Strolling in the deep alleys of Seoul

Veronika's Dream

I went with auntie and with the  whole family for church, everything seems to be, pretty cool, trees, cars, sky, everything is amazing, yonghwa and eunja, were holding hands, the couple also did, they were happy humming, I was at the back, amazing myself with the place, we went in the church, and sat in front of the front rows, I sat with, eunja, holding my hand tightly, there was a part of my hand that was wet, I keep tugging her, to let me go, and said that my hands are wet, but she insist. We listened to the sermon of the priest in front of, I listened carefully, and I didn’t notice that everyone was waiting for me, to stand up, and line up with them for the communion, after the mass, we went strolling and were going inside and out with some stalls, and malls, we eat in this family restaurant, I was always amazed by every corner of Seoul, maybe because, I was just new in here, but it seems that nothing would change of amazing myself with Seoul.


“So, Veronika, what do you think of Seoul? Isn’t it pretty, ah I just can’t stop loving Seoul, thou we almost live here for life.”

“Ha ha, I always, feel like it’s just amazing, I am thinking of staying here, for life” she said jokingly.

“Ha ha, how bout’ your mom?” Uncle asks.

“Of course, I will demand her to stay here.” I replied  jokingly.

“Are you going to stay with us? It would be fun if you will” Eunja, suddenly said.


“Eunja! You can’t say that don’t beg her to live with us, it’s just a pain in the ”

“YONGHWA!” Auntie shouted.


“Say sorry to her” Uncle shouted.


Her mother, gave a funny gesture, that was going to punch her. But she didn’t continue, because of the place.


“Sor-rry” he said lazily.

“It’s okay, oh, don’t worry, we will buy a house, maybe if fate allow”

“Oh, dear always think positive” Uncle said.

“Ah, yes, thank you”

A waitress came in front of us and give their menu, while smiling with us, she put s her eyes on yonghwa, while winking at him, yonghwa just smirked, as always, she look at eunja and smiled. As if I didn’t see it. She was just putting a show.


“Good morning, here is our menu, we have our new dish, I think you should try it, it’s our sweet lobsters.”

“Oh, it is? Honey what do you think? He asked..

“So, should I just get you some drinks while picking?” The waitress asked.

“Oh yes please thank you” she replied.

“Okay then, please just wait and your waitress will be here for a while to get your orders.” The waitress said.


The couple, smiled at the waitress.


“So,kids what do you want?” He asked.

“Me? I think one chicken, anything just chicken” yonghwa said.

“ How bout you eunja?”

“Hmm? Maybe I’ll get yonghwa’s”

“How about you veronika?”

“Ah?” I turned to my left where yonghwa and eunja were sitting. ”Ah, maybe I’ll just get eunja’s”


Yonghwa grinned, I saw it. I took a glance of him, and he was staring, I gulped my saliva down and just look straight forward.


“Okay then.” Auntie said, while putting down the menu.


The waitress that asked us lately just got our beverages, and put it down.


“Thank you” auntie said and smiled.


Auntie, pass one of it and took it politely, I thanked her and I sip my full glass of Nestea, while shaking.


“You look nervous?” Yonghwa asks.

“Huh? Nervous? Who’s nervous?”


“Me? And why will i?”

“Because, I was staring at you?”

“Ha! Silly me if I will” I defensively said.

“Oh, then you’re silly now?”

“Kidding me?”

“Anyways, what are you going to do here?”

“Huh? Ahm, maybe I’ll, find a stall near some entertainment agencies?”

“What? Why are you going to find some stalls? In front of ENTERTAINMENT AGENCIES?”

“Yes? And what’s the problem bout that?”

“Nothing it’s just, why are you going to rent a stall in front of Entertainment agencies? Are you serious?”

“Yes of course”

“Oh well, it’s not of my monkey business”

“Yeah, right, it’s not your monkey business”

“Are you fighting now?” Eunja asked.

“Ah, no of course.” I lied.

“Liar” He whispered.


I look at the other side and put my hand under my chin and  waited for the waitress. And after two minutes, she came, and took our orders. She repeated the orders assuring that she took the right orders. And we waited for another minutes. And our orders finally arrived, I look at the chicken and a rice with it and some side dishes, Auntie ordered some desserts for us, and took the most pretty dessert for me, it was a double-dutch ice cream and a cherry on top. The two was given  a Strawberry milk shake, I didn’t know but how can they give strawberry milk  shake to their kids. I stared at theirs.


“Veronika, don’t worry, they used to eating that dessert, we always went here. So don’t worry about them just eat okay?” Auntie said.


I nodded.


We eat happily, and get a nice chitchat. About anything, everything, my cellphone buzzed inside my pocket. I picked it up I excused myself.





“So? How’s SEOUL? ah did I said that you’re auntie Alfonsa is going to pick you up in the airport?

“Yes, I am with them, eating lunch, did you have lunch already?”

“Yes, much more earlier than you guys.”

“That’s great to hear,want to talk to them?”

“Of course, I thought you’re not going to ask me that.”


 I gave the Phone, and they were shouting inside the restaurant everyone is looking at us now. The waiter, and waitress, advice us to lower our voices.


“Yaahh! You little brat how are you?!” Auntie called out.

“WOAH! Alfonsa, you freak show! How are you how about blake?”

“Tss, you ask me? Ha! He’s still hell and loving. Ha ha”

“Yah! You’re still the alfonsa!”

“Of course, you too, the Lorraine I know! Hey, how’s your ranch and your little garden huh?”

“Fine of course.”


The commotion started to calm.


“I’m just going out.” Yonghwa said.

“Oppa, I am going!”

“Eunja-ah, oppa is going somewhere okay? Don’t go I am telling you.”

“Tsk. Okay.”

“Eunja!” I called out whispering it to her.


She turned to me and asked what was it.


“Want to go with me?”

“Hm..? I don’t think that it’s say to be with you, you don’t know the place.”

“Silly of course I know”



The couple was still talking to mom, and I think this is the chance I could go out.


“Okay then, I should go by myself.”

“Okay then.”


I stood up and put down my towel on the table.


“I am just going out.”

“Oh? Okay okay.” She said.

“Be careful okay?” he reminded.


I walked out the restaurant. And   find yonghwa, that maybe he’s out there. But there’s no sign of him. I walk a little bit to look at the stalls that are just beside the restaurant. I look some stalls of cute stuff toys, ice cream parlors, some are pizza parlor. Then I bumped a man, jogging of the other way. He say sorry to me, and find that he dropped a small  notebook, it was name with Choi Siwon. It was scribbled with to many Things to do and don’ts. I laughed when I saw the “Date with Eunhyuk and Leeteuk” Isn’t it that’s a boy’s name? And did she just remember a thing about those names? Did she just saw or read those names? Why would she forgot? It’s Her Super junior’s names. One of their members names. Yes, I finally knew it, it’s the best thing that to be out.


“Ah, excuse me! Hey! Ah!” I shouted, but he jogged off to the other side of the road.

I pass the road to catch him. But it’s just that he’s far away. I didn’t bother to catch him, maybe we’ll see each other.

“Yah!” Someone called me. I turned around. It was yonghwa. “Who was that?”

“No one?”

“And why are you here? And what’s that?”




“Let’s go back.”


We both cross the road and went back to the restaurant.


“Oh? Where did  you guys go?” she asked.

“No Where” he replied.

“Ah, just hanging around. To see the place.” I replied.

“Ah.., That’s a good thing that you’re getting to know each other huh?”

“Wh-what?” we asked shockingly.

“Ha ha, I know, just take it a little time kids.” She replied.

“Honey stop it, we don’t know”

“ I know! I know it.” She replied angrily.

We was at the restaurant taking our time, we already have plans, to go to Lotte World, for treating me because I was just new. Yeah, I know, they kind a making me brat, but isn’t that good? Ha ha.


“So? Let’s go to Lotte world?” she asks.

“Woah? Really mom? I am  excited!”

“Ah, what’s that?” I asked Yonghwa.

“It’s an amusement park” he replied seriously.


“So, are you excited?” She asked.

“He he, but I don’t know what it is, yonghwa told me it was an amusement park.”

“Oh! It’s okay! You’ll love it, Hm?” She tapped my shoulders.

“Okay! Let’s get going!”


We drove in the Lotte world. And car the park at the most end of it. The parking was full, we waited for a few minutes for some cars to move out, but after a few minutes, no one will pull out, but 2 cars, passed, and the security, finally move us in. I was trembled for what I saw. It’s a carnival, that was full of people hanging around with their families. They were smiling, laughing, it was full of laughter I isn’t know what to feel, am I going to be happy or sad? To be happy because I finally went here, alone, without someone watching me ,but no, someone is watching over me. Or to be sad? I just know that this is making me smile, with this pleasure of mine. Nothing can change my feelings now.


“Okay?! What ride you want first?”

“Ferris Wheel!” Eunja shouted.

“ROLLER COASTER!” uncle shouted too.


Yonghwa and I just keep quite. But, Auntie came to me and asked me. She said to me to talk.


“Veronika, why are you not talking? Huh? Don’t be shy me dear, you’re going to be a part of our family.” And she whispered. “Someday”

“Huh?” I asked in shocked.

“Ah? Ah, Nothing, nothing, so tell me what you want.”

“Ah, ha ha. I don’t know sorry.”

“Oh! Cm’on tell me.”

“Uh-m, I really don’t know sorry.”


Yonghwa was still quite, I feel uncomfortable. Everything was so special, this day was my first day in Seoul, I just can’t feel the emotions, what if I see my inspiration? Maybe this won’t be the feeling, maybe more than this. We ended up, eating dinner outside, everyone is tired, but, me. I was on a high alert my veins were telling me to do more extremes. 


“Wah, what a day, it’s so special right? Having with us veronika. Oh sweety, I really love thid day. How bout you?”

I smiled when she said that it was special, with me.


“Of course, it’s a happy day.”

“How bout you kids? How about you veronika?”

“Of course it’s exceptional!” Eunja said.

“How bout you yonghwa?”

“Ordinary” he said lazily.

“Aishh.” Auntie reacted irritated.

“Eh how about you Veronika?”

“Uh-m,  out of the ordinary.”

“Ah! Yes me too, you feel it too? Ah perfect!”


She clapped her hands, and was really happy about that. I just smiled.


“Okay let’s go! Let’s go! Who wants to eat?”

“ME!” Eunja and I Shouted.



We went to the nearest restaurant in our house, it was a family restaurant too, but a shabby one.

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mellyna #1
very sweet of veronika..
i'm just wondering,what's wrong with yonghwa?