Ch. 2

How did it come to this

After a while money became very tight. All the savings their dad had left with them was basically history but this point. How? Their mothers addiction to alcohol. It's expensive and her buying bottle after bottle well money goes fast that way. 

Seokjin had no other choice but to start working part time so make sure he had money for groceries and school. It was eaiser said than done though as people saw it bad for a 2nd year high school student to be working when he should be studying. After begging and insisting he needed to work for his family a small convince store finally hired him. 

That's when he met him. Min Yoongi. 

"Excuse me...excuse me?" Seokjin was counting through the cash register when someone was calling for him, "uh yes what can I help you with sir." The pale but cute...looking boy was looking through all the flowers, "it's my girlfriend's birthday tomorrow and I'm looking for a good choice of flowers. Seeing you I just couldn't imagine you wouldn't know what the ladies like right?" Seokjin chuckled, "actually I've never had a girlfriend before...." The boy looked up surprised, "oh my gosh, are you gay??" Shocked by the suddenly question jin could only stare at the stranger, "ugh I'm sorry that was so stupid to just say!" Finally the awkwardness breaks, "No it's fine I was just surprised by the assumption. Plus nothing wrong with it either, but enough about that let's talk flowers." 

The next day the same boy came into the store looking very upset, "hey your the guy from yesterday! How did your girlfriend like her flowers." Judging by the way the boy's frown got deeper Jin could tell something had happened, "hey why the long face?" The boy looked up and Jin can swear he could see tears in his eyes, "I found out she was cheating on me...with my brother." Wow, " I was going to give her the flowers and walked in on them just face. We'd been together for 3 years now but apparently they'd been at it since week 1. Gosh this ." Seokjin didn't know how the comfort the boy, "I'm sorry...uh..." "yoongi. Min yoongi. What about yours?" Seokjin stuck his hand out for a shake, "Kim SeokJin a pleasure. Now tell me is there anything I could do to help that broken heart of yours?"

That's when it stared. They saw each other everyday at the convenience store and slowly Jin could feel his feelings for Yoongi grow. It was a month later when while they were walking to Jin's house after his shifted ended when Yoongi asked, "how would you feel if I told you that I liked you?" Surprised Jin stopped in his tracks and looked at Yoongi wide eyed, "I uh I'm not sure." Yoongi turned and came face to face with Jin, "I like you a lot Jin. Your cute. Your a awesome friend. Your something I need in my life right now." He grabbed Jin's hands, "can't we start something together?" Still speechless Jin looked away from Yoongi, "I'm flattered you say that. And to be honest I've been having some feelings for you, but I don't think I can be in a relationship right now?" It was silent before Yoongi slowly released Jin's hands, "why what's going on?" Jin bit his lip wondering if he should tell Yoongi about his mother. It seems though that he didn't need to say a thing. 

"You ing brat! Why are you just standing here while I'm at home starving!" Jin's mother shoved Yoongi to the side and grabbed a chunk of Jin's hair, "if your gonna have some type of schedule then keep it! I'm waiting and waiting and dinner still isn't served! Be glad I came and found you before I got ahold of those idiot brothers of yours!" She tugged harder, "now before I get more physical I suggest you call it a night with your friend here and come home." She shoved him back causing him to fall, "Jin..." Jin quickly got up and smiled sadly, "don't worry Yoongi. She's right I should have been home 10 minutes ago to start dinner. I'll see you tomorrow okay." Not even sparing another glance Jin ran off to his house leaving a speechless and angered Yoongi behind. 

The next day Yoongi practically ran to the store worried he wouldn't see jin there. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw him through the glass but as he got closer he could feel his blood run cold as a huge bruise could be seen on the side of Jin's face. He slowly approached him and before he could say anything Jin spoke up, "it was my bad. I know how she gets when I'm late. It's better for me to take it then my brothers." Yoongi didn't stop from grabbing Jin's hands that were slightly shaking, "You don't deserve this Jin. She shouldn't be doing this to you! She's your mom she shouldn't be waiting for you to start dinner. You're a student you shouldn't even be working." Yoongi couldn't help himself. How could Jin be going through this, "Jin you need to tell someone. Get help." Before Yoongi could continue jin interrupted, "I can't do that." Confused yoongi looked up at Jin, "I've thought about it leaving her, but then I remember I have 2 brothers who would be her targets if I left. Tae just started middle school he doesn't need that. Hoseok is about to go into high school if I left he'd have to get a job to support the family. They'll always come before me and I'll stay there and take anything to keep them safe." It was then that yoongi took a good look at Jin. Things he never saw before suddenly popped out at him. Jin had these dark circles forming under his eyes. He was underweight and very pale. The look in his eyes right now was scared but angry. He could see not only the face bruise but little bruises on his arms and neck. He'd been talking to Jin for a while now how did he just notice all of this?

A few weeks after the incident Yoongi began to look after Jin a bit more. They don't go to the same school but he made sure to stop at the convince store everyday. Some days Jin looked better then some. There were days though that Jin looked like he was on his last leg, "are you okay?" Jin nobbed slightly, "I haven't been able to sleep much lately and it's starting to really catch up to me. I also haven't eaten all day so I'm feeling a bit weak it's nothing I haven't been through though." Yoongi could feel his heart break, "What school do you go to?" Jin pointed, "this one up the street. Why?" Yoongi shrugged, "Just curious. I kinda wanna meet your brothers." 

It was the next day and Yoongi was so tired he woke up extra early just to walk Jin to school. It felt like forever until Yoongi saw that familiar face, "oh Yoongi. I know you said you wanted to see my brothers but I didn't actually think it'd be today." Before Yoongi could say anything there was already one of Jin's brother infront of him, "hi my name is taehyung! By the way mister are you still growing? I'm almost as tall as you!" Yoongi felt a slight irritation at the comment, but just shook his hand just slightly tightening his grip. Then Hoseok came next, "excuse him he's always been like this. I'm Hoseok unlike what my brother said I think your kinda cute." Whoa. Taking a good look at Hoseok, Yoongi was surprised on how good looking he was. Probably in the genetics, "it's nice to meet you guys to." Yoongi then proceeded to look at them and he could tell they were also underweight. Hoseok a bit more than taehyung, though they both seemed to be bruise free and only look moderately tired. It assured him that they looked better and it proves that Jin was doing his best taking care of them. That also came with Jin was taking most of his mothers wrath which worried Yoongi. He looked at Jin and to say Jin looked tired was minimal problem. He looked about ready to collapse. After walking Jin's brothers to their school he grabbed Jin's hand, "Yoongi?" Before he could ask what they were doing Yoongi began to walk him away from the direction of his school, "don't ask any questions let's just go okay. Just relax and breath." For the first time since everything started Jin could finally take a breath.

They ended up at Yoongi's house where they ordered take out and ate. Then Yoongi looked at Jin, "name the first thing you wanna do right now." Without hesitation he said, "sleep. I'm so tired, ever since I got my job I've found no time to sleep." Yoongi nobbed and got up, "okay let's go." Jin got up but looked confused, "don't look like that Jin. We are going to sleep." They walked to Yoongi's room and laid down. Still unsure how he got there Jin just stared up at the ceiling before he turned over to come face to face with Yoongi who was staring at him, "sleep. You'll be okay. We've got hours before school gets out." He started to pet Jin's hair and slowly Jin fell asleep. When he woke up he was surprised to see Yoongi awake but....shirtless?

"Yoongi?" Surprised Yoongi tried to cover himself up, "Sorry while you were asleep I went to get water and spilled it on me. How was your sleep though do you feel better." He sat on the bed grabbing Jin's hand, "I feel brand new honestly." Jin said squeezing his hands back, "we've still got hours left before school is over." Jin nobbed, "we do." Yoongi breathed our suddenly feeling the atmosphere change, "Jin.....I really like you." Yoongi got closer and put his hand on the side of Jin's face, "I really like you to Yoongi. Ever since you came into my life I finally felt like I wasn't alone. Yoongi...." the tone in Jin's voice cause Yoongi's hormones to go crazy, "kiss me." 

Things went on happening and eventually the both found themselves sweaty and in Yoongi's bed both in a daze. Jin could only say, "I love you Yoongi." Though the next words out of Yoongi's mouth was probably the worst thing Jin could hear, "I love you to Jisoo." Jin sat up quickly looking at Yoongi with shock, "what did you call me?" Yoongi finally catching on to what he said also sat up, "no wait I'm sorry!" Jin felt anger rise in him, "why did you call me your ex's name? Why?" Jin got up and started to frantically pick up his clothes, "Jin no I'm sorry. You just kinda reminded me of her but I swear I like you." Jin shook his head tears now streaming his face, "No you're still in love with her! You would never call someone you didn't love name. You were just using me right?" Yoongi couldn't say anything because yes I'm the beginning he was using Jin to feel better about his break up, but then, "okay it's true yes, but after getting to know you I fell for you Jin please believe me!" Jin shook his head again, "how am I suppose to believe you when it seems like you can't even believe it yourself. Let's just stop this right here Yoongi. Come back and see me when you know what your feelings really are for me." With that Jin grabbed his book bag and ran out of Yoongi's house tears still streaming down his face. How could he have let someone in and trust them the way he did. 

Time pass after that and Jin never truly felt the same as before. It was a month or 2 later that Jin fell sick. He would wake up every morning and throw up. His stomach would cramp up horribly when he was straining his body. Even though he felt like he should be loosing weight he gained some. Jin was naive though. He couldn't put all that together to come up with the conclusion most people would have already came up with. 

"Hyung maybe you should go see a doctor." Hoseok said to him one morning as they were walking to school and Jin suddenly got dizzy and his stomach started to cramp up again, "no I'm okay I'm probably just a bit hungry that's all." Instead of things getting better they just got worse. When it came time to work the stomach pains became sharp. He felt incredibly weak. Even his boss could tell something was wrong but Jin just brushed it off. It was later when Jin was picking up a heavy box that his stomach pain caused him to let out a yell. He let go of the box and fell back. He held on to his stomach and began to cry out in pain. Suddenly he could see blood around his pants area. Nothing connected as to why. He didn't even realize when his boss wife came to his side asking him what was wrong. An hour later Jin just sat in a hospital room. He looked blankly ahead as tears still streamed down his face. The door opened and in walked a out of breath Yoongi, "Jin what happened? Are you okay? I went to the store to talk to you when the owner told me you were here." Jin couldn't lol at Yoongi. He gripped his sheet and cried even harder, "hey it's okay Jin! What's wrong with you? Are you dying...." at that word Jin couldn't hold it in anymore, "I had a miscarriage." Time froze then and Yoongi could only stare at Jin, "I was 4 months along but I didn't know I was a carrier. So I just kept on with my daily routine. You know how that is no one who's pregnant should be like that. I kept pushing myself to hard and refused to see a doctor. I though I was just sick, or that's what I kept telling myself. Then today I guess the baby in me didn't want to keep fighting anymore and I don't blame it. I don't blame it Yoongi because I wasn't taking care of it." Jin began to sob and Yoongi couldn't think of any other thing to do than to hug Jin. Yoongi also began to cry because he knew that Jin was here cause of him. He new very well it was his fault. 

After a while of crying both finally settled down, "why were to going to see me at the convenience store today?" Yoongi looked at Jin before he remembered, "I was going to talk to you about what you meant to me. Remember you told me no to see you until I knew." Jin chuckled, "I mean you could have a still visited the store I mean didn't you miss your favorite snacks." Yoongi smiled a bit, "I know but I had to sit down and really think about what you meant to me. Today I final today figured out that your my best friend." Jin looked at him surprised, "I love you....but in the best friend type of way. I guess my feelings for my ex and my feelings for you got mixed up somewhere along the line and that's why I acted like I did and I'm sorry because it left you like this, but I now know that I need u. When they said you were at the hospital and you left bleeding I panicked and ran here as fast as I could. I didn't want to think about loosing you and you not knowing I felt." He grabbed Jin's hand, "I need you in my life, but not in a romance type of way. Your like my big brother Jin and I'll be here for you. To take care of you and your brothers. To help you when things get rough at home. So can your trust me...." Jin couldn't cry anymore so he just smiled and squeezed Yoongi's hand back, "of course I trust you." 

After that life went on the same. 

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Chapter 3: Omg no way my hobiiiii what have you done??????? I cant ev3n imagine how jin must be feeling
Such a great story. I hope you continue to write because this is just amazing!
Khaireen #3
Chapter 3: Please continuee
Chapter 2: So much different emotions and I love it yet I wish to know that at least things improve for Jin and his brothers though lol