
‘Our little hero finally showed up.’ Zafir mocked as he slowly walked out of the building, a few of his mutants following behind him.


‘Our little coward finally emerged.’ Mina taunted back, balling her fists. The rest quickly ran up behind her, ready to protect her should anything happen.


‘You’re the coward. Our predecessors gave us so much power but you choose to fear the humans rather than rise above them and rule.’ Zafir growled. ‘The most feared is a pyrokinetic but where have you been? Hiding.’


‘The world is not ours to rule. We’re supposed to share this planet and live in harmony with the humans!’ Mina snarled.


‘Mutants and humans can never live in harmony. Like light and darkness, one can never exist without the other!’ Zafir stepped forward, slamming the end of his staff into the ground.


‘The weak should be protected!’ Mina’s balled fists burst into flames.


‘The weak should be destroyed!’ Zafir pointed the skull at the top of his staff at Mina.


Mina threw a fireball at Zafir but he deflected it with his staff. The master necromancer raised the undead around them and disappeared in a wisp of black smoke.


'Hunters! Attack!' Zafir raised his staff and the last of his army charged forward. He raised the boulders but Mina shoved him back into the wall of the building.


'This planet will be ours! What are you doing!' Zafir yelled as he defended Mina's sword that she had created entirely out of fire. She brought the other blade down but he caught that too. 


‘Then you’ll have to go through me!' Mina yelled back and Zafir head butted her. Mina stumbled back and he delivered a teep kick to her stomach, sending her rolling backwards. 





Jeongyeon demolished a building and raised the rocks as Nayeon opened a portal on the ground. The geokinetic tossed the scraps of metal and rock into the portal and they reappeared above the undead, crushing them all but waves and wave seem to reappear and charge at them.


‘We need to find that necromancer!’ Jeongyeon yelled as she impaled an undead in the chest with a stack of metal and forced the individual layers out from all directions, ripping the undead apart and splattering a purplish liquid over the road.


‘Where is he?’ Nayeon shouted as she moved an undead that was lunging at Sana.


‘I don’t know but we have to move fast! We won’t last long if this keeps up!’





Jihyo was holding off a magmakinetic. She was melting the ground into pools of bubbling lava as Jihyo tried to avoid them whilst homing anything she could find at the rebel. She landed a hit on the girl's head and she was knocked down but quickly countered by pushing the ground up under Jihyo's feet, sending the girl flying.


Jihyo tossed a truck but it was consumed by lava and shot back at her which she narrowly dodged.


‘Die!’ the magmakinetic roared and opened a gaping hole under Jihyo’s feet but the girl levitated and smashed into her, slamming her fist into the rebel’s temple and kneeing her in the ribs.


‘Not today.’ Jihyo scowled and threw the girl over her shoulder.





Tzuyu and Momo were trying to create a hurricane. A deafening roar could be heard as water was pulled from the river, flushing through the buildings and roads before Momo blasted a stream of air and along with Tzuyu's help, the water full of dirt and debris began to rotate around them and the building. Jeongyeon used the debris from the spinning hurricane to attack the other mutants, knocking them down in one shot from the high velocity. 


‘Shoot em! Shoot em!’ Momo yelled and Tzuyu took advantage of the high velocity, drawing the clumps of rocks from the water and slamming them into the undead like a rock cannon. The head was the main target and it was one shot one kill but more seem to spawn and replace the downed ones.


‘I hope they find that guy soon.’ Tzuyu muttered as she impaled one in the chest with a metal pole.





'Sana!' Mina shouted and she ran towards the girl and grabbed her hand. Energy coursed through their veins and Mina raised her hand, creating a vortex of icy flames that ravaged every building in the vicinity including the one that Zafir was hiding in. The man rolled away to avoid being burned by the incoming flames.


'You fool!' He yelled and jumped at Mina, separating the connection between her and Sana and the two figures tumbled away. 


Mina groaned and elbowed his ribs which earned a counter punch to her side. They rolled around on the ground, trying to overpower one another but it seemed like they were evenly matched.





Dahyun and Chaeyoung were back to back. The aerobat looked around for any weapons she could use when she spotted a black bag. 


'Where are you going!' Chaeyoung shouted at Dahyun who darted off towards her find. It was a military sack full of grenades. Whoever left it here deserved a medal the size of a frying pan but also deserved a smack on the head if it had exploded. 


'Grenades? What are you gonna do with that?' Chaeyoung asked as Dahyun shouldered the pack.


'I'm going to give these doggies a little treat.' Dahyun grinned. 


'Hey! You!' Dahyun shouted at a mutt. Just as it opened its mouth to roar, she pulled the pin and tossed a grenade into its mouth. It choked on the foreign object as it stumbled around on its fours. 


'Move!' Dahyun pulled Chaeyoung by the hand and ran. The creature was about to give chase when it exploded, limbs, organs and blood flying all over. 


'You couldn't pick a better way?' Chaeyoung grimaced at the gory sight. 


'It's the only way that would make us useful here!' Dahyun said as they ran around to deliver the rest of the 'snacks'.





'Surrender!' Zafir shouted as he rolled away from Mina's fiery blades. 


'Never!' Mina roared as she jumped up into the air and slammed her blades down into the ground, sending a wave of flames towards Zafir. 


'Then perish like your human friends!' He swung his staff and stabbed it into the ground. A huge fissure opened in the ground and Mina propelled herself backwards. She lashed at him with a whip of fire but he blocked it with an earthen wall.


A pipe burst and Zafir showered Mina in spikes but the girl covered herself in blue flames. The flames cackled and steamed as the water vaporized into the air. Mina shot a burst of flames at a car and it exploded. She would burn down the whole city if she had to.





Jeongyeon made eye contact with Nayeon and they nodded. A portal was thrown open and Jeongyeon jumped through, falling from the sky before another portal open and she tackled a shapeshifter, sending the boy flying. The geokinetic went after him. 


Nayeon was deflecting attacks from a sped manipulator. She had tried to open portals to catch him and augment his speed to a point where he warps but he was too fast. Suddenly, he appeared in front of Nayeon and stared at her before looking down to his chest which had a knife lodged right in the middle. There was an agonizing yell of pain and the teleporter turned around to see that one of Jihyo's legs had been crushed by a slab of concrete and her assaulter was approaching. The girl had saved Nayeon but got caught herself. 


Nayeon opened a portal and jumped through, tossing a portal at the geokinetic which had begun running and she was sent sprawling to the ground somewhere behind them. 


'I'm so sorry. Just hang on okay?' Nayeon Jihyo's hair and wiped the girl's tears away as her own eyes began to well with tears and they teleported away just before the rebel could attack them. A grenade landed at her foot but she was too slow, it exploded and she was sent back into a building with weakened foundation and it collapsed on her, instantly killing her. 


'Chaeyoung!' Nayeon yelled as she rested Jihyo's head on her lap. The healer quickly ran over to help Jihyo. Jihyo's face was scrunched up in pain and she was sweating profusely despite the cold. 





Dahyun was trying to land a shot on a rebel but it didn't seem to be working like how she expected it to be. It exploded in his chest but he just seemed to grow stronger. He jumped over the rubble and landed behind Dahyun, grabbing a hold of her hood just as she tried to run. 


'You think you're a bomber plane?' A boy caught Dahyun and she struggled against him but it was no use. He pinned her to the ground and tossed her sack away. 





A projectile managed to pierce Tzuyu in the arm and the girl screamed in pain as her control over the water released and Momo quickly caught the girl before she could hit the floor. The sleeve had been pierced and blood was dripping down Tzuyu's arm. 


'Tzuyu!' Momo shouted as she pressed her hand against the girl’s arm in hopes of stopping the blood.


‘Keep it going.’ Tzuyu said with clenched teeth but the water had splashed back onto the streets.


'No more tornadoes.' A girl snarled as she loaded the gun. 


The wind began to pick up faster than ever and Momo glared at the girl.


‘You’ll pay!’ Momo lunged at the girl. She had aimed the gun at Momo but the girl was way faster. Momo grabbed the barrel and pushed it up. They wrestled for the gun but Momo had her pinned to the ground. She had her knee on the girl’s stomach and she was pushing all her weight down. She jabbed the girl’s chelidon and forced the gun towards the girl’s chest.


‘Die, .’ Momo snarled and pulled the trigger.





Sana swung her frosted blades at two undead. One threw a lunch but she jumper over it and sliced it clean into half. The other was about to approach but she threw her sword and it stabbed it in the shoulder.


The necromancer was near, judging by how the undead were rising in places where she least expected, as if they were trying to land a sneak attack. Sana droved her blade into the chest of one and pulled it up, slicing it into half and quickly jumped away as the purple liquid frothed from its head.


She ran towards the previously downed undead and blasted it with ice before pulling her blade out and dropping to one knee and sliced the knees off another undead. Sana caught sight of the necromancer and held her swords in one hand as she used the other to create an icy wave. The necromancer must have seen her as he swiped his hands and covered the area with a dark fog but Sana rolled through and pierced her swords straight through his armour and heart.


‘What have you done?’ he let out a strangled gasp as he clutched at the blades.


‘Giving you a chance to become one with your minions.’ Sana looked straight into his eyes as frost spread across his body. She pulled out her swords and hacked at the ice sculpture, turning it into nothing more than a pile of ice.





Mina was pounding her swords on Zafir's shield and the metal was glowing from the intense heat of her blades. He rolled away and a hound pounced on Mina but the girl stabbed her swords through its face and ripped it into two. Shoving the body off, she looked around and saw the man leaning on his staff. 


'Your friends are caught. Surrender and join me. Together, we can rule.' He grinned maniacally. Mina turned around and saw that everyone was either caught or wounded. 


'Over my dead body.' Mina spat and electricity sparked from the utility poles, striking down to instantly electrocute the rebels which were holding the gang captive. 


'Oh I will get to see your dead body.' Zafir stepped back. The ground rumbled and the building in front of them exploded as a giant snake with metal scales emerged from the building. From the dust, a dark figure could be seen approaching. The pyrokinetic. He leaped up and flames poured from his heels as he landed in front of Mina. 


'Impossible.' Mina gasped and stepped back. 


'You think there's only one of you? You're not special.' The pyrokinetic snarled in a low voice full of menace. 'There is only space for one true master.' 


'Time to find out who.' Mina said and delivered a swift kick, sending blue flames in his direction. Sana was quick to step in and help, blasting his trail of fire with frost in an attempt to incapacitate him with the temperature but it didn't seem to affect him at all.


'Get the snake!' Mina yelled and Jeongyeon moved into action. Dahyun picked her up and they flew over the snake. Jeongyeon dropped down into the head and began pounding it with rocks. She had attempted to crush the snake with its own scales but they must have been made of platinum. It wouldn’t budge. 


She moulded the cars and lampposts into a huge cuff and locked it onto the body. She buried the ends of the bounds into the ground and the snake hissed as it tried to trash out of its prison. 


'Open its mouth!' Dahyun yelled as she flew back with the discarded sack of grenades. Nayeon tossed a dagger at Jeongyeon who caught it and ran down the snake's body before jumping off its head and stabbed it into its eye. The snake hissed and thrashed wildly as Jeongyeon held on to the handle of the dagger which was lodged deep in its eye socket. Dahyun chucked the whole sack down its throat. 


'Get away!' She yelled and Jeongyeon released her hold. She jumped onto a scrap of metal and zipped off. The creature exploded just like how the hounds did and it collapsed to the floor in a huge heap, unmoving. 


‘Now that’s nasty.’ Jeongyeon said before moving off to finish the rest of the undead.






Mina sidestepped a stream of flames and clapped her hands, bringing together a huge stream of blue flames to block off the oncoming red hot tongues. She leaped up and surfed towards him, blasting him with fire but to no avail. The fires were raging bigger than anything the rest had seen before. Vortexes of flames reaching up to three stories high and fire balls were as big as boulders.


The hunter leaped up and threw an axe kick, bringing down a whip of flame which Mina parted with her own blue ones. She intertwined her red and blue flames, shooting it down the street and the buildings were instantly set ablaze but the hunter had dodged her attack. Smoke was filling the air and Momo was trying to clear it so as to avoid suffocating them all. He seemed to be on par with Mina in terms of agility and strength but he doesn’t seem to be able to use blue flames. Unless he’s holding back.


‘No lightning?’ He taunted and Mina’s hands instantly began to crackle with white jagged bolts. She directed the lightning at him as he ran but she didn’t manage to land a shot. Without warning, he’s gloved hands glowed purple and he blasted at her with purple flames. Maybe that’s why she hadn’t seen any blue flames. He slammed his fist into the ground and a wave of purple flames erupted, rising like a tidal wave towards Mina and she stepped back, flames missing her by just a few centimetres.


She charged straight at him, throwing punch after punch but he countered with dark flames. He managed to hit her in the chest with a burst of dark electricity and she dropped to the floor.


‘Mina!’ Sana yelled and surfed over. She hurled a ice bomb at him but he dodged and laughed darkly before flying off.


‘Wake up, Mina! Mina!’ Sana shook the girl’s shoulders but she remained unmoving. This couldn’t be happening can it? No, this felt surreal. It was almost like the Forest of Nightmares but this was no illusion. Sana stared at Mina’s face, pupils trembling.


‘You can’t do this to me Mina. You.. You need to wake up. You promised me! You promised me that we would all be alright!’ Sana rested her head on Mina’s chest and sobbed. The girl had to wake up.


‘Sana!’ Chaeyoung shouted as she ran towards the two. The buildings were still in flames and Jeongyeon shot them a glance as she provided cover fire for them, holding off the hounds. The healer placed her fingers on Mina’s neck, then her wrist.


‘There’s no pulse.’ Chaeyoung said dreadfully as she fell backwards onto the floor.


‘No.’ Sana stared at Chaeyoung in absolute disbelief. Chaeyoung looked back at her friend whose eyes were bloodshot and cheeks were stained with tears.


‘I’m sorry.’ Was all Chaeyoung could say.


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i read this on wp if I'm not wrong and boy this is my first love. ksksjsjsjksksksks i really love this also I'm gonna reread this again!❤️
Chapter 33: I love this ending!!!! I cried hard and laughed hard. This was such a rollercoaster ride. Thank you for writing and giving us such an awesome story!!!!
Chapter 32: i really love this story!
Chapter 23: the war is at its begining
Chapter 1: 2na feelings
neccar 146 streak #6
Chapter 1: Writing is really top notch in this book.
bangtanedd #7
Chapter 32: this is probs my fav 2na ff c: i came back to read it again cause iTS JUST THT GOOD
Chapter 32: Wow. Discovered this gem of a story way too late. Had to break the continuous reading for 2 days, couldnt wait to finish it. Finally did! Nail-bitting, so many feels, action-packed story. So good! THANK YOU FOR WRITING! I throughly enjoyed reading this. ♡♡