Ch. 3

How did it come to this

The 1st year of college for Jin was when he met Kim Namjoon. It was weird to have someone so young be in his class but apparently he was to smart for high school. Jin thought it was nothing but bluff but when Namjoon answered a math problem like it was simple math while it took Jin multiple attempts he never questioned Namjoon's intelligence again. 

"Excuse me um Seokjin?" Jin had been completely zoned out worried about how Hoseok stayed home today because he was feeling unwell. Would his mother actually do something..., "Seokjin? Hello." Finally snapping out of his thought Jin looked at Namjoon confused, "oh Namjoon sorry I was zoned out what is it?" Namjoon sighed, "we are gonna be partners for the end of the semester project. I was trying to ask you what you wanted the subject to be?" Seokjin was surprised for the fact that he had always admired Namjoon from afar and now suddenly they were partners, "oh um what are the options you had in mind I'm sorry I'm a little out of it today." Namjoon nobbed and then proceeded to open his notebook.

It was finally the end of the day and Seokjin couldn't pack his stuff fast enough to get Taehyung and get back to Hoseok as soon as he could. Though it was proven a bit more difficult when Namjoon stopped in front of him, "um seokjin I was wondering when we could get together to continue the project. The teacher said after today it has to be a out of class thing." Seokjin couldn't comprehend what Namjoon was saying, "oh um yeah uh sorry I really don't know I really have to get going Namjoon.." trying to get around namjoon just blocked him again, "I don't play with my grades Seokjin this is serious when can we get together to keep going with this." Jin couldn't think he could just keep thinking on how every minute that was passing by Taehyung would be getting worried about his late brother and Hoseok could be getting hurt by his mother, "Namjoon please I have to really get going can we please talk about this tomorrow." Finally getting passed Namjoon Seokjin ran a fast as he could mentally cursing at the time. 

"Hyung!" Taehyung ran up to him panic still clear on his face, " I was so worried something happened I know you haven't been in the best shape. I was scared Hoseok sickness got to you." Seokjin chuckled, "you know I'm a strong hyung nothing really hurts me." As the years went by Taehyung began to believe that's less and less as he could clearly see Jin being dangerously underweight and tired. Both quickly ran back to the house. 

It turned out their mother wasn't even home and Jin could finally release a breathe he had been holding since getting tae. He went into Hoseok room only to be surprised by Yoongi sitting with Hoseok on his bed, "oh my gosh is it already that late?" Hoseok suddenly said jumping up from his bed, "oh um Yoongi decided to hangout with me since I wasn't feeling to well...." Seokjin wasn't stupid though. The way their hair was ruffled and their lips clearly swollen, "do you guys think I was born yesterday? Or that I'm blind?" Both of them looked at eachother with defeat written all over their faces, "well if your worried that I was gonna be mad about it don't be. Just please be safe I'm not looking to be an uncle anytime soon." Yoongi choked on air while Hoseok can only protest, "you should really be heading home now though Yoongi I wouldn't want my mother coming him with all this commotion." Yoongi nobbed quickly gave Hoseok a hug goodbye and went out the way he came...the window. 

It was later that night when Seokjin finally asked, "how long have you guys been together?" Hoseok looked startled by the question but responded, "Well we started talking around the summer and not even a couple of weeks later we decided to start dating so maybe over half a year now? Sorry I kept that a secret for so long but I kept thinking you'd be upset over it." Seokjin chuckled, "why cause of that thing we had? Don't worry, I honestly wished you had told me earlier though." Hoseok looked down sadly, "I know I'm sorry. I'll be honest, actually I have something else to say Jin I'm-" they could hear the front door slam open and suddenly the atmosphere changed, "get tae and lock the door you know the drill" Jin got up quickly but before he could leave Hoseok grabbed his hand, "Hyung be careful...." Seokjin could only give a weak smile as he walked down stairs to heat up some left overs. 

As soon as Jin made it down stairs he could tell his mother was completely wasted. She stumbled and slammed the door shut. Looking up at Jin, her facial expression changed, "you idiot! Why do you look so much like him! I hate you so much." She grabbed a vase near by and threw it at Jin. It hit him on his leg but the pain wasn't so bad, "I hate you! You ugly brat why don't you just leave already!" She ran up to him and punched him, "ING get out of my HOUSE!" She kicked him and swung more. It wasn't as painful as usual so he could tell his mom was completely out of it. After a while his mom slumped down and that was Jin's cue to drag her to the couch. Finally laying her down he grabbed a broom and sweeped up the broken vase. He took on good look at her and determined that she was out for good, he quickly went to the kitchen and fixed dinner for him and his brothers. 

After fixing something up he ran upstairs and knocked on their brothers door. Tae flung the door open, "Hyung Hoseok just got sick in the bathroom. He won't open the door for me." Jin quickly walked into the room and set the plates down on the bed, "hobi what's wrong? Open the door please." It took him a good second, but a crying Hoseok opened the door, "h-hyung I'm really sorry." Jin couldn't understand why his brother would be apologizing for, but he still tried to comfort him, "what are you sorry for did you do something wrong? You know I'd never be mad at you okay, so please tell me what's wrong." Hoseok only cried harder, "I'm so sorry hyung, but" he took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant." Everything felt liked it was put on pause. Taehyung's eyes widen, Hoseok was in a full blown panic attack. Seokjin could only stand there not able to process what he was just told, "what? You're pregnant..." Hoseok could only nob, "is it yoongi's" again he nobbed, "does he know?" Hoseok looked at him, "yeah that's why he was here earlier he bought a test over. He said once he can wrack up enough money he's gonna take me and we're gonna move to Seoul. Hyung I'm so sorry though for keeping it a secret. I should have been honest with you from day one. Please don't hate me." Seokjin pulled his brother into a hug, "no I don't hate you. I could never hate you okay. I won't lie and say I'm not upset, but until yoongi can get the money together I'll be here to support you okay. It's gonna be okay." Hoseok almost sighed in relief when Taehyung spoke up, "No this isn't okay! Hoseok what the ?!" Seokjin quickly turn to Tae, "Taehyung don't be like that!" Tae put himself in Hoseok face, "you think that this is some fairy tale?? Seokjin works super hard to be able to barley support us normally. Look at him, he looks like he's constantly on his last leg. He gives up to much for us he barley sleeps and eats. He takes moms beatings for us. Ever after that he goes to school and works. He can't leave this ty life because of us and you go and be irresponsible and put another burden on him by getting pregnant. Hoseok where is you brain. How could you do this to him!! Weren't you thinking about him or were you only thinking of yourself!" Hoseok could only stand there in shock, "You're so selfish Hoseok! I don't care if your my brother I don't want to have anything to do with your baby! I can't wait until you leave so you don't have to bother Jin again." With that Tae goes to his bed and lays down completely covering himself with his sheet. Hoseok slowly backs into a wall and slides down it. Jin rushes to his side, "he's only mad hobi don't take what he said to heart okay." Hoseok shook his head, "he's right. How could I do this to you and expect it to be okay. You already do so much and I go and put another load on you. I'm so sorry. I think I'll just....just abort." Before another word could leave his mouth Jin spoke up, "Kim Hoseok I swear I will kill you if you even think about killing this baby! Loosing a child is a life changing experience that I'd rather you not go through. It's something that will stick with you forever and I'll be damn if yoongi has to loose another child. It'll all work out okay so don't worry. I left some food on your bed please eat it before going to sleep. I'll start to make sure you eat 3 times a day I'll make sure this pregnancy goes well." 

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Chapter 3: Omg no way my hobiiiii what have you done??????? I cant ev3n imagine how jin must be feeling
Such a great story. I hope you continue to write because this is just amazing!
Khaireen #3
Chapter 3: Please continuee
Chapter 2: So much different emotions and I love it yet I wish to know that at least things improve for Jin and his brothers though lol