100th Day

Not Meant for a Happily Ever After

T_T Sorry for late update. You guys probably hate me... Probably like "who does she think she is to update once every million years?" I'm sorry!  I will not make excuses, but please enjoy (: Comments will be much appreciated.


By the time she showed up at the café, Dongwoo had been waiting for two hours. He already had three cups of hot cocoa as well as two pieces of cheesecake, but as soon as she showed up, instead of apologizing she opened up the menu and ordered something to eat. He was more than angry. That day was not just any day. It was their 100th day together.


“Don’t you think you owe me something?” he asked through clenched teeth.

“What? Oh, and can I have a glass of orange juice? Thanks.” She gave the waiter her menu and looked up at Dongwoo. “What’s up with the frown?”

Dongwoo always made a big deal out of special days, but he had really hoped she did too. They had been together for 100 beautiful days, but she acted like it was any other day. She seemed excited about it the day before, but all that excitement was nonexistent at the café.

“Dongwoo, will you stop being a baby and tell me what’s wrong with you? Is it because I’m late? Well, I’m sorry about that. Now will you lighten up? Geez.” She seemed so oblivious to his feelings that it hurt Dongwoo even more. He was fiddling with his fingers, a habit he did when he was feeling irritated or angry. He turned so that his side and back were facing her. She sighed and rolled her eyes. She knew that pestering him and trying to cheer him up was a waste of her own breath and energy.

When her food came out, Dongwoo was still facing the other way. He was texting Hoya, complaining how she never tried to understand his feelings. Hoya, who had been in a long-term relationship with his high-school sweetheart, tried giving Dongwoo advice like “Just be straightforward about it.” Hoya’s advice was not helping. Instead, it was making Dongwoo even more frustrated.

She was already finished with her piece of cake, but Dongwoo still refused to turn back around.

“I swear I am going to leave you here by yourself, you dinosaur. You know I was late because of work. I told you my shift didn’t end until noon, and you decided to meet at 10. I told you so many times. Don’t blame this on me.” He started to vaguely remember her telling him that she was going to be late, but at that time he was too excited to remember all those details. Slowly he started turning around.

“Okay. I apologize. I’m sorry I got mad at you for a mistake I made.” He apologized with a very sincere look in his eyes, but his mouth was slightly pouting. He wanted this day to be perfect for them. She got up and pulled him out of his chair.

“I forgive you, you little baby. Let’s go do something fun. What did you have in mind?”

“Well first I wanted to go to the amusement park. After we ride a few rides there and get some stuffed animals, we could go to Seoul Tower and get ourselves the locks and put them on the fence. And then, we could go to the ice skating rink and eat dinner.”

“Whoa. All this in one day? Don’t you think that’s a little too much?”

Dongwoo shook his head and showed her the agenda of the day, with times and everything.

“How about we go to my place and just watch a movie or something? We can order some food or go get some ingredients and cook our meals.”

“But…It’s our 100th day. I thought girls liked these kinds of stuff.”

“Do you really think I am like other girls?”

“But I had so much planned.”

“Dongwoo, stop being so unreasonable. Let’s just go to my place and hang out. We can order food later.”

“No. I want to make this day super special for you. For us.”

She groaned in frustration. She didn’t like all the “romantic” things other girls liked, and she definitely didn’t want Dongwoo to spend that much money on her. On the other hand, Dongwoo was more than upset that she refused to follow his plans.

“Ugh fine. We can go to one place. And one place only. Then we are going back to my apartment and eat dinner there. Deal?” Dongwoo looked slightly crestfallen, but he didn’t want to argue anymore just in case she changed her mind. Although he couldn’t hide his disappointment throughout the ride to the ice skating rink, once they got there, it was as if he became a young child. It was his first time at a place like that, and it meant a lot to him that he was able to have such experiences with someone he liked so much.

“Look! They decorated the place with lights. Lights here and lights there. Lights everywhere!” Dongwoo exclaimed. They got their shoes and got on the ice, but Dongwoo had a hard time even standing. He had to hold tightly to her hands. He was slightly annoyed that he couldn’t show a “cool” side, but she didn’t mind. She liked seeing that bright smile that she fell in love with. As long as they were together, she didn’t mind if she had to lead him or be led by him.

Because Dongwoo was so clumsy on the ice, he was either clutching to the side railing or being dragged by his girlfriend. Even though at first, all the “skinship” was awkward to the couple, as the time went on, they held hands and linked arms comfortably. Some of the other skaters stared at them. They were not the most typical couple. Dongwoo, with his thick-framed glasses and checkered sweater vest, and his girlfriend, with her all-black attire, leather jacket, and multiple ear piercings, just did not seem compatible to other people. They were so immersed in their date that they didn’t even notice all the looks they were receiving. But even if they did, they would have held on to each other tighter, proving to themselves more than to the others how they felt about each other.

“My ankles…” she complained. She and Dongwoo glided back to the entrance to the rink and went to sit down on the benches.

“Are you ready to go?” he asked.

“Yeah. Let’s go home. I’m starving. Do you want to get some Chinese food or…”

“You want Chinese food, don’t you? Why do you even bother to ask?”

“You know me too well. Let’s go!”

Once they got to her apartment, she ordered Dongwoo to stay outside for a little bit. She told him that she had to clean up a little bit, but he knew that was a lie because she never cleaned before. He was starting to get a little suspicious, but he did as he was told. It was cold outside, and she had been keeping him outside for almost ten minutes. He jumped up and down a few times, but she was still “cleaning.”

“Okay. I am freezing to death. I’m coming in!” he said as he opened the door. He stepped inside into a dark apartment.

 “Is she sleeping? While I was suffering in the cold? No way.” he wondered.

He could hear shuffling noises and muffled giggles. He tried to flick on the lights, but the switch had been taped down. (She knew that the first thing he would do was try to turn the lights on.)

“Uhh I can’t see anything. Where are you?” he called out, but received no response.

Inching his way to the couch, he continued to call out to his girlfriend, but his lost his footing and he fell flat on his face.

“How do you manage to fall over nothing? I even cleaned up for you…” he heard her mutter from somewhere within the dark corners.

He got himself to sit on the couch, groaning and clutching his ankle. “Ouch. Okay. Can you please tell me what is going on? I even got hurt.”

“Fine. Go and ruin my fun.”

And out of nowhere he felt a pair of arms fling around his neck as he was pushed down on the couch. 

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This is like Nicholas Sparks's A Walk to Remember and Parachute's Forever and Always except that Dongwoo and e girl didnt get married.
littlelamb86 #2
aww...soo sad...but i like how opposites can make it work
-natsukim #3
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Oh my!! Too many misunderstanding! Can't wait for your next update!!!! Heheheh ;)
gahhhhhhh woohyun what are you doing??? stawp etttt!!11!1
I love your story! Awesome writing, Dongwoo is such so adorbs, my bby. Where did she go!? Update soon! 8D
Hahah thank you! Dongwoo just makes everything so cute~
Your story is too cute, especially since it includes Dongwoo. You're a really good writer and creative! <3