My trouble maker


“Hyorin Unnie! Hurry up I’m gonne be late!” Hyuna said as she ran down stairs

“Ok ok! Coming Hyu!” Hyorin tried to catch up to her really jumpy cousin

Hyuna ran to the car and jumped in her seat. She was more than excited for her new school

She can finally see her friends after quite a long summer and they were from different school’s before but  now she finally decided to transfer

“Woah! Unnie I cant wait! This is gonna be great” Hyuna looked out at window with a huge smile

“WOW! I’m glad your excited I thought you’d be nervous” Hyorin pinched Hyuna’s cheek

“Boya?!  NERVOUS? EVERYONE  LOVES ME! I doubt that they wont” Hyuna winked

Hyorin giggled and just continued driving

After sometime they finally arrived

“OK! We-“ Hyorin couldn’t even finish her sentence

Hyuna already jumped out of her seat

“YAAAHHH!!! No good bye?” Hyorin shouted

Hyuna looked back at Hyorin and waved

“BYE!! SARANGHAEYO!” Hyuna blew her Hyorin kisses

Hyorin then smiled and drove off


Hyuna was infront of the school taking a big breath before she got in

“WOW! A lot of good looking people here” Hyuna turned around


“Oh! Mianhe” She bowed

Suddenly that person hugged her and twirled her around

“HYUNA! OMG your finally here” the voice said

"Huh?" Hyuna looked at the person

"OMO! Amber! Pogoshipoyooo! Oh my gosh your so... uhmmm pre- no handsome I mean WAAHH!!!" Hyuna hugged Amber again

"Yah! what about me?" Another voice said

Hyuna turned around and found Ji Yoon

"Unnie! I missed you too" Hyuna hugged or more like squeezed Ji Yoon

"Do-dont try to kill me" Ji Yoon said trying hard to breath

*Ring ring ring*

"Oh! there's the bell gotta go see you guys!" Ji yoon finally got out of Hyuna's graspe 

"Aww.. where's our classroom Amber?" Hyuna pouted and turn to Amber

"Right over there c'mon let's go before Mr.Lee kills us for being late" Amber linked arms with Hyuna

They both made their way to their classroom

Amber ran in as soon as she saw her friends

Hyuna was left behind but she didnt mind

She was about to get in when someone blocked the way

"Excuse me?" She said

The guy just stared a her and walked in

"Aish! what ever happened to girls first" hyuna scoffed and walked in 

All she did was smile at everyone

She was positive that they would definitely like her

I mean She's THE HYUNA

"Ok everyone take your seats" the teacher walked in

Hyuna looked for a sit near Amber but it was all taken

Amber looked sorry but Hyuna smiled 

"Its ok" She mouthed at Amber

Amber nodded 

Hyuna scanned the room but the only seat available was the one near the guy who blocked her ealier

Hyuna rolled her eyes and set her bag down

"I can do this" She whispered to herself

She smiled and perked up 

"Annnyeong!" She waved at the mysterious guy

She smiled at him and acted all cute

But the guy just looked straight as if no one was beside him

Hyuna sighed 

"OK it seems like we have a new face here" The teacher looked at Hyuna

She smiled at him

"Why dont you introduce yourself" He smiled back

Hyuna nodded and stood up 

Everyone looked at her as she made her way infront

"Annyeong hasaeyo! I'm Kim Hyuna. Nice to meet everyone I hope we can be great friends" She winked and smiled everyone

The mood suddenly changed 

Everyone seemed to like her already


*ring ring ring*

"Ok class time for lunch"

Hyuna was busy talking to the guys already when Amber came up to her

"Hyuna! Let's so eat" Amber tapped her shoulder

"Oh Amber I didnt notice you there" she smiled and stood up

"She you later boys!" She winked at them

"S-sure Hyuna!"



Amber laughed as they heared the boys voices fading behind them

"Unnie!" Hyuna quickly spotted Ji Yoon by the lockers

"KAJA!" She linked arms with Amber and Ji Yoon


"WOW! how do you do that? 1st day in a NEW school and boys are already all over you" amber said as she stuffed a sandwhich into

"Amber! your mouth is full" Ji Yoon slapped her lightly

"I'm a lovable person that's why!" Hyuna winked and stood up to buy some strawberry juice 

Suddenly A boy came running in

"PLEASE! Dont. I didnt mean to I swear!" A blonde boy pleaded 

"Come here you coward!" the other boy grabbed his collar

"No... please" the blonde oy pleaded again

Hyuna was in shock

"1st day of school adn someoen is already getting beat up" Hyuna scrambled to look for something to distract the guy

"AAHH!" the blonde boy screamed 

"Ottoke??!?!?! all I see is food. aish this will do" Hyuna ran and took the egg salad

"YAAAHH!!!" She scream and threw the egg salad

The boy looked up and ducked

"Omo! It hit another person" Hyuna started to panic

"WHO THREW THAT?!" A girl screamed

Ji Yoon quickly stood up 

"I-I did!" She took teh lame for Hyuna

"Unnie! andwae" Hyuna ran 

"Urgh!" the girl then threw her own food at Ji Yoon

"FOOD FIGHT!" Amber stood up and threw her half eaten sandwhich at Hyuna

"YAH!" She took some food and threw it the mysterious boy

He stood up and wiped it off

The Blonde boy on teh other hand quickly stood up and ran towards Hyuna who was laughing real hard

"K-Kamsahamnida!" He bowed and ran off

"I'm not done with you!" The boy screamed

"ANI! YOUR SO DONE!" Hyuna screamed and threw him food again

He looked pissed as he just wiped it off 

"MERONG! hahahaha" Hyuna did her cute victory dance

Just when the boy was about to go near Hyuna anothe rperson flung their lunch at him

"WAHAHAH!! merong merong merong!" Hyuna Laughed even more

The boy just glared at Hyuna 

Hyuna was finally over with laughing she didnt even notice the boy was already infront of her

"Yah! Stop laughing you idiot" the boy said

"Excuse me? IDIOT? how dare you! YOUR the idiot!" Hyuna looked at him in the eye

He smirked and cupped her chin

"Your cute... I HATE CUTE!"  He balled his hand into a fist just when food started to rain all over them 

Hyuna sighed of relief 

"WHAT IS THIS?!" Someone shouted

Everyone stopped and look at the direction form where the voice came

"Songsaengnim..." Ji Yoon whispered to Amber

While the guy was looking Hyuna tried to free herself as she grabbed his hand

The guy noticed and grabbed hers more tightly

"OUCH!" she whispered

The teacher came in the cafeteria 


Everyone pointed at the three girls. Hyuna,Ji Yoon and Amber

Mr.Lee glared at them and signaled them to follow him

"Let me go!" Hyuna pulled herself from his grip


The three girls sighed as they reached the princepal's office

"Boya?! !st day of school and someone is already hating on me" Hyuna leaned on Ji yoon

"Its ok Hyun! That dude probably hates everyone...Judging from his dark clothes and mysterious expression all the time" Amber tried to cheer her up

"Actually he does. That was Hyunseung or Jay stomp as people call him" Ji Yoon ruffled her hair

"Jay stomp huh? why is he called Jay stomp? Is it because hse stomps on people faces?" Hyuna smirked

Amber laughed and punched Hyuna lightly

" Nice one! but actually He is called Jay stomp cuase he is the school's dance machine! Seriously he is great" Ji Yoon smiled

"Boyyaa?? I know that look! You... you like him dont you?" Amber jumped

"Ani! Not anymore" Ji Yoon looked down

"Well good! He is bad news I'm telling you" Hyuna warned her

The girls were busy talking that they didnt notice the princepal has already got in


The girls quickly stood up and bowed except Hyuna

"O-Oh mianhae" she stood up and bowed

"Its fine. your new? I'm Mrs.Jung" She introduced herself

"Ohh.. K-Kim Hyuna" Hyuna smiled 

"Please sit down" The princepal smiled

The girls sat down with guitly looks on their faces

"Now can anyone of you tell me how the uhmm Food fight started" Mrs. Jung said calmly 

Hyuna took a deep breath 

"I-" She was cut off

"Let me go! YAH!" a voice from the hall was so loud that they could hear it

Suddenly Mr.Lee came in while dranging two boys behind him

"Its him" Hyuna glared at Hyunseung 

"Aigoo... Yoseob what happened?" Mrs. Jung stood up

"I-Its wasnt my fault! I didnt mean to trip him I thought he was someone else" Yoseob quickly responded

"I DONT CARE IF IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" Hyunseung broke free and was attempting to hit Yoseob

"YAH! please. not in my office! ok both of you Detention! Girls you can go now" Mrs.Jung sat down and tried to calm herself down

Everyone then went out 

Hyunseung stuffed his hands into his pocket and left everyone behind

"What is worng with hat kid..." Mr.lee said efore he took off as well

"I think he's misunderstood" Yoseob shrugged 

He turned to the girls 

"By the way! Annyeong I'm Yoseob" He waved at Hyuna

"Oh ne.. I'm Hyuna!" She smiled 

Yoseob smiled ack but her immidiently looked at Amber who was avoiding him 

"Amber baby! long time no see" Yoseob tried to hug her

"Dont baby me you wimp!" Amber waved at Hyuna and Ji Yoon then stormed off

Yoseob quicklly follow Amber

The girls laughed


1st so far! how was it? sorry if it still I'll improve :D I hope hehe^^ 

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hyerajung #1
Chapter 8: so cute, so sweet,, update soon please.. *pout
Chapter 8: i hope u are update this story.. huhuhu
Chapter 7: aww aww aww please dont do that to hyuna.. >\\\<
Chapter 6: he fainted bcause he's thought about kissing with hyuna.. kkkkk how so sweet~~ lol
Chapter 5: omg... <3 please get married .. they are kissed.. kyaaaaaaa i cant
Chapter 4: uhuuukkkk why so cute huh <3 i like it
Chapter 3: dog vs cat... kkkk lovey dovey moments <3
Chapter 2: kkkk i thought hyunseung will fallin love with her.. kkkk
Chapter 1: kkkkkk cute cute chapter!!! i love it ~~
reading this story.. that foreword made me want to read this.. :')