The Moon

The Moon and The Man

Jongin is the God of the moon. He drives his chariot across the globe every night with his two snow-white horses. He pulls the tides and reflects the light of the sun. He is a symbol of elegant romance, opposite of what he truly is, a passionate, devouring lover.


His immortality further shaped his body but it also destroyed his heart. With eternal life, comes loneliness and emptiness, even with the stars surrounding him every time. His eyes had seen everything; man’s beautiful creation and man’s destruction, man’s greatest sacrifice and man’s testament to utmost greed; his eyes had seen every possible tragedy. So he continues to crave love but also fears it because the greatest tragedy in history happened in the name of love.


Jongin looked down on earth. His eyes scanned through every continent before setting it to a mortal boy named Kyungsoo. Every night, for the past year, Jongin has been spying on the boy, captivated by his beauty.


“Stalking him again Jongin?” Baekhyun, one of the messenger god’s apprentice, appeared beside him, peering at the mortal the god had been staring.


“Shut the Baekhyun” the moon god flipped a finger at the messenger god’s apprentice.


“You need to get laid man. I swear to gods that you're escalating” Baekhyun held up his hands as if he were a convicted felon. (I have nothing against felons)


“Sorry man. It's just so frustrating. How could he be so desirable?” Jongin pulled his hair out of frustration. How could a mortal be so beautiful?


“Wow. You know what? Grow a pair Jongin. Go down there and talk to him” Baekhyun rolled his eyes at the moon god. Who would've thought that Jongin was pathetic? It was certainly not the goddesses and nymphs that played with throughout the eons.


“Do you really mean that?” Jongin stared at Baekhyun is glossy, hopeful, fluffy eyes. Baekhyun scanned Jongin from head to toe. The god is a total mess.


“Not right now but the near future. After you clean up yourself” Baekhyun observed Jongin’s face contort into horror, realizing that in his current state, he doesn't look desirable at all.


“STOP. Stop with all this crap and hold yourself together man. Before I forget, here, the things you ordered” Baekhyun dropped a package on the table. Jongin hurriedly went and inspected the box.


“Mind telling me what you ordered? I mean, I may be the messenger but that doesn’t mean I’m the one doing the packaging for you” he leaned beside the wall, polishing his fingernails as if he wasn’t curious about what the package might be.


“It’s something that’ll become handy really soon” Jongin made scissors from thin air to open the box. A blinding light erupted from the box, blinding them for a nanosecond.


“What the hell?” Both of them shuffled towards the box.


“Jongin……….” Suddenly everything went cold. Jongin could feel the glare from the messenger.


“What? This is a perfectly reasonable purchase. Don’t look at me like that” Baekhyun continued to glare at the moon god and to the thing inside the box.


“Dating Mortals for Gods” Jongin said the title of the book out loud. He is 100% that it’ll be useful in the near future. Baekhyun doesn’t know what to feel. This god is pathetic. He gives up. He feels sad for the mortal boy.


“You bring shame to our kind. First, you’re starting to slack off of your job. A job that you’ve had since your job was created. Don’t tell me that the seasons are shifting. Bull. Sunsets are getting delayed for crying out loud” Baekhyun looks at Jongin, who was smiling sheepishly at him. He will not fall for it again. Not the “sorry but not sorry” face again.


“You know what? Whatever. Call me if you’ve grown some balls and I might help you with a mortal boy. But remember that he can’t wait for you forever, he’s mortal, he’ll die soon enough” Baekhyun said before vanishing, leaving a puff of smoke and glitters.



So I lied.
I'm updating early.
I will upload every Friday from now on.
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Chapter 3: I can't wait for the next chapter. Thank you for writing!
Chapter 2: Love!love!love! I love this story ♥♥ and oh kai, you really know how to flirt well.
Chapter 2: This is soooo good. I love it and i hope you uptade fast (⌒▽⌒)
_chanchan #4
I wish the gods (haha get it?) gave me the same flirting skills as Jongin tbh
00OrangeCookies00 #5
Chapter 2: Kai got some moves~
00OrangeCookies00 #6
Chapter 1: Baekhyun! For Selene's sake, stop jinxing the plot! XD
erunino09 #7
Chapter 1: a book ? a guide book to make a relationship with mortal ? lol