huh?" She puts it around his neck. "Because, I know she's.. difficult and probably won't apologize. " Yoonji tightens the tie. "It's alright. I'm the one who spilled it all over.. Woohyun." She raises her eyebrow. "You alright though?" She let's her hand slide down his tie and back to her side. "Kind of confused.. " Myungsoo laughs lightly and rubs the back of his neck. "Thanks for.. you know.. tying the tie."
"Anytime Myunggie~" Yoonji smiles. "Yah, don't call me Myunggie."

"Myunggie! Myunggie myunggie myunggie~" Yoonji laughs and walks backwards. "Yahh, stop it." Myungsoo walks towards her. "Myunggie~ Myunggieee~" She sings. "Yah, I sto-"

Myungsoo's eyes widened when he came crashing down. He tripped on air when he tried to approach Yoonji, but now his hands rested on either sides of her on the wall where she backed onto, with their eyed locked and their lips touching.


Myungsoo pulled away, with his eyes still wide. "Y-Yoonji, I'm s-sorry I didn't mean to."
"I-It's okay.." Yoonji looked down.

"OH MY GOSHHHHHHHHHH~!" Sungyeol flails his arms. "MYUNGSOO WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" He runs up to Myungsoo and tackles him. "NOONA!" Sungjong runs up to Yoonji. "Why were you guys kissing!?"
"Eh.. a-aniyo.. I tripped! I didn't kiss her on purpose!" Myungsoo held his hands up in defense.  "NOONA~ THAT KISS WAS SUPPOSE TO BE MI-" "YAH LEE SUNGJONG!" Sunggyu shouted.

"U..Uhm.. I'm going to go to the restroom.. so.." Yoonji slips off the balcony and goes up some stairs. "Hm.. I wonder where the bathroom is.." She stalks off into random highways while holding her cheeks. "That was.. " She whispers to herself but stops when she sees Woohyun sitting on a couch.

"Woohyun-shi?" She slowly walks into the room. "Oh, Yoonji-ah." He smiles. 
"Where's Moo- I mean Woori?" Yoonji sits down from across him. She notices his shirt is ed four buttons down. She looks away.

Woohyun chuckles. "She went to get me a new shirt. Something about taking one from Dongwoo." 
"Oh I see. Hahaha.." Yoonji laughs nervously. "I'm sorry about.. spilling the wine on you." She manages to look into his eyes. "It's okay, but I'm glad we're alone. I've been meaning to tell you something important." He stands up, with his hands in his pockets and walks towards Yoonji.

"What is it?" She watches his every step, getting closer and closer. Woohyun leans down to eye-level with her. "Uhm.. Woohyu-"
Her eyes widen. Woohyun cups her face and presses his lips against hers. She stares at his closed eyes until they're open and staring right back into hers.
"I love you, Yoonji-ah." 


The trigger was pulled and unconsciously Myungsoo's fists clenched and his jaw tighten.


How was that? .__. Lolol


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Please Update I like The Story Line ♥ ♥
mytientran #2
awww so sad for myungsoo.<br />
YAY FOR ME!!!<br />
mytientran #3
WOORI IS A !!<br />
MAN. Myungie's OVERPROTECTIVE of Yoonji. Which, of course, means that he's already in love with his best friend despite having that y girlfriend of his. >:)))) Forgive my foul language. T.T<br />
Woori's just... ARGH.<br />
<br />
Anyway, I love the clumsy Myung gif spam. ^_^ Thanks for the update too! Looking forward for the next chapter. Hwaiting~ <3
mytientran #5
OMG!<br />
Did Myungsoo hit Woohyun??<br />
Because woohyun kissed her then. boom!
entertaemint #6
WOAHHHHHHH, update soon! O:
kyudiq #7
basscalifornia #8
I like it! Update soon~
WAAAA~ They SRSLY should date. KYAAA. <br />
<br />
Anyway, update soon!^^
mytientran #10
awwww.They should totally date each other.<br />
If there that close.<br />