Our Baby

A man's care..

That's something i really don't know or remember. My parents died in a car crash 15 years ago. Since then,i live with my aunt,Jiyong. She is as caring as a mother. Since i don't really remember my mother's care,  i saw my aunt as my mother. But her husband,Derek, has never been like her. He has always been uncaring,rude, and bad. Not only to me but to my aunt too. Once he told me that it's because of me. He told me they were so happy before i came. But when i came, i stole my aunt from him. My aunt didn't want any children to take care of me. Derek wanted his own child so he hated me. At least that's what he told me. He's never home anyways. And he can't hurt me with those simple words of his little brain. But the words that hurt me and i could never forget was those: "You'll never feel the love of a man." And with these words, he once left. And since then,he usually doesn't come home.

"Yes,class. In the book, what happened to Francesca?" Teacher asked. "Yes,Jongin."

"She went mad madam." i heard Jongin answer her. I didn't see him beacuse i was looking outside the window. "Yes,that's right. She went mad. Now we'll discuss about it." teacher said while slowly walking in the class. "What are you thinking about her madness?

"I think it's because of her parents' death." Seulgi said. "And why is that?" teacher asked. "She was so into them." Seulgi answered.

"That's a good point. Any other idea?"

"I think it's because she was put into somewhere she doesn't know with people she doesn't know. That could make anyone mad." a few students giggled to the comment Sooyoung added. "That's good Sooyoung. And what do you guys think she needs to do to get out of this situation?"

"She can't do anything she is mad duh." Everyone started to laugh as Jung Daehyun spoke. And i rolled my eyes. He was always like this.
"Yongguk?" Teacher ignored Daehyun.

"She needs to make friends." Yongguk's deep voice answered.

"She needs to relax." Yoona said.

"She could have some hobbies like sports or singing." Daehyun commented.

"Wow. I'm pretty surprised Daehyun."teacher said. "Well,i'm full of surprises." Daehyun answered and class started to laugh again. Jung Daehyun was a stupid playboy. Don't mind me saying stupid. He was actually pretty clever but he used his brain for other things.

"Enough!" teacher said. And class went silent again.

"Kayla." i turned my head to see the whole class looking at me when teacher called my name. "Yes,madam?" i asked.

"Would you like to share us your opinion about what Francesca needs?"

I paused for a second.

"I think she needs a man's love." teacher's face fell when i said that. And the bell rang.

I stood up with whole class. I put my book in my backpack and got out of the classroom. 

It's me,Kayla Jung. I'm the nerdiest nerd ever. I study so hard. I have no friends and i do mean NO. I'm not good at talking to people. But it's okay,i'm okay like that.

I love singing and writing. But most, i love helping people. Maybe that's why i wanted to be a doctor. I'm so into biology and anathomy.

I shook my thoughts away as i stepped into the building. The woman in the reception smiled when she saw me. "Hello Kayla." she said. "Heyy." i answered smiling. "They are in the art class. Do you want me to tell them you came?" she asked. "Uh,no. I'll... Uh, i'll make them surprise." i said. "Ok. You may go." She answered.

I bowed and started to wallk to the stairs. Let me explain where i came and who are 'they'.

Since i was 14,i always came to orphanage beacuse i might be in there if my aunt wasn't here for me. And none of these kids deserve that. And 'they' are a bunch of 5 year old kids who i keep seeing since they were 2.

I stopped in front of the art class as my phone started to ring. I took out my phone and looked who it was.




"Umm a few minutes ago your literature teacher Mrs. Kim called me and told me she wants to talk about me. She's coming over. I just want to know did something happen?

"Ummm.." i thought "No? I don't know why she did this."

"Oh ok then."

"Okay,i'm in the orphanage. i have to hang up now."

"K sweetie bye."

"Bye." i said and hung up.

Kids immadietly screamed because of happiness when they saw me. They were covered in different colours. I laughed at them as they hugged me. Their arts theacher Mr. Lee was happy to see me too. I played with children and drew with them for a while. They drew me. And then i drank coffee with their arts teacher. He was a kind man he even made coffee for me.

I looked at my watch and saw it's late. I immediately got up "Thank you but i should go now." Mr. Lee stood up as well. "You could stay longer." Mr Lee insisted with a worried expression. Umm worried?

"It's late,i have to get back."

"Stay." he immediately said. "I mean.. It's late there are dangerous people out there."

"Uh,yes but i-"

"Lemme give you a ride. Huh? I don't take no as an answer come on." he said as he took his jacket. Such a nice person.

A couple minutes later i was in his car. Actually it felt good. It was the first time a man was doing something for me. Well maybe my dad did but i don't remember. So i just enjoyed the moment and watched the dark streets while a romantic song was on.

But then i started to feel a little dizzy. Mr. Lee realized that and asked "You ok?" "Yeah." i answered. "Sure?" "Yeah." "I don't think so."

"What??" Then i realized we were somewhere i didn't know. He stopped the car. "What? Wh- Where are we Mr. Lee?" i asked feeling even more dizzy and scared.

"I hate the way you call me Mr. Lee. My name is KyungCheol,you know." he said and suddenly got way too close. "Wh-What are you doing?!"  i yelled and tried to open the cars door but it was locked. So i just punched the window and screamed when he held me tight. He pulled me to him as i tried to escape but he was too strong. "STOP!" i screamed "Stop! Please stop!"  my tears were  running down my cheeks. I was feeling weaker and weaker. "Please.." i said crying while he was kissing my neck.

My whole life started to pass infront of my eyes. My dad holding my hand, my mom smiling,my aunt trying to teach me how to ride a bike,the way we danced when i won a prize from my maths teacher,when my aunt said God would help anyone who asked for a help while i was crying..

God,please God,send me help. I promise i won't steal my aunt's shoes anymore.

Suddenly,the window of the driver's seat's door broke into peaces with a loud crush. And i screamed when a big hand grabbed Mr. Lee's throat and pulled him back. Mr. Lee was trying to escape the grip. But he couldn't do anything since the person was holding him behind him. So he was struggling to breathe. I was so scared and shocked that i was doing nothing but crying.

"Get out of the car!" the stranger said. I tried to open the door but just like before, it was locked. I turned back and found the button to unlock the doors. I pushed it and then got out of the car fast. But my legs were shaking and i was crying so hard so i sat on the ground and tried to calm down. Meanwhile the person made Mr. Lee get out of the car and he stared to punch him and kick him pretty hard. A few minutes later Mr. Lee was unconcious infront of me.

"You ok? Oh my gosh come on." the person said and carried me bridal style. Then i saw the person i never expected to see.

Jung Daehyun.

"Please don't harm me." i whispered my voice cracking.

"I won't." he simply answered. "Where do you live?"

"I can't go home like that. My aunt will be worried." my voice was so weak.

He didn't answer. He just walked. Just walked.

We didn't talk until we came to a warm house. He placed me on the couch which was in the hall. My head was aching and i was feeling different.

He quickly put a blanket on me. He kneeled infront of me.

"Why would you get into a man's car?" he was serious for the first time. And i was feeling a little too brave.

"I wanted to be loved. I thought he cared for me." my tears ran down. "I thought a man loved me oh my god." i sobbed.

"Sshh" he said. "Don't cry. There are a lot of men who could love you."

"No. There is no one." i sobbed and i felt brave.

"Could you love me?" i suddenly asked looking hopefully at his eyes. Did i say i was feeling different?

He looked surprised.

"Please love me. Now." i got closer as i whispered.

He slowly took my glasses off and put them on the coffee table behind him. "I will love you,kitty. Now." he slowly put his lips onto mine. His arms felt so safe as he wrapped them around me.

I felt safe but different still. But nothing mattered as he made love to me that night.

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Eunseo-ah #1
Chapter 5: Awwww poor Daehyunie ~~~ kkkk but at least he is being a responsible!! I love this story so much!! Thank you for updating authornim ~~~
Miaupet #2
Chapter 4: Good story ♡o♡ moreeeeeee pleasee
Eunseo-ah #3
Chapter 2: Such a good story... i hope you will update is more authornim..