Haneul's Agony

My Guardian... Demon?

Haneul waited impatiently across from the classroom door, shifting her weight from one foot to the other as she stared so hard at the wooden door that she could almost see beyond it. Come on. Please be in there, she begged silently as the bell rang shrilly above her head. She stood on her tip-toes as students began streaming out of the classroom, hoping to catch a glimpse of the boy who had stolen her heart and had seemingly abandoned her. She searched the crowd of students, but she saw no sign of him. Her heart plummeted, and she cast her gaze to the tile floor miserably. Baro… Why are you doing this? She thought as she felt the tears rise to her eyes, and she shuffled off down the hallway before the rest of the student body could see her burst into tears for another time that week.

It had been three days, and Haneul had not spoken to Baro. She had barely been able to catch a glimpse of him, and when she did, he would just take off and vanish into the crowd. Due to her repeated attempts to corner him, he had ceased showing up to school at all, and Haneul was not sure why she had been bothering to look for him at all. She shuffled along the hallway, not sure where she was going, because she definitely did not feel like going to class. She wandered into the library, hoping that being among the books would calm her. As she eased herself down into one of the plush chairs with one of the hardback volumes in her hands, she did feel a little more at ease. However, when she tried to read the words on the pages, she found she could not focus. Baro… I just wish I knew why…

As she gazed down blankly at the pages, not registering anything as her thoughts became absorbed by the absent demon. She felt someone staring at her, at she slowly lifted her eyes to see Jinyoung sitting in the chair across from her, gazing at her with a mixture of pity and concern. She had never thought she would see him looking at her like that, but he was, and that just reaffirmed her fears. He really is avoiding me, she thought, and she felt the sadness rising inside of her again. She closed the book and set it down on the end table, lip quivering as she tried to hold in the tears, but they came out anyway.

“I-I’m sorry,” she choked out as she began to sob. I don’t want to cry in front of him! She thought in frustration, but that just made the tears come even harder. She curled up in a ball in the chair, rocking herself back and forth. She hadn’t cried this hard since the day her mother died. He’s my something good. He’s my something good. He can’t leave me. He can’t! She thought as despair built inside of her. Then, she felt someone wrap their arms around her, and she raised her head to see Jinyoung sitting on the arm of the chair awkwardly hugging her. It shocked her, but it felt strangely comfortable to be wrapped in his arms. It reminded her of Baro.

“No. I’m sorry,” he murmured softly. “I’m sorry… He did this to you.” Haneul nodded as she choked back another sob, wiping her eyes with the backs of her hands. He reached his hand out, hesitating, before gently her hair. It feels nice… But it’s not as nice as with Baro, she thought as she leaned against him.

“I just want to understand why,” she whispered miserably. “We were doing so well… I thought… I thought he loved me, and now he can’t even look at me. Did I scare him away? Was I just imagining things?”

“No, no, not at all, Haneul,” Jinyoung soothed her softly. “He’s crazy about you… He does love you, Haneul,” he told her gently. Though the affirmation would have normally appeased her, it did little to ease her troubled mind. If he does, then why isn’t he here? Why isn’t he holding me, and telling me that himself? Why won’t he just talk to me? “I’m not sure what happened for him to suddenly just do a one-eighty like that… I think he’s been threatened.”

“Threatened?” she echoed with wide eyes. The thought had occurred to her, or course, but somehow hearing it from someone else’s lips made it so much more real… And more believable. Perhaps her mind had been so absorbed in the worst possible outcome that she had not considered the most logical reason for his abrupt behavior. Of course… of course… “Dong-woo. He must have said something to him. I can’t imagine what he could say to scare him so badly that he wouldn’t even talk to me…” she sighed as she flopped back in the chair.

“Yeah. That’s the only thing I can think of,” Jinyoung frowned deeply. He was still holding her, but seemed much more comfortable now, as he was gently rubbing her arms and back. I’m glad he’s here, she thought with a small smile. Jinyoung had always intimidated her, and she thought that he didn’t care for her at all, but she was glad to see that he cared about her too, now.

“What are we going to do?” she sighed deeply.

“I’m not sure,” he admitted sadly. “He won’t even talk to me. He’s avoiding everyone…”

“I know! Maybe Gongchan knows something,” she realized suddenly, sitting up in the chair. She wriggled her way out of his grip, replacing the book to the shelf.

“Gongchan?” Jinyoung frowned as he slid off the arm of the chair and into the seat. He propped his leg up as he leaned his cheek in his hand, looking unsure at the mention of the angel.

“Yes. We’ve recently come to an understanding. He said he would help me with whatever I need,” she answered as she paced the library floor, trying to think of a way to track down the supernatural being. “Between the two of you, you must be able to corner Baro and get the truth out of him!”

“Let me get this straight. You want me to work with an angel to find Baro and ask him why he’s avoiding you?” he pursed his lips at her. She could understand why he would be uncomfortable; demons and angels were mortal enemies, and Jinyoung had not had much dealings with Gongchan.

“Yes. I trust him,” she reassured him with a small smile. He shrugged at her and rose from the chair, taking at her word.

“All right, then. Let’s go find him,” he suggested, and after a moment's hesitation, he held his arm out for her. He’s trying so hard to be nice. Or maybe he’s just shy around girls? Smiling softly, she took the offered arm, and he escorted her out of the library. They meandered around the school inquiring about the angel, and were finally able to find him mulling about in the courtyard. His eyes widened slightly when he saw the demon and the girl approach, and he brushed aside the person he was talking to and approached them.

“Haneul? Is everything okay?” he asked, regarding Jinyoung suspiciously. The demon gazed back levelly, but thankfully they did not begin trading insults.

“It’s Baro. We think that Dong-woo may have threatened him, and I can’t get anywhere near him. I thought maybe one of you might be able to get something out of him…” she explained hopefully. Gongchan nodded in understanding, sliding his hands into his pockets as he considered the request.

“I see. I’m not sure that I would have much luck, but I can always try,” he nodded in agreement, and the glanced apprehensively at Jinyoung. “Is this going to be a, um, joint project?” he asked slowly.

“That a problem?” Jinyoung asked gruffly, and eyebrows furrowed as he gazed at the angel.

“Not at all,” Gongchan replied smoothly. They continued to stare levelly at each other, and Haneul was slightly worried that to spite each other they would refuse. However, they both glanced in her direction, and then both exhaled deeply. “Yes, I’ll see what I can do, Haneul,” he nodded. Jinyoung followed suit, and Haneul felt relief flood through her, so powerful that she had to ease herself down onto one of the benches nearby.

“Thank you,” she murmured as she clasped her hands together tightly. Baro… I hope they can find him, and convince him to just talk to me… She watched them as they walked across the courtyard, and then their wings appeared. It was strange, seeing Gongchan’s pure white wings beside Jinyoung's blackish-red ones, but at the same time, they almost belonged together. Maybe… Demons and angels can get along after all. Maybe there doesn’t have to be anymore war, she thought hopefully as she watched them take off into the sky, unseen by all the students meandering about the courtyard. Only she could see them disappear into the clouds. I wonder if I didn’t have the “sight,” I wonder how different my life would be? She wondered. Without anything else to do but wait, she gathered her school things and headed off to her classes. She got into quite a bit of trouble for skipping, and received extra homework, but she supposed she got off lightly.

“Did you find him?” Sandeul asked her when he joined her at the sidewalk, and she shook her head despondently.

“No. He’s still completely avoiding me. I asked Gongchan and Jinyoung if maybe they could track him down and give him a talking-to…” she answered. It was hard talking about it, especially because she had to leave out so many details for the oblivious Sandeul. She wished she could tell him, but she did not want to accidentally put him at risk. Dong-woo was clearly insane, and if he was willing place Haneul in harm’s way to make a point, then he would definitely hurt Sandeul. As a consequence, Sandeul firmly believed that Baro was a “monumental dirtbag,” in his own words.

“Maybe it’s better that they don’t find him,” Sandeul muttered crossly. “Because the next time I see him, I’m going to kick his !”

“I’m sure he has a reason…” Haneul sighed deeply, but Sandeul just kept berating the demon, and Haneul had to smile at how protective he was of her. “Sandeul, really, it’s okay. Gongchan and Jinyoung are going to sort it out!” she laughed as he continued to sulk. Still, despite how hopeful she was that the two boys would be able to bring him to reason, she felt despair beginning to build inside her once more. What if they can’t? She thought, her shoulders drooping. I could still lose him… Sandeul sensed her souring mood, and he slipped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a reassuring squeeze.

“Hey. It’ll be okay. Maybe you’re right, maybe he’s just being dumb,” he sighed as he shook her a little. A hint of a smile appeared on her lips, and she tried to feel better, but she just couldn’t keep the dark thoughts at bay. She just kept wondering about everything that could go wrong, and the walk home never seemed longer.

When they finally arrived home, she retreated to her bedroom and tried to busy herself with her homework, but she found it impossible to focus. Exasperated, she pushed the papers aside and got up to pace the carpeted floor. Why aren’t they back yet? She worried, chewing on the end of her thumbnail. It’s been so long… Surely the must have found him! Unfortunately for her pounding heart and twisting stomach, it was another thirty minutes before she heard the familiar sound of feathers fluttering in her window. She turned to see Jinyoung and Gongchan standing beside her window, and she had never seen sadder expressions on their faces. No… “Did you find him?” she asked quietly, kneading the end of her shirt anxiously.

“Yeah,” Jinyoung admitted reluctantly. Then what is it? What’s wrong? She thought as her eyes widened slightly.

“We talked to him,” Gongchan continued slowly. “Haneul…” At the time of his voice, she felt her heart plummet. No… No, no, no… she thought, a numb feeling washing over her. She eased herself down onto the edge of her bed, unsure what to say or do or feel. Baro… Baro… Why… Jinyoung sighed deeply and walked over to sit down beside her, looking down at his feet as he struggled to find the words.

“Dong-woo did threaten him,” Jinyoung began. “Apparently, he said… That if Baro didn’t stop coming around… He would kill you,” he explained slowly. Haneul jerked as her blood turned to ice, and she looked between him and Gongchan, in shock. She knew that the insane angel was not shy of threatening her life, but she would never have expected him to resort to cold-blooded murder. “We tried to talk to him, but… There was nothing we could say to change his mind.”

“We're so sorry, Haneul,” Gongchan sighed heavily. “This... is the end for you and Baro.”

“No. No, it can’t be!” she cried, jumping to her feet. Panic rising inside of her, she began frantically pacing the floor. Her entire chest constricted, and she could barely breathe, and her heart was pounding so hard she thought her ribcage would burst. “He can’t, he can’t do this to me!” she gasped as she fought for breath. Her chest hurt so bad that she couldn’t walk, and she half-slid, half-fell to the floor. Gongchan and Jinyoung were at her side in an instant, one on either side, trying to console her, but she couldn’t hear them. “H-he’s my… He's my… My something good… He can’t…” she spluttered, curling up as her chest tightened further. The tears started coming, hard and fast, a nd then she was screaming.

At some point, Sandeul stormed in, and he didn’t even bother to ask how Jinyoung and Gongchan got in the house. They just all huddled on the floor, not sure what to do about the wailing girl, but she barely registered their presence. Her mind was bent on Baro. He can’t, he can’t leave me, my something good, I love him, I love him, she kept repeating over and over. It hurts, it hurts, make it stop, she begged, but even as the three boys sat beside her, trying to somehow console the sobbing girl, it did no good.

At some point, she passed out. She woke up in her bed, tucked into the covers, and it was dark. She sat up and wiped her face, finding that it was still wet with tears. Her entire chest was sore from the muscle constriction, but the feeling had faded away, leaving her only with a dull ache. She rubbed her puffy eyes miserably and blinked to allow her eyes to adjust to the gloom; when they did, what she saw brought a true smile to her face for the first time that night.

Jinyoung, Gongchan, and Sandeul were all clustered on the floor, in a mess of pillows and blankets and legs and arms. They were snoring softly, all hanging around the edge of her bed. Thank you. All of you, she thought as she curled up in the covers. Her heart still ached, but surrounded by her friends, she felt better. I can get through this. I have to.

The next morning, Jinyoung and Gongchan were gone, and Sandeul was sitting in her vanity chair, swiveling nervously back and forth.

“Haneul?” he asked as soon as she sat up. “Are you okay?” He rose from the vanity chair to sit at the end of her bed, his eyes wide with concern.

“I’m… I think I’m gonna make it,” she replied slowly. Her voice was hoarse from crying, and hurt horribly. “I’m still sad. Really sad… But, I realized when I saw that all of you stayed over because you were worried about me that… I’m gonna be okay. It’s going to hurt for a long time, and… It’s going to take me a while to get over it, but I have to be okay.” Baro is doing this for me. The least I can do is honor his wish. Sandeul smiled broadly, crawling over to wrap his arms around her in a big hug.

“I’m glad. I was beginning to think I had to do some serious -kicking,” he joked. Once she had showered and gotten herself somewhat presentable, Sandeul took her downstairs and made her a really nice breakfast, and some hot chocolate. As Haneul sat at the kitchen table with a steaming mug in her hands, feeling the warmth spread through her, she once again told herself that she would be okay, that she could get past this. However, when she heard the pounding on the door, the little voice in the back of her head could not help but chime, “Is it Baro?” She set the mug down and hurried to the door before Sandeul could get there, hoping, praying, that Gongchan and Jinyoung had been wrong.

Instead, when she opened the door, she was perplexed to find that two police officers were standing there. Haneul had not had any dealings with the police since they had interrogated her for her mother's death, and the sight of them made her stomach twist. One of them was they very one who had interrogated her, and he tipped his hat to her.

“Hello, Miss Haneul. We meet again,” he smiled politely at her.

“What… What are you doing here?” she squeaked.

“Pack your bags, little lady. You’re moving to Seoul, effective immediately,” the officer said, and Haneul felt the world spinning, and suddenly, she was falling.

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Chapter 35: Oh my god that was an amazing story TT I really loved it!Thank you so much for writing it<3
Chapter 4: I'm loving the story so far, but all I can think about is "I don't think the poor girl has had a shower and changed her clothes yet". Perhaps I missed it somewhere along the way.
Chapter 32: Oh god I was so terrified of a tragic ending...glad that Baro's gang appeared :)
Rooting for the main characters~~~

Btw happy new year hun! ❤️
Chapter 29: Idk why but i love this story so much:)) I can't wait for the next chapter:))
foxwot #5
Chapter 28: The past couple chapters have been so fluffy. :)
foxwot #6
Chapter 25: *sits down to wait with wide eyes and chewed fingernails*
foxwot #7
This is so well written, I just read everything so far in one go and can't wait for more.
ggexotica #8
Chapter 18: This is so cute ~
Thanks :)
ggexotica #9
Chapter 17: You're baaaaaack!!
This chapter is soo good.
Thanks for this update
ggexotica #10
Chapter 16: I love it