My trouble maker

"OOOHH!!! I cant wait for our Foundation day! its gonne be sooooo much fun! your coming right?" Amber asked Hyuna

"I dont know... Uhmmm what is Foundation day?" Hyuna tilted her head

"It's the day when our school was found and built. We celebrate it by having all kinds of booths and programs and stuff its really fun!" Amber said as she jumped in her chair

"Ohh that sounds pretty good! What kind of booths exactly?" Hyuna said as she sounded more interested 

"Uhmm... Oh! There would be a music booth where you can request song and stuff and there's a jail booth! you have to pay them and they'll capture who ever you want like for example  you want people wearing white to get captured, the speaker will annouce that and the gaurds come in and capture everyone they could see wearing white!! and uhmmm oh oh! there's a  dare booth you can get people from the jail booth or request someone to e captured and you can dare them with ANYTHING you want if they cant do your dare they have to pay you!"  Amber said with the excitement running through her bones

"WOW! haha your really that excited?" Hyuna was amazed with Amber's excitement

"OF COURSE I AM!!! Oh oh oh i almost forgot! THE HORROR BOOTH! that is the best of all the best in all the booths. Everyone has to go there at least once its super fun and this year I'm one of the monsters so you and Ji yoon unnie better go there!" Amber souded so desperate

"Ok ok! I'm going" Hyuna giggled

While everyone was talking about the event coing up in the weekend the teacher walked in

"Good morning everyone! please settle down" Mr. Kim said

Everyone them sat i their places 

"Good morning songsaengnim!" They said all together 

"Ok so today we are going to have a debate" Mr. Kim seemed hyped up

As everyone was sighing and complaining they were being assigned to two groups

"Ok this debate would be boy vs. girls" He said

"Yeah! haha we're so winning!" one of the boys said

"YEAH RIGHT!!! like you can defend yourself better than us!" a girl shouted

"YEAAHHH!!!" the other girls agreed

"Ok ok calm down everyone. Now I want you to pick your leaders" Mr. Kim said

All the groups huddled up and decided who to choose

"I want Hyuna to lead! that way the boys would be distracted" a girl said

"YEAH! she's right!" another girl agreed

"But what if Hyuna doesnt want to lead?" one girl agrued

"Ani! I'm fine with that! I can be the leader" Hyuna smiled

"YEY! GO HYUNA!!! GO GIRLS!!!!" the girls started cheering

On the other hand Amber was asigned to be the judge along side the teacher

"Amber you help me judge arasso? rate them by how well the present and defend themselves"

"NE! this is gonna be fun!" Amber smirked


"JANG HYUNSEUNG!!!!!!!!" his mother started screaming

"Boyaaa?? cant you see I'm asleep?" Hyunseung said as he covered his face with a pillow

"Aish! Look at the time you'll be late! now hurry up!" His mother stompped off

"Ahhh... Damn it! I dont want to go to school ugh" Hyunseung said as he pulled the blankets off

Although he hated shcool he has always been the top of it

He hasnt been absent but he has been late a couple of times 

"Palli!!!!" His mom warned him to go faster

Hyunseung just shrugged and continued to eat after he was done he left without even saying good bye to his mom

He was walking his way to school and on his way he remembered something

"Jang Hyunseung if you ever get late again I'm going to suspend you!"  Mr.Kim said

Hyunseung eyes widened

"! I forgot" He then started to run

He kept running until he finally reached the school grounds

ut then the grauds blocked the main gate

"Damn... I forgot those who are late arent allowed to get in" Hyunseung started to run again

He made his way to the other side of the school but still the gate there was closed to he climbed it 


"Ok is everyone ready?" Mr.Kim asked

"NE!" everyone responded

"Girls, who's your leader" Mr.Kim asked

"KIM HYUNA!" The girls chanted

Hyuna then made her way infront 

And everyone clapped

"Ok then! Boys who's your leader?" Mr. Kim asked them

The boys were looking at each other as if they did crime

No one volunteered and no one wanted to be leader 

Then suddenly

"Songsaengnim! I- I'm here.. S-sorry I'm late" Hyunseung said as he was trying to catch his breath

And sweat was dripping down his chin

He immidiently took a chair 

Mr.Kim's mood suddenly changed as well 

"I vote Jang Hyunseung to be leader!" A boy stood up and annouced

The others then followed

Mr.Kim was loving the idea 

On the othe rhand Hyunseung sat there completely clueless of whats going on

"B-bo? YAH! what is this for?" He stood up 

Mr.Kim then dragged him infront

"YAH! I have my own legs thank you!" Hyunseung dusted himself

He looked beside him and he saw Hyuna smirking

"What are you looking at?" He glared

Hyuna just looked at him with 'reveng' written on her face

"Ok Let's start shall we? Our debate is gonna be about family! Who is better the mother or the father?" Mr.Kim said as he sat down

"Ha! a debate? how easy" Hyunseug boasted

"Hyuna! Please start" Mr.Kim signaled

Hyuna nodded and stepped forward

"As you all know Mothers are very important in a family! why you might ask? Well that is because mothers are the people who mostly stay home and take care of the children.She is the one who is there when your sick or when you have problems." Hyuna started off

"Yes, That's true but isnt the father the one who is providing for the family? The person who is striving to give food and shelter to their families? yet he manages to go home and play with his kids" Hyunseung defended

You see Hyunseung has a really close relaitonship with his dad but now he's gone and he's having a hard time coping up with his mom 

"But do they spend sleepless nights watching over the baby while he/she cries? No, I dont think so" Hyuna said as calmly as possible

"But do they spend sleeples nights having over times in their jobs even if they wish to go home to be with his family? NO, I DO NOT THINK SO" Hyunseung is already starting to steam up

"Are they ones having a hard time through child birth?! which is by the way life threatening to the mother?" Hyuna smirked

'Your loosing this fight Hyunseung' Hyuna thought

Hyunseung suddenly felt uneasy

He started to think about his mom

While Hyuna took his silence as an advantage and kept defending her side

Hyunseung was spacing out 

All he did was stare at the ground he didnt even listen to Hyuna anymore

'If What you say is true how come I NEVER felt that from my mom...She didnt take care of me it was ALL my dad's job he was there when I cry, when I'm sick and when I have problems... I've never felt like I had a....a mother....'  Hyunseung thought

"Yah! Mr. Jang its your turn to speak" Mr. Kim said

Hyunseung didnt respond he was just sitting there with a blank expression

"Well... If he has nothing else to say th-" Hyuna was cut off

Hyunseung stood up and went near her just about cenimeters away  

"Exactly. I have  NOTHING to say anymore" Hyunseung said as he headed back to his chair

Everyone was booing and giving a thumbs down but he didnt care he just shoved his hand in his pocket 

"That's it? Aish. I was expecting way more.. Fight back you coward!" Hyuna said infornt of the whole class

"Bo? What did you just call me?" Hyunseung stopped in his tracks

"Hyuna... really you shouldnt have said that" Amber whispered to Hyuna 

Hyuna just smirked she is loving how mad Hyunseung looked as he walked near her 

"Didnt you get me? I SAID YOUR A COWARD! your just hiding behind that bad boy image you have but the inside y-" Hyuna was cut off 

Hyunseung fist was just a centimeter away from hitting Hyuna's face

"JANG HYUNSEUNG! You cant hit a girl!!!! or anyone in my class! TO the princepals office!" Mr.KIm quickly stood up to him to the princepals office

"Merong!" Hyuna stuck out her tongue 

"YAAHHH!!!!" Hyunseung shot back at Hyuna voilently gripping on her collar

Hyuna just giggle as Amber was trying to calm Hyunseung down 

"BOYA?!" Hyunseung pulled her closer


Hyunseung let her and Hyuna dusted herself off

They then made their way to the princepal's office with awkward silence between them

They entered the office

"*sigh* Hyunseung? Hyuna? What is it now?" Mrs. Jung sighed

"Mollayo! He tried tried to hit me that's all!" Hyuna crossed her arms

"How could you Hyunseung? hit a girl?"Mrs.Jung stared at hyunseung with disbelief

"She started it. I just wanted to finish it" Hyunseung glared at her again

"But hitting her wont do anything but bruise her! tsk tsk that's in! Your in DETENTION!" Mrs.Jung leaned back

"Hahaha! MERONG!!!" Hyuna as Hyunseung just glared at her even more

"BOTH OF YOU!" Mrs.Jung continued

"Bo? waeyooo?? I didnt do anything" She whined

"Merong!" Hyunseung stuck out his tongue

"Ew! so not CUTE!" Hyuna rolled her eyes

"Aissshh!" Hyunseung attempted to hit her

"YAH YAH YAH! nooo not here! leave both of you" Mrs. Jung Shooed them away

As they got out Hyunseung cornered Hyuna at the wall

"I dont know why your ALWAYS putting me in troule but I'm getting even..." Hyunseung whispered in Hyuna's ear

The words he left gave her shivers

Hyunseung then left

"Boyyaa?!? Scaring me like that....*sigh*"


This was in a hurry I hope its ok XD Thanks anyway 

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hyerajung #1
Chapter 8: so cute, so sweet,, update soon please.. *pout
Chapter 8: i hope u are update this story.. huhuhu
Chapter 7: aww aww aww please dont do that to hyuna.. >\\\<
Chapter 6: he fainted bcause he's thought about kissing with hyuna.. kkkkk how so sweet~~ lol
Chapter 5: omg... <3 please get married .. they are kissed.. kyaaaaaaa i cant
Chapter 4: uhuuukkkk why so cute huh <3 i like it
Chapter 3: dog vs cat... kkkk lovey dovey moments <3
Chapter 2: kkkk i thought hyunseung will fallin love with her.. kkkk
Chapter 1: kkkkkk cute cute chapter!!! i love it ~~
reading this story.. that foreword made me want to read this.. :')