For Momo, Right?

Over Or Back?! (Get Over Or Bring Back?!)


 "By the way, thanks for today. I'll promise from now on that I will only look at you, Mina. Only you, Mina when I need someone else." Chaeyoung's voice rang all over in Mina's head when she's about to exit the room but as she step out from the clinic, she bumped someone else making Mina snapped out her thoughts.



"Oh I'm so sorry!" Mina quickly apologized to the short haired girl. The latter's eyes widen in shock as she realizes that Mina is in front of her.



"Oh Mina! What are you doing here?" Jeongyeon asked quickly as she hold Mina's shoulders. "Are you sick or hurt something?" Jeongyeon asked more while examining the girl.



"Uhmmm. No.. I brought someone here.." Mina quietly said. This time, she feels nervous around Jeongyeon because honestly speaking, Mina hates to lie especially to her friends. She feel nervous about their 'planned relationship' with Chaeyoung. And she knows that Jeongyeon hates lying and she's good to sense it. She's afraid that Jeongyeon will be mad at them, at her because Jeongyeon never get mad at her. Mina witnessed how Jeongyeon nags and sometimes it scares Mina but she never imagine how she will be frighten when Jeongyeon becomes mad for real.



"Oh.. Who's that?" Jeongyeon asked before she put down her hands from Mina's shoulders, waiting for her reply.



"Umm.. Don't tell anyone.. It's Chaeyoung.." Mina said in a very calming voice like she doesn't want to say it. "She hurt her legs again.. Luckily, I saw her on the hallways. She can't walk properly again." 



"Is she fine now?" Jeongyeon worriedly asked. Her expression changed abruptly into concern one and calmer now which is really new to Mina. "Yeah.. She's resting there. You can visit her, you know." Mina chuckled and tugging Jeongyeon's hand into door knob but Jeongyeon quickly stopped her for doing it as she put her other hand on Mina's hand.



"Was? Is there problem, Jeongyeon?" Mina asked. 



"Mina.... Is it really true??"



"True what?"



"You and Chaeng are dating now. You forget Momo that fast?"



Jeongyeon is gripping Mina's hand tightly, telling that she need to answer it. Jeongyeon's voice is sharp and her tone is like she's in disbelief. Mina gulped and looked down as if feeling guilty. She remember how Jeongyeon is smiling and teasing them when they announced to the gang that they are dating but this time it feels lot of different. Does Jeongyeon dont want Chaeyoung for Mina? 



"I'm sorry. I know it's really messy... but no, we're not dating. However, I like Chaeyoung now. She made me forget Momo..." Mina said, still her head hung and don't want to look at Jeongyeon right now.



"How?" Jeongyeon quietly asked but it's obvious how her voice turn into hush but the tone is a bit desperate and Mina doesn't know why Jeongyeon acting like this like her answer depended on her life.



Mina breathe in and closes her eyes, asking for God what is the correct respond from this question. She never expect that she receive this question that fast after for about 3 minutes when Chaeyoung establishes the plan..


What Chaeyoung told me earlier.... Think Mina! Think!!!


When they ask us about our status, we should say that you like and confessed me after the break up you had with Momo then me as a good friend and probably might hidden feelings for you accept your confession but not fully. Right now, you are getting my heart by staying by my side and also about the kiss, you got jealous and you want to let them know that I am only yours so you kissed me. But we're not dating yet and you need to impress me with the everything that Momo wants. So basically, you're impressing Momo indirectly."



When I told her that I like Chaeyoung when she comforted and treated me better when Mono and I broke up, it doesn't make sense that I like her within the time span. It's too fast and even I'm questioning myself how things changed drastically mostly my feelings for Chaeyoung that even myself I couldn't understand why Im feeling this way to her.... I'm not sure what am I truly feel for Chaeyoung now and before....





How come she feel this way for Chaeyoung now??



Is she in love to Chaeyoung? How about Momo? 



Momo has someone else.... Momo is happy right now....


But, can Chaeyoung accept this? No, she will not accept this that's why Mina feeling this. 


She feels rejected by the person she really depended on during her hardships... The person who always coming to her when she badly needed someone... Someone whenever Momo's not around.


"How?" Jeongyeon asked again, not letting go Mina's hand.



"I-I realized that I fall in love with her since then." Mina blurted out, a tear escapes on her eye. She doesn't know her feelings, her true feelings between Chaeyoung and Momo. She hesitates to answer this.. 



"Chaeyoung is always there whenever I am sad or lonely. She never reject me. When Momo ditched our dates, she's there to comfort me and make me happy and I am really grateful to her for doing that. Then it started when it occurs increasingly then the last straw when we broke up. Chaeyoung was there until midnight to hear my stories and pain. She hugged me so tightly, so tightly that made my heart warmed and then I told to her that......." Mina stopped, those words are all true... But again, she felt that she been careless with her words again, luckily she stop it immediately because she may blurt out their 'plan' and she doesn't want to break it for Chaeyoung's sake. Chaeyoung take it so much far for her.



Chaeng.... Can I do what Tzuyu did to you before? Because I also want to forget Momo. Please help me, Chaeng-ah



"I think there's a reason why Momo and I broke up in the first place.. because if not, I can't see who's really there for me, a person who always stand by me and a person.... that I can't live without.." Mina's tears rolled down on cheeks while Jeongyeon slowly loosening the grip on Mina's hand. It definitely caught Jeongyeon's guard.



Mina is waiting inside the cafe that Momo and her agreed about. It's weekends meaning no school and its their only time they can spend their spare time together. Mina dialing Momo's phone number for how long god knows but the latter didn't answer one of them call.



"Don't tell me this is going to be waste again, Momo." Mina muttered under her breathe while looking outside, Momo might be there. Still, she got no response from the blonde girl.


Almost thirty minutes passed by from the time they agree upon, Momo answered her call.



"Mo! Where are you now?!"



"Look Mina, I'm really sorry! I can't go with you. I'm really busy right now. Can we just do it later? Promise!! The dance instructor is really mad at us! She don't want to end the practice yet.. We need to perfect it... Don't worry! I'll make it up with you.. What foods do you want me to bring? I think I can just go to your apartment and let's watch movie!! I think the practice is still be longer.. I'm going there in this evening, okay?!  I need to hang up this because the instructor are looking for me, I just sneak to call you.. I really need to go now, Bye!"



"Wait! Momo! How about---" Mina stopped as she saw that the other line is already disconnected. "Date No. 4, failed!!!" Mina groaned on her seat, she deeply sighed. "I guess I should eat and have fun with all my self again.." Mina mumbled to herself but an idea popped in her mind.



"Should I invite Chaeyoung again? I mean... she loves food and pastries, she wouldn't mind that I am being ditched again by Momo.. I can't eat here alone, it's embarrassing." Mina said positively and dialed Chaeyoung's phone number.



"Yo! Wassup! Penguin? Ditched again? Tsk..tskk.. It's weekend and your routine is always having a date with your pabo but she's always busy. Don't worry, I go there.. Where are you?" Chaeyoung said on the other line.



"Yah! I don't know what should I feel?! Should I be mad because you teased me or should I be grateful that you're coming?" 


"None of the options.." Chaeyoung chuckled. "You should be afraid because I don't know what will I say to you about Momo again.. You know how cruel I am when it comes to words.."



"Again?! You're going to preach me again with your knowledge in love! Oh please! I just want to eat with you... PEACEFULLY!"



"Oh, are you asking me for a date?! Oh Mina, you should told me that earlier because I am planning to not change my clothes since it seems like you need me urgently." Chaeyoung laughed, she can imagine Mina's sulky face.



"Are you going or not?! I will just call Jeongyeon because she will enjoy this more than you do and she is less annoying to me than you." Mina threatened. "Okay, okay.. Geez.. I never knew you can be grumpy as well."



"What?! "



"I said you're pretty.. So where it is? Location? Meeting place?" Chaeyoung change the topic abruptly, Mina smiled widely.



"ONCE CAFÉ.. Be here around 3 o clock, okay?"Mina said sassily. " Wow! So demanding! Three o clock on your face! It's quite far from my place..." Chaeyoung whined. "Just go here, Son Chaeyoung!" Mina yelled on her phone.


"Yes, Ma'am. Don't go anywhere. I'll be there.." 



Mina grinned widely, even though Chaeyoung sometimes being harsh and annoying to her.. She can't help to feel so grateful towards her because she did many things for Mina and she don't know why Chaeyoung was like this for her.. Sure, they were close friends but never been closer than her and Momo but still she was there whenever she needs help with something. 



"Mina? Still there? I'm going to take a bath and leave. I hang up now, okay? Just wait for me, don't go when you didn't see me, huh.. Bye and see you later!" Chaeyoung ended the call and Mina waits again but miraculously Chaeyoung came beyond Mina's expectations.



"Ohh.. It still not three but you manage to come. You're really liar, Chaeng.." Mina stand and welcome Chaeyoung in teasingly way. "Did you know that I just run from the bus station 2 until here, the road was closed abruptly and told us that we can enter this street because there's a parade.." Chaeyoung  catch up her breathe and she continue "You know, my legs are starting to swell and pain." 



"Yah! I told you not to preach me again and I told you that never ever run! You should go get someone who would take care of you. You never consider your health again.."



"I don't need one.. You were there, it's already enough for me and I know what you meant that 'who would take care of me' you're implying I should date someone and forget Tzuyu." Chaeyoung chuckled while looking at her. "Come on, sit down! You're hurting your legs for standing for so long.." Mina pulled down Chaeyoung on her seat.



Chaeyoung smiled and asked "So what happen? Am I right that Momo ditch you again?"



"You could already tell that since you are now seeing a gift in front of you." Mina bitterly said while bringing down the gift.



"Let's order food now, I'm starving.." Mina said as she was about to raise her hand to call the waiter's attention, Chaeyoung hold her arm, stopping her to do so.



"I'm not going to eat here.. Just save it for your next date with Momo.." Chaeyoung simply said and stood abruptly, preparing to leave making Mina confused. Mina frowned, why Chaeyoung acting in this way..



"Yah! I'm going to treat you! You just came here for 2 minutes yet leaving me all of sudden.." Mina quickly said it, Chaeyoung just patted her head and smiled at her "Who said I'm leaving you? You're going to come with me whether you like it or not. I just don't like sweets today. I want ramyun and tteokbokki outside. Come on, let's stroll around!" Chaeyoung pinched Mina's cheek as she found Mina adorable.



"You know just forget about Momo now and let's just have fun and enjoy the moment. What is my purpose being with you anyway, right? Come on, let's leave when there still lot of people here, they won't notice that you didn't order yet." Chaeyoung tugged Mina's hand and exited the cafe.

What is really your real purpose for being with me whenever I'm alone or ditched by Momo, you never complain, give excuses nor leave me. You're still nice  even I treat you badly..



"Oh that's why..." Jeongyeon just smiled at Mina. "Did she accept your true feelings? Did she accept you?"


I can't love you like you wanted...

I can't be your substitute girlfriend! Because in the end, I am the only one who's  going to be hurt...

What's the use of pulling you if you want to be pull by someone else, right?


I don't deserve you, Chaeyoung. I should focus on Momo... MOMO!!!!


"Partially yes but I should make her fall harder, make her forget Tzuyu specifically..." 



Jeongyeon chuckled "Chaeyoung is really making sure this time,huh...But you think that... she just pitying you that time when you confessed.. I mean is... you cried and everything and the only thing that she's gonna do is to comfort you, right? Are you really sure she take your confession seriously or you're the only one who's fighting for it for you to forget Momo easily? I know that Momo is still in corner of your heart, Mina... You can't  just forget someone so easily.." Jeongyeon nagged.



Mina could only just smile "But I did so.. I'm in love with Chaeyoung..I still accept her feelings even she didn't take me seriously as long as I can see her.."



"But what if... there's someone who's ready to take you seriously.. Are you not giving them any chance? Only for Chaeyoung?" Jeongyeon hinted, giving signal to the latter that she's the someone she's talking about. Jeongyeon looked at her hurtly.



"I-I don't know...Let's not talk about this, Jeong. I still need to buy something.. I'm going now." With that, Mina left Jeongyeon alone in hallways.. only looking at her back.



"I'm sorry, Mina.. I won't let you two do it.." Jeongyeon muttered to herself and entered to the room.




What if... there's someone who's ready to take you seriously.. Are you not giving them any chance? Only for Chaeyoung?


"Only for Momo..." Mina chuckled bitterly and convince herself. "Yep, definitely for Momo..."


But why Jeongyeon looks very serious earlier.. She seems trouble about our relationship...



Mina ruffled her hair out of frustration while walking down the hallways when she bumped onto someone else again. "Oh I'm so so sorry~" Mina quickly apologized to the person she bumped. She's been not on herself today, she thought.



"Sorry~" the latter apologized as well.



"Oh Myoui Mina, it's you.." the girl spoke in low tone as she collect her things she dropped a while ago. Mina look up and she swear she can hear her anger is boiling up. "Hey, I'm really sorry for what I did earlier in the classroom.. It's just--- I want to help Chaeyoung escape to her new fangirls.. She's been great person to me and I want to payback what she did at me before and I come up with a stupid idea being her girlfriend for a while but I guess I'm so very wrong because she got someone else and it's you.. I'm terribly sorry about that, Mina.." Somi said then she give a bow to Mina. 



Mina quickly hold Somi's shoulder, straightening her body up  and make her look up to face her. "It's okay, Som. You apologize and it's already enough for me. I know you have reason why you do that, I just don't want to tell it to them about our relationship cause you know we ended things with Momo and I don't want to her hear bad things but I think I don't need to hide this anymore but thanks though.. I realize that we should let them know. Don't worry, I'm not that mad but I think you should apologize to Chaeng as well.." Mina smiled sincerely, honestly she don't have any grudges to Somi before until this day. Somi is treating her nicely and same with her.They were not that close but when chances take upon them, they converse sometimes..



"Thanks, Mina~! You're really a good person! Chaeng is so lucky! I thought she will never have any other girlfriend besides Tzuyoda who broke her heart." Somi smiled brightly. "So anyway, where's Chaeyoung? Is she's not with you? I thought you get her when she walk out.." Somi said in confusion.



"Actually, she's in the clinic.. She hurt her legs again and luckily, I found her and bring her to clinic. You want to visit? You can apologize now if you want to.. I come back later. I'm just getting some food because I'm hungry." Mina offered but Somi declined it "Not now I guess.. I know that she might be upset to me this time.. Maybe in the next days, I guess.. I'm sorry, Mina. I need to go, my friends might waiting me for too long. Have a nice meal!" Somi ran away quickly but not forgetting to bow again to Mina and give a small smile on her face, Mina just smiled back and continue her long adventure going to their cafeteria to get some food to eat.



Many students are in the cafeteria and one of them is their gang who's eating and chatting. Mina thought that maybe this the time she should tell her their friends about their fake relationship. As her steps keep forward towards to gang's table, she expectedly that Momo is not with them and she can been seen on the other table which is Ten's group of friends. 



Momo is smiling  while talking to his friends with Ten's arm wrapped on her waist..

She crack a bitter smile...

She felt her world had crumbled down... Indeed, Momo looks happier with him, right?

Then suddenly, Ten pecked Momo's lip in front of his friends and Momo just giggled like a teenage girl.. Mina used to hear that cute giggle and she was surely hit her hard that she's not the one who made Momo giggle like that.




"MYOUI MINA! WATCH OUT! WHERE YOU'RE LOOKING AT?!" Nayeon yelled before collision to happen between Mina and the gang's table. Mina snapped out from her intense gaze towards Ten's table as she didn't realize that she already reach to their gang's table. As Nayeon warned her loudly, many students turned their attention to her and one of them is Momo looking at her, worriedly.



"YAH! Sit down, penguin. You're not looking where your feet going to.."Nayeon pulled down Mina to sit beside her. They were only four in the table, it's Nayeon, Dahyun, Jihyo and her. She wondered where is Jeongyeon when she just talked to her a while ago.


"So okay, Mina... Could you tell us what is happening?" Jihyo quickly ask her before she drink her orange juice, she looks like she was really eager to know what happened earlier.



"I got jealous there and I like and confessed to Chaeyoung and she will be my girlfriend soon that's why I reacted that way."Mina simply said. 



Jihyo spurted her drink right in front of Dahyun's face, resulting to the latter's girlfriend react exaggeratedly. "YAH! PARK JIHYO! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MY DAHYUNNIEEEE?!!"



Dahyun's eyes widen in shock how things turn out fastly, resulting her a very very damped face and uniform full of color orange. She could only blink and look at Jihyo with disbelief.



"HOWWW??!!! IT'S TOO FASSTT!! YOU HAVE MOMO THEN YOU GOT CHAEYOUNG THIS TIME! ARE YOU KIDDING ME, MYOUI?" Jihyo said while chuckling and shaking Mina's body.



"YAH! ANSWER ME FIRST, PARK JIHYO! DAHYUN IS ALL ORANGE!" Nayeon yelled again while wiping Dahyun's face with tissue because the latter was just watching them because she still in the shock state because she can't believe that Jihyo did that to her... Jihyo, the person she looks up as her big sister and could be her mother. She can't believe it... She's more than surprised with Jihyo's action than Mina's relevation.



All the students have eyes on them, curious about Mina and Chaeyoung's relationship after the 'kissing incident' happened and they wanna know if they were still have a chance after all they became the popular students by this day after they did a makeover to themselves making all students admire and head over heels for them including Park Jihyo.



"I'm not Jihyo, seriously. I love Son Chaeyoung! It all happened very fast." Mina shouted Jihyo very, very loudly.



Everyone goes silent and stared at Mina, who's lowering her head in embarassment. They were all surprised that Mina can shout loudly..



Sh*t.. This doesn't goes with my plan. Why Jihyo is so stubborn these times?



Dahyun chuckled and let out a squeal "YIEEE!!! I TOLD YOU I'M NOT LYING! THEY HAVE SOMETHING BETWEEN THEM!!"



Mina blushed madly and everyone cheered her, SURPRISINGLY. Jihyo sat down slowly and hold Mina's hands desperately as she asked many questions "H-How you confessed to her? You confront her or blurt out accidently? Did she accept you easily? How and when you become in love to her? Isn't like in my case as well? I just realize that I love Chaeyoung now because I don't know she's hot with her short hair! You just realize that Chaeyoung is pretty good as dating partner? Tell me!!! So that I can get a person I really want like you, you lucky Myoui!" Jihyo blabber like crazy, Nayeon pried out Jihyo's hands on Mina and asked her calmly..


Nayeon grinned at her widely and asked "How you fell in love with the certain Son Chaeyoung?" 



Mina panicked and become nervous, everyone is anticipating her answer as they looking at her. Mina turned her head sideways, seeing Momo is also listening and looking at her with a little smile on her face??


She groaned internally and blame herself why she need to look Momo's reaction just now..



She turned away and look back to her friends. She gulped and her lips, preparing to blurt out her feelings.... 

"How?? I don't know when exactly I felt this way for Chaeyoung but when the time that I needed someone to lean on or talk to, she's always there for me... and I'm such a fool I didn't realize those times were quite precious that hit me hard that Chaeyoung.... is the person I cherish the most.. Without her, I felt like I will get crazy.. When I realized that, I got fluttering feelings whenever I'm with her and addition to that, she... she always make me smile and laugh nowadays so not bothering the situation, I admitted to her that I like her.. well.. I always been liking her for years but I was just confused about my feelings towards her because she always see me as her friend and she has crush on Tzuyu and I think maybe...  I don't like her that way.. and things get mess up but she's always there for me, supporting me and cheering me up...  Anyways, if you're asking me reasons why I love Chaeyoung right now, I think I won't able to stop talking about what I love for her... Mina announced and everyone is stunned with her confession because the person she's talking is just behind her with the help of Jeongyeon, who's supporting her because her leg is in pain but Chaeyoung insisted to go the cafeteria with Jeongyeon as the latter visited her.


Mina smiled at Jihyo and continued "Chaeyoung... you know, she's funny, she's cool, she's charming, she also smart as hell.. she can speak and understand English and I really like it because she looks cool at it, isn't? but my best two reasons why I really love Chaeyoung is that whenever she's with you even she is so small and cute, you feel like you're safe with her and of course, Chaeyoung is a loveable person------" Mina awkwardly stop her sentence as she think more.






"Ahhhh~! I love her dimples whenever she smile. She's so cute when she laugh, I love her laugh---"Mina felt a tap on her shoulder as she stop blabbering some cringey words about Chaeyoung as she turn around she was greeted by tomato faced-smiling at her and a not-so amuse face holding the latter's arm.



Mina almost got heart attack as she faced Chaeyoung, who's smiling at her with Jeongyeon with a unreadable expression on her face. 



"You seemed enjoying talking about me, my penguin.."


Everyone squealed and shrieked as they see Chaeyoung smirking, staring at Mina while making her face leaning forward more to Mina that make Mina almost lost her sanity with the teases she received from the small girl.


"Y-Yeah.. J-Jihyo wouldn't b-believe me----"Mina breathlessly said while calming down herself because Chaeyoung was way much closer this time.


Damn~!! I never knew this is what you're talking about pulling me, Son Chaeyoung.. I might die! Help!! Focus, Mina! Momo is watching you! This is for Momo,okay?


"Believe of what??" she huskily asked.


"T-that I'm in love with you and w-we feel the same way..." Mina shakily said. Chaeyoung then lifted her hand and cupped Mina's cheeks on her small eyes, without breaking eye contact.




Look at me, Mina...

I know how you've been through within these past days....

If you're bothered about it, don't think much about it and focus only on me... Only for Chaeyoung..

Don't think what are they going to say because in the end, your happiness matters here..It's your choice..

J-Just let out what you feel naturally and start again with new you, with natural you..

Because of you, this heart warm up again and don't forget that I like you too and this time, I'm not always be there for you because now, I'm always with you no matter what happen and I'm not leaving you like she did...

Everyone cries with mixed emotions. Happiness, Sadness, Goosebumps but the sound aww~ boomed at most inside the cafeteria. Even Chaeyoung's voice is too soft to hear, they can manage to hear it because no one dares to make even a little noises with this precious moments like this.


How can Chaeyoung talk like this smoothly? Well, no one knows.. Maybe, Tzuyu did?



Dahyun is clenching her teeth tightly and she shrieked when Chaeyoung stop. She swear she felt like watching a drama.. But the reason why she reacted that way because her girlfriend Nayeon is hitting her so much and sometimes she pinched on her as she can't contain her feels towards those two then the moment Chaeyoung ended her 'line-like' statement, Nayeon give a bone-crashing hug to Dahyun tightly and squealed loudly right on Dahyun's ears, making the poor girl shrieked because she was surprised.



"Dahyun-ah~!!! Kiss me now! and see if I'm not dreaming~ This is too good to be true~"



"Yah, Nayeon-ah.. We're in public, we can't do that.." Dahyun replied quickly but Nayeon quickly steal kisses to her girlfriend's cheeks. Dahyun started to sulk as she doesn't want to show affection in public especially kisses. Kissing in public is no-no especially when the amount of the people are too much.






"Dahyun, you're too mean~! Anyway, I wouldn't give you any kisses from now on. NO MORE KISSING, ARASSEO~" Nayeon started to sulk this time and Dahyun face palm to herself and explain for over hundred times that she didn't dislike Nayeon's kisses, it's just that she doesn't want to do it in public. And again, they have their own little world again as they continue talk out this problem within themselves but the two knew that later on they will be okay again and maybe more than okay. *smirk*



Meanwhile, Park Jihyo is crying..... not because she was jealous, envious or sad with the fact that Mina and Chaeyoung is a thing... It's because she's happy because she see how Chaeyoung cares Mina a lot and she would believe now that these two are in love with each other. Yep, she's going to back off... She doesn't want to make Chaeyoung worried at them.. If Chaeyoung is worried to Mina because of Momo, same way to her.. Chaeyoung would be worried at her as well. She will just admire Chaeyoung for now, not love.. It's more complicated when her admirations turn into love and she knows that she would never exceed from that.. She can handle herself, she know it to herself.. She will find soon but let her still continue fangirling to Chaeyoung...



Jeongyeon? A big question mark..It's really really hard to read Jeongyeon's expression now but she knows and she heard her heart cracked a little bit when Mina smiles after Chaeyoung's statement. She is jealous. Yes, she is... She like Mina, but never got any chance because she thought that Mina is distancing to her and don't want much attention from her and she thinks that Mina maybe chooses her as the last person she will come to inside their gang because she doesn't talk to her that much. She always like Mina.. Well, she's good at hiding her true feelings.. but this time, when she heard from Momo that they broke up, she didn't hesitate to show now her true feeling towards her. Right now, she doesn't care anymore but now, she needs to deal with Son Chaeyoung, her precious no-jam friend.



"Babe, I need to go restroom.. My stomach is not feeling well.. I ate a lot.."Momo asked for a permission from his boyfriend and he just nod and Momo excused herself from his friends and make her way out from this suffocating situation.



When the moment she went inside the rest room, she slammed the door and hit the marble counter as she look to herself, with tears flowing down on her face.


"I told you to stay away, Son Chaeyoung! Why you're not listening to me? It's too damn easy, right?" Momo convinced herself and she put her palm on her face as she cried loudly while shaking her head repeatedly.


"No,No,No... This is not easy..." she muttered softly while sobbing.



Why it's easy for you to believe me, Mina? Why you didn't give me a hard time worrying you? It's really my karma for letting you go easily... and losing you easily...



There's someone enter the restroom as well and Momo started to squinted her eye to see who's the person who came in. She cannot see it as her eyes got blurry for crying so hard.




"M-Momo?~" the girl asked her, tears are also evident on her face as well.



Long time, no updates in this fic... I'm really sorry for abandoning this fic because I'm more focus with my other fic. So right now, I decided to go back here and update this. I think there's nothing so much in this chapter, I'm sorry because honestly, I am having writer's block in this fic and it's still the same day before the two chapters :( I'm pretty slow when it comes to time development but anyway the next chapter will be surely skipped for a week that Chaeyoung and MIna's relevation here. I'm not sure how this process goes but I already have an ending on my mind but I don't know where should I start to develop this. Please bare with me :( I'm trying to figure out a way to make this story flows. But anyway, who's excited in Satzu LieV later?! ME! ME! ME! ME! It will be surely a lit! Anyway, votes, comments, views and subscribe are still appreciated with this author :) I don't know when I would update this because I am currently working my other fic which is really unbelievably recieved a lot of responses.. I WAS SHOOKT!! Okay, okay.. I'll stop now and I really try my best to update this more often... 


FEEL FREE TO COMMENT, GUYS~~ thanks FOR reading this! See you next time!


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MIMOnster #1
Mimo authornim
MIMOnster #2
bring back 😭😭😭 i want mimo 🍑🐧🍑🐧🍑🐧🍑
Taehyun92 #3
I need michaeng!!
Chapter 12: Hurt me more author ssi tt
Minaribaby #5
Chapter 2: Michaeng ^^
Taehyun92 #7
Chapter 12: I need michaeng in my life!
Taehyun92 #8
Michaeng please!
Chapter 12: So much is happening, I wish Mina and Chaeyoung can be together asap, and more wish for Chaeyoung to forget about Tzuyu, and just accept that she loves Mina. She dont have to hurt her everything. Kekeke...
rosenunal22 #10
Chapter 12: Michaeng