Chapter 3

A Different World
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When the bell rang indicating that class hours are over, I made my way to the Principal's office hoping that the others are already in there. We four decided that after our homeroom we have to go to the Principal's office immediately to know what was up and to get to this over with.

I arrived at the office and opened the door slowly, hearing it make a creaking sound almost every door makes in horror movies. When the door was wide enough for me to enter, I went in and saw the others in there sitting in the couch with Mr. Choi. 

“Umm…sorry for being late. Mrs. Simeon dismissed us a little bit later than usual.” I made up an excuse. The truth is Mrs. Simeon dismissed us—I mean, them, my classmates, on the exact time the bell rang. Yul looked at me weirdly because she's in the same class as mine. She totally knew I was lying. The real reason why I'm late is because I've been thinking about what happened earlier.

“It's fine, Taeyeon.” Mr. Choi stood up and gave me a small smile. Him and me are cool. All of us are cool with each other actually. Mr. Choi's the father of our best friend so no need to be all formal and awkward, but I still call him Mr. Choi because I don't really feel comfortable calling him uncle when others are around like my classmates and teachers. I don't want them to think that there's some favoritism going on because I'm one of his daughter's best friend. I do call him uncle when the five—well six, with Soo's mother— of us are the only ones around. 

“Good afternoon, Uncle Won.” I gave him a side hug and he gave me a pat on the head. He returned the smile and continued…

“Same to you too. Now sit with the others and I am now going to tell what's this news that e

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tipco09 #1
Chapter 4: Hmm. Strange things seem to be happening. I'm eager to know more. I'm glad that Taeyeon has Yuri and her step father to give her love and support. I wonder how Taeyeon's mother actually died , why her husband (Yuri's father) is apologizing and why he suddenly disappeared. If that strange object came from the basement of his house, could he be an alien perhaps? Or an inventor.
1213 streak #2
Chapter 4: Isn't it supposed to be Taeyeon doing that cause its her biological mom who was just buried there and why is that movie night more important?
1213 streak #3
Chapter 3: Thnx for the update authourssi
mutiapuspita27 #4
Chapter 3: this is interesting keep up author
Chapter 2: Y el cap 3? Pa cuando?
Suena interesante
HiroTakahasi #7
Chapter 2: I hope you update soon authornim. Fighting!!!!
Chapter 2: Continue writing then, we'll get to know you better through your stories author.
Chapter 2: This story getting intresting hhehhe
Chapter 2: Update soon :)