Hyuna is the name!

My trouble maker

*ring ring ring* 

"Finally shcool is over" Hyunseung said as he stood up

He exited the room only to find Yosoeb

"Ready for detention?" He smirked

"Yes!" Yoseob said cheerfully

"W-Wait... your not gonna-" Yoseob was cutt off

"NO! I have no interest in you anymore. Your lucky I got in troule before I even beat you up" Hyunseung stuffed his hand into his deep pockets as the two made there way to the detention room

"We're here sonseangnim!" Yoseob bardged in 

"Quite! Sit down you have two hours here" Mr.lee  said as he read his magazine

"Good then I'll sleep." Hyunseung put his hood on to cover his face 

He closed his eyes then suddenly someone poked him

"Huh? what do u want?" Hyunseung shot back at Yoseob

"Nothing. H-Have you met the new girl?" Yoseob asked 

Hyunseung quickly opened his eyes

"Why do u ask?"  He seemed interested

"Nothing she seems pretty cool! She saved me from you anyway" Yoseob laughed 

Hyunseung closed his eyes again

"Well your lucky. and by the way I DONT LIKE HER she.. she's different" Hyunseung said 

"Yah! dont tell me you like her or something?" Yoseob laughed

"BO?!" Hyunseung stood up in an instant

"YAH! unless you want more detention sit down!" Mr.lee shouted

Hyunseung rolled his eyes and sat back down

"Easy easy! I was just kidding" Yoseob tried to calm him down

"Dont touch me!" Hyunseung slapped his hand away from him 

"Dude! you've got anger issues! I'm sure Hyuna would be dissapointed" Yoseob started to tease Hyunseung

Hyunseung chuckled and stared at Yoseob with ang angery expression

"Look if you want a black eye or two just tell me you dont need to mock me... arasso?" Hyunseung smirked and backed away

"Woah! your really scary... there's a horror booth for Foudation day this weekend you wanna e one of the monsters?" Yoseob couldnt shut up

Hyunseung on the other hand was busy thinking about something 

"Hyuna? so that's her name... Hmmm... Hyuna Hyuna Hyuna... Your really brave for crossing me" Hyunseung thought

"Yah! are you listening? what's your favourite drink? Mine is Milk!" Yoseob continued to talk even if he wasnt listened to



Hyuna crashed into her bed exhausted from the really long day

"Phew! That was so close... I almost got detention" Hyuna said to herself

"Aish! IT WASNT MY FAULT! I was actually trying to help! it was that... THAT HYUNSEUNG!!!" Hyuna took her pillow and started to punch it and kick it

*knock knock*

"Hey Hyun! how was your day? Great I bet!" Hyorin came in with some snacks

"I wish! Unnie its horrible! its my 1st day and I ALREADY have a enemy" she alled her hands into a fist

"BO? how could that be?" Hyorin asked

"Molla! He is just sooo... sooo MEAN! he almost beat up a guy today! its a good thing I tried to help! or else that guy would've een dead meat" Hyuna sighed

"Well is he cute?" Hyorin tried to change that topic

"BO?!?! CUTE!?? ha! Cute my foot! he seem like a dark lord or something." Hyuna crossed her arms

"A bad boy?! Dont you love that type?" Hyorin poked her

"I like guys with a bad boy LOOK not and ACTUAL bad boy who beats peopl up and dont care about girls!" Hyuna was steaming up

"Ok ok that's enough why dont you rest" Hyorin calmed her down

Hyuna nodded


"Yah Hyunseung! yahh wake up!" Yoseob shook  him

"Uhh? what? what now?" Hyunseung stretched 

"Detention is over! we can go now" Yoseob jumped 

"Ok then" Hyunseung took his bag and went out

"WAIT!" Yoseob tried to catch up

Hyunseung grabbed hi collar

"Seriously? now what do you want? one more and I'm gon-" someone cut him off

"Hyunseung! Yoseob! wassup?" Doojoon said as he came near them

"YOU KNOW EAHC OTHER?!" Hyunseung and Yoseob said together

They were shocked that they completely forgot they were about to argue

"Hyung.. its late why are you still here?" Hyunseung let go of Yoseob

" Your mom made me come to check if your stil here.. She's worried again" Doojoon sighed

"Why bother being worried I can take care of myself" Hyunseung fixed his hair and walked away

"BYYEEE!!!" Yoseob shouted

"Ha... that kid is weird" Hyunseung scoffed


Hyunseung was on his way home but he got hungry

"Aish... not now" He quickly looked for a convinience store 

And he found one

He got inside and bought some noodles 

After eating he drank some water and left

It was getting really late but he wouldnt pick up his pace

He just walked calmly but he felt like someone was following him

He stopped and listened

He didnt hear anything so he continued walking

Then he saw a shadow behind him 

He stopped again 

"Yah! stop following me you stalker" He turned around and swung his arm

Circling it around the persons neck

"Hyun! wa-wait its me!!!" the person tapped hyunseung's arm

"Bo?" Hyunseung turned him around

"Hyung?! Aish what is wrong with you? sneaking around like that" Hyunseung dusted himself off 

"I was just making sure you'd go straight home" Doojoon touched his neck

Hyunseung just kept walking

"Yah! can you teach me that move?" Doojoon caught up and whispered

Hyunseung chuckled and punched him playfully

"So have you met Hyuna?" Doojoon said

Hyunseung quickly rolled his eyes

"Why is everyone talking about her anyway? what's so great about that HYUNA anyway? Hyunseung seemed annoyed

"Well she is pretty HOT! 1st girl ever to make it big on her 1st day" Doojood admitted

"So?? Why would you think I'd care?" Hyunseung still sounding annoyed

"Well I saw you in the cafeteria. Everyone was busy flinging food at each other that they didnt notice you two" Doojoon grinned

"BOYA?! that meant nothing I was getting ready to beat her up" Hyunseung tried to convince Doojoon

"By being so near to her face? seriously form where I was standing it looke dmore like you were getting ready to kiss her" Doojoon laughed

Hyunseung eyes widened

"Hyung! Not you too... That yoseob kid already thinks I like her... not you too" Hyunseung whined

"BO?! you like her?" Doojoon stopped

"HELL NO!" Hyunseung glared at him 

And balled his hands into fists

"Ok ok mianhae....So.how are you?" Doojoon said

"Hmm.. Still the same" Hyunseung gave him a weak smile 

"Its fine bro! Dont worry about your mom" Doojoon smiled

"Hm. I'm used to it. Always trying to please her but I always end up being wrong" Hyunseung stopped in his tracks

"Ha... I wish dad was still here... he always understood what I go through for my mom" Hyunseung looked up 

"Yaahh!! dont get all mushy! I'm sure your dad is proud of you either way! I mean Your JAY STOMP! the school best dancer! and top student!!!" Doojoon tried to cheer him up

"No one knows I'm a top student right?" Hyunseung changed the topic

"Ani.. Only the teachers and me of course" Doojon said

"Ah.. arasso!  anyway I've gotta go face my mom's scolding see you then!" Hyunseung waved 

"Goodluck with auntie!" He waved back


Hyunseung finally got home 

He set down his bag and made his was to the Kitchen

"JANG HYUNSEUNG!" His mom shouted

"Damn it..." He whispered

"Yes?" He said as he took a sip of juice

"Why did you come home so late? Did you get detention?" she said

"Well... yes... Yes I did" Hyunseung calmly said

"Aigooya... what am I going to do with you" She sighed

"Leave me alone.." He said as he went up to his room 


Hyunseung was in his room laying down when he recieved a message


Have you met the new girl? Hyuna! She's just a cute little ball of sunshine aint she? WOOT WOOT GO HYUNA! <3 <3 <3 


Hyunseung sighed 

"Seriously? her AGAIN? Damn these group messages" Hyunseung threw his phone on the othe rside of the bed

"Just you wait for tomorrow Hyuna. I'll give you a piece of my mind" He thought

He slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep


OK! chap 2 everyone I hope this chap is ok too hahah hyunseung such a hot head aint he?  :DDD I love it! HAHA 

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hyerajung #1
Chapter 8: so cute, so sweet,, update soon please.. *pout
Chapter 8: i hope u are update this story.. huhuhu
Chapter 7: aww aww aww please dont do that to hyuna.. >\\\<
Chapter 6: he fainted bcause he's thought about kissing with hyuna.. kkkkk how so sweet~~ lol
Chapter 5: omg... <3 please get married .. they are kissed.. kyaaaaaaa i cant
Chapter 4: uhuuukkkk why so cute huh <3 i like it
Chapter 3: dog vs cat... kkkk lovey dovey moments <3
Chapter 2: kkkk i thought hyunseung will fallin love with her.. kkkk
Chapter 1: kkkkkk cute cute chapter!!! i love it ~~
reading this story.. that foreword made me want to read this.. :')