
Used to Be Snow White but We Drifted

Minseok sat on the edge of the metal storage cube, idly playing with his necklace in between sips of his Tiveldian ale. It was bitter, the right amount of disgusting to wake him up after going a day without sleep. He smacked his lips at the bitter taste and surveyed the market in front of him. A dust storm had come through a few hours before, coating the colorful tents in a thick layer of sandy dirt. The air was hazy, a dirty fog lingered around the flat and wide area. All manner of people were hawking their wares, bartering, haggling, and being loud. Among the crowd were his friends, a case of illegally modified blasters in hand as they hunted for the most lucrative buyer in the dusty marketplace.

They had wanted Minseok to come along while they walked the market. They acted like leaving him alone wasn’t safe. It was a ludicrous thought, considering Tivelde wasn’t even that dangerous of a planet - not even close to the other places Minseok had traveled to over the years. Smuggling illegal goods tended to take people to seedy places, places Minseok had learned to survive in. This was nothing compared to some of the locales he had been, places where a blaster to the back was a common way to say hello.

A soft melody played from somewhere in the market. It was tonally a mess, but Minseok recognized it as the music genre that was favored in this part of the outer belt. He smirked and swung his feet to the tune, thinking about the songs he grew up with back on his home planet and how different they were. The music from his place of origin was formal, proper – the tune he heard was free of confines, a perfect representation of life in the rough and tumble edges of the quadrant.

The outer belt consisted of planets outside the snow line, free from the political maneuverings and oversight of the Empire of Snow, where Minseok was born and raised. The outer belt was the frontier, the wild anything-goes part of the quadrant that housed the seedier side of the galaxy.

“Yeah, but fifteen units is hardly worth it!” Jongdae’s loud pitched whine preceded his appearance.

“Well what did you expect?! We needed to sell them and who in the hell else would buy half broken blasters?” Baekhyun argued. As the pair came into sight Minseok sighed. They were at it again.

Baekhyun, flaming red hair, was slapping at Jongdae’s arm. Jongdae, clad in pilot’s goggles and a dark green jumpsuit, was pushing Baekhyun away as they walked. It was all halfhearted fighting as the two men walked. Baekhyun eventually kicked dust in Jongdae’s face as the other whined louder and kicked a dust cloud in return.

Minseok closed his eyes and counted to ten. How he had ended up smuggling partners with the two most immature humans on the outer belt was truly a twisted fate. When he opened his eyes the pair were standing in front of him, giving him a strange look.

“You okay?” Baekhyun asked, tilting his head to the side. His flame red bangs slipped over one eye, his small mouth forming a half pout.

“Did anyone try anything?” Jongdae glanced around, like he would fight anyone that dared to mess with Minseok. It was a funny sight, given how unintimidating Jongdae was.

“I can take care of myself.” Minseok took another swig of ale.

“Riiiight.” The pair gave each other knowing looks.

“What about that time on Odessa?”

“It was literally one time!” Minseok slammed his mug down in exasperation. “And I managed to get away!”

“Yeah, but only after Jongdae blasted through the thing’s arm,” Baekhyun reminded him.

“You guys are never going to let me live that down, are you?” Minseok could feel a tension headache coming on.

“Hey, we just worry about you!” Baekhyun said.

Minseok was about to further his protests when everyone’s attention was drawn towards the din of the marketplace. There was a commotion, Minseok heard raised voices. The crowd began to break, people scurrying each and every way to avoid whatever was coming. Minseok leaned to the side, trying to glimpse past his friends and see what was going on. He couldn’t see anything, his vision obscured by Baekhyun.

Baekhyun suddenly spun around in an animated fashion and let a string of expletives fly. “, , ,” Baekhyun murmured, grabbing Jongdae with one arm and pulling Minseok along with the other. “Imperial troops. Good thing we unloaded the blasters when we did.”

“Let’s go,” Jongdae wasn’t willing to be caught by the emperor’s soldiers, not when he had at least half a dozen warrants out for him in the outer belt alone. Baekhyun had only one less and Minseok, well he had his own reasons to avoid the authorities.

The three men started back towards the port, walking quickly to avoid an unwanted run-in. They melded with a stream of other market goers who were resolved to escape the imperial arrival as much as they were. Minseok bumped elbows with a Tiveldian chorus girl, while a small group of Osirian mercenaries walked in front of him, heads down to avoid detection.

Minseok– like the others moving away from the market – knew they couldn’t run or they would draw too much notice. As they walked dirt kicked up, Minseok brought his hand to his mouth to avoid breathing it in. Jongdae began to cough while Baekhyun urged them to go faster.

“Is there anything on board the ship?” Minseok asked in low tones, suddenly having a thought. If imperial soldiers had taken the trouble to come to such an insignificant blip on the radar it would make sense that they would search everything, incoming and outgoing vessels alike.

“Maybe,” Baekhyun answered, hesitation in his voice.

Minseok and Jongdae shot him an annoyed look.

“Hey! Irene wasn’t going to buy the boosters - what was I supposed to do, throw them away?”

Minseok hurried his steps, pushing past the chorus girl and sidestepping the mercenaries. Being caught with illegal boosters would add onto the long list of charges the three of them would face if they were caught. The Empire didn’t look kindly on smugglers, especially those who made a decent amount of money at it like they did.

When they neared the dock Minseok spotted a small imperial ship. The dock was little more than a place where the shifting dirt and dust had been leveled, allowing all manner of spacecraft a place to park. It was chaotic on a good day, with the new visitors the space had become a blur of people rushing for their way off the planet and away from imperial eyes. The imperial ship was in the middle of the space, the familiar heraldry of the emperor emblazoned on the side of the black vessel. Minseok found it odd that the imperial ship was so small. If they took the trouble to come all the way to Tivelde it would only make sense that they came with a transport ship.

Minseok didn’t see imperial guards near their ship but that didn’t mean they should slow down. He quickened his pace, almost at a run as they approached their own vessel, a fast planet jumper docked at the far end of the dockyard.

“, they’re right behind us,” Baekhyun hissed, looking over his shoulder. He began to run, darting forward past the small crowd that had headed for the dockyard, the dust kicking up as his boot clad feet pounded against the dirt.

Minseok didn’t waste any time following his lead, running towards the safety of their ship. He didn’t bother looking back, unwilling to waste the energy to see how many guards were on their heels. Jongdae sprinted next to him, breathing hard as they ran for their lives.

They were within fifteen feet of the ship when Minseok noticed that the loading ramp had been lowered. He stopped hard, holding his arm out to catch Jongdae. Something was wrong. Someone was on their ship. Baekhyun slid to a stop, wobbling on his feet he managed to regain his balance.

“Now what?!” Jongdae asked between ragged breaths.

Minseok’s eyes darted around the dockyard, unsure of what to do, of where to run. He didn’t have more than a few seconds to consider his options before they were surrounded. The soldiers who had been following them caught up, blasters drawn as they surrounded the trio.

Baekhyun and Jongdae put their hands up, backing into each other as the well-armed imperial fighters encircled them. Minseok’s hand twitched as he debated grabbing for the twin blasters holstered on his waist. It would be a death sentence, he knew it, but maybe it would create enough of a diversion for his friends to escape.

The guards that surrounded them were masked, armored in the sleek black facemasks of the Empire of Snow. Their blasters were state of the art, and Minseok was more than knowledgeable on how well trained they were.

“Don’t even think about it,” an authoritative voice from beyond the circle of soldiers spoke. Minseok could see the armored men stiffen, reacting to the command.

Minseok’s hands stilled as the group of soldiers parted, allowing another man to enter the circle.

A man sauntered towards them. Their eyes locked, and Minseok felt the air escape his lungs as the realized who it was. It took an insurmountable amount of will to keep upright as he stared into icy blue eyes.

“Minseok.” Such a familiar voice. A familiar face, or at least the part that wasn’t obscured by the black half face mask.

He was a Spirit of Winter now, his uniform said as much. An elite soldier, the best of the best in service to the imperial family. He wore a navy blue dress uniform. A long cape flowed behind him signifying he belonged to the most elite military unit in the Empire of Snow. His hair was different, longer, with his bangs swept up, and he was definitely older, the crinkles at the corner of his eyes indicating as much. Yet to Minseok he was the same man from years before. The one man he never wanted to see again in his life. Luhan.

“Do you know this guy?” Baekhyun whispered, earning a few raised blasters in his face.

“Put your guns down,” Luhan ordered, holding his hand up in a gesture to stand down. The soldiers hesitated but complied, lowering their weapons.

He could do it now, grab his blaster and end him. Minseok realized he could make it stop, make Luhan go away with one swift action. It was tempting as he faced the source of so much pain in his life.

“Before you shoot me, I think it is best that you know why I’m here.” Luhan spoke calmly without breaking eye contact.

“I don’t care why you’re here.” Minseok managed to get the words out, his heart racing as he confronted the bad memory manifested before him.

“I think you do.” Luhan paused for a moment, when Minseok remained quiet he continued. “Eight days ago, your father was assassinated. I’m here to bring you back by order of the new Emperor, your highness.”

Minseok’s hands dropped to his sides. His father was killed? His father...dead.

“Your highness?” Jongdae slung his arm around Minseok’s shoulders, being brave in the face of half a dozen imperial soldiers. “I think you have the wrong guy.”

Luhan didn’t entertain Jongdae’s words. He remained silent, waiting for Minseok to do anything other than stand motionless.

“Minseok?” Baekhyun glanced from Minseok to Luhan and back again. “What is it?”

“H-how?” Minseok choked out, his voice cracked.

“He was attacked on his way to Eurus, your highness. A bomb was planted on board his ship.”

“Why does he keep calling you your highness?” Jongdae whispered, pulling Minseok into his side. Minseok let his body stagger with the force of Jongdae’s actions.

“He is a Prince of Snow,” Luhan answered for him.

“What?!” Baekhyun barked. “No way. Minseok, he’s lying right?”

Minseok shrugged off Jongdae’s arm. He took a step forward, causing Luhan to step back in surprise. “Let’s go.” Luhan stood aside to let him pass.

“Dude, are you kidding right now? Did you hire these guys as a joke or?” Jongdae called after him.

Minseok didn’t respond. He strode towards the imperial ship, his life crumbling with each step.








Minseok sat with his hands clasped, leaning forward he stared at the floor. Baekhyun was glued to his left side, Jongdae to his right. Luhan hadn’t argued when he had motioned for his friends to follow him on board the imperial craft, which in retrospect Minseok was beginning to regret. Most people would be intimidated being on board an imperial ship with a Spirit of Winter (not to mention if they were people with outstanding warrants). Baekhyun and Jongdae were not most people. While they stayed close they didn’t shy away from chattering nonstop, peppering Luhan with questions as Minseok fell into a heavy silence.

“So if Minseok is a prince does that mean he is rich?”

“I am not at liberty to discuss the financial situation of the imperial family.”

“So are you his servant?”

“No. I am an elite soldier in service to the Emperor of Snow.”

“So like, if he wanted to, he could give us titles right?”

“I doubt he wants to.”

“How do you know?”

“I just do.”

Their only saving grace was that they weren’t asking him any questions. For the past ten years he had shown Jongdae and Baekhyun a playful, carefree front. Seeing him with tears in his eyes had shocked them enough to keep their distance, at least verbally. Their physical proximity, however, was starting to feel suffocating.

Minseok stood, shrugging off his friends. He needed some time alone.

“There are private quarters down the hall.” It annoyed him that Luhan could sense what he was feeling even now, even after years of separation.

Minseok nodded, wordlessly walking down the corridor to the double set of doors. He pushed the button on the wall, the metal doors sliding open to reveal a small bedroom. He stepped inside and closed the doors, the tears falling the moment he was alone.

It was a strange feeling, this manifested grief. His father had always been distant, a figurehead to him. His childhood wasn’t a warm one and the last time he had seen his father had been far from amicable. Yet he grieved for the loss of the man he had believed invincible. Minseok fell to the floor, covering his eyes with his hands as he wept softly.

His father probably would have scolded him for showing such weakness as tears, but Minseok couldn’t hold back. Images of the past, of being a small child and earning smiles from his father in return for childish musings, flashed before him. The happy times when Minseok wasn’t sequestered with tutors or being told he had a new military drill to learn.

There was a tinge of guilt to his sorrow. It hurt more that he had wondered why someone hadn’t tried to kill his father before. He had learned over the years just how many people hated his family; it was rare that he walked into a bar in the outer belt and didn’t hear someone bad mouthing the empire or his family. The Empire of Snow annexed planets, absorbed and destroyed cultures. They took what they wanted and got away with it. They made enemies and went on with their privileged lives. In so many ways it was surprising someone hadn’t tried to kill the emperor sooner.

His father was dead. Minseok wiped his tears on the back of his hands and in a deep breath. The emperor was dead, which meant that a new emperor would be crowned. It would have been him, if he hadn’t stepped out of the line of succession ten years prior. Now it would be his younger brother, Junmyeon, who would take the throne.

Minseok pushed himself up from the floor. Junmyeon would be emperor and Junmyeon needed him to put on a strong face. Minseok had failed to the majority of what had been expected of him, the least he could do is stay calm in the face of such a loss. He had to, he was the one to put his younger brother in this position. If Junmyeon wanted him to come back, he would go back, at least for a quick visit.

The door to the chambers slid open. Minseok turned to glare, not wanting company.

Luhan strode in, shutting the door behind him. He stood near the door, his face no longer expressionless. Dare Minseok admit it, but he almost appeared as though he was giving him a pitying look.

“Are you okay?”

“What do you think?” Minseok snapped. He walked over to the bed and sat down, not wanting to look at Luhan. He pulled his leather jacket tightly around him, like the garment could shut out the world around him.

“Things have changed since you’ve been gone,” Luhan said softly. When Minseok didn’t answer Luhan added, “Your brother had a new stadium built, which I think you would wholeheartedly approve of.”

“Is this the time to talk about stadiums?” Minseok gave Luhan a disapproving look.

The Spirit of Winter shrugged. “It is what it is, Minseok. I thought you might want something to lighten the mood.”

“You haven’t changed at all, have you?” Minseok spat, anger overcoming grief. “You still make jokes when you shouldn’t. You still act like an .”

“Perhaps.” Luhan wasn’t fazed by Minseok’s words, or if he was he didn’t show it.

“So you took up smuggling. How adventuresome of you.” Luhan walked to the bed and sat next to Minseok, not minding when the man scooted over to get away. He adjusted his cape, ignoring Minseok’s disdain for the situation. “Your friends are interesting.”

“Leave.” Minseok ordered. If he had to return to the empire, he would do so with as little interaction with Luhan as possible. Luhan was, and always would be in his mind, the catalyst for so much of what went wrong in his life.

“Very well.” Luhan stood. “Junmyeon’s coronation was the day before last. In case you were wondering.”

Minseok watched the spirit of winter leave, muttering a curse at the man as the door slid shut. Luhan. A name he had never wanted to hear again. A name that had once fascinated him, so long ago. A name that was only pain and anger now, a bad memory brought back.










Minseok smoothed his hands over his jacket in an attempt to brush out the barely discernable wrinkle he had spotted while walking into the academy. Finally giving up, he stood up as straight as he could and held his head high. His history tutor had regaled him with horror stories of the academy, enough to insure he studied up on proper posture for weeks before his start date. He imagined it would all be that much worse since he was joining mid-semester and was also a member of the imperial family.

When a few minutes had passed and the Superintendent hadn’t arrived, Minseok relaxed a little. He glanced around the office, looking at the plaques and pictures with interest. He recognized some of the battles from his history lessons, others from his father’s lectures. Some were recent, occurring during the last three planetary annexations.

When the office door opened, Minseok snapped back into perfect posture. His heart began to thud as he heard boots click on the floor behind him.

“Name and rank!”

Minseok froze. What was his rank? He stuttered his answer. “M-Minseok, uh, new recruit, sir.”

He officially wanted to die. He could barely stop himself from crying when his response was met with laughter.

A man walked around to stand behind the desk. Minseok forgot his mortification for a second when he caught sight of the superintendent, too distracted by how young the man looked. He was a little taller than Minseok, but his face gave him the appearance of someone younger. He had baby fat on his cheeks and wide eyes, which were distracting on their own. They were icy blue, the color of Minseok’s, a rare but prized color in the empire. He was attractive. Honestly he reminded Minseok of one of the dolls that his cousin used to collect, perfectly formed, wide eyed, and made to look delicate. Remembering who he was staring at, Minseok immediately focused his eyes on a point behind the superintendent’s head, not at his face.

“Wrong answer.” The superintendent folded his arms against his chest. “I’m afraid it will be the whip for you.”

Minseok’s eyes went wide. The whip?! He had just arrived, it was his first day!

“You can hold this while I whip you.” The superintendent slipped a ring off of his finger. Minseok recognized it as an official class ring for the academy, a piece of jewelry only worn by 4th years though ordered upon entry to the academy as some glamorous motivation for finishing. Minseok noticed the center stone was an icy blue, an odd color. A fleeting observation quickly replaced by the fear of being whipped.

Minseok took the jewelry, holding it in his hand awkwardly as he debated making a run for it.

The door slid open yet again, this time the superintendent was the one to stand at attention. Minseok glanced behind him, curious who could command such a response from the head of the academy

An older gentleman stood in the threshold. He was dressed in a uniform far grander than the one Minseok wore, or, now that Minseok thought about, than the superintendent wore. Realization dawned on him, making him feel like a complete and total moron.

“Cadet, what are you doing at my desk?” The man asked, his voice tinged with anger.

“I was making sure the new cadet understands the academy rules, sir!” The younger man answered in an even tone.

“If you do this again I will have you expelled, Luhan.”

“Yes, sir. Understood, sir.” The younger man made a dash for the door. When he passed Minseok he smiled, Minseok immediately looked away. The real superintendent sighed.

“As long as you do the opposite of Luhan, you shall be just fine here, cadet.”

Don’t do what Luhan does, Minseok repeated a few times over his first week at the academy. Don’t be Luhan, he reminded himself as he stared at the class ring the troublemaker had given him.









Minseok emerged from the bedchamber only after the ship docked at the capital city on Khione, intent on avoiding any more time with Luhan than was absolutely necessary. The moment he stepped outside of the private quarters Baekhyun and Jongdae were there, once again taking up his personal space.

“I don’t like that guy,” Baekhyun whispered, his eyes trained on where Luhan stood towards the rear of the ship.

“Please tell me you aren’t friends with him,” Jongdae whispered in the other ear.

“Same and no,” Minseok rattled off. He tried to take a step forward but was impeded by his two friends. “Guys, let go.”

“Oh, sorry.” Baekhyun pulled away, flashing a sheepish smile.

Jongdae detached himself from Minseok’s right side, nodding in apology. Minseok sighed, smoothing his hand over his dark green leather jacket.

“What happens now?” Jongdae asked.

“I need to see the emperor. You guys will have to wait here.” Minseok didn’t want to involve his friends in more than he had to. He had a feeling his first meeting with his brother might be messy, Baekhyun and Jongdae didn't need to be a part of it.

“Wait here?!” Baekhyun squeaked.

“Dockside. I’ll be back in no time.”

“You aren’t staying in the palace, your highness?” Luhan had overheard the conversation. He raised his eyebrows in question.

“No,” Minseok said firmly. He had vowed to live outside the palace walls ten years prior and he wasn’t going to take that back even if there had been a change in emperors. He would find lodgings somewhere else in the city for the time he stayed in the capital, assuming it was for more than one day.

“Victoria will be upset to hear of it, your highness.” Luhan knew how to deal a low blow. Minseok resisted stalking up to the soldier and socking him in the face. The bastard had to bring up the most painful subject between them.

“Who is Victoria?” Jongdae looked between Luhan and Minseok. The tension was palpable.

“His wife,” Luhan answered. “Whom he hasn’t seen for a very long time.”

“Wife?!” Baekhyun and Jongdae blurted out in unison.

“I’ll be back shortly.” Minseok stormed out of the imperial ship, purposely knocking against Luhan’s shoulder as he passed him.









Minseok scanned the cafeteria. He had been at the military academy for two weeks and had never been so lonely in his fifteen years of life. Even at the palace, with its inherent formalities, rituals, and decorum he wasn’t this lonely. At least at the palace he had his little brother to talk to. Here everyone seemed to avoid him, no doubt because despite the supposed secret of his identity, it was far from a secret that he was a Prince of Snow.

Minseok spotted an empty seat near the back of the room and trudged over, tray of unidentifiable mush in hand. For the top military academy in the empire, the food was atrocious. He began to eat, eyes on his table as he lost himself in thought. Or more accurately, in planning.

His father had insisted he attend the academy, it would be unseemly for a future emperor to not uphold tradition and complete four full years of military training. But perhaps, Minseok thought, there was some way he could get around it. If only he could think of an excuse as to why his time would be much better spent in the palace he could potentially sway his father.

“Knock someone up, get married secretly, kidnap someone, or burn the place down.”

Minseok looked up. He locked eyes with Luhan, who stood across from him, tray of mush in hand.

“What?” Minseok blurted out.

Luhan sat down, completely uninvited. “You were thinking of ways to get out of being here. Those are four methods certain to work.”

“How did you know I was thinking about that?” Minseok was flabbergasted.

“Because no one wants to be here at first. We’ve all done the same thing you are doing right now.” Luhan shoveled a spoonful of mush into his mouth.

Minseok supposed that made sense. Still it unnerved him Luhan knew his thoughts so easily.

“It gets better though, trust me. And the mush grows on you,” Luhan said through chews.

Minseok sighed, slightly revolted at the man’s bad table manners but also slightly interested at why the academy troublemaker was sitting by him. The class ring. He had kept it. “I have your ring if you want it back.”

“Nah, keep it. If I have it I’ll lose it and get kicked out,” Luhan answered.

Minseok felt odd about it, but wasn’t confident enough to argue. After a minute of silence he felt brave again.

“So when did it get better for you?” Minseok asked, curious.

“When you got here,” Luhan answered without missing a beat.

Minseok swallowed, his heart beat increasing in the most confusing of ways.









Luhan followed him, the click of the Spirit of Winter’s military boots echoing with every step Minseok took. He would have turned and dismissed the man if he thought it would do any good. Minseok knew that a special soldier of the emperor couldn’t be sent away so easily – at least not in the confines of the palace.

After leaving Jongdae and Baekhyun to mill about the docks, Minseok cut his way through the outer pathways of the palace complex. It was surreal to traverse the familiar path again. He could remember where every turn led, where every small path ended, where every guardhouse sat. When he looked out towards the city and the lightly falling snow he could swear he had never left. Familiarity in the freezing cold. A place that used to be home. A place that he hadn’t wanted to return to.

The palace was a vast structure built of white stone mined from the planet of Irogal. Turreted towers rose towards the perpetually cloudy skies of Khione, a planet that many said never knew a day without snow. The capital city was surrounded by a translucent shield that kept the subzero temperatures of the planet from making the place uninhabitable but still let the beauty of the snow in. From where the palace sat on the high point of the city Minseok could catch the smallest of reflections hitting the shield. When he was young, he and his brother used to make up stories of what the little flashes against the shield were: fairies, monsters, or maybe invaders.

Life in the palace hadn’t been terrible all the time, he had fun here. The bad times were the lessons, the expectations, and the consistent feeling that his life was never his own. Walking towards the main gate brought back the days when Minseok saw the entrance as the gates of his prison, sealed shut by his birthright. Now he was entering it voluntarily after a decade of freedom. Funnier yet it was Luhan following him in. The reason he had given it all up and escaped in the first place lingered several paces behind.

The guards at the gate didn’t ask for identification; the eldest prince of the family was apparently still recognizable. Minseok took an uneasy step inside, then quickened his pace towards the first courtyard. His brother should be waiting in the throne room, probably busy with the nobles and dignitaries sent to pay their respects to the late emperor.

Minseok entered the inner courtyard, feeling a sense of relief when the sounds of Luhan’s boots on the uneven stone of the palace path died off. It seemed that the spirit of winter had limitations to how far he would go within the walls of the imperial residence.

The inner courtyard was defined by the towering frost trees that grew only on Khione, the black trunks and branches contrasting against the stark white stone of the palace. The trees had been there for hundreds of years, carefully tended by the palace gardeners that were trained in the delicate care of such a rare species of plant. Walking under the canopy of the trees brought back another wave of memories. This was the same path he walked the day he got married, and this was the same path he walked the day Luhan had told him he didn’t love him.

Minseok snorted with the irony of painful remembrances, earning a choice look from one of the guards who stood sentinel at the main doors. He ignored the look and took the steps to the main hall two at a time. The doors were opened for him by the emperor’s personal servants, revealing a familiar sight. The wide corridor to the throne room was unchanged, the greys and light blues of the walls and accents blending with the stark white of the floor. The same mammoth paintings, cold in their own way, stared at him as he took the familiar four hundred and twenty five steps from the double doors to the throne room.

When he arrived at the doors they slid open, revealing the cavernous chamber that was, by default of birth order, his destiny for most of his life. The room was made of white marble floors and walls, with a ceiling inlaid in white gold that poured onto the walls. The illusion was of a gentle and perpetual snowfall, the flakes of golden snow drifting down the walls in natural intervals. At the far end was the throne of the emperor of snow, a pure white seat that seemed to rise from the floor like a thick and stubborn icicle, formed naturally to allow the rulers of the empire to sit upon it and all of its glory.

To Minseok the throne would always belong to his father, he had never seen another claim it. Now, standing in the ingress of the throne room, he witnessed his younger brother sitting on the throne. He had to admit that Junmyeon fit it well, far better than he himself would have.

When Junmyeon spotted Minseok he stood, a flutter of excitement showing on his pale face. Minseok swallowed and walked forward, ignoring the nobles who milled about the long expanses of the hall, whispering at the sight of the forgotten prince.

“Minseok!” Junmyeon wasn’t content allowing his elder brother to approach him. He rushed from the throne, his arms open wide as he approached.

Minseok offered a shy and reluctant smile when his little brother pulled him into a hug.

“You came,” Junmyeon said, his words muffled by the tight embrace. When he pulled back he scanned Minseok up and down as though he needed to make sure the man was real.

“Your majesty.” Minseok stepped back and knelt, showing the deference he knew was necessary. Even if he had renounced the throne ten years before there would surely be the offhanded speculation that he was back to reclaim it, which wasn’t the case.

“Stand! Stand,” Junmyeon tugged Minseok to his feet, delivering a pat to his elder brother’s shoulder. “I‘m so relieved you returned.”

Minseok wasn’t sure what to say, his words caught in his throat.

Junmyeon’s expression turned sad. “It’s terrible, what happened to father.” The new emperor’s shoulders noticeably sagged as he walked back towards the throne, the confidence Minseok had witnessed gone. With a gesture to the servants that stood on either side of the throne the expansive room was quickly cleared of denizens, whispers echoing as the noblemen and women left the emperor alone with his older brother.

Once the room was cleared of prying eyes Minseok felt more relaxed. He faced the throne, a dozen feet separated the brothers. Junmyeon wouldn’t look at him, his back straightened against the throne as he glanced towards the floor to ceiling windows that revealed the wintry landscape of their homeland. He looked so grown up, Minseok thought, so mature compared to the Junmyeon he had said goodbye to a decade ago.

Minseok grappled for something to say, but nothing seemed right.

Junmyeon had always been to the point, blunt at times, and apparently that hadn’t changed. He looked at Minseok and with an even tone implored, “Minseok, I need your help.”

Five simple words. Minseok bristled, afraid for what was to come. Junmyeon had never asked him for help, never put a burden on Minseok that wasn’t already placed there by their station in life. The threat of such a request made Minseok‘s heart start to race, an instinctual reaction to the threat of something dire to come.

“I need you to capture the people who did this to father.” Junmyeon pursed his lips.

“What?” It was the last thing he expected his brother to ask.

“We know who planted the device that killed father and we roughly know where they are at this moment,” Junmyeon spoke carefully. “But I can’t send Imperial cruisers after them, not as it stands. I need someone I can trust someone with a small ship and the know-how of the outer belt to catch them before it is too late.”

“Before it is too late?” Minseok repeated the words as a question.

Junmyeon nodded, looking grim. “They stole blueprints for a device that, if it falls into the wrong hands, will have dire consequences for not only the empire but the entire quadrant. They’re hiding in the outer belt, or at least that is where they were headed. With our current treaties there is no way we could follow them there without tipping them off and possibly starting a war.”

Treaties, politics. It was the sort of thing he had been glad to be rid of once he left. It wasn’t the reason he gave up his inheritance, his birth right, but being away from it was a perk. He had no desire to be back into the middle of something like this. It was jarring enough returning to Khione, he couldn’t imagine jumping into the service of the empire as well.

“I can’t,” Minseok answered immediately. When he had left a decade ago he had forsworn the Empire, the throne, and the thought of serving it. Luhan had a part in driving him off, but retrospect told him he was never cut out for the role of emperor to begin with. Junmyeon frowned and looked away.

“You can’t or you won’t?”

“You're the emperor now, hire a bounty hunter or mercenaries.” Minseok failed to see why he was the only person for the job.

“I can’t. Not for this. It’s too sensitive, I need someone I can trust implicitly.”

When Minseok didn’t protest, Junmyeon added, “Minseok, you can’t run away forever. You are a prince of snow and you are a person I trust. Please, help me, for father if not for the Empire.”

Silence in such a big space was deafening. The throne room was usually filled with whispers, with strong convictions spoken by royalty. The silence in this space was bizarre and unwelcome. It was too deep, this silence after such a refusal. Minseok needed to get away.

Minseok was grateful that his younger brother didn’t say another word, letting him go without a fight. He fled the throne room with confident strides, all the while crumbling on the inside.






Minseok would recognize that laugh anywhere. It was a breath of fresh air during a stifling formal event, the dulcet noise muffled by a slender hand pressed over a smile. Loud and unwieldy it was the song that etiquette tutor after etiquette tutor stood against and lost. As Minseok approached the long deserted old keep of the palace he heard the lilting laughter that told him exactly where Baekhyun and Jongdae had gotten off to.

When he had wandered back to the dock his friends were gone. The guards offered a sputtering explanation that made little sense. Minseok ascertained that his friends had been approached by someone of importance and “The palace, old part, your highness” was his only concrete clue. Of course, he thought as he pushed open the wooden door of the keep, Victoria was to blame.

The door slammed shut behind him with a groan, a byproduct of the rusty, ancient hinges. This part of the palace had been left intentionally outdated, devoid of the conveniences of modern life.

“Minseok!” Baekhyun was up and on him in a second, his tankard of unidentified liquid sloshing as he hugged his friend. “Are you okay? Did the emperor yell at you?!”

“I’m fine,” Minseok looked past Baekhyun to the person he had left ten years before. “Victoria.” He greeted with a curt nod.

“You little brat, is that all you can say.” Victoria sauntered towards him, the familiar glimmer in her eyes as she landed a punch to his shoulder. Minseok mocked pain and fell back, rubbing his arm. “I heard you were back, and you weren’t even going to say hello?!”

“Dude, this chick is cool,” Baekhyun tried to whisper but he seemed to be drunk so it came out as a low shout. Victoria laughed.

“You kidnapped my friends,” Minseok looked past Victoria, returning a wave from a tipsy Jongdae. “Are they drunk? How are they drunk already?”

“Special import rum, a shot game, guys that don’t know how to take it slow. Only the best for my husband’s friends.” Victoria winked.

“Wait, this is your wife?!” Baekhyun swayed on his feet, his mouth opening wide as he gaped at Victoria.

“Yeah,” Minseok nodded, laughing. “This is my wife.”

“Oh please. I am his surrogate big sister who married him because the empire and its politics are bull.” Victoria took a swig out of the large metal tankard she held in one hand. Smacking her lips she wiped with her sleeve, then burped, bursting into laughter.

“No offense, but I think I’m in love with your wife.” Baekhyun gave Victoria an appreciative look as he staggered, catching his balance on a sheet draped piece of furniture.

“No offense taken, have her.” Minseok dodged the next punch from Victoria. He laughed as he jumped over the sofa, landing next to Jongdae and spilling his drink in the process.


“Keep a better hold of it!” Minseok scooted over and leaned back against the stiff antique cushions.

“So brat, what have you been up to?” Victoria rounded the sofa, taking a seat on one of the sheet covered chairs.

“Things,” Minseok answered cryptically, trying to annoy her. They had grown up together and true to Victoria’s version of their marriage their relationship had always been that of a big sister and little brother, Minseok perpetually annoying Victoria, with the best of intentions of course.

“Ha-ha, funny.” Victoria rolled her eyes. “No, but seriously, did you talk to Junmyeon? Are you going to help?”

“No,” Minseok answered quietly, the mirth of his reunion with Victoria null and void the moment he responded.

He didn’t dare look at his wife, missing completely the way she frowned at him. The pair fell into a silence, both lost in thought.

Before long Baekhyun and Jongdae were passed out in the corner of the room, snoring as they nudged each other - fighting even in their sleep. Minseok caught a quick buzz, which was no wonder considering he had been awake for over a day straight. His eyelids began to droop as he took one last sip of liquor and put the cup down on the floor. It would feel nice to sleep. He ignored the fact he was still technically in the palace, which he swore he wouldn’t stay at, and let sleep overtake him. He needed it.






When Minseok awoke he was stiff, his back aching from having slumbered in an upright position on a creaky and not very comfortable piece of furniture. His mouth was dry from drinking. He darted his tongue out to his cracked lips, then groaned at how crappy he felt.

“How long have I been asleep?” he asked, squinting he could make out Victoria sitting across the room.

“Ten hours,” she answered nonchalantly.

Minseok bolted forward, suddenly very much awake. “Ten hours?!” He looked around the room in confusion, noting that the places once occupied by Baekhyun and Jongdae were now empty.

“Don’t worry, they’re getting a shower and a change of clothes,” Victoria assured him.

“Oh.” Minseok dragged his hand through his unruly mop of hair. As his fingers got stuck on snags and tangles he realized he could use a warm shower as well. He made a move to get up but Victoria stopped him.

“You can run after them, but only after we talk.”

“You weren’t here all night, were you?” Minseok asked, shaking off his grogginess with conversation.

“Nope, only long enough to confirm you still snore like a possessed giant worm from the planet Sode.”

“Hey, I don’t–”

“Yes, you do. Now sit back brat, we have some things to talk about.” Victoria scooted to the edge of her seat while she waited for Minseok to do the opposite. Once the prince was relaxed she began to speak. “I know you gave up associating with the empire years ago and I think you can admit I probably know why the best out of anyone. I don’t hate you for it, hell I can't even blame you. But I also want you to stop and think about what you are doing when you refuse to help.”

“Junmyeon needs you, Minseok. Don’t let the past keep you from doing something good.” Victoria had an edge to her voice that Minseok had never heard before. She had hardened over the last ten years. “Your father was like a father to me as well, Minseok. I would hunt the person down if I could, but I have never set foot off this planet. You’re one of the few people Junmyeon trusts, and you have the knowledge to do what he’s asking.”

Victoria glared at him and suddenly Minseok felt like a child, throwing a temper tantrum because he was told to eat his least favorite food, snow peas.

“You better help, Minseok.” Victoria stood, giving him a pointed look. “Or I will never talk to you again.”

Minseok stuttered out a response but it was too late; Victoria was gone in a huff.

“Damnit,” Minseok swore under his breath. Victoria was right, he should help. It was his father for crying out loud, and yet he was ready to let a painful past dictate his present. He owed it to Junmyeon and he knew it. That didn’t mean he was happy about it, however.

And there was the matter of Jongdae and Baekhyun, because Minseok wasn’t about to do this alone. He half wondered what they would say.






“How much does it pay?” Baekhyun asked with eager eyes.

“I don’t know,” Minseok admitted. He had found his friends as they clambered out of the imperial bathhouse, deep in conversation about the merits of imperial soap.

“Does that make us bounty hunters?” Jongdae asked, “I’ve always wanted to be a bounty hunter.”

“Maybe?” Minseok shrugged.

“Well, whatever you want to do, we’ll be there.” Baekhyun sounded far too cheery about the potentially dangerous assignment.

Minseok took comfort in the fact that if he did this at least his friends would be with him. How much help they would be, that was another matter entirely.






“Your majesty, it is the galactic congress's recommendation that-” Yifan, the tall and rather intimidating looking Frosthelm of the Empire of Snow was delivering a daily briefing to the emperor when he was very rudely interrupted.

The door to the emperor’s personal study was opened, which should never be done without prior invitation from the ruler. Junmyeon, who was seated at his oblong black desk, looked up in surprise. Yifan merely scowled, assuming the dark expression that had earned him the name of Winter Wolf back in the military academy.

“I’ll do it.” Minseok, one time heir to the Empire of Snow, strolled in unannounced. He ignored Yifan in favor of walking up to his brother, his jaw set in a tight line. “But after I catch them I’m done, no more.”

“As you wish.” Junmyeon looked relieved at Minseok’s agreement.

“It’s been years. It’s good to see you again,” Yifan interjected, softening Minseok’s grim demeanor.

“Same,” Minseok answered. Minseok had known Yifan since they were teenagers. He had met him when they attended the military academy together. Judging by the uniform that Yifan was wearing Minseok could see that he had done very well for himself in the last decade. He wore the dress uniform of the Frosthelm, the leader of the Spirits of Winter. At such a young age he was in charge of such an elite force, a testament to his talents as a master tactician. The Frosthelm was the emperor’s right hand man. Minseok felt comfort in knowing Yifan was beside Junmyeon, helping him as he adjusted to being emperor.

“I’m surprised you agreed without knowing more about who you are hunting,” Yifan remarked. “But I’m glad you did.”

“Who are they?” Minseok asked, dreading the answer. He wasn’t a soldier or a bounty hunter, even if he had gotten into his fair share of blaster fights and had military training over a decade ago. If he was going against someone who was well trained and not afraid to kill, this favor for his brother may be the last thing he did.

“Oh Sehun,” Yifan tossed out the name. “Former junior imperial minister.”

Minseok had never heard of him but an imperial minister, a bureaucrat, didn’t sound that menacing.

“And he isn’t alone. He worked in conjunction with Zhang Yixing, whom you know of. Yixing planted the device while Sehun stole the plans, and they escaped together shortly after the emperor’s ship disembarked.”

Yixing. He was another alumni of the military academy, a jovial and good natured soldier that Minseok had been fond of. What had happened to the fun loving young man that Minseok remembered? The news was shocking on a personal level.

“We think money motivated them. There are people who will buy technology for a steep price,” Junmyeon explained. “Father’s death was the distraction. They knew that once the emperor was assassinated the majority of Special Forces would be directed towards the crime, letting the security go lax.”

“I can’t believe Yixing would do something like this…” Minseok tried to digest the news.

“A lot has changed in ten years,” Yifan said.

Apparently, more than Minseok could have imagined. “And they were headed to the outer belt?”

“Yes, probably to lie low until they can meet whoever they are selling the plans to. You will be supplied their last known coordinates as well as their dossiers,” Yifan confirmed. “You can use your own ship, or your friend’s ship – whatever that thing is that we towed from Tivelde. As his majesty explained, we can’t risk sending an imperial ship to the outer belt for this mission.”

“You brought our ship here?” Minseok wondered if they had found the contraband. Belatedly he felt annoyed that Junmyeon was so certain he would say yes he had ordered their ship towed to Khione.

“Yes, it’s waiting at the space dock.” Yifan rounded the desk. He placed a hand on Minseok’s shoulder and gave it a friendly squeeze. “I know this is hard for you, but you are doing the right thing.”

“I wish I felt the same,” Minseok muttered.

“I’ll ready the information you need.” Yifan bowed to the emperor and bid Minseok farewell.

“Thank you so much for this,” Junmyeon said once they were alone. “I missed you, brother, and I feel guilty that the first time I see you I’m asking such a thing of you.”

“How much will you pay me?” Minseok brought up money because he didn’t expect Baekhyun and Jongdae to do this for free. Hell, he made a living smuggling, he needed the money. He couldn’t be certain how long this would take and while they were working covertly for the empire they wouldn’t be making units smuggling.

“If you bring them back alive I’ll give you three million units.” Junmyeon said it so casually, but to Minseok that was more than he could make in thirty years of smuggling. “If you bring them back dead, ten million units, and your friend’s warrants will be cancelled.”

“You want them dead?” Minseok quirked an eyebrow.

“It would be easier.” Junmyeon shrugged. “We wouldn’t have to involve the galactic congress that way. Their sentence will be death regardless, it would be more expedient to get it over with during the first confrontation.”

“Deal.” Minseok imagined how elated his friends would be when they heard about the money. For him, there was a hesitation at the order to kill the suspects, but not enough to turn down the mission. If this was what was required to bring his father’s killers to justice, so be it.

“Minseok, be careful,” Junmyeon implored, a sad tone to his voice.

“I’ll try.” It was the only thing he could do, but he couldn’t make any promises.






Minseok took the steps carefully, the flickering torchlight casting long shadows on the steep corridor. Yifan had given him all of the information he needed in an encrypted tablet, Minseok tucking the device inside his jacket. He had one last thing to do before he left Khione and went in search of his father’s murderers.

The crypt was freezing, jagged icicles formed on the ceiling while the walls were punctuated with swaths of ice crystals. Minseok pulled his jacket tightly around him, taking cautious steps towards the newest sarcophagus.

His father was interred next to his mother, side by side sarcophagi decorated with the heraldry of the imperial family. Minseok traced his fingers over the cold stone vessel that was his father’s final resting place.

The last words his father had ever spoken to him echoed in his mind, words of failure, of hatred. They had parted as enemies, the emperor screaming of the disappointment Minseok had caused him. Yet still he mourned his father, for the times when they weren’t of differing minds, when there wasn’t hatred dividing them.

“I’ll do my best, father,” Minseok whispered. “But then I am never coming back.”

He stood by his father’s tomb for a few minutes before turning to leave, his heart heavy as he bid farewell to the crypt of his ancestors.






When Minseok arrived at the space dock he was met with chaos. The bay doors slid open to reveal Baekhyun shouting, Jongdae holding him back from launching himself at the source of his anger, and….

“Luhan.” Minseok gritted his teeth at the sight of the spirit of winter. The ship’s loading bay was open; a half dozen imperial soldiers were busy loading nondescript cargo into the vessel. Junmyeon hadn’t said anything about the current turn of events, which made Minseok seethe with anger.

“What’s going on here?” he asked as he marched up to Luhan, placing himself between Baekhyun and the spirit of winter.

“Who in the hell said you could touch my baby?!” Baekhyun screamed, belligerent that they were messing with the ship.

“I am readying the vessel for our departure,” Luhan answered matter-of-factly. ”Though I dare say we shouldn’t take someone this unstable anywhere.” He pointed a finger at Baekhyun, earning another string of curses from the man.

Our?” Minseok cocked his eyebrow, “You’re mistaken.”

“Orders of his majesty.” Luhan pulled a tablet from his uniform pocket. “Directive AA.99.a7c, here it is,” He held the tablet up for Minseok to see.

Minseok leaned forward, squinting to make out the text. It was an imperial edict, he recognized the structure and technical jargon. What he failed to understand was how the document, assigning Luhan to accompany a goods shipment, had anything to do with their mission.

“You didn’t think he could say the real purpose, did you?” Luhan interjected, looking smug as he returned the tablet to his pocket.

“You’re not coming with us.” Minseok turned to Baekhyun. “I’ll be right back, don’t worry I will take care of this.”

“There is nothing to take care of, your highness. Luhan is correct, his majesty has ordered him to accompany you.” Yifan appeared from the opposite docking bay, his hands behind his back as he strolled towards them. “I had assumed Junmyeon had told you, but it appears he did not.”

Minseok snorted in frustration. Of course Junmyeon hadn’t told him, if he had Minseok would never have agreed to help him. “Why does he need to go?”

“He is our best soldier and you’ll need him, especially when you come face to face with Yixing,” Yifan answered, adding, “Yixing is well trained and dangerous, Luhan has the skills to face him and survive.”

Minseok glared at Luhan, angered by the satisfied look on his face. He hated this man and now he was stuck with him. It was infuriating. He felt betrayed by his brother. He was guilted into doing something he wouldn’t have agreed to if he had known all the details.

“If it helps, you can shoot him if he pisses you off too much,” Yifan leaned in and whispered, flashing a rare smile.

“Can I shoot him now?” Baekhyun asked, still fired up.

“Not yet. Wait until you are off the planet, at least.” Yifan reached over and patted Baekhyun on the head, which didn’t help matters.

Minseok ended up plugging his ears to dull Baekhyun’s yelling, Jongdae’s pleading, and Luhan’s smug laughter. Maybe if he concentrated enough he could pretend he was on a Venusian beach…..










“It’s a plebe tradition. Just be happy you don’t have to do it alone.”

Minseok glanced over his shoulder at where Luhan was sprawled out on his bed. “I’m happy, see look at me smiling.” He feigned a wide smile, then turned back to his textbook.

Minseok had been at the academy for half a year already, and in that time Luhan had become his shadow. It was a rare moment for Minseok to find himself sans Luhan, considering they had been assigned as roommates during semester change (Minseok had a feeling Luhan had something to do with the new assignment, but he couldn’t prove anything).

While Minseok would normally find such clingy behavior annoying, he tolerated it when it came to Luhan. He told himself it was because he was lonely otherwise (and ignored that his chosen excuse didn’t really hold up, now that he had made a handful of other friends besides Luhan).

“Yifan is going to be there, and Yixing.” Luhan seemed to think that would get Minseok excited.

“They have to be there, they’re plebes too.”

“Why are you so against this?” Luhan asked with a sigh.

“Because I don’t like public speaking,” Minseok answered, never looking up from his book.

“Funny fear for a future emperor,” Luhan muttered.

“What did you say?” Minseok narrowed his eyes at Luhan. It was the first time anyone at the academy had mentioned his identity. Even if he was pretty sure everyone knew who he was, it was jolting to hear it verbalized.

“I said you have a nice ,” Luhan smiled flirtatiously.

Minseok returned to his book, done with the conversation. If only he could get the heat in his cheeks to go away as well.









There was comfort being back on board The Cucumber, even if it was with unwanted company. Baekhyun, Jongdae, and Minseok had called the vessel home for the better part of eight years, ever since Baekhyun picked it up for an unpaid debt. Minseok had asked Baekhyun about the strange name half a dozen times. “A strange food that tastes like poison. Most badass thing in the galaxy, trust me. Looks great but then bam you’re throwing up.” It was familiar, comfortable, and pretty shabby by the standards of an imperial ship.

It was half a century out of date, built as a short haul cargo mover that was destined to drag mechanical parts around the planet Orion. After the planet went through an administration change (also known as being absorbed by the empire), the economy went into a nosedive, leaving The Cucumber to be bought by an interplanetary transport company. Fast forward a few decades and it had been outfitted with powerful (and technically illegal) boosters, playing host to a bevy of sordid characters as it ran the lines of the outer belt before falling into Baekhyun’s hands. With Jongdae’s mechanical know-how The Cucumber was soon one of the fastest ships running outside the empire, despite it’s less than sparkling interior.

“You live here?” Luhan asked as he took a seat in the passenger area, a concave space two booths. He eyed the ripped up upholstery, then ran a finger on the dull tabletop. When his finger came up clean he muttered, “At least it appears to be clean.”

“Yes I live here, and I like it.” Minseok replied. He finished adjusting his belt, his twin blasters had been returned to him as they boarded the ship. He had given them up when he boarded the imperial vessel back on Tivelde.

“Minseok!” Jongdae shouted for him from the cockpit. “We need you up here.”

Minseok knew they didn’t need him, Baekhyun and Jongdae were more than capable of flying the ship without him. Usually Minseok spent voyages that didn’t require the use of the ship's weapons system managing the cargo, performing routine engineering tasks, or lounging around until they arrived at their destination. But the alternative was spending time with Luhan, which wasn’t ideal.

Minseok entered the cockpit, muttering thanks to his friends for getting him away from their unwelcome companion.

“Can we lock the door in case he tries to come up here?” Baekhyun half-asked, half-ordered as he fidgeted with the controls.

“Sounds like a plan.” Minseok clicked the lock on the door before taking a seat in the relief pilot’s chair.

“So their last known coordinates were near Neris.” Jongdae exhaled loudly. “This should be fun.”

“Hey! I know a few people there, we should be fine,” Baekhyun tried to alleviate his co-pilots worries.

“You say you know a few people everywhere we go but most of the time we end up running from someone who wants to kill you,” Minseok countered.

“Details, details.” Baekhyun finished punching the coordinates into the ship’s navigation system. “Now how much did you say they are paying us? I need to know before I decide to fly out to Soria and dump Mr. Smug-cape-wearing-douche in a lava pit.”

“Three million units.” Minseok had told his friends about the potential payment back at the dock, it was the only way to end the pandemonium. The promise of a fortune had worked, greed for riches overshadowing the horrible reality of having to travel with the spirit of winter. “Ten if we bring them back dead.”

“Dead?” Jongdae sounded shocked.

“Yeah, guess it is preferable.” Minseok shrugged.

“Okay, three million units, three million units, Baekhyun you can do this, Baekhyun you can do this,” he repeated to himself, taking a deep breath in between repetitions then adding, “Sorry, I’m a lover not a fighter, I can’t kill them.”

Jongdae and Minseok looked at each other and rolled their eyes in tandem. It was never boring travelling with Baekhyun, that was for certain.






It wasn’t a long journey to Neris. The warp jump went smoothly without engineering hiccups. There was no longer a need to fear imperial vessels spotting them, which made life a lot easier when travelling. Minseok had half expected Luhan to demand entrance to the cockpit, but he had remained quiet throughout the journey. When Baekhyun maneuvered the ship to the space dock in Neris’s largest settlement, Minseok had a gnawing feeling it had all been too easy.

And then he let the fact they had docked at Neris sink in. An easy journey was warranted for what they would inevitably have to deal with when they disembarked The Cucumber.

“Try not to step on anyone’s baby,” Jongdae reminded Baekhyun as the three friends unlocked and exited the cockpit.

“Like I would step on someone’s–––– flying space monkeys!” Baekhyun had walked out of the cockpit first, stopping short as he entered the passenger area. Minseok peeked over his shoulder to see what had caused his reaction.

“Put on your clothes!” Minseok shouted, closing his eyes and recoiling at a Luhan.

“What in the hell, seriously.” Jongdae made a gagging noise while Baekhyun…

“Stop looking!” Minseok blindly reached for his friend, grabbing him by the nape and forcing him to look away. Baekhyun whined as he was torn away from the surprising peep show.

“It is tradition to meditate in the ,” Luhan said nonchalantly, the rustling of clothing giving Minseok some relief.

“I don’t care if it’s tradition, don’t do it on our ship,” Jongdae shouted.

Minseok willed away the image of Luhan sitting on the floor, his eyes closed, and his pose rigid as he meditated. It didn’t help that the glimpse Minseok got told him that Luhan was in better shape now than he was ten years ago, his muscles more defined, his body matured. It grated on him he found Luhan attractive even now, even after the emotional pain the man had inflicted on him.

“I’m dressed,” Luhan announced.

Minseok opened his eyes, noticing that Luhan was no longer wearing his uniform, he was clad in a black jumpsuit and boots. He appeared nondescript, harmless looking except for the blasters sitting on his hips. They were in the outer belt now, being an imperial wasn’t a bonus here, Minseok was glad he had changed. He wasn’t glad he had seen him , however. After a quick glance Minseok dared not to look at Luhan again. He stalked towards the exit ramp of the ship, focusing on the task at hand. The last place Sehun and Yixing had been spotted was on Neris. He had assassins to find.









Minseok had insisted he go first, the sooner it was over the better. Yifan, who was far more confident in public speaking, had no problem granting his partner’s request.

Minseok had spent the better part of the last few weeks memorizing the passage from the classical strategy book, repeating it over and over and over again. He knew that it would be a dull performance, but it was the only thing he was certain he could do. He had been raised to memorize rituals, his lineage, the empire’s history, and any number of things. Memorization was something he excelled in.

Memorized passages spoken at a talent show, however, were far from a crowd pleaser. “And the next talent is memorization” didn't have the same ring to it as singing, dancing or magic tricks. Yifan had agreed to be Minseok’s partner in the talent show out of what Minseok assumed was pity, since even Luhan had balked at the idea.

The show was held in the large auditorium of the academy, a place usually reserved for visiting speakers or fourth year graduation.

When it was Minseok's turn he nearly tripped walking out on stage, his worst nightmare coming true. He tried to regain his composure as he adjusted the microphone.

“Picture the audience ,” Luhan had told him before the show.

Minseok thought of the advice and smiled. It worked to calm his mind, the thought not the actual act. He wasn't very good at imagining people , nor would he want to see his fellow cadets in all their glory, he got enough of that in the showers after drill.

Minseok began to recite the passage. The audience was dead silent, some obviously bored. Minseok scanned the crowd until he found Luhan two rows from the front.

Luhan was mouthing the word ‘’. For a split second Minseok, eyes fixated on Luhan’s mouth, imagined him . A mental compilation of the glimpses Minseok had caught of Luhan’s scrawny chest and undeveloped muscles when he changed his shirt, of his legs when they were running, and of his back when he decided to have half study days. Suddenly the auditorium seemed extremely warm.

It was the only time Minseok stuttered during the presentation, completely forgetting a chunk of what he had memorized.









“We should start by finding Lieutenant Choi,” Luhan instructed as they disembarked The Cucumber. “He has ties to the information trade. If Sehun and Yixing were coming to Neris to make a connection he would know about it.”

“And where do we find this lieutenant guy?” Jongdae asked, as he took in the teeming space dock of Neris. Every which way a person looked there were robed figures, roaming around other lifeforms as they gently moved their Nerisian brooms behind them. It was the way of the Nerisians to carefully remove all of the potential childlings that could be lost, collecting them to return them to the hive. Every now and then they stopped, alerting one of the visitors to their crime of stepping on a childling, explaining their part in a slow hive death with loud and frantic chanting.

“He lives near the hive center, or at least he did.” Luhan sounded like he was speaking from experience. Minseok gave him a questioning look, earning a shrug. “I had something I needed him for at one point and he used to go to the academy, graduated three years after us.”

With their eyes glued to the ground, vigilantly looking out for any of the translucent young Nerisians, the group made their way into the city proper. The layout of the settlement was confusing, a twisting series of narrow paths, all leading to the central hive - the home of all of the Nerisians. The buildings that lined the path belonged to off-worlders, who were never welcome within the hive. The structures were black, the color dictated by the ease of seeing childlings against them. They had the outer belt feel to them, secretive conclaves of stores and homes where people didn’t ask questions.

“So what is the thing they stole?” Baekhyun asked as they walked. Minseok had filled him in on the details after accepting the mission, including the fact they weren’t just chasing assassins, their targets had information that needed to be retrieved as well.

”Technology that can modify the semi-major axis and orbital eccentricity of planets, which will possibly be used in a foolish attempt to destroy the empire but result in the destruction of the quadrant instead,” Luhan answered.

“Say what?”

“If we don’t find it we might all die,” Luhan simplified.

“Is that all?!” A fake laugh escaped Baekhyun’s lips. “So no big deal, right?”

“,” Jongdae whistled. “Didn’t realize it was that serious.”

Minseok had known there would be dire consequences if they failed, but he hadn’t shared that piece of information with Jongdae and Baekhyun, largely because he wasn’t certain what those consequences would be. Now that Luhan had shared what the stolen piece of information was, his task ahead became that much greater.

“Ah, here we are,” Luhan stopped walking, halting in front of a rundown building with a blinking neon sign in the window that read ‘Pets’, the 't burnt out and the s blinking and dimming, ready to follow suit.

“A pet groomers,” Minseok hummed, wondering how an information trader ended up owning a pet store on Neris.

“You would be surprised what people tell you if their pet likes you,” Jongdae reasoned, following after Luhan as he entered the shop.

The interior was dark and smelled like soap. The walls were lined with shelves of pet products and a few empty cages sat near the back wall. A small counter was tucked into the corner of the store, with a smattering of treats covering most of the counter space.

“Welcome to Minho’s Pet-” A man walked out of the back room, drying his hands on a towel. He cut his greeting short when he noticed who his patrons were. “Luhan?”

“Hello, Minho.”

Minseok recognized the man, though he didn’t know him as Minho. He went by another name when he was at the academy. He was tall, skinny but not lanky, with dark hair and eyes – the same first year who used to spend all of his free time winning over the upper classmen. How he ended up running a pet store in an alley on Neris was a complete mystery.

“Never thought I would see you again. What brings you to Neris?” Minho made an obvious show of looking Jongdae, and Baekhyun up and down. He didn’t seem to recognize Minseok which gave the man a momentary complex. “And who are your friends?”

Minho walked around the counter, taking a seat at the stool. He set the towel down on a bag of treats.

“You don’t remember me?” Minseok asked, affronted.

“No, should I?”

“I was at the acada–“

“I’m looking for someone,” Luhan cut Minseok off and pulled out his tablet. “Two imperials were last spotted docking here. Does that sound familiar?”

Minho ignored Minseok’s half question, instead focusing on Luhan. Minseok paid attention to the way Minho reacted to Luhan’s query, almost swearing he could see a flicker of some emotion pass his face at the mention of imperials.

“No,” Minho answered. “Can’t say that it does.”

“How much?” Luhan asked, leaning against the counter. He knew that Minho had a price.

“A thousand units,” Minho answered without blinking.

“Done.” Luhan scanned his tablet over the payment device on the counter.

“They arrived eight days ago, but they ditched their ship at the space dock. Got a new ship courtesy of a junk dealer near the spaceport and left the same day.”

“Where were they headed?” Minseok asked.

Minho smiled, looking far too charming and innocent. He remained mum, sitting on the stool giving the group a friendly look. Luhan swiped his tablet again.

“Word is they were headed to Chronos A7, meeting with the big guy there,” Minho revealed.

“No, no, no, not Chronos A7!” Jongdae whined, earning a strange look from Minho.

Minseok wasn't happy to hear the name either, but in some ways it beat spending more time on Neris, tip toeing around nearly invisible children, one wrong step leading to a loud and frantic shouting session about hive death.

“Relax, the big guy loves me,” Baekhyun slung an arm around Jongdae’s shoulder.

“I have a hard time remembering that being the case,” Jongdae retorted.

“Was there anything else?” Luhan asked Minho.

Minho stood up. “No, not about that. Luhan, can I have a word with you in private?” He looked at Minseok and the others.

“Let’s go, “Minseok wasn’t going to argue. He pushed the door open, “The sooner we get there the sooner it will be over.”

Or so he hoped. Luhan emerged from the store a few minutes later. When Minseok asked what Minho had said he answered vaguely. “He wants us to be careful, that’s all.”






The trip to Chronos A7 would be long, the asteroid sat at the far reaches of the quadrant. Before they set out on the journey it was decided through consensus to get a few hours’ sleep.

“You can sleep in there.” Minseok pointed to the door leading to the miniscule back sleeping bunk.

“I’m not sleeping with your wife,” Luhan responded.

Minseok ignored the strange comment and stalked to his own quarters, the room was small with nothing more than a bunk and a half table, but it wasn’t like he spent that much time inside so it was adequate. He flopped onto the bed, ready to take a quick nap. The door slid open a few seconds later, Luhan walking into the confined space. He stopped in front of the bunk, hands on his hips he looked down at Minseok. “I’ll sleep here.” He made a move to squeeze next to Minseok, sending the prince into a panic. A few elbow jabs later and Luhan ended up on the floor, hitting his head on the table in the process.

“I told you where you can sleep!” Minseok yelled, preparing to kick Luhan if he tried to get in again.

“And I told you I am not going to sleep next to your wife!” Luhan shouted back.

“My wife isn’t here!” Minseok was ready to slap him.

“Yes, she is!” Luhan protested. He staggered to his feet. Luhan reached over and wrenched Minseok up. The prince struggled but Luhan’s grip was too strong. He shoved Minseok from the room and dragged him towards the back room, hitting the button to open the door. He pushed Minseok inside with a hard shove.

Minseok's protests had Baekhyun and Jongdae running from their rooms, pulling their blasters just in case.

Minseok stumbled but managed not to fall. He looked at the bunk in front of him, his eyes going wide at the sleeping form of….”Victoria?”

The woman stirred at the sound of her name, yawning as she stretched and sat up. “Oh, hello. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

Jongdae and Baekhyun piled in behind Minseok. “Wait, is that your wife?”

“What are you doing here?” Minseok asked, equal parts concerned and annoyed.

“I was bored.” She shrugged. “And your brother said it was okay.”

Minseok closed his eyes, feeling a tension headache coming on. He counted to three before opening them and saying, “This is a really dangerous mission, and it isn’t something to do because you’re bored.”

“Ah, well I have other reasons too. Like helping to catch the person who killed my father-in-law, spending more time with these two,” as she gestured to Baekhyun and Jongdae they smiled. Minseok rolled his eyes at how downright happy they looked. “And of course the biggest reason is making sure you don’t get yourself killed. Last time I checked, you weren’t the most impressive shot, brat.”

Minseok stuttered a protest, while Jongdae and Baekhyun blurted out how surprised and delighted they were that Victoria was accompanying them. It was a lost cause, protesting her presence, because she was a good shot, and she had won the support of his friends. Minseok finally stopped complaining and slinked back to his bunk.

When he entered the room he found Luhan asleep, looking peaceful as he splayed out on the small sleeping space. Minseok refrained from kicking him out, instead going to Jongdae's bunk for a nap. By the sounds of it his friends wouldn’t be sleeping, they were too busy gushing over his wife.








Minseok sat on the edge of his bed. He had been staring at his roommate for an indefinite period of time, which would have been creepy if his roommate wasn’t snoring up a storm and completely oblivious to being stared at.

“No, no, nope,” Minseok whispered for the umpteenth time, hoping this time it would stick. He had been losing the battle for weeks now and it was getting annoying.

He didn't like Luhan like that. Nope. Couldn’t for a variety of reasons. Firstly, Minseok had never liked anyone in a way that made his stomach do somersaults or cause him to act like a complete fool. So obviously it wasn’t going to start with Luhan. Secondly, emperors did not fall in love with their roommate during their academy days. It would never work out, ever. It was asking for heartbreak. Thirdly, Minseok was and had been engaged to Victoria since they were children. If he were to fall in love with anyone it should be her.

He was desperate enough to grab his communicator and head for the deserted commons room. He dialed Victoria’s number and tried to think of how to approach the issue smoothly. Minseok wasn’t very smooth. Two seconds after Victoria answered Minseok blurted out, “Are we in love?”

“What?!” Victoria sounded half asleep. “Are you drunk? You’re too young to be drinking, brat, I thought I told you to lay off the sauce if someone offered it to you.”

Minseok huffed in frustration. “I’m not drunk, I just need to know. I think we should be in love.”

“I don’t. That is a horrible idea!” Victoria answered strongly. “Can you imagine if we had to kiss each other how gross it would be?”

Minseok imagined it for a second and visibly flinched.

“And if we were in love then I would be stuck pining for you and useless stuff like that. Come on, it would be horrible.”

“Fine, you have a point.”

Minseok heard a soft laugh from the other end of the communicator. “Minseok, why did you call me?”

“No reason.”

“You like someone there don’t you?!”

“N-no!” Minseok felt his face grow warm.

“My brat has a crush. Oh my snow, finally he likes someone!” Victoria was elated.

“I gotta go.” Minseok hung up, his brow furrowing as he pouted. He didn’t like Luhan like that. Really.









“If they were headed for Chronos A7, they must not have a buyer for the blueprints,” Minseok reasoned. He was seated in the passenger area across from Luhan. Minseok hadn’t had the opportunity to hide in the cockpit, Victoria gained the honor because Jongdae and Baekhyun wanted to show her “how sweet a ride this is and plus like we should get to know each other better.” Minseok settled for pouring over the suspect’s dossiers, sharing observations with Luhan as the spirit of winter did the same. Surprisingly, Minseok thought, it wasn’t grating being in Luhan's company when they were like this - with a common goal to distract them.

“I was thinking the same,” Luhan agreed. “If they had a buyer there is no way they would meet them on Chronos, and I highly doubt the big guy has any interest in those type of blueprints. He makes too much money off of imperials to destroy the empire.”

Minseok hummed in agreement. He reread Sehun’s dossier for the eighth time. The junior minister certainly had a motive. He was originally from Orion, which was annexed to the empire during his childhood. He would have, like all those who ended up imperials, watched his planet go through drastic changes after coming under the empire’s sway. It would make sense for him to join a rebellion. He was smart enough to gain the confidence of the empire, and use that to not only kill the emperor but also steal some of its most guarded technology. No small feat for someone who was barely pushing twenty two.

“Sehun would have reason to hate the empire, but Yifan seems to think he just wants money from selling the plans,” Minseok remarked. “Wouldn’t it make more sense for him to be part of a rebel group and do it for idealistic reasons?”

“He wasn’t idealistic, far from it.” Luhan set his tablet down, looking Minseok in the eyes. “I knew of him, met him and talked with him at least two dozen times. He could care less about morals, ethics, or the fate of the downtrodden. What he cares about are money, nice clothes, and the best in transport ships.”

“And Yixing cares about money too?” Minseok had never thought of Yixing as the greedy type. He had grown up with money, his parents were nobility back on Khione.

“He cares about love, and apparently he is in love with Sehun.” Luhan leaned back. “Love makes you do foolish things, huh?”

Minseok wasn’t amused by the insinuation. “I wouldn’t know, never been in love,” he lied, all in an attempt to piss off Luhan for hinting at the past, ruining the otherwise tolerable atmosphere.

Luhan had tossed out his own bait, but wasn’t ready or willing to take Minseok’s. He skillfully steered the conversation away from the pain between them. “Whatever the reason, I never took Yixing for someone who would do something so… heinous.”

“Has he changed a lot?” Minseok meant from ten years prior, when they were all at the academy together.

“Not really. Same easy going attitude, same propensity to tease Yifan even if he is our commander. If you piss him off, he still is a force to be reckoned with, but that rarely happens.” Luhan paused, then burst into laughter.

“What?” Minseok asked, curious.

“I remembered the time you and Yixing ended up running one hundred laps around the academy for feeding the instructor’s hamster.”

Minseok groaned. The memory flooded back to him, his muscles recalling the pain of a hundred laps. “Who sets a strict diet for a hamster? That was so ridiculous.”

“I have never seen you turn so red,” Luhan continued to chuckle.

“Try running that far in that amount of time!” Minseok protested.

Another memory returned to Minseok, giving him pause due to its contents. His cheeks grew warm.

“You were so cute,” Luhan said, his laughter dying in his throat.

Minseok’s mouth felt dry as he stared across the table at the former love of his life. This was dangerous territory that he didn’t want to venture into. Not when Luhan still did things to him, whether he wanted to admit it or not. Those icy blue eyes seemed to hold an emotion in them, dare Minseok imagine, but there was affection there. I hate him Minseok reminded himself.

“I should um, go check on Jongdae and Baekhyun.” Minseok stood abruptly, running off to the already crowded cockpit, desperate to escape feelings he wasn’t ready to deal with.









“I think I like Luhan.” Minseok immediately regretted blurting it out, even more so when Yifan laughed. “Hey, it isn’t funny!”

“Took you long enough to realize it.” Yifan was definitely amused.

“It doesn’t matter, it isn’t going to work out anyway.” Minseok slumped on the bench he had claimed in the commons. He was drenched in sweat, having just finished with the afternoon drills. Normally he would have ran for the showers but as of late he had been avoiding them until they were nearly deserted. Until Luhan wouldn't be there.

“You’ll never know unless you try.”

Yifan’s words of advice became a grumbling repeat when Minseok finally trudged to the showers. He mocked Yifan’s tone, adding “there are a ton of reasons why trying isn’t a good idea, you giant oaf.”

Minseok grabbed a towel and pushed the shower room door open, aware that he had ten minutes to clean up before he had to be at his defensive maneuvers and tactics class. He tossed his towel in the corner and the furthest shower from the door. He grabbed the shampoo and worked it into a lather, all the while he sneered as he listed reasons why he couldn’t try anything with Luhan.

It was too late to run when Luhan entered the room. It wasn’t too late to shut up, however, which Minseok promptly did, hoping to all the snows in the universe that Luhan hadn’t heard what he had been saying to himself.

“Why have you been avoiding me?” Luhan asked, turning the knob on the shower next to Minseok’s.

“A-avoiding you?” Minseok squeaked, busying himself by lathering up.

“You stay away from our room until late, you run when I try to talk to you. You won’t sit next to me when we eat. I don't mean to be paranoid but that is classic avoidance.”

Minseok yelped when Luhan put a hand on his shoulder. “You wouldn’t have a reason to avoid me, would you, Minseok?” Luhan whispered into his ear.

Minseok swallowed, half wondering if he should elbow Luhan in the ribs but ultimately deciding against it. He didn’t answer which spurred Luhan into action.

Luhan’s other hand found Minseok's side, then slid lower to his waist. Minseok panicked and whirled around. “It won’t work between us!” he blurted out.

It was silent for a moment, the only noise in the room the two cadets’ heavy breathing and the sound of water hitting the shower room floor. Minseok stared into Luhan’s eyes, a mirror of his own; confusion, fear, and unbridled youthful lust.

“So you’ll keep running away from me?” Luhan asked quietly. Why did it seem like confirmation, like a confession that he felt the same?

Sometimes a split second can dictate the rest of your life. For Minseok this was his split second.

He rocked up on his tiptoes and awkwardly pressed his lips to Luhan’s. He jumped away in horror a few seconds later, unsure if he had just made everything a thousand times worse. “I was wrong, ignore that.” Minseok tried to move away but Luhan had other plans. Their lips met again, this time Luhan initiated the kiss with an awkward lean forward.

When they broke apart from their inexperienced and chaste lip lock, Luhan cupped Minseok's cheeks in his hands. “I won’t ignore it, but next time I don’t think we should do this . Not yet.”

Minseok glanced down and wanted to die of embarrassment. He was hard. Luhan was hard. Not a big surprise considering the smallest of things gave Minseok a (puberty was great). But they had just kissed. . He knew about , but he wasn’t emotionally or mentally ready for it, not the same way his body wanted him to be ready for it.

“Deal,” Minseok muttered, knowing he had tossed himself into a black hole of no return.










“Don’t you find it odd that Junmyeon wants Yixing and Sehun dead?” Victoria commented as she ran her hand along the rail of the engineering room. Minseok had found an escape from Luhan by prying his wife away from his friends long enough to give her a hey-I-am-sure-you-want-to-see-this-really-save-me tour.

“Yeah, it kind of caught me off guard. But how do you know about it?” Minseok had tried to ignore the strange feeling he had at Junmyeon’s request, but now that someone else had voiced their opinion on the matter he was ready to agree.

“Baekhyun told me.” Victoria paused in front of one of the backup generators. “This is an old model.”

“How you know so much about generators will forever surprise me,” Minseok sighed.

“Do you think they could be innocent?” Victoria asked, turning away from the machinery to give her husband a pointed look.

Minseok hadn’t considered it, at all. “Yifan and Junmyeon had evidence, they were certain they are the culprits.”

“I am sure they are certain, but something about this bugs me.” Victoria sighed. “It just seems strange. Junmyeon has always been so by-the-books, why would he circumvent a trial, especially for a crime as serious as this?”

“I’m sure he has his reasons.” Minseok wasn’t going to entertain any other scenario, not when he was the one who put such a grave burden on his younger brother’s shoulders.






“Chronos A7, den of thieves, mecca of smugglers, and bastion of anything you can possibly want.” Baekhyun clucked his tongue at the sight of the asteroid. “Tis a beautiful thing.”

“You forgot to add extremely dangerous, extremely hot, and the origin of at least a thousand or more venereal diseases,” Jongdae corrected him.

“And run by an insane AI,” Minseok added. “Don’t forget that part.”

“See, this is definitely the place to be if you are bored.” Victoria took in the sight of the planet from the cockpit. When Minseok turned to her she blurted out. “Don’t even think of arguing with me, brat.”

“Alright, we need clearance to dock, and based on what happened back on Arios I am not certain it will be granted.” Minseok gave Baekhyun a pointed look.

“What happened?” Victoria asked.

“This genius here stole a shipment that was owned by the big guy, ended up losing him thirty thousand units and pissing off a lot of people in the process.” Jongdae smacked Baekhyun on the head. “And you still deserve to be hit for it.”

“Trust me, he loves me, there is no way he is mad about that!” Baekhyun seemed sure of himself as he radioed to the space dock, identifying their ship and asking permission to land. When control radioed back’ permission granted’ Baekhyun looked smug. “See, told you, the big guy loves me.”






“The big guy loves you, huh?” Jongdae narrowed his eyes at Baekhyun, and probably would have launched himself at the smuggler if it wasn't for the fact there was a blaster barrel boring into his back.

“I… was wrong?” Baekhyun flinched as one of the AI guards dug the of their blaster into his ribs.

“Walk, human.” The guard nudged him forward.

Minseok held his hands up and complied with the guard. The moment they stepped off of The Cucumber they were surrounded, having no chance to avoid capture. Minseok tried to run through excuses in his mind, hoping they could talk themselves out of whatever punishment the big guy had set aside for Baekhyun’s theft.

“Being arrested is not nearly as nice as I thought it would be,” Victoria remarked.

“Wait you thought being arrested would be nice?” Jongdae asked, earning a jab from the guard behind him.

“Yeah, handcuffs and all.”

“Holy , I love your wife,” Baekhyun blurted out. “Ow, fine, fine I’m done talking.” He earned a sharp hit to his lower back

Minseok caught Luhan's gaze as they walked side by side. The spirit of winter seemed calm, confident, and not afraid.

Minseok was trying to be, however he knew that the big guy had a sadistic streak and Baekhyun had obviously gotten on his bad side. He just hoped the punishment didn’t involve anything with the big guy’s assistant, because the small guy, he was just as bad if not worse.






Minseok had heard the Big Guy referred to by other names, but none of them ever gained as much popularity as Big Guy. He knew the creature’s given name - but that didn’t have the same menacing and slightly sarcastic tone as his nickname. To his face, however, you always referred to him as Kyungsoo.

The guards that had met them at the space dock were part of the big guy’s small personal army, a fleet of intelligent, but not too intelligent, droids. They were rough, caring little for humans their boss identified as an enemy.

The droids led their prisoners through the doors of the space dock and into the main thoroughfare of Chronos A7, a wide, dark, and chaotic expanse of enclosed space affectionately referred to as the strip by visitors and residents alike. Chronos A7 had a reputation for a reason, and the moment one set foot on the strip they would understand. Loud music poured out of clubs, aliens hawked illegal goods, drugs, and a plethora of items designed for pleasure, disreputable sorts sold their goods in shadowy corners or in neon signed stores. es, pleasure seekers, most everyone carried a blaster. It was a wild place, both shadowy and flashy, as much about pain as it was about pleasure.

It was telling that no one paid the guards and their prisoners any mind, used to seeing people being dragged to see the Big Guy but also knowing they would seal their own fate if they appeared too interested in the Big Guy’s affairs.

After a few minutes of walking down the strip, the guards prodded their prisoners into an elevator sitting at the foot of the largest building on the asteroid. The Big Guy’s headquarters. Minseok took a deep breath as the elevator began to ascend quickly towards whatever punishment was waiting. He glanced at Luhan, noticing the blank look on his face. Annoying, he found it annoying.

When the elevator dinged open, the guards shoved the prisoners out, not bothering to accompany them. Minseok had a moment of confusion at the sudden freedom until he heard the maniacal laughter that rang through the large room. He turned around, eyes scanning the area. It was all one floor, with windows overlooking the entire city. There were no furnishings, only black, sleek control panels. And in the middle of this space was the Big Guy, his eyes wide as he greeted his prisoners with the insane laughter Minseok had only heard about. Eerie, it was eerie.

“Awww, it has been awhile, Baekhyun, Jongdae, Minseok.” The Big Guy tilted his head to the side, suddenly looking a good deal more innocent than he should. The Big Guy - Kyungsoo - could easily be mistaken for a human. He looked like one, replete with a flush to his skin that made him look alive. He was short, with wide black eyes and black hair, a baby face - which Minseok vaguely wondered was a joke by his creator. He was, after all, far from a baby.

“Kyungsoo, it’s great to see you!” Baekhyun gave the AI a cheeky grin, up as much as he could before he met his punishment.

Minseok hadn’t noticed the taller AI because he was on the other side of a wall of control panels. When he rounded the panels, Minseok tensed. The small guy. Chanyeol, Kyungsoo’s AI companion. He was tall, also rather harmless looking other than his height, but just as sadistic and calculating as Kyungsoo. Such pretty AIs with very different personalities.

“Byun Baekhyun, I have been waiting for this day.” Chanyeol walked to Kyungsoo and slung his arm around his companion. The height difference was jarring, but Minseok didn’t dare stare. “You owe us thirty thousand units.”

“Look, about that, it was all a terrible misunderstanding!” Baekhyun waved his hands out in front of him in a gesture of you-have-it-all-wrong. “I was simply-”

“You simply stole from us,” Kyungsoo interrupted.

“Maybe he was just borrowing?” Victoria spoke up, brave as always. It didn’t matter, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol could care less what anyone else had to say, they were focused on Baekhyun and Baekhyun alone. Baekhyun still shot her an appreciative glance, even if her efforts were for naught.

Minseok feared they would kill him, possibly shoot him down in front of him. Or was there a worse fate - torture or slavery? He needed to do something fast before the punishment was inflicted, before he lost his friend forever.

“Thirty thousand units is not a small price, human.” Kyungsoo smirked. “You shall pay dearly for this.”

Baekhyun fell forward, kneeling and smacking his hands together to beg. “I can pay you back, please don’t kill me, please don’t kill me, please don’t-”

Minseok took a step forward, not sure what he would do but feeling like he had to do something before Baekhyun was killed. He was stopped when Luhan grabbed his arm, tugging him to his side. Minseok opened his mouth to curse at Luhan for interfering, just as Kyungsoo announced Baekhyun’s punishment.

“You are going to work in one of my clubs until you pay off 30,000 units,” Kyungsoo announced.

Minseok forgot about his ire at Luhan, stepping back and feeling relief that Baekhyun was spared death. But what exactly did Kyungsoo mean by working at a club?

“C-clubs? What will I be doing at the club?” Baekhyun squeaked.

“Stripping, putting on a show,” Chanyeol said smugly, adding, “For as many nights as it takes for you to earn that thirty thousand back.”

Baekhyun stood, brushing off his pants. “Wait, I have to strip?”

“Yes,” Kyungsoo answered, his tone menacing.

“Like is that even a punishment, I would do that for free-”

“Shut up, Baekhyun!” Jongdae clapped a hand over Baekhyun’s mouth, acting fast to shut him up. “Thank you for your kindness, oh, merciful Kyungsoo. I will make sure my friend here doesn’t anything up.”

When Jongdae lifted his hand from Baekhyun’s mouth the man muttered, “Uh, yeah thanks. I mean this is a terrible punishment. I can’t believe, this is so punishing.”

Minseok rolled his eyes. He could be amused now that he knew they weren’t in danger of dying. He mouthed to Baekhyun that they would free him somehow, to hang in there.

“Enjoy your time in the club.” Kyungsoo laughed, thankfully missing how un-punishing the punishment was, the poor, insane AI.

Baekhyun mocked fear as guards arrived and led him away. The rest of the party was dismissed, allowed to walk freely in Chronos A7.

“Now let’s go track down our targets,” Minseok said as they left the Big Guy’s headquarters. They had assassins to find and on Chronos A7, you could find almost anything if you had enough money.






The thrum of the music was deafening by default. Conversations could only be had if one leaned into their partner and the loud music meant no one could overhear what they shouldn’t. An AI DJ controlled the beats, pandering to the clientele, identifying what species made up the majority of the patrons and playing the music that would be most attractive to their kind.

When Minseok, Luhan, Jongdae, and Victoria walked into Club Scarlet the majority of patrons were Tanusians, a rough and burly species with the smallest of horns on their snouts, scaly skin, and an overpowering stench that made Minseok plug his nose. Their music was loud chanting, grunts and war cries with a peculiar beat. The Tanusians loved it, dancing and swaying along to the sounds, their drinks sloshing around with their uncoordinated and bulky movements. Caged dancers of different species, placed on platforms around the club, followed the music, y moves somehow meeting the bizarre melody.

“And of course we end up at a club the day the Tanusian mercenary guild has a reunion,” Jongdae uttered under his breath, loud enough for only Minseok to hear. “Lovely.”

“Hey, this is the largest club on Chronos, if we want information on Sehun and Yixing it is the best place to ask,” Minseok responded.

The group made their way over to a semi-circular booth on the second floor of the club. It was dark, with dim lighting hanging over the silver table. From here they could get a good look at the other denizens of the club but remain half hidden, unlikely to attract attention.

Minseok scooted into the red, shiny upholstered booth, ending up in the middle with Jongdae on one side and Victoria on the other. Luhan was at the edge of the booth, watching the crowd.

A waitress appeared, a blue skinned woman who Minseok recognized as a Frequasian. She took their drink orders and shimmied off with the telltale walk of her species. Minseok settled back in the booth, scanning the crowd. He saw Luhan take out his tablet. He held it up and moved it slowly up and down in front of him.

“I want to know who we are dealing with,” Luhan explained, apparently able to feel Minseok's eyes on him.

The Empire had resources, enough resources to have profiles on a lot of the creatures that would be in a club on Chronos A7. A quick scan would give Luhan at least a cursory idea of the club patrons, enough to formulate who, if anyone, to talk to.

“So Victoria, how are you enjoying things so far?” Jongdae asked, in a tone that Minseok recognized as flirtatious.

“Still upset about the handcuffs,” she replied.

Jongdae giggled. Minseok kept quiet as his wife and his friend flirted over him, leaning in since the music was too loud for them to hear everything otherwise. He finally had enough and sat forward. “Let me move, then you guys can chat.” He wasn’t jealous, just second hand embarrassed at Jongdae trying to be smooth. It wasn’t like he and Victoria had ever been in love, after all, she was free to flirt.

Victoria scooted out of the booth to let Minseok get up. Once she was away, Jongdae spoke.

“Sorry,” Jongdae apologized, worrying his lip as he looked at Minseok. It was a can I continue or do you hate me look.

“Hey, she does what she wants. I’m not mad,” Minseok patted Jongdae on the shoulder and scooted away, relishing the freedom of not being privy to his friend’s cheesy one liners.

Minseok took a seat on the edge of the booth as the waitress arrived with a tray full of colorful drinks. Minseok grabbed his ale from the tray. “Any luck?” he asked as Luhan scrolled on his tablet.

“Nope, haven’t gotten a cute person’s number yet,” Luhan dead panned.

Minseok had the urge to splash his beer in Luhan’s face, but that would be a waste of good ale.

“There’s a scout for an information trader on the dance floor right now.” Luhan nodded towards where the oversized mercs were bouncing up and down. “It’s our best bet.”

“How do we approach this?” Minseok asked.

“We ask him to dance,” Luhan said as he slipped his tablet back into his coat pocket.

“We?” Minseok raised an eyebrow.

“Well, we have to get him interested first. Come on.” Luhan stood and with a blur of movement grabbed Minseok’s wrist and yanked him to his feet, leading him to the dance floor. Minseok cursed aloud, but the closer they got to the first floor the less Luhan could hear him.

Minseok freed his wrist as they stepped onto the floor of pulsing lights. “He’s the one in red,” Luhan explained. Minseok spotted the man, a human dressed in a red suit. He was dancing with a woman, his arms around her waist.

Luhan put his hand on the small of Minseok’s back and urged him forward. Once they were in the middle of the dance floor Luhan surprised Minseok by pulling him in close, hands firmly planted on his hips. “If I remember right you are quite the dancer.”

Minseok batted the spirit of winter’s hands away, his cheeks flushing at the insinuation he was a good dancer. He couldn’t remember the last time he danced, and the only time he had danced with Luhan… well, that had been… different.

He began to move to the beat, Luhan doing the same. The information trader’s scout was a few feet away, writhing on his dance partner. The song ended seconds later, and Minseok spotted the scout’s dance partner leaving. The scout began to follow, snaking around a few mercs who were bumping into each other, still dancing despite the lack of music.

Minseok grabbed Luhan’s sleeve in an attempt to indicate the scout had left. It didn't work, not when a siren blared and a new type of music began to play, something definitely not Tanusian. Minseok turned around and looked at the DJ, confused.

“Time for the real entertainment,” the DJ announced. “A special guest.”

The lights dimmed except for a single spotlight. There was a push on the dance floor towards the previously unoccupied stage. Minseok was carried away with the throng before he knew what was happening.

The music grew louder. Minseok looked at the stage, unable to do much else as the crowd was packed in so tight. The black curtain that hung at the back of the platform suddenly fluttered, then a hand appeared to move it back. Someone emerged from the curtain to cat calls and whistle. Strutting onto the stage wearing nothing but a thong was…

“Hi boys, girls, and everything in between,” Baekhyun greeted with a wink. He was smiling, waving and gyrating, enjoying all the attention.

Minseok, on the other hand, was suddenly blinded. He cringed, pushing through the crowd to escape. He needed to get out of there before he saw his friends . He really had no interest in seeing Baekhyun’s .

“I’ve been a naughty boy,” Baekhyun purred into the microphone.

Must. Escape. Minseok shoved a Tanusian, managing to make some progress at avoiding Baekhyun's strip show. He maneuvered behind a cheering group of mercs, drool running down their chins. His next roadblock grabbed his waist, and Minseok raised his hand instinctively, ready to fight. He stilled when he realized it was Luhan.

“It’s Yixing!” Luhan whispered, gesturing with his head to the left. Minseok immediately glanced over, spotting the renegade Spirit of Winter at the edge of the crowd, a few units in his raised hand. Minseok looked back at Luhan, shocked they had encountered the person they were chasing here - now - without having to even do any searching for him. Plus he was waving money at Baekhyun. Odd all around.

“I’ll go from behind, you from the front. I’ll disable him if he tries to shoot, you be the block if he tries to run,” Luhan instructed. He squeezed Minseok's shoulder before letting go. “Be careful.”

“You too,” Minseok returned the sentiment. He stayed put as Luhan shoved his way to circle around Yixing and approach from behind. When he was nearly there Minseok began his own journey, pushing through the crowd as he inched towards Yixing.

Yixing seemed oblivious, a smile on his face as he watched Baekhyun’s show, the flash of the strobe lights revealing his expression every few seconds.

Minseok belatedly wondered if Sehun was here too, possibly watching them. What if this was a trap? It might be, but it was too late, he decided as he closed in. The flash of the strobe light, the sound of whistles and shouts of take it off. One step, two steps closer. Minseok braced himself for apprehending one of his suspects, half of the job done relatively easily.

Yixing raised the blaster and fired at the ceiling when Minseok was only a few feet from him. As he shot he made eye contact with Minseok, recognition in his gaze. He could have shot the prince, killing him, but he didn’t. Instead the rogue Spirit of Winter shot to create a diversion, chaos ensuing at the blaster shot. People surged away from the shot, others screamed. Minseok heard a few more blaster shots behind him as he lunged for Yixing. His target pushed through the retreating crowd in an effort to escape.

Minseok tried to pursue him, but was pushed back by the panicked crowd. He glimpsed Luhan shoving himself closer to Yixing, having much more success.

“Drop your weapons!” A voice thundered through the club.

The big guy’s guards flooded into the club, shoving people to the ground in a blind effort to control the chaos.

Minseok raised his arms, the last sight he had of Luhan was of the Spirit of Winter dashing out of the club, presumably hot on Yixing’s trail.








The book fell to the floor with a thud. Minseok bent over and scooped it up, noticing on the way up that the Librarian was giving him a very disapproving look.

“You’re going to get us kicked out of here,” Minseok hissed, setting the book down on the study desk.

“It’ll be worth it though.” Luhan wiggled his eyebrows and leaned further over the table, continue his pursuit of Minseok’s… Minseok wasn't exactly sure what he was trying to do, only that it was annoying.

“Stop!” Minseok swatted him away.

“Not until you hold still!” Luhan grabbed for him again. Another book tumbled to the floor, it was the last straw. The librarian glared, then made her way around the large reference desk. Minseok and Luhan snatched their bags and made a run for it, not willing to stay and face a punishment. Hopefully the elderly librarian would forget their names and not report them to their unit leader.

Minseok lagged behind Luhan by a few feet. He glanced behind himself every few seconds, which was silly considering he knew very well the librarian wasn’t going to chase them. They didn’t stop running until they were at the General Yunho statue, smack dab in the middle of the yard. Minseok clutched at the statue’s base and bent over to catch his breath.

“I can’t believe you got us kicked out of the library during finals.”

“You wouldn’t hold still!” Luhan protested through ragged breaths. “You’re the one who got us kicked out!”

“I fail to see why,” Minseok gulped in a lungful of air. “I had to stay still to begin with.”

Luhan rolled his eyes and reached for Minseok. He pulled the prince to him and crashed their lips together. Minseok was already short of breath, when they finally parted he was positive he needed an oxygen supplement.

“I can’t do that if you won’t hold still,” Luhan whispered, complete with a sheepish grin.

Minseok didn’t let the kiss silence the logical part of his brain. He pushed Luhan from him. “We can’t do that here! What if someone sees?”

Luhan frowned. “You think there is anyone here that doesn’t know we are dating?”

“Hopefully a lot of people. If my dad were to find out about us…” Minseok trailed off, imagining the horror that would ensue. He missed the hurt look on Luhan’s face completely. He did notice how silent his boyfriend became on their walk back to the dorms, and he most certainly became aware of the way Luhan avoided him for the next week.

Apologies were one of many things Minseok thought he was terrible at, but after a long talk with Yifan and Yixing he realized that is what he needed to do. He cornered Luhan in the commons area and dragged him to a quiet spot in the yard.

It was a mess of stuttered words and rambling, but he managed to get it out. He apologized for pushing Luhan away and for making him feel like , even if a large part of him thought Luhan’s anger was misdirected. Wasn’t he upset that Minseok had told the truth? Their relationship was doomed from the get-go, it could never work, not between a future emperor and a person of Luhan’s rank. When Luhan accepted the apology, Minseok took a huge chance by asking him about that truth, needing to know his answer in a roundabout way.

“You know who I am, why are you interested in me? You know we can’t be together forever.” Minseok fiddled with his hands, afraid of the answer but needing to know. Just why had Luhan decided dating him was a good idea when the outcome was doomed from the start?

“Is this the part where I say love conquers all?” Luhan joked. “It doesn’t. And I don't expect it to. I guess I like to live dangerously. Also you’re hot, that has a lot to do with it.”

“Living dangerously, huh?” Minseok snorted then stopped suddenly. “And wait, you love me?!”

“Did I say that?” Luhan shrugged and walked past Minseok, purposely bumping shoulders. “You can be exceedingly dense at times, your highness.”

Minseok whirled around to protest, but Luhan was already sauntering out of the commons, whistling a tune. Minseok deflated, shoulders sagging. He knew he deserved a few harsh words, misdirected anger or not.







Later that evening, Minseok found Luhan's class ring sitting on his desk. He had kept it in a drawer for the last year, waiting for the moment when Luhan would want it back. Now it was on a thin silver necklace chain.

“If I can’t kiss you, the least you can do is wear this.”

“Are we in a cheesy teenage space drama?” Minseok asked, staring at the ring.

“Yep, now play your part damnit.”

Minseok fastened the necklace around his neck, teasing Luhan for having such a romantically clichéd idea. The reality was that he found the sappy gesture endearing. When he fell asleep that night he twiddled the ring between his fingers, a smile on his face.








Kyungsoo glared at the three humans, his finger tapping the edge of a control panel in annoyance.

“The damage and lost business you caused totals fifty thousand units at least, probably more,” Chanyeol said, giving the humans his own disapproving look.

Minseok shifted on his feet. After the guards poured into the club he was taken alongside Baekhyun, and Jongdae to atone for their crimes. Jongdae had whispered to him that Victoria had not be arrested, thankfully.

“Hey, I didn’t do anything, I was just taking my clothes off,” Baekhyun blurted out.

“Silence!” Kyungsoo yelled.

“You provoked another patron, causing a riot. We have it on camera,” Chanyeol explained.

“I won’t go easy on you for this.” Kyungsoo suddenly stopped tapping his finger. “You three-” He pointed at Baekhyun, Jongdae, and Minseok, “Are to work at the club until you pay off what you owe.” The AI followed up the sentence with maniacal laughter.

“Stripping?” Baekhyun guessed.

“Of course stripping, as the punishment must be severe.”

“Oh, no! This is terrible!” Baekhyun feigned fear for a second time.

Minseok couldn't say he was happy about the punishment like Baekhyun, but at least it wasn’t death.

“We won’t disappoint, sir, even though the punishment is most horrible,” Jongdae tried to sweet talk the AI.

Minseok sighed. He was worried about Luhan but he was also worried about having to wear a thong.





The next night they found themselves in the dressing room of the club, ready for two of their big debuts and Baekhyun's triumphant return to the stage.

“This is going to be hilarious,” Jongdae grinned, adjusting his red and white thong as he slathered oil on his biceps.

Minseok had a towel around his waist, hiding his unfortunate silver thong, definitely not as enthused about their sudden career as Jongdae and Baekhyun. He was worried about Luhan, worried that Yixing had injured him. But yet - Yixing could have shot Minseok and he didn’t. He chewed his bottom lip, debating why he had been spared.

“You must have a reputation.”

Minseok glanced up to see the club manager, a rough looking man with scars on his face, standing in the doorway.

“Got a request for a private show from all of you, they are paying enough to make up for your debt.”

Private show? Minseok wasn’t sure that this was any better than taking off his clothes in a packed club.

“Sounds , I’m in,” Jongdae readily agreed to it.

The club manager hurried them along down the hall to their customer. “You two in there, you in here.” The manager pushed Minseok, who had regrettably ended up sans towel when the manager yanked it away, towards one door.

“A-alone?” Minseok asked.

“Yeah, alone. These two have a different customer. Now don’t mess this up, this is more money than most dancers make in a year and you’re making it in one night.”

Minseok tried to remain calm as he pushed the button to open the door. He took a deep breath and stepped into the low lit room. He was attempting to seem calm but he was flush with embarrassment. It was humiliating for him, how Baekhyun and Jongdae were so enthused with the idea was beyond him.

HIs customer was sitting on a couch along the far wall, most of his body in shadow. The room had scarlet walls and furniture, floor to ceiling red giving the room a disorienting effect. Minseok blinked as the door slid shut, trying to make out what creature, what species, had asked for a private dance.

Try as he might he couldn't tell who was sitting in front of him. He took a few steps forward, his hands going to his groin to cover himself up. Screw hiding how embarrassed he was.

The customer leaned forward, enough so his face was out of shadow. “You're cute when you’re embarrassed.”

“Luhan...” Minseok said dumbly, staring at the Spirit of Winter.

Luhan smirked. “Did you miss me?”

“Did you catch Yixing?” Minseok asked, relief flooding over him that Luhan was alive, that Luhan was his customer, and that he wouldn’t have to dance for anyone.

“No, he got away,” Luhan patted the couch, “Sit, here.” He had a cushion, which he handed to Minseok to cover up his thong.

“Thanks.” Minseok felt better, a lot better.

“But I did manage to put a tracking device on him, so it wasn’t a total loss.” Luhan held up his tablet, the screen showing an image of a blinking dot. Minseok leaned in, narrowing his eyes to make out the coordinates.

“He’s at the space docks!” He looked at Luhan wondering why he wasn’t chasing their suspect. “What are you doing here if Yixing is there?”

“Hey, I couldn't do it alone. Plus Victoria was really looking forward to your friends giving her a show.” Luhan shrugged.

“Is that who is in with them?!” Minseok closed his eyes, putting a hand to his forehead. “Oh god, I don't want to know.”

“Neither do I,” Luhan laughed.

Minseok relaxed back into the couch. “What now?”

“Well I paid for my own show so…” Luhan flashed a -eating grin as he patted his lap.

“No, no. No, I am not dancing for you,” Minseok protested, tempted to smack Luhan with a pillow but not wanting to reveal himself by moving the only real cover he had over his lap.

Luhan continued to smirk, but Minseok knew he had grown serious, his eyes said as much. He scanned Minseok up and down slowly. “You’re okay, right? No one tried anything.”

“Why does everyone think I am some easy target?” Minseok groaned. “Jongdae, Baekhyun, you…”

“Because you look like an easy target, and you have a tendency to be too trusting,” Luhan answered matter-of-factly.

Minseok stared at the floor, toying with the edge of the throw pillow. “I’m not so trusting anymore,” in his head adding you are the one who made sure of that.

“Well, I still worry about you,” Luhan said softly.

Minseok shot him an annoyed look. “There is no need for that. We aren’t even friends.”

Luhan sighed. “Your highness, will you be my friend?”

Minseok snorted. “Really? Are you really asking me?”

“Minseok, the past is the past, stop letting it dictate the future,” Luhan dared to say.

The last place Minseok expected the dam to break was in a back room of a club on Chronos A7, where he sat clad only in a silver thong. But emotions did not follow a plan, and his emotions didn’t give a where he was or what he was wearing when they gushed to the surface, years of repressed anger and fear, hatred and heartbreak.

“ you. Seriously.” Minseok stood up, still keeping the pillow on his middle he glared at Luhan with fire in his eyes. “I don’t expect you to care that I hate you, I don’t expect you to care that you are literally the one person I never wished to see again. But for s sake, have an ounce of respect and stop doing this. Stop trying to pretend didn't happen, because we both know it did. And whatever you did or didn’t think about what happened, I thought a lot about it. And you keep twisting the knife, you sick .”

The only noise in the room was Minseok's ragged breathing. He was shaking -- with anger, fear, or relief he wasn’t sure. Luhan, on the other hand, remained expressionless.

“I’m sorry.” Luhan said firmly, an unexpected apology. Minseok doubted the Spirit of Winter’s words. Luhan hadn’t shown an ounce of remorse for anything.

What Luhan said next made Minseok stiffen, fear bubbling up in him at what it all meant. “I’m sorry I let you go ten years ago, I’m sorry I hurt you. I’m sorry I lied to you and told you I didn’t love you, and I’m sorry I didn’t jump on the next transport out of Khione and follow you to the outer belt.”

Minseok didn't want to hear it.

“I’m sorry I didn't say I was sorry, but damnit Minseok, if we focus on before everything was ed up. If we focus on what happened in the past, there is no future. Maybe I want a future, and I‘m sorry I didn’t know how to say that. I’m sorry that when Junmyeon told me to find you, I was happy. Ecstatic.”

“I don’t trust you. And if you are sorry, why in the hell did you break up with me to begin with?!” Minseok cut his confession down. He hadn’t trusted Luhan since he had broken his heart a decade before, the trust between them was completely severed when Luhan had told him they were through.

“I deserve that, but if you are so focused on what happened on the past, then maybe you need to realize I wasn’t the only guilty party.” Luhan stood up, the few inches of height he had on Minseok suddenly seemed much greater. “You were selfish, Minseok. You were the one who gave up your title and then told me I had to follow you. Did you once ask me, even once ask if that was something I wanted?”

“It was the only way we could be together.” Minseok yelled. “You think my father was going to let his heir marry you?!”

“No, which is why you married Victoria. Which may I remind you, you had no problem doing even if I was there. Minseok, you expected me to be okay with that, okay with everything. Did you ever stop to think maybe I shouldn’t be okay with it?” Luhan responded, venom in his tone. “You may have spent the last ten years hating me, but I spent the last ten years just as ed up because of you. And whether you want to admit it or not, this is all because we love each other. Always have, always will. Even if we hurt each other. , Minseok, don’t lie to yourself.”

Luhan reached over and threaded his fingers through Minseok’s necklace. Time seemed to stop. He was stupid - so, so stupid. Why hadn’t he taken it off? Why hadn’t he thought to do so the moment he saw Luhan on Tivelde.

A class ring dangled on the chain, an icy blue stone set in the center. It remained hidden from sight, he never wore it outside his clothes. But now, now Luhan could see it. Now it meant something, it became more than a familiar piece of jewelry Minseok had hung on to, the sentimental meaning long forgotten or ignored.

Minseok pushed Luhan’s hand away. “I need to go.” Minseok strode towards the door, no longer willing to be a part of the conversation. He hit the button hard and stepped into the hall. As he passed the door to the room next to the one he had been in, he heard cries of pleasure.

His day went from bad to worse.

“You like it when I you? You like it?!” It was Victoria.

“Harder! Harder!” Jongdae screamed.

“Yes! Yes!” Baekhyun joined in.

Minseok officially hated this day, this club, and this asteroid.








Minseok relaxed into the kiss, the tension of a week of cadet field training melting away. The last week had been hell, spent lugging a hundred pound rucksack over hard terrain in between live fire drills. He had missed having a warm shower. He had missed his bed. Most of all he had missed locking his dorm door and falling into bed with Luhan, both of them eager to relieve the tension that came with their rigorous training and their age.

They had been together for almost a year. The awkward first kiss while (Minseok still shuddered to think of it) was replaced with languid make out session. They had both figured out how to actually kiss and learned little by little what drove the other one crazy.

Minseok moaned obscenely loud when Luhan moved his lips lower, nibbling along his chin to his neck, finding the spot that never failed to pull a reaction from him. Minseok threaded his fingers through Luhan’s hair, his nails digging in perhaps a little too hard, but not hard enough to make Luhan pull away.

Luhan’s left hand found Minseok’s waist, and moved lower to his hip. They were on Luhan’s bed, Minseok lying on his back while Luhan was draped over him. Their bodies hurt from the cadet training but no amount of aches and pains would stop them at this point. They were blissfully alone and as hell.

“I missed this,” Luhan groaned, pushing Minseok’s collar away to give better access. Minseok felt the Luhan’s class ring against his skin, a cold drag as his necklace was pushed aside.

“Hmmm,” Minseok hummed. He was hard, painfully so. It didn’t take much – he was seventeen and it had been a week of celibacy after all.

Three loud raps on the door broke them apart, sending Minseok scurrying to his bed with a pillow pulled on his lap. Luhan made a frustrated noise and rubbed the back of his neck. He stood up and answered the door, knowing just as well as Minseok who would be bothering them at this hour and why.

“Message for his highness.” A messenger held a packet out, which Luhan quickly took.

Luhan tossed the packet towards Minseok then flopped down face first on his bed.

Minseok stared at the packet for a while before picking it up and opening it. Physical documents could mean only one thing. It was about his wedding and his physical signature and seal needed to be added. He pulled out a stack of papers detailing the arrangement, the last draft of many to finalize the marriage.

“When’s the big day?” Luhan asked, his words muffled by a pillow.

“June 2nd.” Minseok scanned the documents. The changes his father had insisted upon, namely Victoria’s rights if Minseok were to predecease her, had been made.

Luhan rocked to the side, pulling his blanket out from under him. He tossed it over himself and covered his head. Minseok continued to scan the paperwork until he reached the end. He affixed his seal and signature to the paperwork before looking back to Luhan. A soft snore sounded from under the mountain of blankets. Minseok sighed before turning off the lights and going to bed.









“When he’s quiet, that’s when you know he’s really mad,” Yifan said through bites of his apple.

Minseok picked at his mush, a perma-frown on his face. Luhan had lost his usual cheer, bad jokes, and flirtatious banter a few weeks back. Now it was subdued conversations, uneasy smiles, and pretending everything was okay. It wasn’t.

“He deflects his problems with humor and by getting in trouble, been that way since he was a kid.”

Sometimes Minseok was jealous of Yifan for having known Luhan for so long. Now was one of these times.

“It isn’t like I don’t know what the matter is, I just don't know how to fix it,” Minseok bemoaned. Of course Luhan was pissed about Minseok’s upcoming wedding, and it wasn’t fair. He knew Minseok was engaged since day one. He was being moody about a non-issue.

“You could do what you do best,” Yifan reached over and nudged Minseok’s shoulder. “Blame him for overreacting and then whine to me that you can’t understand why he’s mad. Oh wait, you already did that.”

“I don’t do that!” Minseok slammed his fork down on the table.

“Name one argument you two have gotten into since you started dating that didn’t have you claiming you were the innocent party and Luhan was at fault?” Yifan raised his eyebrows at Minseok. “You tell me everything, and there hasn’t been one. Trust me.”

“You make me sound like some egotistical jerk,” Minseok pushed his tray away and slumped his head onto his folded arms, shutting out the world.

“Nah. Because Luhan does overreact, but you also don’t take any blame for being insensitive and never considering how he feels. Observations from a single friend who has to hear both of you complain. Drives me crazy, really. It’s a wonder I haven’t reported both of you to the superintendent so they kick you out.”




Later that night Minseok apologized to Luhan, and promised to be better. But he couldn’t resist being himself and saying, “You knew this was coming, you knew I was getting married.”

“Knowing and liking are two different things, Minseok. I can accept , but that doesn't mean I am going to be happy about it.”

“I’m sorry.” Minseok felt like crap for putting Luhan through this, but at the same time it was there again, that little voice that said Luhan knew what he was getting into. Minseok wondered if there would ever be a time in his relationship with Luhan where guilt and insensitive expectations weren’t at constant war with each other.

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Rb2012 #1
Chapter 2: Loved the story ♡♡♡♡
noonsryd #2
So amazing!!!! And I really really really love luhan’s character of being the most romantic unromantic person here. Thank you for your amazing work <3
This was just... so good! I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you <3

i rly dont know what to say but i toss and turn reading this in one goooo. aaaaah WHY ISNT THERE MORE lmfao

thank u so much for writing thisss ugh so precious
Another great story from you! Thank you!
Chapter 2: I had to hold my breath till the end, it was a great fic. The names of the planets i have no idea how did you came up with but lemme tell you they were so perfect. The scenery and the description of the palace and um...does Luhan always meditate or it was just a thing? ahahahah XD I loved it!!!
lovexiuminnie #7
Chapter 2: Hello.wow i read ur fic in 2 weeks time. Wow u know why it took me so long before i finish it? Bc i need the perfect moment, perfect time, perfect situation to read such a beautiful fic!!! I LOVE luhan in this. Its like 42k is not enough. Idk. I really love luhan in this. I guess im minseok in this. Hahahaha nway, I LOVE UR FIC! Thanks for ur time n effort! Thank uuu chuchu
SOBS I WROTE A HUG COMMENT AND IT DIDNT GO THROUGH SO I'LL TRY TO SUM IT UP AGAIN!!!! anywaysssss i really liked this story! i'm always in for space au! i find your style to be refreshing easy to read, the whole past-present thing is so nice, and the fact tgat you divide the events in blocks makes it even better! also i love tgat victoria is such a badass and baek is so unashamed of who he is and jongdae is my perfect guy hahahah although i really wanted to hit minseok and luhan over the head most of times >:( all the details you created for each planet made this even more special, i specially like how they say to each other 'dont step on the babies' and at first you read that and go all confused like ????? wth man ????? but suddenly you explain that lmao your sense of humor was so good! the fact that ksoo is the big guy and yeol is the small guy is so funny! and the only thing that made me unseasy was joonmyeon's situation... i mean, he shouldnt have killed his father but he only wanted to stay by yifan's side :( well, he was punished and i feel sorry for everyone paslqskao also! i wish we could have gotten more glimpses of yixing and sehun' they seem like fun lol anywayyyyy this was longer than planned, sorry ;; thanks for your great work!