
Mina had waited by Sana's bed for a full week now. The girl's vitals were stable but she still wasn't waking up. The operation was a success and Chaeyoung said she would be waking up soon but couldn't predict exactly when.

Momo and Jeongyeon were in the room to visit Mina and Sana. Mina was using her phone on the couch by the window when they entered.

Mina seldom smiled these days. Not even the lamest dad jokes that the no jam brothers cracked could make the girl break into a grin. She would always reply them with the standard answer that she was okay with a thin, forced smile in hopes of convincing them but it was no use. The smile never reached her eyes. They knew she wasn't but they went along with her answer anyway, it wasn't nice to argue with a grieving person.

Her usually bright and sparkly eyes were now dull and lifeless. None of the girls could look into her eyes for long because pain and desperation had set into those once pure sockets, making extended eye contact a little unnerving. The members were very concerned since she was beginning to look a little thinner from the lack of proper meals. She would either eat one meal every two days or not eat at all. Water and snacks was the only thing that Mina consumed while waiting in Sana's room.

'Hey Mina.' Jeongyeon said with a tight smile. Mina nodded, lips twitching up ever so slightly.

'Hey, Jeong. Momo.'

'How is she?' Momo asked gently. There wasn't a need to ask it since it had been the same reply for the past few days.

'Same old same old.' Mina replied as she placed her phone on the couch and stood up. She walked with light steps over to Sana's bed and sat on the edge, taking Sana's cold hand and placing it on her thigh as she sat down. Her right hand covered the pale hand as her left reached out to her black hair.

Momo and Jeongyeon couldn't say a thing. Mina's longing gaze and actions were heart breaking. The way the brunette would talk to Sana as if the girl was awake and listening, the way she would occasionally dab some water onto the cyrokinetic's lips to make sure they were moist and not chapped, the way Mina would sing for Sana while holding her hand.

'Look, Jeongyeon and Momo are here to visit you.' Mina whispered in a small, brittle voice while brushing the stray strands of hair away from Sana's forehead.

'Mina, have you eaten?' Jeongyeon asked and brought three bento boxes. 'I packed your favourite ebi fry.' Momo cracked the lids open and set the plastic utensils on the table.

'No thanks. I'm not hungry.' Mina said, not taking her eyes off Sana's face.

'I know you're worried. We all are but the last proper meal you ate was like... Three days ago. Mina please, you need to take care of yourself too.' Momo pleaded with the girl, extending the bento box in the pyrokinetic's direction.

'We're as worried for you as we are for Sana. You're becoming a zombie and it's getting hard for us to just sit by and watch.' Jeongyeon said when Mina remained silent and unmoving.

'How can I eat when she's here like.. like this?' Mina asked, voice cracking at the last word. 'No one knows when she will wake up. Today? Tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Next year? What if never? How do you want me to live with all this questions?' Mina stood up from the bed and whipped around to face the couple.


'It was something I could have prevented. If I hadn't been so careless to let him strike me, Sana wouldn't have stopped there and get stabbed! I caused this to happen. I brought this pain upon all of you. Even if I starve to death, I'll deserve it!' Mina cried as hot tears rolled down her cheeks.

Momo clenched her teeth and took one step towards Mina, raised her hand and gave the girl a tight slap, leaving a loud ringing sensation in Mina's left ear.

'Momo what are you doing?' Jeongyeon screeched and quickly pulled Momo away from the girl who had collapsed to the floor, sobbing with her head down.

'You deserve it? I dare you to repeat that. I ing dare you. No one expected that to happen. No one! You can't blame yourself for a surprise attack that happen! If that is valid, all of us are at fault. We could have just crawled up to do something. Jeongyeon should feel even guiltier because she was the one providing cover fire but she let that blade reach Sana isn't it? We share the guilt Mina. It's not just you. Yes, she's your girlfriend so what? She's our friend and she means just as much to us as she does to you!' Momo seethed against the taller girl's grasp. 'Sana is already in this state. Why must you torture yourself when you're alive and kicking? It's even more painful to watch you do this to yourself than to see Sana lying like this in bed for the past week! ing get your together god damn it!' The Japanese girl hurled a punch of air at Mina, blowing the girl's hair around but not enough to knock her over.

'I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.' Mina's head dropped to the floor in a bow, voice shaking from her cries.

'C'mon.. Get up..' Jeongyeon gently slipped her arms under Mina's armpits and effortlessly hauled the girl to her feet and led her back to the couch.

'Just take care of yourself more okay? Look at you, you're so thin now.' Jeongyeon fussed in a motherly manner as she wiped Mina's tears away with her thumb and combed through the girl's tousled hair in an attempt to tame the messy strands sticking up from all directions. Momo dropped down to the cushy surface and wrapped her arms around the girl.

'I'm sorry for yelling at you but I just really couldn't take it anymore. Just.. do it for Sana. I'm sure she would scold you if she saw you doing this to yourself.' Momo mumbled into Mina's hair.

'I'm sorry for making you worry. All of you.' Mina croaked. 'Let me just..' she stood up and gestured to her face and the couple nodded.

Mina returned from the washroom looking a little fresher though her eyes were still bloodshot from crying and the lack of sleep.

'Eat?' Jeongyeon held out the bento box in front of Mina with a fork and spoon sticking out from under the box.

The couple watched the girl take the box and scoop a small spoon of rice into before they began to eat their own meals.




Jeongyeon and Momo had left after lunch, leaving Mina and Sana alone in the silent room with only the beeping of the heart rate monitor to keep them company.

'Sana..' Mina cooed, voice full of love as she the girl's hair. 'When will you wake up so I can officially make you my girlfriend?'

Mina poured a glass of water and took a cotton bud to dab some of it on the girl's lips before take a sip of her own.

'You know I've been waiting to properly kiss you with your consent.' Mina placed the cup of water back on the bedside table. 'I never stole a kiss because I want you to remember everything.'

Mina took Sana's hand and rubbed the pad of her thumb over the girl's fingers.

'I'm sorry I made you worry. I should have taken better care of myself.' The pyrokinetic closed her eyes and placed her head on the back of Sana's hand.

Mina sat in silence and drifted off to sleep when a knock on the door woke her up.

Chaeyoung wheeled Jihyo to the bedside before walked over to Mina.

'Momo and Jeongyeon said you were much better so I came by to check for myself.' Jihyo smiled.

'I'm sorry Jihyo, Chaeyoung. To all of you, for making you worry about me as well.'

'It's okay, we understand.' The younger girl patted Mina's shoulder before turning to check on the IV drip and feeding tube.

'Were you sleeping? Sorry to disturb.'

'No no, it's fine. How is your leg?' Mina shifted her gaze to Jihyo's leg which was now in a exoskeletal cast.

'Not too bad. The pain is going away slowly and this cast really helps. At least it doesn’t itch and smell.' Jihyo chuckled and Mina gave a small smile.

They watched as Chaeyoung did the routinely check on Sana.

'Vitals are stable and she looks better than yesterday. We need to change the bandage though.' Chaeyoung pointed at the girl's stomach. 'Would you like to help?'

Mina was still before nodding slightly.

She watched as the healer bring out a fresh set of bandage from the side drawer and place it on the bedside before moving to Sana's shirt. Removing the clip, Chaeyoung began to unroll the bandage.

Mina choked back a sob when she saw the huge bruise around the wound and she could feel tears welling in her eyes, blurring her vision.

'It's much better because it's closed now.' Chaeyoung reassured Mina.

Chaeyoung tossed the used bandage into the trash and cleaned the affected area before hovering her hands over Sana's mid-section.

Mina watched as the scab began to harden and the edges of the bruise began to recede. The healer then rubbed some aloe vera gel on the bruise before slipping the bandage under Sana's back.

'You should do it.' Chaeyoung held the two edges of the bandage up for Mina to take.

The girl stepped forward and held the edges, following Chaeyoung's instructions on how to wrap it before fastening the clip.

'I sense some brain activity so I can add some validity to Chaeng's statement.' Jihyo said as the shorter girl began to wheel Jihyo backwards towards the door.

'Thanks you two.'

'Good night Mina. Get some rest okay?'

'I will.'

The girl had unknowingly taken a three hour nap by Sana's bed earlier before they came and woke her up.

'Good night my dear.' Mina yawned and walked over to the couch where she curled up into a ball and for the first time in seven days, gave in to her fatigue and fell into a deep slumber.


2 months later

Most things have returned to normal. Mina was slowly getting back to being herself although she would still spend most of her time in Sana's room. The members didn't mind since she was eating and sleeping well again.

The reconstruction of the city was still under progress. Jeongyeon, Tzuyu, Jihyo, Nayeon and Chaeyoung would commute to the city daily to help with the clean-up efforts. The military as well as civilian volunteers had also joined in and the five had become section leaders for each of their tasks, overlooking the progress. With their help, the broken remains had quickly been cleaned up over the past two months. Buildings had been torn down and plans for reconstruction were already underway.

Heavy vehicles could be seen entering the city almost every day, delivering both daily necessities and building supplies. The injured were nursed back to health and the underground pipes had been fixed, courtesy of Jeongyeon. Water and electricity was now flowing as per normal to the relief of the government.

'Sana~ I'm back~' Mina sang as she walked into the room with a bag of gummies. Sana was still in a comatose state and the pyrokinetic was still worried but kept quiet. The others were as anxious as her even if they didn't verbally say it.

Mina plopped down on the chair by the bedside and rested her elbows on the bed as she watched Sana. The girl had always looked angelic when she slept and Mina loved it. She wasn't being creepy if she was just admiring someone's beauty while they were sleeping... maybe just a little. Whatever. She can stare at her girlfriend when she sleeps.

'If only you were awake. I'd give you some.' Mina held a piece of candy between her fingers and waved it around before popping it into . She dusted her fingers on her jeans and traced circles on the back of Sana's hand that was resting by her side gently.

'I'm convinced the president hates me because I pretty much burned down half the buildings to the ground with that pretty rainbow flame. At least I can spend more time with you anyway. Everyone else is helping now so it's just you and me.' Mina sighed and the girl's hair. 'Will you tell me when you will wake up? Appear in my dreams maybe? Oh wait, you always do.' She laughed at her own lame joke.

Mina played with Sana's fingers as she scrolled through the news on her phone. Zafir's trial had ended and clearly he was slapped with way too many counts of criminal charges that they just decided to have him on the death row but not before he spills all the information about Orion's Order. It would be for the best of the world.

She had just scrolled past an article that stated there would be an award ceremony for those who helped in the stopping and capturing of the crack organization in the second week of February.

'Look, Sana! They're having a ceremony for us to commend us for our heroic efforts. Any chance you'll wake up by then?' Mina asked and wiggled Sana's fingers without taking her eyes off her phone.

'I can't miss an award ceremony can I?' A very familiar voice said in a husky manner and Mina froze. She could feel the hairs on the back of her neck tingle and her heart almost skipped a beat. She tore her eyes away from the lit screen and they met with a pair of light brown orbs which she hadn't seen in such a long time.

'I think I'm gonna cry.' Mina rubbed her eyes, not believing what she was seeing. 'Is this my imagination or is this real?'

'It's real.' Sana gave a small smile. She moved to sit up but fell back onto her pillow.

'Let me help.' Mina quickly stood up and pulled Sana forward slowly. She puffed up the pillows behind the girl and settled her into the fluffy back rest. Sana smiled at Mina who was staring at her. The girl took Sana's hand and the latter wiggled her fingers. Mina let her head fall to the bed and for a moment, she didn't get up.

'Minari?' Sana called and lightly tapped her shoulders. She heard a sniffle and when she placed her hand on the broad shoulder, she could feel it trembling slightly.

'Why are you crying?' Sana rubbed her shoulder.

'I don't know. I can't help it... I... It's been two months since I heard your voice and seen your eyes..' Mina said with the most brittle voice Sana had ever heard. The girl was overwhelmed with emotions. She didn't know how to describe it but she was pretty damn ecstatic.

'You're such a softie.' Sana giggled but stopped to rub her stomach.

'Be careful please.' Mina rested her hand over the girl's.

'You know I actually woke up when you were gone. I was going to prank you to think I had amnesia but I think you would kill me.' Sana chuckled.

'I would have got really mad... But damn it! I wasn't around when you woke up! What if something happened to you? Ugh!' Mina face palmed.

'Still the worrywart after all this time. Relax, what could possibly happen to me?'

'Do you remember what happened?' Mina asked and rubbed her hand over Sana's stomach. Chaeyoung had fully healed the wound from her last check-up and all there was left of it was a scar. The healer did warn of soreness which was probably why Sana still felt that it was a little painful to sit up on her own.

'I got stabbed by something? Then I couldn't get up because the pain was searing. I remember you and that super inferno then I out shortly after.' Sana scratched her head.

'It's okay. It's over anyway. The rest aren't back yet so... I guess I can use this private time to do something productive.' Mina said with a loving gaze which Sana returned, eyes curving slightly into crescents.

Mina reached into her shirt and pulled out a chain with two identical rings on it, something which Sana had never seen Mina wear before since the girl had found necklaces to be a bother sometimes, curling around her neck and getting in the way.

The younger girl gave it a tug and it came off. She showed Sana the rings in her palm.

'I think we both waited long enough for this moment.'

Sana nodded with a grin on her face. She watched as Mina took one of the rings and slipped it onto her ring finger.

'I always carried it on the chain because it would be close to my heart.' Mina said and her fingers curled at her own words.

'So the ring is now full of your heart?' Sana joked and twisted the ring around her finger.

'Meh.' Mina shrugged.

'Come here.' Sana gestured and Mina got up from her chair to lean over the bed. She placed a hand on the headboard behind and leaned towards Sana.


'Closer.' Sana rested her hand on Mina's nape and scratched the base of her scalp gently with her nails and Mina almost melted on the spot.

Mina leaned forward until there was no space between their faces and she placed a gentle kiss on Sana's lips. The feeling was euphoric. The kiss was slow and gentle rather than hasty and full of lust. They poured all their feelings into it, the feelings they had been holding back for months.

'I love you. So, so much.' Mina whispered.

'I love you too, worrywart.' Sana ruffled Mina's hair. The younger girl sat back down and played with Sana's fingers.

'I have an idea.' Sana said and Mina looked up. 'How 'bout we prank the other members? Since they don't know I'm awake now, when they return later, you could run up to them and say you thought my finger moved or something and when they come, I'll wake up and pretend to have amnesia!'

'What's with you and amnesia?' Mina laughed at the girl's silly plan.

'I don't know. Maybe I've been watching too many dramas in my spare time. But isn't it funny?'

'Funny to you.' Mina poked Sana's nose. 'They'll probably be freaking out and sobbing.'

'Please?' Sana pleaded with her puppy eyes that she knows Mina wouldn’t be able to resist.

'Alright alright. But if they jump you-' 'You'll save me right? You wouldn’t let your beloved, fragile girlfriend die right?' Sana pouted and Mina pinched the bridge of her nose.

'Are you seriously playing the guilt card right now?' Mina looked at Sana who was still pouting with those super tempting lips. 'Fine. I'll cover you.'

'You're the best!' Sana squealed, voice cracking from not speaking in a long time.

'Don't move around too much, the needle will hurt.' Mina took the girl's wrist and placed her arms down by her sides. 'You want to remove that?' She pointed at the feeding tube.

'Yes please. Feels a little weird.'

'Sit up as straight as you can.' Mina gently eased Sana who straightened her back and pushed the girl forward slightly. She slowly tugged on the tube and Sana almost gagged.

'Sorry.' Mina paused and Sana closed her eyes, motioning for the girl to continue. Pulling it slowly to ensure the thin tubes won’t snap, Mina managed to get it up till the ends reached Sana's throat.


Sana gave a thumb up and Mina gave it a quick tug, cleanly removing the entire tube. Mina owes it all to her dad for teaching her about basic nursing.

She poured Sana a glass of water and gave it to the girl who gulped it down and coughed.

'Well that was disgusting.' Sana concluded as Mina took the cup from her hand.

'Couldn't let you starve could we?'

'Where did you learn to do that? And shouldn’t the tube be in for the prank to work?' Sana asked as Mina helped her lean back.

'My dad majored in medicine so yeah. Well.’ Mina looked at the tube. She sliced off the ends that were in Sana's stomach, leaving only the end that was connected to the main tube.

'Just stuff that in there.' Mina passed it to Sana who laughed but placed it back in its original position.

They heard the sound of loud chattering and laughter coming from downstairs.

'Time to start acting.' Sana sang in her cracking voice as she slid back down to her pillow and closed her eyes. Mina made sure everything looked the same as before and made her way downstairs.

'Guys! Guys!' Mina shouted in the most convincing tone she could muster and hoped her expression made the cut. 'Sana! Sana's finger moved!'

'What!' Jihyo's eyes widened and they quickly dashed up the stairs. Mina waited till they were out of earshot and made a short phone call before running to join them.

'She's waking up!' Chaeyoung said as Sana's eyes fluttered open.

'Sana? How do you feel?' Jihyo asked.

'Who... Who are you?' Sana replied in the most convincing tone.

'You can't remember us?' Momo's eyes widened.

Jihyo tried to search through Sana's mind but she found that the girl was perfectly fine.

'Shh, I'm pranking them!' She heard Sana think to herself as the girl made eye contact.

The telekinetic gave a wink.

'She really lost her memories.' Jihyo said in a solemn voice.

'What? Is there any way to get it back?' Dahyun shook Jihyo by the shoulders.

'I would have to look into it.'

'Mina.. Are you okay?' Tzuyu suddenly said and everyone turned their attention towards the girl who was standing in the corner with her face in her hands.

'Mina? Who's that?' Sana looked around with the most innocent expression she could muster.

'She.. Is your girlfriend?' Chaeyoung said slowly, hoping to trigger some emotions from the patient but there was none.

'It's okay. Give her some time, she'll remember.' Tzuyu pulled Mina into a comforting hug and the girl began to make sobbing noises. The more she sobbed the funnier it got and she eventually started to laugh but seems like no one could tell. Mina pulled away and wiped her tears of laughter, walking to the side of the bed.

Sana looked into her eyes and snorted internally.

'Don't you dare laugh!' Mina said with her eyes.

'I'm trying!' Sana stared back and her lips started to twitch.

'I'm serious! Don't!' Mina intensified her glare.

Sana burst out in laughter anyway and Mina let her head drop to the bed.

'Wha?' Nayeon looked at Sana like she grew another head.

'They were pranking us.' Jihyo burst out laughing as well.

'Wow! So this is how you treat your worried friends? I see how it is!' Jeongyeon shouted and aimed a playful punch at Sana but was deflected by Mina's hand.

'Don't hurt her!' Mina laughed and jumped onto the bed, wrapping her arms around Sana to shield the girl.

'I swear to god you guys!' Nayeon shoved Mina by the shoulders.

'Let's have a feast to celebrate!' Momo shouted and raised her hands in the air.

'I'll go prepare!' Jeongyeon said and dashed out of the room.

Mina felt her phone vibrate and she untangled herself from Sana and got out of the bed, leaving the girl to catch up with the rest.

She opened the message and smiled, sending a quick thanks before going to help out in the kitchen.


Sana Mina's hair as the girl rested her head in the crook of Sana's neck.

Dinner was over half an hour ago and they have been in this position since they returned to Sana's room. The medical equipment had been removed after Chaeyoung confirmed that Sana was in perfect condition and can resume her daily activities.

'You must have suffered much these two months.' Sana said softly. Mina shifted her legs which were tangled with Sana's under the sheets.

'I made myself suffer more than I should have. I thought too much every day.' Mina replied and traced gentle patterns on Sana's abdomen.

'What did you think about?'

'I blamed myself. If only I was faster like how I saved you from falling off the building, maybe you wouldn't have been unconscious for so long. If I hadn't been so hasty to fight Zafir myself, I could have been able to protect you.'

'Oh Mina, it's not your fault. You wouldn't have known he would play a dirty trick. You can't blame yourself for that.' Sana tilted Mina's head up by her chin.

'I don't know..' Mina averted her eyes.

'Well, it's over. Let's not harp on the past anymore. We'll look forward to the future. A future of peace.' Sana cupped Mina's face and planted a quick kiss on the girl's lips.

'Good night.' Mina whispered.

'Good night.' Sana wrapped her arms around the shorter girl's shoulders.

'Come in, come in.' Mina smiled and held the door open for a couple. The man's fringe was swept to the left and was slightly curled at the edges. A pair of black square rimmed glasses rested on his high nose bridge and his moustache was neatly trimmed. He was dressed simply in a blue pullover with yellow stripes on the sleeves, a pair of black jeans and brown loafers.

The lady had her bangs swept to the left as well and the top part of her hair was tied up. She too was in a simple outfit; white shirt, blue cardigan, light khaki pants and brown pumps.

'We came as soon as we got your call.' The lady said and pulled Mina into a hug.

'She doesn't know I called you so this is kinda like a surprise.' Mina smiled. 'Come.'

The trio walked up the stairs and bumped into Jihyo who gave an affable smile.

Mina opened the door and took a peep inside; Sana was still asleep.

'She's still sleeping but you should go in.' Mina stepped aside for the couple to enter and walked in after them.

The pyrokinetic watched as they stood by Sana's bed. The lady reached out and Sana's black hair. Sana woke from the touch and looked up at the two faces. She blinked.

'Mama? Papa?' The girl questioned in dazed Japanese.

'Yes my dear.' Mr. Minatozaki said fondly.

Sana sat up as fast as she could and wrapped her arms around her parents, making Mina smile at the sight of the happy reunion.

'We came as soon as we heard you were awake. We visited two times while you were still.. You know.' Mrs. Minatozaki gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead.

'How did you know?'

Her dad gestured towards Mina who was standing quietly in the corner, arms folded with a smile on her lips. She walked over to join the trio and Sana grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her closer, making Mina loose her balance and fall onto the bed as well.

'Thank you so much!' Sana gave Mina a rib crushing hug. A pink hue dusted over Mina's cheek from the display of affection in front of her parents but she relaxed into the hug.

'My daughter is lucky to have someone like you as a girlfriend.' Mr Minatozaki said and ruffled Mina's hair.

The girl felt blood rushing to her face and the room suddenly became unbearably hot.

'G-girlfriend?' Mina stuttered. How did they know?

'Are you not?' Mrs. Minatozaki chuckled at the flustered girl.

'I-I am.' The girl replied, slightly embarrassed. She had thought they would be against it since Sana was technically the heir to her father's company and they shouldn't be risking their high profile image.

'Don't worry. Did you think we would oppose to this?'


'You are the first person our daughter had ever fallen so deeply for; of course we would let her do whatever that makes her happy. You have proven to us that you are worthy of taking care of her anyway, I don't see why we would have any reason to disagree with her decision.'

Mina's mouth opened and closed but no words would come out coherently. She didn't know what to say.

'I.. Thank you. Thank you so much.' Mina looked at them with wide eyes. She was still sitting on the bed which seemed a little impolite and she quickly got up and straightened her clothes, giving them a bow.

'Eh, no need to be so uptight. You're considered our family too.' Mrs. Minatozaki rubbed Mina's arm.

'Come back.' Sana whined from the bed, arms stretched out towards Mina like a baby asking to be carried.

'Later. I think you should catch up with your parents for now.' Mina planted a chaste kiss on Sana's temple and smiled before leaving the room. It sure was rewarding to make someone happy.



'Cheers to our victory!' Jihyo's loud voice resounded throughout the venue followed by the clinks of glass.

It was the day of the commendation ceremony and everyone had gathered at the Olympic Park. Their parents were all present as well as the president who gave a speech before handing out the Medals of Honour to all that played a significant part in the war.

'We're so proud of you. All of you.' Nayeon's mom pulled them into a big group hug.

'I'll fight whoever that says you guys are unworthy.' Kai raised his fists and threw a few punches into the air, making everyone laugh.

They hung around for a few drinks before they disperse to mingle around with the crowd, signing autographs for children who looked up to them as superheroes. It was a nice change as compared to the past where parents would shield their children away in fear.

Mina was walking around the little flower garden by the south gate. The dark clouds had cleared and the beautiful orange and purple hues were splashed across the blue sky. Mina let out a contented sigh as she looked at the breath taking view of the sunset. She finally felt truly at ease, all of her burden had been relieved from her shoulders and her soul was at peace.

'Mina? Are you here?' Sana teased the girl who was bent over to look at the flowers.

'Yes.' Mina stood up and Sana walked over to hug her.

'I couldn't find you amongst all the pretty flowers.' Sana giggled.

'Tsh. Cheesy.' Mina laughed.

Sana was stunning despite the smart casual outfit; black long sleeved dress with red rose petals to contrast, black belt and black heels. Mina too, was in a black dress with translucent sleeves that had rows of white dots running down the skirt and a pair of black ankle boots.

'Finally we can see the sunset again. One day of darkness seems too long.' Sana commented and Mina couldn't agree more. 'Isn't it beautiful?'

'I see something more beautiful than the bright sky.' Mina glanced at Sana who slapped her shoulder, clearly embarrassed.

'And you say I'm cheesy.' Sana covered .

'It's payback.' Mina blew a raspberry.

'Not dancing?'

'I can't dance.'

'Says the one who learnt ballet for eleven years.' Sana scoffed and Mina rolled her eyes.

'I'm too tired to. After all that happened, I just feel like relaxing and not moving an inch.' Mina ran a hand through her hair.

'We can properly relax from today onwards. My dad wants to send us on a surprise holiday to Australia.'

'Really? All nine of us?'

'Mmhm. He says we deserve it and that we can spend as much time there as we want.' Sana hummed.


'He's still discussing it with Jihyo so, yeah. Shh, no one else knows about it except for the three of us now.' Sana placed a finger on her lips.

'The secret is safe with me.' Mina smiled.

'Really not going back?' Sana asked as she strolled with Mina through the flower bushes.

'I think I like it more here where it's peaceful and quiet.' Mina sat down on the bench and pulled Sana down beside her.

'Do you think they would look for us?' Sana asked as she rested her head on Mina's shoulder.

'Nah, they'll probably be making their funny guesses as to where we disappeared to. Let's just enjoy our alone time, hmm?' Mina said softly and placed her hand over Sana's, their rings clinking together.

'Thank you.' The cyrokinetic whispered.

'What for?'

'For just being here. For existing.' Sana pulled away and Mina turned her head, making eye contact.

'I should thank you too then, for not giving up on life.' Mina reached out and tucked a strand of stray hair behind Sana's ear. She let her finger slide, tracing the girl's sideburn and jawline before stopping at her chin. 'So mesmerizing.' She guided Sana closer as she leaned forward herself.

'Speaking about yourself?' Sana let out a giddy chuckle. Mina's touch always had this effect on her, she always felt like she would turn to mush with just a simple touch.

'I'm talking about a one-of-a-kind beauty.' Mina's breath tickled Sana's lips.

'I wonder who that is.' The girl leaned forward and bumped their noses together.

'You.' Mina sealed their lips and Sana couldn't help but smile against her girlfriend's lips.

Her girlfriend. Sounds fantastic.

It didn't take long for them to get lost in each other's company with the sound of music from the party in the distance as mere white noise.

Restoring balance to the world is great, but the best thing was that they had each other.


Final word count: 97346 words

Ladies and gentlemen we have sadly come to the end of Equilibrium. However, I would like to thank you all for the support this past month! :) Hope you have enjoyed reading Equilibrium as much as I have enjoyed writing it! I hope that the silent readers too will give me some opinion on what you think of the story line. Don't be shy, I don't bite ^^ I appreciate every comment from all my readers :)

Once again thank you,  you -ssi, for reading and a happy birthday to our fantastic God Jihyo! :D

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i read this on wp if I'm not wrong and boy this is my first love. ksksjsjsjksksksks i really love this also I'm gonna reread this again!❤️
Chapter 33: I love this ending!!!! I cried hard and laughed hard. This was such a rollercoaster ride. Thank you for writing and giving us such an awesome story!!!!
Chapter 32: i really love this story!
Chapter 23: the war is at its begining
Chapter 1: 2na feelings
neccar 146 streak #6
Chapter 1: Writing is really top notch in this book.
bangtanedd #7
Chapter 32: this is probs my fav 2na ff c: i came back to read it again cause iTS JUST THT GOOD
Chapter 32: Wow. Discovered this gem of a story way too late. Had to break the continuous reading for 2 days, couldnt wait to finish it. Finally did! Nail-bitting, so many feels, action-packed story. So good! THANK YOU FOR WRITING! I throughly enjoyed reading this. ♡♡