
Colorful Moon (Indefinite Hiatus)


Narrator's pov:


A pair of eyes were hid underneath a black cap, brown orbs glimmering while they looked at the sky. A great amount of clouds covered the sky, creatnig a melancholic atmosphere.

The young man, owner of those pretty eyes, sighed heavily, shaking his head lightly as his hand swung around with an umbrella.

"Is it going to rain or not?" he muttered to himself before looking on his watch, a pretty silver clockwork around his wrist and slightly covered with his checkered shirt.

When the light jumped to green, the young man followed the mass of people and crossed the streets before entering a large glass building.

"Good morning." the security agent greeted him with a small smile playing on his lips.

"Morning." the young man said back, nodding his head slightly and swiftly walked towards the elevator, waiting for it slightly bored.


The elevator's doors opened, him and many other workers entered it, almost stopping at each level because at least one person had to get off.

When the display showed the 10th level, the young man moved his body through the workers and finally got off, his body stopping in front of glass doors that announced the offices of that specific level.

With a soft sigh, he pushed the glass doors open and entered the office, the scent of coffee and chocolates embracing him.

"Morning." he said, to no one in particular, and walked towards his desk, one of the fifty in the space.

"Good morning, Minho." a voice greeted the young man. He looked up and found a co-worker of him smiling at him, her lips slightly curled up, her eyes like crescent moons.

"Morning." he nodded, trying to smile back, just to be polite and respectful.

"The weather is pretty gloomy, isn't it?" she asked, her hands warming up around a cup of hot coffee.

"Yeah... Seems like it will rain any time soon. I brought an umbrella, luckily I did." he said, showing her the black colored umbrella that was placed on his desk.

The female co-worker sipped from her hot beverage, letting the caffeine wake her more up.

"Good that you brought one." she grinned and looked at the clock hanging on the white wall in front of them. "I'm going back to my desk. Enjoy your day." 

"You too." Minho said, giving her nod before she walked away. 

Minho looked at the papers on his office, a sigh escaping him. He was not in the mood to do all the paperworks.

"Let's get in all this work slowly." he tried to motivate himself but ended up reading the newspapers online. People walked around in the office and the scent of coffee kept forcing itself in his nostrils.

"Choi Minho, won't you start working?" a sudden voice said sternly, the young man quickly turning his head to the left and finding his boss looking at him with a frown.

"I'm sorry." Minho apologized, quickly clicking the web browser away.

"And what did I tell you about your hair? Why is it still the color of toilet paper?" the boss grumbled, pointing at Minho's head.

The young man refrained himself from frowning and bowed his head slightly.

"I'm sorry... I haven't gotten the chance yet to dye it back to black." 

"You took two days off and came back with this kind of hair, just be happy that I haven't given you a sanction for it yet." the boss sighed heavily, shaking his head. "I want it back to black by the end of this week. If you can't follow the rules of this office then you don't need to come back again." 

Minho looked at the boss strolling away and annoying someone else.

His fingers touched his own hair, lips slightly pouted.

It was dyed on impulse, he quite liked the hair color but no one really seemed to appreciate it.

"Let's start working." he huffed, placing his long fingers on the keyboard to start typing.

An hour went by, and another and another. Time kept getting dragged as Minho looked at the papers and organized them.

It was only when a loud explosion happend right next to the building, did he stop and gaze out of the windows.

"Kyaaa! What was that?! A bomb?!" someone shrieked, making Minho's eyes widen as well.

'A bomb? Here?!' he started to panick.

"A...An earthquake!" someone else suddenly screamed, Minho feeling the floor shaking furiously, computers falling on the ground and papers flying around.

Minho's heartbeat accelerated.

'Am I going to die like this?!'

"W-what's happening?!" Minho gasped, trying to hold himself on a desk, but even those didn't stand strongly on the floor, making him only able to press himself in a corner, with the floor under him and the wall behind him.

Windows shattered and strong winds blew through the office, bringing in a lot of dust as well.

"Is this the end of the world? Is it over, like this?!" someone yelled, making Minho roll his eyes, even in such a situation. 

After what seemed like a very long time, the shaking finally stopped and the wind died down. 

Minho looked around him, thankful that he was still alive and that the tall building didn't collapse, crushing him under it.

On the ground lied glass shards, papers, rocks, broken computers and printers and coffee spilled all over the place.

"Rain?" Minho muttered to himself in question, finally removing himself from the wall and ground, walking closer to the broken windows to find out more about what happend.

Soft raindrops fell down from the sky like a light shower, the dust that was drifting in the air returning to the ground.

Minho saw broken vehicles, roads that were ripped apart and weaker buildings collapsed like pudding.

A small breeze blew the leftover dust in the air away, making Minho's eyes widen wide open, his mouth slightly agape. He couldn't believe his eyes.

In front of him was a scenery of destruction but when he looked up at the sky, he found things he never expected to see. 

The sun was shining behind the clouds and the moon was visible, hanging high in the sky. Yet next to the moon he saw a huge ball like structure, coloring light green. 

As the young man shifted his gaze, he noticed there were more foreign things visible to his eyes.

"Are these...planets?" he gasped, finding astronomical objects of different sizes, color, visibillity and pattern.

Minho could hear other people exclaiming their shock, fear and disbelief.

'I'm not the only one seeing this... This isn't a dream...?'

"Just what in the world is this?!" Minho heard someone yelling, coated with fear.


Jian looked at the sky, finding celestial objects that shouldn't belong there.


The young woman raised her hand, a soft hum escaping her because she knew the unrest her personal maid was feeling.

"Your highness, please be careful." a palace guard warned his princess, his hand tightening into fists.

Jian nodded her head, taking a few steps forward, her eyes never leaving the blue planet she saw in front of her. It was like a huge ball hanging up in the sky, blue colored and decorated with brown or green spots.

"It's a planet that doesn't belong in our galaxy... Did it happen because of the big shakes...?" she wondered out loud, her silver eyes travelling to another direction and finding Ao, the planet her moon Puri orbs around, much closer than it should be.




Thank you for reading! I decided to make this one story into a short story, so you guys don't have to wait too long for the long chapter!

Sorry for updating so late, but please look forward to the continuation of this short story!

Please subscribe, comment, don't be silent readers, thank you!! :D


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Chapter 2: Oh, wow.. Can't wait to read more.. it's getting quite interesting.. Um, Minho .. I like your hair color too, Definitely NOT like a toilet paper.. P.S. Author-nim, can I just say that I love your poster??!! Minho looks so ethereal there ... :) :) :)