
i love you, noona.

Ji-soo was snooping around to find shi-yeon's mystery man. Then someone taps her right shoulder from behind.

"Ya!~ Omona!~", ji-soo exclaims in total surprise. "Who are you? Why are you following shi-yeon noona?".

"you're min-woo, right?", ji-soo asks with a particularly suspicious look on her face. "yeah, i know you?", min-woo answers, looking totally clueless.

"nevermind!", ji-soo takes off in a hurry to not get caught by anyone. "hmm. I wonder who she is. She's strange.", minwoo ponders for a second, then shrugs his shoulders.

minwoo enters the store:

"noona, hyeong. annyeong.', he greets with a warm, innocent smile.

"oh, hi there dongsaeng. :)", shi-yeon happily responds.

dong-hyeon slowly approaches minwoo and whispers to him.

"hey, I really want to tell her what I want our relationship to be. Will you help me confess to her? I need to have the guts to do so, but I can't. Please help me.", pleads dong-hyeon.

"okay, hyeong. You know I'm always here to help you.", but deep inside minwoo's heart is slowly being crushed because he cannot refuse the request of his hyeong who has always been there for him, especially in times of trouble.

minwoo took a deep breath but didn't want anyone to see his momentarily unhappy facial expression.

"noona, I have something else to do so... (take care of hyeong 'he whispers to shi-yeon's ear') I gotta go, annyeong. :)"

it really wasn't in his best interest to do that, but he was thinking that this isn't the right time for noona to know everything he feels for her.

he saw the twins on his way out:

"hey there, why the long face dude?", youngmin comments and kwangmin follows after seeing dong-hyeon and shi-yeon talking to each other. "ohhh. I think I know why bro. look over there." youngmin looked right over and, "tsk, tsk, tsk. dude, if you really love her, you won't let anyone else take her away from you. and look, you're just standing there, looking at them. that's uncool."

"you don't understand. I have lived all my life without a brother, hyung's like a brother to me. and I won't let a girl ruin our bond."

"whatever dude, you know what you're feeling. It's gonna be a lot harder for you if you ever find yourself stuck in regret."

"whoa, hyung. i'm happy for you. *claps both hands*"

"shut up kwangmin, I'm serious here. if you don't straighten up, you might get yourself severely hurt, dude. think about it? where would you be happier?"

with a pissed-off expression youngmin suddenly shoves minwoo into the store and stops doing so right in front of dong-hyeon and shi-yeon.

"tell them the truth, now.", youngmin insists strongly.

"no, I can't.", minwoo silently replies but youngmin kept on nudging him and giving him intimidating looks that he wasn't able to stand it any longer.

"okay! you wanna hear it!? i like shi-yeon noona! now are you happy!?", he had an evil stare fixed at youngmin, but afterwards minwoo was blushing like crazy.

shi-yeon looked confused but later had a little smile on her face. she approached minwoo.

"you know what, that's so sweet of you. it's flattering. but you're a high-school kid. you can't feel that kind of thing for me.", she then pats minwoo on his back.

donghyeon then follows shi-yeon to approach minwoo.

"that's just your teenage hormones crackin' up. I understand you. I've been through that phase myself when I was your age. you'll get over it soon.", he smiles on his dongsaeng lightly.

hyeong took his dongsaeng home and had a little talk with shi-yeon right after:

"kids these days. they feel a lot of things too easy, to early. just like me back in the day. :)", donghyeon starts off.

"oh, that's nothing. i can tell he's been having trouble in his mind these past few days. he's probably just getting stressed out from his daily life.", shi-yeon comments.

"but, are you.....?", donghyeon stops off before ending the question.

"am i, what? spit it out. :3", shi-yeon continues.

"are you alright with the idea of us dating? i mean, if ever I ask you out. will it be okay with you?", donghyeon slightly stuttering because of the nerves.

"hmmmmm..why not? but...are you thinking about that nowadays? answer me in all honesty please.", shi-yeon quickly asks.

"well, about that. see.....okay, i've been actually wanting to date you for a long time even until now. oh who am i kidding, i look so shy just saying it to you now, but yeah, that's the truth. and you found out just now.", donghyeon answers.

shi-yeon was momentarily at a loss for words after what she just heard. 

"hehe, to tell you the truth, that was kinda awkward wasn't it?", shi-yeon speaks trying to break the sudden silence.

"is that a yes or a no?", donghyeon adds.

"i guess, it's a yes. it wouldn't hurt, wouldn't it?", shi-yeon answers with a sweet, mild tone.

"yes! oh, i shouldn't be doing that here.", with donghyeon almost doing a full fist up in the air gesture.

"you're so silly, as always.", shi-yeon laughs it off as she leaves.

the moment donghyeon stepped inside their home he wasn't able to hold back his ecstatic feeling all over his body. he was jumping and doing all the fist pumps he could.

"whoooh! yes! she finally agreed to go out with me.", donghyeon cheers so loudly but he didn't care.

sorry for the short update after a long time, had a lot of stuff to do, i mean a lot..i promise to update with a better storyline ahead. :3

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