Razbliuto (Suga)

Spring Day series (BTS fanfiction)
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 (n.) the sentimental feeling you have about someone you once loved but no longer do

"Jiyoo! Jiyoo! Jiyoo!"

The lights of the arena dimmed as the crowd went wild. Screams from thousands of fans filled the hollowed hall and Yoongi couldn't keep the small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as pride flared in his chest.

Wong Jiyoo, Korea's top Hip Hop slash R&B artist, graced the stage for his opening number—official opening his first solo tour.

Yoongi crossed his arms as he watched from the third floor of the dome, nodding his head to the beats he produced himself. Jiyoo oozed with charisma as he worked the stage, making the dome come alive with his voice.

Yoongi smiled, remembering how it felt to have the crowds at the edge of their seats—their collective voices singing every word to their songs that it felt like the world was at the palm of his hands. 

It's been years since he debuted as a rapper in the popular idol group, BTS. They were considered legends in the K pop scene; known to have broken countless records from the time of their reign. 

But fame never did last forever.

Yoongi knew that. But he was glad they remained in their youth and continued to do what they're passionate about even after their idol group years. He was also thankful at how their beloved ARMY’s grew with them…stayed with them even through their solo endeavors.

Taehyung and Jin dived into modelling and acting, and were now considered some of the best in the industry; being offered lead roles in dramas and movies from various producers. Hoseok and Jimin became kings of variety shows, bringing joy and laughter to the television scene. Hoseok also became a well-known choreographer and was in demand by several entertainment companies while Jimin went on to becoming Korea's sweetheart by being the top idol most loved by brands. Yoongi saw his face on everything now and it was unnerving, as he would always joke with him.

Namjoon and Jungkook continued to do music and became icons in the entertainment industry with their versatility and charisma. Namjoon went abroad and released an America album which shot to the charts and got nominated for a Grammy. Jungkook became the most well-known face in the industry and was loved by many. Yoongi couldn't help but feel proud, considering their maknae managed to achieve his dream of becoming not only a great singer who would be remembered, but a great artist overall. He was the current face for Korea’s tourism board and the boys always about it whenever they went on trips and would see Kookie’s face on huge billboards at the airport. 

And then there's Yoongi who went on to become what he knew from the very beginning he was meant to be: a producer and owner of his own label. He didn't only want to continue making music but he also wanted to make young people's dreams become a reality the way Bang Si-hyuk did to him many years ago.  

Wong Jiyoo was Yoongi's second artist and his most successful yet.

Yoongi averted his eyes from the stage to survey the crowds and was amazed by their reaction. Light sticks lit the sold-out arena like stars and he could see the elated expressions on each and every one of their faces.

Even if he wasn't the one performing on stage, Yoongi still felt the same rush as his latest-produced song played through the large speakers, accompanied by Jiyoo's vocals. 

He scanned the crowd and found legions of fangirls with their banners, light sticks, and other merchandise with Jiyoo’s name or face plastered on them.

Yoongi was shaking his head, amused by a banner that was asking Jiyoo to marry her when something caught his eye, causing his smile to falter.

Yoongi blinked once and shook his head, thinking whether or not he was seeing right. There was a girl a few feet from him, wearing a plain white shirt and blue jeans. A red plaid polo was tied around her slim waist and her hair fell—long and dark—against her back in soft waves.

The music seemed to be muffled against his ears as he continued to stare; the girl raising her light stick in the air and singing along to the song.

His song.

She turned slightly, and time seemed to stop as Yoongi got a better view of her face.

He would know those eyes anywhere. 

For once upon a time, the same eyes looked up at him from the crowd and somehow, it didn't matter to him if they had ten people watching them or thousands...

All that mattered was she was there; his light, his world.



Yoongi zipped up his black hoodie before heading into the night. It was late and the streets were empty as he held on tightly to his phone, making his way to the place he promised to meet.

The bus stop near the Han River was where they always met; even way back when he was an underground rapper. 

The night air was cool and crisp and Yoongi wished he had worn an extra layer when he saw her.

Y/N sat by the bench, her legs crossed as she typed furiously on her phone. Yoongi paused and watched her from afar for a while, knowing well that she was just playing another game app. 

And maybe he just wanted to stop and stare for a bit.

“I see you over there. Get over here, it’s cold.” Y/N suddenly spoke out and Yoongi grinned before coming up to her and sitting himself right beside her. He placed an arm around her and pulled her close which made Y/N blush as the warmth spread to her side.

“Hmm. Better?” He asked as he planted a peck on her cheek.

“What were you standing there for?” She asked as she finally looked up at him. She reached out and ran a hand through his hair almost naturally.

“Just admiring the view.”

Y/N scrunched her eyebrows and looked around exaggeratedly. “What view?”

“You’d have to walk by mirrors to see it.”

“You smooth little—“ Before Y/N could finish her sentence, Yoongi swooped in for a kiss, silencing her instantly.

“Thank you for being there tonight.” He whispered against her lips and Y/N felt her heart swell at the sincerity of his tone.

Today marked the day BTS officially debuted and Y/N had been there to watch their first stage. Yoongi had to keep from smiling so much every time he caught sight of her in the crowd. He was extremely nervous before their stage, but one look at her calmed him—prodded him to go on and do his best.

As a reply, Y/N merely smiled and grabbed the lapels of his coat before pulling him in to make out some more.

Because some words were better done, after all. 

End of Flashback


Yoongi frowned as he continued to stare at the girl. She was young, maybe about fourteen or fifteen.

And looked just like her, he thought.

He wasn’t sure what he was feeling then as he stood there; immobile as the screams of the crowd muffled--almost nonexistent--in his thoughts.

There was an emptiness weighing over his chest but it wasn’t daunting or painful. Not like the day they let each other go.

Yoongi could vaguely remember the many nights he had beaten himself up over it; how he had to choose between her and his dream; the latter winning in the end. He remembered angry shouted words thrown at each other, and how he wished he could take them all back the moment she left and slammed the door shut in his face.

He regretted how things ended... but never being with her. In fact, being with her was one he considered a highlight of his life. 

It was only a few months after when the pain subsided into something far worse, in his opinion:

Longing. The act of reaching out only to find empty space, grabbing onto thin air and feeling like the world was going to cave in on him. He missed her a lot but didn’t have the courage to admit it.

As years passed, Yoongi got busier with his idol duties and the pain and longing for her subsided; patched up by long sleepless nights at the studio along with the stress and pressure of having to perform for millions of people.

He moved on. He had to.

And he knew…she did too.

I Like it by BTS

My friend clicked Like on your photo

And I see that your face looks much better

You tag tag a photo that you took with your new boyfriend

Through that, I’m backspace-ing into the memories

In that world, everything is stopped

But why am I still han

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JongByung #1
I don't know is it just me or I've read somewhere that you already make Jungkook and Jimin chapter for this series (?) since I've remembered that my eyes sweating reading all chapters and I'm not forget every single of the details... ^^
nurulnajwa1123 #2
Chapter 9: Congrats on your debut book!! Youre such an inspiring author, i hope you'll succeed in everything you do ♡
Chapter 3: OMG! I cried like anything. It was so sad yet so beautiful
jungjaeohyun #4
Chapter 8: Congratulations! You deserve everything coming to you and I can't wait to have one of your books on my shelves! fighting!!
JongByung #5
Chapter 8: Congratulations! Can't wait to have one of your creation on my shelf! ^^
Chapter 8: Congratulations. I would LOVE to publish a book one day. I have so many stories in my head but too nervous and scared to even try it because I always think it's too cliche that many writers write about vampires, werewolves, dragons, knights, castles, elves, etc.

But, aside from that, I'm truly happy for you. That is awesome.
shea_shariff #7
Chapter 8: Congrats!!!.. i cant wait to get my hands on a book of yours :)
JongByung #8
Chapter 7: Omg I'm crying watching this!