

Just now, Jihyun realized that Doyeon had paid less attention to her. In order to become a better girl for him, she never realized whether he paid her attention or not.

Was I too cold to him?

What made him grew distant from her? She just realized he rarely sent her any messages lately.

Jihyun opened her phone and checked the last message he had sent to her. The small font showed the date which was two weeks ago. That was weird.

“Why did I realize just now?” she questioned in a small voice, observing the boy who once wouldn’t stop bothering her for attention.

To think about it, she never acted like she needed him when in fact she was. That’s the downside of liking a girl like Kang Jihyun, you’ll have to bear with her natural attitude.

Doyeon laughed when Chora replied to his joke with an innocent but hilarious comment. Jihyun felt a hint of jealousy and frowned. She stood up from her chair and walked towards the group—which she admit was not her character at all—and tapped his shoulder.

He looked up from them and gave her a questioning gaze with a small smile which she always loved. Her negative thoughts was blown away just like that. Her tense shoulders deflated a bit and a small sincere smile emerged from the corner of her lips.

“Can you accompany me to buy a cake for my father this weekend?”

“Oohh” the group—minus Doyeon that is—hooted towards the couple.

Kiyoung whistled. “I can’t believe the two of you, seriously”

“You guys are so cute!” Jina commented, grinning.

Jihyun just smiled and secretly glanced at Chora who just smiled at the group. She didn’t seem like hiding something, and that irked the curiosity in Jihyun’s mind.

Doyeon held her arm and smiled. “Okay then”

Jihyun diverted her attention and smiled. Oh, how a smile can spin all of her words the other way around.


She knew well who Doyeon loves—which was her—but she’s quite hot-tempered and a little bit competitive. Jihyun eyed the girl who recently had become some sort of her rival, more or less.

Although it was hard to admit, but Chora indeed had something she didn’t. Mostly, personality.

Chora was more open to her surroundings, she was also a strong girl since she joined self-defending club, and one more, she was pretty confident about herself. She openly took photos of herself, appealing her beautiful side.

Jihyun would never do something like that, she never consider herself the pretty-type. She didn’t have the confidence to appeal herself to public. Solitary was what she loves.

Slightly accepting her defeat, her eyes casted downwards to the floor. Of course Doyeon would choose Chora over her—the cold and unexpressive girl.

The hot sensation jerked her from her thoughts as she stepped back from the impact. Her eyes went to her wet shirt and then looked up to the girl who accidentally bumped onto her.

The whole soup on her lunch tray was spilled to her shirt, she started to feel the burning sensation as the hot soup seeped into her skin.

“Oh my, sunbae, I’m so sorry!” the girl bowed a few times, it was evident in Jihyun’s eyes that the girl was scared.

Instead of going, Jihyun observed the girl closely. Apparently, her gaze was too sharp and the younger girl didn’t even dare to look up.

“Jihyun, stop glaring at the innocent girl. She didn’t mean it,” Sora shook her shoulder, snapping the girl from her short observation.

Jihyun turned to protest but then realized one thing—she was observing the girl a little sharper than she intended to. She finally understood what people think about her.

She turned around and putted her tray on the counter before going to the restroom without any words.

After cleaning herself, she walked out from the restroom while drying her hands on the fabric of her skirt. The idea of having a lunch was wiped out from her mind now that she didn’t have the mood any longer.

Her eyes diverted to her still-wet shirt and looked up—only to find a few first graders looking her way. It was nothing new, really. Her eyes squinted a bit when one of them even dare to point his thumb at her.

“Jihyun, you should dry it first,” Sora approached her and handed her a few tissues.

Jihyun accepted it and tried to dry her shirt. Sora noticed the stares the boys were giving but shrugged it off, thinking that Jihyun wouldn’t mind it either. After then, she hooked her arm with Jihyun’s and dragged her forcefully to the cafeteria.

“I don’t want to eat anymore” Jihyun tried to unhook her arm but to no avail.

“You’re wasting your food which you bought.”

Not even trying to argue anymore, Jihyun let Sora dragged her back to the cafeteria. Jihyun took back her tray and went to an empty table, Sora joined not long after.

“Isn’t that Eunwoo’s friends?” Sora nodded her head to the group of boys who just entered the cafeteria.

Not even sparing her attention, Jihyun just nodded her head carelessly. Sora leaned closer to Jihyun and talked with low voice.

“I saw them looking at you earlier,” she glanced at the group that already noticed them. “They grinned at your way too,” she added.

Jihyun leaned her chin on her propped up arm and chewed her food. She didn’t even care about the first graders, all she care about was just how to see Doyeon as fast as she could. A room without him felt empty and no fun.

From the corner of her eyes, she saw Eunwoo and his friends glanced her way as they made their path to an empty table not far in front of her own. They kept on talking and laughing whilst the popular boy kept declining something.

She honestly didn’t care, but since they were at the corner of her eyes, she couldn’t help but to watch everything.

“I’m done.” Jihyun stood up and carried her tray along, looking down at Sora. “Can we go back now?”

Sora glanced at the table behind them—Eunwoo’s table—and hushed her friend. “Jihyun, they’re looking your way”

With a shrug, Jihyun stared at the group blankly, and they quickly diverted their eyes before throwing playful look towards each other—except Eunwoo, that is. Feeling somewhat irked, she walked to the counter and gave the tray back.


Jihyun stood there unmoving, waiting for the figure to approach her instead. The tall figure gave his tray and stood there awkwardly beside her. She turned to him and gave him an indifference stare. His eyes shifted nervously.

“Uh..” he glanced at his friends at the back who were watching his every move.

“Sport.. Does sunbae likes doing any sport?” he finally said with a slightly trembling voice.

Jihyun didn’t answer right away, instead, she stared deep into his eyes. He got large innocent eyes that was hesitantly looking back into her own. His eyes were so dark that she could see her own reflection in them.

She was slightly curious. What made the charismatic Cha Eunwoo turned all clammy in front of her?

A/N : IT IS TRUE THEY'RE GOING TO MAKE A SPECIAL ALBUM! I'm so happy but sad at the same time, they need more rest honestly :( But still, I've waited so much for their new album~ It's 16 subscribers already! Thank you for reading this and supporting this story ^^ Sorry if this chapter isn't good and have a nice day!

Oh, did you notice Eunwoo has got even more handsome these days? Wow.

"You're the only one who make me can't speak"

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lydia435 #1
okay so i read the foreword again. AND IM LITERALLY SCREAMINGG!!! WHO! SOMEONE ELSE OMG WHAT!!!