
Not Meant for a Happily Ever After

“She was crossing the street as she was walking home when a drunk driver crashed into her. The driver got away, but someone called the ambulance. I just—Dongwoo just hurry and get here.”

It wasn’t long until Dongwoo was sitting by his mother’s side as he held her hand with one hand and clenched a handful of blanket in the other. His mother was always so full of energy to the point sometimes he couldn’t keep up with her, but seeing her so lifeless and pale broke his already broken heart. He felt like a thin string of hope was the only thing that kept him alive.

Hoya tried to reassure Dongwoo by reminding him that his mother’s wounds were minor compared to the degree of the accident, but due to the lack of response from Dongwoo, Hoya couldn’t be sure whether his friend and heard him or not. Dongwoo had been sitting with his mother for close to two hours already. Visiting hours were almost over.

“It’s time to go. The doctors said the medicine should wear off soon, and they’re going to give her pain medications so she won’t be in pain if she wakes up. You can always come back first thing tomorrow. Come on.” Hoya managed to pull Dongwoo out from the chair and out from the room. Dongwoo’s father thanked Hoya for being such a great friend and told the boys that he would stay just a little while longer.

“She’s going to be okay right?”

“Your mother is going to be fine. She’s one of the strongest ladiesI know.”

“Yeah. You’re right. She’s strong.”

They were on their way out of the hospital when they spotted Woohyun standing next to the bathrooms, peeking into the girls' restroom every so often.

"I didn't know you got a new hobby, Woohyun," Hoya said as he chuckled.

Woohyun jumped in shock. He was not expecting his friends to be there. "It's not what it looks like! I'm wait-- I mean I never know. This could be where my soulmate is at." Hoya saw Woohyun was lying, but Dongwoo was toodeep in his thoughts to care.

"What are you guys doing here anyways?" Woohyun started leading Hoya and Dongwoo away from the bathrooms. Soon enough, they were outside in the direction to their home.

"My mom got in an accident." Dongwoo sounded so weak.

"Is she okay?" Woohyun was genuinely worried. Dongwoo's mother treated him like her son, even calling him "son" and letting him stay over when things at home were getting unbearable.

"The doctor said that it's a miracle she's still alive compared to what could have happened. She broke a few bones, but she'll be okay," Hoya explained as he wrapped his arm around Dongwoo's shoulder.

"Thank God," Woohyun sighed. He could see Dongwoo breaking on the inside. He could tell Dongwoo trying to hold in his tears from the way he was sniffling.

"Why were you there?" Hoya asked.

"Uhh I was there for a checkup."

"This late at night?"

"What? You never had a checkup late at night? Whatever. I'm starving. Let's go eat something." Woohyun pushed his friends into Dongwoo's favorite pasta restaurant telling them to order first and to get his favorite chicken Alfredo while he went to make a call.

Hoya and Dongwoo sat at their usual table, a table near the window.Dongwoo couldn’t help but recall the memories of her. He remembered the day he first brought her to that restaurant and all the other times he had brought her there. “The pasta is just so good here!” she would say. It had become one of their favorite date location, and they went so often that all the workers were familiar with the couple.

A waiter walked over to Hoya and Dongwoo . “Dongwoo! I haven’t seen you in forever! I missed you, buddy.”

“Yeah, a lot of things happened.” Dongwoo tried to chuckle in response but failed miserably.

“You’re not looking so great. I heard about the breakup. Man, don’t get so depressed about it. That’s just how life is.” The waiter, whose name was Sungyeol, seemed overly positive about such a sensitive topic. It seemed to Dongwoo (and Hoya) that he didn’t have much experience, but Sungyeol always tried to give advice about love saying he was “the player” of his town.

“You heard about it?”

Sungyeol nodded. “Anyways, you want the regular? Spaghetti carbonara? And you, Hoya?”

“Can I have spaghetti? Oh, and Woohyun wants chicken Alfredo. Thanks.”

“Coming right up!”

Woohyun finally came in. “Did you order already?”

“Yeah. Who were you calling?” asked Hoya, giving Woohyun the you-better-tell-the-truth look.

Woohyun quickly looked away. “A friend.”

Hoya continued to give Woohyun a disapproving look, but once again let it go.

They sat there as they waited for their food. Had it been a few months before, they would have been chattering away like a group of high schoolers, but things have changed. Dongwoo, the mood maker of the three, lost his animated character, which directly affected Hoya and Woohyun.

Sungyeol came around with the food and quickly noticed the dark cloud lingering around the three friends (or the Three Musketeers as he liked to call them).

Sungyeol arranged the plates of pasta on the table. “Did you guys all break up with your girlfriends or something?”

Hoya and Woohyun shook their heads, but both of them glanced at Dongwoo, who had already started eating. Sungyeol dragged a chair from a nearby table, scraping it against the floor and making loud noises in the process.

“Dongwoo, come on. Cheer up, buddy. You are making everyone depressed, and that’s no fun. You guys are my favorite customers, and if you eat such delicious pasta with such a sad face, may you be cursed for life!” Sungyeol had on his goofy, gummy smile. He grabbed Dongwoo’s fork from his hand and scooped up a large portion of the pasta and held it in front of Dongwoo’s face. “Ahhhh~ Open wide!”

Dongwoo was embarrassed at Sungyeol’s actions. “I can feed myself.” He tried to snatch the fork back, but Sungyeol was faster and used that opportunity to stuff the forkful of pasta into Dongwoo’s mouth. Half of the pasta was dangling from Dongwoo’s mouth and the sauce got all over his face. Sungyeol, Hoya, and Woohyun were all trying to hold in their laughter, but Sungyeol burst out laughing which caused Hoya and Woohyun to join in. Dongwoo sat there with a grumpy face, upset that his friends were laughing at him while he was almost choking, but something about the situation did seem funny to him. Dongwoo couldn’t even laugh because of the food that was stuffed into his mouth, but he was smiling, and that was enough for Hoya and Woohyun.

It was more than enough.


I'm baaaack~ Sorry it took me so long to update. School.. I hate school so much. Stupid school. Teachers are trying to kill students!! Seriously...

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This is like Nicholas Sparks's A Walk to Remember and Parachute's Forever and Always except that Dongwoo and e girl didnt get married.
littlelamb86 #2
aww...soo sad...but i like how opposites can make it work
-natsukim #3
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Oh my!! Too many misunderstanding! Can't wait for your next update!!!! Heheheh ;)
gahhhhhhh woohyun what are you doing??? stawp etttt!!11!1
I love your story! Awesome writing, Dongwoo is such so adorbs, my bby. Where did she go!? Update soon! 8D
Hahah thank you! Dongwoo just makes everything so cute~
Your story is too cute, especially since it includes Dongwoo. You're a really good writer and creative! <3