You're The 'Special One'!

Over Or Back?! (Get Over Or Bring Back?!)


 A/N: Prepare snacks because this is hella long!!! :D


Chaeyoung's POV
Somi? She looks nervous when I caught her looking at me. I'm trying to remember if she ever got shy or nervous in front of me most especially when I first met her.



Freshman Year

It's been my two days attending the class, however I only noticed that my three Japanese classmates has the only ones have difficulty communicating with us except the two students from Canada. Well, they were still Koreans but live in other country, I bet they were still speaking Korean since before that's why it's too easy for them to talk with us especially this girl who always smiling at me. We only talk once but it's only about subject matter and we just exchanging smiles to each other when our eyes met each time.


Jihyo told me that Somi is really a typical student who always talks loudly when she herself is like that too. Jeongyeon nudge me on my side as we are talking about something that time with my other close classmate.



"Chaeyoung-ah, you were staring for too long to Somi? Want to talk to her?" 



"Ah-- No, I was just spacing out ------" I denied but Jeongyeon as you knew that she loves to tease as she called Somi casually as if they were close. Jeongyeon is quite the most social butterfly before but Sana had replaced her spot as that girl talks to everyone like she already talk our whole batch mate as she knew all the names even their nicknames as she call them sometimes.



"Somi! Son Chaeyoung wants to talk with you! She's looking at you for too long! I bet that she lik----" Before she blurt some nonsense, I smacked her head for her to stop.



Somi stop talking with our classmate which is Chungha, her bestfriend and looks up and she smiles at me widely while waving at me. Being in this kind of situation, I just nod my head and wave her back and Jeongyeon then smack my head this time.



"Talk! You look stupid just now!" Jeongyeon scold and she tugged my uniform as we went to Somi and she smiled at Somi.



"Sorry for my friend, she's shy and I notice she looks like she wants to talk with you. Please help her.." Jeongyeon then left me with Somi and Chungha and Chungha also left us alone for us to talk. 



While thinking that our friends seems sense that we must talk to each other was quite suspicious as I think of it just now, that why they were pushing us to talk and be friends before? I don't get them.



"I'm sorry about that. I was just thinking deeply while looking at you but I was just wondering why you were not having difficulty you know talking with us if you stayed in Canada since you were a kid, did you not forget or mispronounced some words that you're not used to speak?" I asked her innocently.



She just smiled and lowered her head as she confess "Actually, some other times I have difficulty as well but I'm just being confident to speak even my sentences were kind of messy so I think you find me talking in Korean easily." She answered humbly.



I formed my mouth a big O as I asked more questions because I was really into the western movies and music as I like them so much so I asked how she lives there when she's quite different from them and she answered me satisfyingly as I keep nodding my head like an idiot and take notes in my head and sooner as we converse about her life in different country she also asked me questions why I like western stuff and many more and I didn't notice that were getting to know each other and in the following days that we notice that were quite close as we always talk randomly when we see each other or we just feel like we want to share some stories to each other. Aside from the gang, Somi is one of my close friends outside of the gang and I was thankful that she was not a kind of friend who keeps me away from my other friends and I bet she also do the same as she also have another group of friends besides me. 



Speaking her friends, Chungha and Sohye told me few times that Somi likes to talk about me so much when they were chit chatting and she just randomly bring my name in their conversation that sometimes they wonder how close we are. Sometimes they think that Somi likes me that much and I just laughed at them as I know that Somi never likes me in that way because I only see her as a friend and I don't find any kind of strange things that will jump into conclusion that she likes me not until this year, specifically when I had haircut that made me famous for some unexplainable reason.



First, for pretending that we have romantic relationship. I questioned her about it but she just ran away and tease me, remember? Second, she wants to kiss me in that same day in front of our classmate, I even don't want to pretend with her and I know she was being kind but she has other intentions why she did that. She was supposed to be shy around me on those days but like it was nothing as she's back for being jolly. Because of that, I also forget that and started to talk with her normally. Third, she always ask me about my admirers like she is keep tracking on them, I bet she almost memorize their names and she could pin point who are those person who admires me. I remember before how she pitied and make fun of me when it comes to my tragic love for Sana. Instead of comforting me, she always scold me jokingly as she said I'm stupid for falling too much such those words, she's one of the person who I lean to when Tzuyu left me, she and Mina.. and also Dahyun too but sometimes she's busy dealing with her girlfriend so I would say Mina and Somi is my comforter. And lastly and this is so recent, I always catch her looking at me like she's daydreaming or fantasizing me during our class that even my professor caught her for losing attention to his class.


Her friends teased me more with Somi but she just bashfully hit them as she denies it with a red tint all over her face. Can I also consider it? Maybe... but when she got teased, she always like that.



"I will literally burst out laughing if I found out it's Somi, seriously. I will . Should I think what reaction I will do when she confess to me personally as she said to the letter? Can't believe it that even her fall for me because of this hair." Chaeyoung chuckled while curling her short hair, going back to her class but as soon she was getting near at the classroom, she could see Jihyo running towards her.


"Chaeng-ah!!! Come with me! You need to see this!!" Jihyo hastily grab my hands and took me to the dance club room which is crowded now with many students as they watch something inside of the room.



"What are we doing here?" I asked Jihyo but she just puckered her lips towards to the room and I drifted my eyes to the room, seeing the dance team having fun inside as they are doing freestyle.



One by one is dancing in the center showing their sharp moves and unique steps as they keep showing off their dancing skills. 



"Okay, our latest member, show them what you got! Your turn, our swan!" Their instructor yelled and playfully push Mina in the center and gosh! Everyone on the outside of the room squealed and most of them are boys as they keep chanting Mina's name.



"Mina! Mina! Minari~" they cheered.


How dare them to call Mina, Minari~? I'm the only one who called her in that name! Mina loves that nickname!




She smiled gracefully before she begin her own performance and everyone is already clapping even she didn't start it yet.


She started to walk tiptoe fastly, matching her steps with the beat of the music and her hands gracefully move naturally in most elegant way.


She turned her body around making turns like she used to do when she's dancing ballet

Wait! Why she's doing ballet? I thought she would do a ------



After making turns, she lift her leg and make a perfect split, making everyone gasp from her sudden action and then she rolls in the floor, all of us is going insane as she dance on the floor ily then she stood and starting shaking her body, following the fast beat and making some various steps that making us faint anytime as she always smile at us or a smirk, I don't know what Mina is trying to do? Is she seducing all of us? 


Oh my god, even Jihyo left hanging while watching Mina! This is going to be crazy!


At her ending, she fix her hair covering her face while her hips follows the end of the beat that makes all the boys and the girls whistles and squealed and at the same time, Mina is panting heavily as she squinted  her eyes a bit, making her damn y as if she's trying to wink.


"! She's ing awesome! Momo lose a gem!!" Someone said in my back.


Well, you're right man! She lose something precious. She's too stupid to let someone like her go.


"Indeed!! Mina is really really hot! How can someone cheated her?!" Another voice said.


"Momo is blind for sure! She's dumb! I bet she's regretting it!" 


"But Ten is not bad.. Momo is really lucky to have charming people under her charms, doesn't she?


"Mina is way better than him! She looks y and cool and elegant at the same time! How can she do that? My heart is beating so fast right now because of her!!!" The boy shouted and everyone agrees and Mina just smiled to everyone before she went back but then Momo hold her shoulder and turn Mina's body to face her, wanting Mina to look at her.



Everyone was surprised and confused as Momo started dancing in front of Mina like she's competing with her. Everyone got excited and cheered for them despite the tension was really intense as Momo keep dancing really hard and Mina looks at her like every Momo moves was like nothing at her anymore.



Mina just smiled at her before she walk away but then she suddenly turn to face Momo again and dance to her this time like they were having showdown. Momo was too surprise as she don't know that her feet walking backwards as Mina keep dancing and not even minding personal space as their body getting closer and Momo was keeping her distance, not to be too close.


The instructor yelled to them as he cued "Stop! Next member, it's your turn!" 


Mina stop her dance and she look to Momo who is just staring at her with her eyes shaking and Mina just smirked and went back to her spot earlier.


She has victorious smile as the dance ceremony goes as she keep looking at Momo who's sometimes in daze or something.


"Okay! That's it for now! You can go back to your own classes!" The dance teacher spoke and they all clapped their hands and fix their things and Mina was about to go when someone pull her and went out to the dance room.


"Let me go." Mina firmly said as she swing her hand hard that make Momo lose her grip on Mina's wrist.


"Can we talk for a moment, Mina? Please.. I just don't want to have any problems with you here in school." Momo said in a serious tone


"We're now talking. There, are we done?" Mina sarcastically said.


"Mina.. Please." Momo pleaded as she grabbed Mina's hand.


"Then spill! No need to plead, Momo.You're wasting my time, oh I mean our time because the class will start at any minutes and I don't want to get scold with you by our professor." Mina impatiently said.



"Can we go back like we ------"






Another rejection was heard as she added "No, you can't Momo. You can't go back to her when you just like, not when I'm starting to get a way to her heart. I'm not letting you go back." Jeongyeon glared at Momo as she hook her arm around Mina's waist, Momo just look at them with disbelief. While Mina is just looking at Jeongyeon as the latter smile and hold Mina's waist tighter as she speak again.


"Not when I already told her how much I love her, not now, not tomorrow, never."


"W-What?" Momo said almost in inaudible voice.



"As much I value our friendship, Mo. I will never ever give Mina to you ever again. I don't trust you anymore." Jeongyeon smirked.


"Jeong, stop it.."Mina softly said while tugging Jeongyeon's shirt.



"Yeah I will stop... until she stops bothering you." Jeongyeon said before she gave a cold glare and pulled me as we left Momo.



"Jeong.. you don't need to do this. Chaeng might---"



"Chaeyoung will not get jealous and I know she will understand me." Jeongyeon reasurred but deep inside she was hurt by hearing that name that always she hears from her love of her life.



"Then how about me? Don't you understand me, Jeongyeon?" Mina stopped to her walk and face Jeongyeon with a serious face.



Jeongyeon just smiled at her and put her both hands on Mina's shoulders as she look Mina closely, without a blink.



"I understand you, Mina. But I can't help to stop myself when I know that Momo might have feelings for you. I don't want you to get hurt again. I don't like seeing you with Momo. It breaks my heart remembering how I endure the time you two were together, pretending to be happy for both of two, pretending to teasing you two together, pretending I was super fine with you two. It's hard, Mina.. Knowing that you have no longer chance to be with someone you love. It's hard to accept that any thing I will do was just goes nothing because you don't see me the same way I do to you.. I hope you understand me too, Mina. It's been a long time and it's my first time to express my love. I guess you won't understand me because you didn't experience these kind of things." Jeongyeon lowered her gaze as she chuckled to herself, pitying her situation.



"I understand you Jeongyeon that's why I wanted you to stop." Jeongyeon looked back at Mina, shocked when she heard Mina that she knows the pain Jeongyeon dealing.



"What you told me... I experienced it too and it was too painful, I don't want you to get hurt too, Jeong.. I was in your case before but I stopped and everything goes normal again like your heart did not keep pounding fastly when every time you see that person as you turn your attention to other things or mostly other person. Forgetting your love is really hard. I know how hard it is... but every time you hold her, it's getting hard to let her go and you end up being hurt at the end. Chaeng told me that, you should ask some help from her. You might get some tips and advice from her." Mina said before she start walking again but then Jeongyeon blurt something else that made Mina stop her feet, her world and her everything. Mina tries to comprehend if she didn't heard wrong nor she just dreaming, she slowly turn around and look at Jeongyeon with wide eyes and she see Jeongyeon smiling her as she asked again.




"Am I right, Mina?"



Fast forward to the last class which is their P.E. Class, they started to gather in their gymnasium as they were getting ready to do their activity. The P.E. teacher paired each one to the class and let them to do the  activity assigned to them as the P.E. as always leave them with the activity as they expected.

"Class, listen! I will just go for the meeting, you should finish the activity before the class over and you could pass the activity card to Nayeon as she was your going to be in charge of the class. Don't cheat, I have someone watching you all so if you ever escape or do nothing, let's just see each other to detention next week, understood?" Their P.E teacher warned and all they do is just nod and proceed to their own pair. Luckily, they can choose any pair they want before so Mina and Chaeyoung automatically become partners.



The two were still quiet as they don't want to talk here in school as they wanted to talk privately.



Mina breaks the silence as she asked Chaeyoung who is busy tying her shoelace "Hey, you want to go first or me?" Mina asked while making warm up for her to not get hurt her whole body when she do the activity.



"Me first?" I asked and she just give me a simple nod. 


Our first activity is we need to make 20 curl ups. I lay my body to the floor and she set herself as she hold my toes and feet tightly.



I started to get up and I was surprise from her face because it was too close to me and I forgot that it's normal since she was holding my feet to keep me still. I stared her features but as she was playful to me, she flicked my forehead and said "Stop it! Finish this quickly, I want to talk with you."


I smiled at her and nodded as I complied and I keep making curls up until I reach 20. I plopped my body on the ground, feeling tired.


"Hey, you're sweaty! Wipe it off.." Chaeyoung said as she throw the face towel to me. Tskk... She's grumpy for sure.

"No thank you?" She added and I just gave her expected answer as I said.. sincerely.. "Thank you~" maybe not too sincerely as she just rolled her eyes on me.



I don't know why this girl is mad at me. Is she still jealous or this is about Jeongyeon? I want to cover Jihyo's mouth earlier as she blurt it out without thinking much. It's not like I was hiding this from Chaeyoung but I was too shock and scared if I will tell her about Jeong, she might be --



"It's my turn now." she plainly said and she started making curl ups and she was finished so early.



"1 and half minutes." I say while scribbling to our activity card.



Then, we did our second and third activity making us to get finish so early that we still have remaining 1 hour before our class ends.



"Girls!! Let's celebrate for Mina being in the dance club! Let's go karaoke and eat!" Jihyo  announced to our gang and I quickly refused her as I told them

"Sorry, I can't go with you guys for now. I'll meet someone after class and I supposed to go.. Maybe tomorrow we can celebrate together.." I lied because I know Chaeyoung wants to talk to me privately and I don't want them to know it because it's between the two of us.



"Is that so? Are you dating or seeing someone, Mina-yah?" Nayeon joked at me and I denied it as I reassure them "No! I won't do that! This is my friend of mine, she wants to talk with me since we haven't seen for a while" I lied again and they just nodded and then Chaeyoung quickly leave us and go first.



They laughed as they told me "Chaenggie seems like she was still bothered about your own performance last morning. Everyone is drooling over you, she might get upset because a lot of guys were checking you out." Dahyun playfully said and Jihyo agrees when she blurt it "I can't remember how long did my mouth became open while watching you danced, Mina. You're pretty hot.."


I just laughed at them, my cheeks are burning because I was so shy talking about this matter. "Also, you should reconcile with Momo. It will be the best for the outcome of your performances together." Jihyo added as she misses their one member in their gang even though she betrayed Mina.


"Speaking to you all of you also. You should reconcile with Momo as well." I said to them and they just smiled at me as they said "We will, someday."


I just smiled at them, I was grateful that Jihyo, Nayeon and Dahyun was always understanding especially Jihyo, she deserves some love sometimes.


"Sorry, I really need to go now. See you tomorrow then! Prepare your voices! Kekeke~" 



"Yah! It must be you!" They all whined and I just grinned and waved my hand as I bid goodbye to them.


When I reached the school gates, she was waiting for me and spoke coldly. "Let's go."


We're still not talking as we walk down the streets, going to Chaeyoung's house as I told her I want her to visit her mom and help her to take care her.

But suddenly Chaeyoung stopped in front of cafe, and went in without telling me why. She must be really upset with me.


We came to the counter and Chaeyoung tell her orders "One whole strawberry cheese cake and  two americano for take out."


Cake? For what? Her mother is not feeling well and she's going to buy cake for her mother? It's unhealthy. So I decided to buy something that will help her mom lose her high fever.



"Chaeng.. can I go out for a moment? I need to buy something.." I asked her permission as she just reply me with a simple nod and I quickly.



I looked at my surrounding and I spotted a fruit stand and I think this is going to be helpful her. I bought tangerines because I knew that this will help her to build up her immune system as it contains Vitamin C that will help her a lot to feel better. Tangerines are refreshing.


After that, I also went to convenient store to buy some instant seaweed soup since I was planning to cook for them. 



As I came out, Chaeyoung was outside of the cafe while slurping her americano with her eyes wandering around as she bring with her two little hands the cake and my americano coffee. 


She looks handsome and cute... Anytime, strangers might flirt with her because how good looking she was right now..


I hid the things I bought inside my bag then I approached her with a smile "Sorry! Let's go! And I take the cake! It must be heavy.."


"No. I take this, your coffee by the way." Chaeyoung said before she give the coffee to me.



As soon I accepted it, a wide smile plastered on my face when I read something on the coffee's cup.


Congratulations, Minari~ I'm so proud at you~



I glanced at her and I was surprised she was also looking at me and she asked me coldly "What?!" She looks away and I want to pinch her cheeks because she's too cute even she acts cold towards me.


I just sipped my coffee while giggling and I decided to give my gratitude as I took the cake on her hand, oh I mean.. I also took her hand that is holding on the cake.


"What are you doing?" She asked me.


"Helping you.. This is really heavy, why you buy cake when your mom is not feeling well?" I asked, still holding her hand and the box and I match the steps with her step so that we can't stumble.


"Let go. It's uncomfortable.." Chaeyoung shrugged. I just laughed and said "If I let go, anytime you will drop the cake."


"Aishh.. Whatever.. Mom likes cake." Chaeyoung mumbles.


I thought the cake was for me T___T She congratulated me and she told me in her message that we will celebrate. I guess she was really mad..



Instead of holding the cake more, I grabbed her hand and she stop walking as she look at me with disbelief "Wow! Mina, you're not holding the cake anymore, you're holding on my hand~"Chaeyoung sarcastically said.


Then she lean her face closer than mine and she smirk and said "Let go of my hand~ It's hard to bring cake if there's hand on me~"


"No! I don't want to! You're mad at me~"


She deeply sighed and smiled in not so sincere way "I'm not mad at you so please let go first and when we reach home you can do whatever you want. It's really uncomfortable.


I gripped her hand more tighter and she just stared at me "Nope.. not until we are okay.."


"We are okay, Mina. What are you saying?" She answered but it's not convincing and I dragged her to the side of the street and took the cake on her hand as she look at me confusily. I put the cake aside to the chair nearby us and I also abandon my coffee when I decided to give her a hug.



"Please, Chaeng.. Don't be mad at me anymore. I was planning to tell you about it but I just thinking in what way should I tell you. I don't want us to be like this. I hate it when you're not talking to me, Chaeng.." I hugged her even tighter as she was not hugging me back and I tell the words I've been wanting to say at her since earlier.



"I miss you, cub..."


Okay, Son Chaeyoung, tell me what's happening right now. Why Mina is hugging you? Why Mina is acting cute just now? Why Mina seems like a little kid in her very first day of school? Why Mina is so warm? Why Mina is so adorable? Why Mina seems so sweet and fluffly at the same time? And why you Son Chaeyoung doing nothing even Mina looks very cute who is asking for your forgiveness?


Hell!! Just ing forget that you were jealous earlier, Chaeyoung! She doesn't deserve to be treated coldly! Just hug her back!


"Chaeng.. Sorry..." she apologized softly before she put her chin on my shoulder. Omo! Why my heart beats like a bullet train? She's sticking close to me that I can smell her perfume.


I slowly wrapped my arms on her back as I smiled. "Apology accepted. Did I have a choice?" I chuckled and she giggled and loosened the hug as she face me.


"I knew it.. You can't resist me.." Mina showed her gummy smile that I really loved. Does she really acting cute at me?



I messed her hair and she pouted "Whatever.. Let's go back to house and start our celebration.."



I took the cake and walk fastly as she asked me many questions and I just smiled knowing that she was only like this when she's with me and I also doubt when she's with Momo as well.


It's not hard to love you, Mina.. Even I told you I can't love you, it doesn't mean that there's no chance that I will never love you... And I hope that my mind still cooperates with my heart for me to not regret my words I told you back's slowly coming to me...




After their P.E. class, the gang went to their own ways, Jihyo go home immediately as she was the one who's going to make their dinner, Jeongyeon who also left as she said that she was going to buy something else for her someone else specifically Mina, all of their friends know now that Jeongyeon pursuing Mina except for the little cub who is really dense about them.



"I need to buy something for Mina for making it in dance team." Jeongyeon hurriedly said before she scurried away from her gang.


Meanwhile the two has other plan as Nayeon nudge Dahyun "Hey, you have anything to do?"


Dahyun hummed for a moment and pondered "Nothing what I could think of.." she continues then Nayeon tugged her hand and took her to somewhere "Let's hang out in our classroom before we go home!" she enthusiastically said as they ran going to their old classroom.



As they arrived, Nayeon smiles widely as breathe in their old classroom scent, making Dahyun looking at her weirdly.


"I missed this.."Nayeon blurted out and went to her usual seat she used to be during their class last year. Dahyun took a seat beside her which is beside of the windows and stare the school grounds outside as she faced to the windows.



Then, Nayeon give Dahyun a backhug. It's her way saying how she was happy that they were together now after all the happenings and unexpected events happened to them as they are in their way realizing their true feelings to each other and all those moments were techinally almost all happen here in this place, their special place in their hearts. 



Dahyun just stayed silent, enjoying the warmth given by Nayeon. But then suddenly, Nayeon stopped hugging her as she look at Dahyun, thinking of something then she decided to hug Dahyun again.

"Nayeon-ah..." Dahyun mumbles.


"Hmmm..." Nayeon just hummed as she put her chin on Dahyun's shoulder.


"Is there something wrong?" Dahyun asked carefully, she feels that Nayeon have something to say.


Nayeon frowned and faced Dahyun as she cupped the latter's cheeks as she look at her worriedly "You got skinny." Nayeon whined. "You haven't been eating, aren't you?"


Dahyun couldn't help but to be awe at how someone can determine someone's size just by hugging.



"It's just... I can't help to lose weight after eating much because my baby fat on my face are showing.. Oh scratch that! I want to lose the fat on my face, I think I would have double chin If I didn't go on diet." Dahyun explained and Nayeon's mood become gloomy as threatened the latter "Yah! Don't do that! You're health will be in risk, don't beat up yourself for that! I still love you even you got double chin or triple chin, I don't care! As long as your happy doing it and not forcing yourself to do it because of the other people, do it but don't forget your health. That's the important thing, Dahyun. I don't want to lose you again." Nayeon said before she hug Dahyun again but this time they were facing each other.



Dahyun chuckled as she nods "Yes, Madame. I won't do it if you don't want to." Nayeon smiled and hugged her tighter, making almost Dahyun suffocate and then, Dahyun released from the hug as she cough and said "Yah.. I thought you worried in my health but it looks like that you want to end my life in your tight hugs."


Nayeon sat up straight before she decided to go back and nuzzle on Dahyun's neck some more.


"Sometimes, I can't believe that we're together, that's why I tightening the hug to make sure that I'm not dreaming." 


A shy smile spread on Dahyun's lips before she end up smacking Nayeon playfully.


"That's so sweet, Nabongs. Can't over it?" Dahyun teased.


"Yeah, I can't believe you will like someone like me who is really an angel sent from above and to be born in real time goddess in this world. I can't believe it that you like this amazing face. If not, you were not human after all.." Nayeon joked and Dahyun pinch her nose.


"Stop blabbering your beauty, I already know it. No need to remind me." Dahyun smiled as she cupped Nayeon's cheeks this time as she look into her eyes like she's looking herself in a mirror "I already memorize it but even though it was like that, I won't get tired seeing your face every day, every night. I don't want to forget you, Nayeon and I don't know what am I going to do if one day... one day that... something happens that will make us apart, I don't want to forget or leave you, Nayeon.. I think I can't do it so please... don't leave me like Momo did, don't forget me and.. don't replace me." Dahyun placed a kiss on Nayeon's forehead and it lasted long enough for a kiss on forehead and Nayeon could feel some droplets on her forehead and also on Dahyun's cheeks.



Nayeon pushed Dahyun lightly and faced Dahyun who has tears in her eyes. Nayeon quickly brushed off those tears on her girlfriend's cheeks as she reassured her while teasing her "You're really bipolar. Your sudden cries makes me want to pocket you and bring you every where I go. I'm also scared if that day if ever comes to us but.. I believe that after all the struggles we need to overcome before going in this kind of relationship we have now, I know that we can't"


Dahyun eyes widened and almost ready to cry again before Nayeon continues "I know that we can't, we can't let that day comes. I promised you to the moon and back that you're the one I would choose in everything.." 


Nayeon kisses Dahyun's cheek and eyes as she showered her with kisses instead of tears "Stop crying, it's not suited with you." Nayeon said softly as she hugged her girlfriend but Dahyun being stubborn, let out a multiple streams of tears as she hugged back Nayeon and said hoarsely "I'm lucky that I have you as my girlfriend."



"Aishh, Dahyunnie is such a crybaby.." Nayeon cooed Dahyun while caressing her girlfriend's head.



Then she asked "Why you bring break up in our conversation, Dahyun-ah? You think that I will cheat or leave you? You also bring Momo.. Why? "



"Uhmm.. Nayeon-ah.. I found out something, something big about Mina." Dahyun whispered.



"What? Mina? We're talking about Momo here."



"Yeah and it also relates to Momo as well, I accidentally heard them. Jeongyeon, Mina and Momo. It's not really good and Chaeyoung was also in it. I don't know who am I supposed to believe. Is it Jeong? Mina? For Momo, I'm not quite sure because Jeongyeon stop her.." 


"What do you mean? What did you hear?"



"I trust you, Nayeon and you should keep this within yourself especially Chaeyoung, she will just get hurt. Don't ever tell them that you know." Dahyun warned and started her story that she witness this last morning after Mina's performance.


I was walking in the hallways as I want to go the restroom before our classes starts when I heard Jeongyeon yelling to someone. I hide behind the wall and peek to see who's she's arguing. My jaw dropped when I saw with my two eyes that they were talking to Momo who is head hung down and Mina stopping Jeongyeon. Then, Jeongyeon quickly took Mina and left Momo, I followed them secretly because their face was so serious and I'm worried about them.



I heard Jeongyeon talking to Mina and Mina looks like she was about to cry.


"Forgetting your love is really hard. I know how hard it is... but every time you hold her, it's getting hard to let her go and you end up being hurt at the end. Chaeng told me that, you should ask some help from her. You might get some tips and advice from her." Mina said before she start walking again but then Jeongyeon yelled and I was surprised from her words.




"That's the big reason why you ask help from Chaeyoung! You ask her to help you to forget Momo! You're just using her Myoui Mina! You really don't like Chaeyoung at all!



Mina stopped walking and froze, it must be true.


"Am I right?" Jeongyeon asked coldly.



"I'm not saying anything here and if you just want to compare yourself to Chaeyoung again, I still chooses her, over and over again even I like her or not, I will only look at Chaeyoung and nothing else, AGAIN." Mina explained and left Jeongyeon behind, who's sobbing quietly.




"So why Chaeyoung will be hurt? Mina chooses her. That's kind of sweet, you know." Nayeon asked confusily.



"It means that Mina is not sure if she loves Chaeyoung! All we thought here that she's the one who is persistent to get Chaeng! I'm thinking right now is it's other way around. And what if she thinks that she already forget Momo then she didn't know, she wasn't? I'm worried about Chae."


"It's getting complicated that Jeongyeon step up as well. Then how about Momo? What did she said when you saw Jeongyeon yelling at her?"


"She looks pleading to Mina that likes that she wants to bring back their relationship." Dahyun slowly said, not sure if it was true or not.




"No! No! It's not probably true! She has Ten now and Chaeyoung will be more hurt if Momo still loves Mina.  Momo will not do that to Chaeyoung as well."


"She will do that.." Nayeon absently said before she stood. "If you love a person, you will do everything to tell or let them know that you love that person. Momo is a cheater and she can hurt anyone else from us again as long as she let out her true feelings and let us know her well. Momo will do that if she still loves Mina. She will make a way to let her know." 


Dahyun followed and deep sighed "Why I feel like you know Momo that she still loves Mina?"


"Because she is.. She loves her so much that she even risk their relationship, so that the two of them can't be hurt in the end. She chooses Mina over her." Nayeon smiled.


"Wait! What are you saying Nayeon?! She choose Mina over her? How did you know that?" 


Nayeon just winked at her and said softly "I know the real reason why they broke up. It's not just she don't love her anymore, it's a lot of reasons. Momo told me because she need some help from us but we rejected her all the time. I talked to her and she told me everything. I thought she was just lying or making up story but after I heard from you that you think Momo still love Mina, I think she was saying the truth. She do love Mina, Dahyun. You won't believe it because it was too hard, too hard to be in that situation that life over love is on the line."



Dahyun tugged Nayeon's uniform as she whined "Tell me about it, Nabongs! I'm really curious about it! I want to find out!"



Nayeon just smiled and pinch Dahyun's nose "I won't tell you. Find it to yourself. Go to Momo and let her be friend again, she will tell you. She need us." 




"We're home!" I shouted once we arrived in our house and to my surprise, mom is smiling widely to us.


Oh my god! I forgot that mom was actually fine now! She just have little fever yesterday and I litterally lied to Mina that she has fever that's why she's with me because she wants to visit mom. This is your fault, Son Chaeyoung! You're thinking too much her that you didn't notice you lied!



"Oh Minari~! Glad to see you! Let me give you a hug!" My mom squealed and they hugged each other like they were the mother and daughter here.


"Hi mom! I'm also here!" I sarcastically said and my mom just laughed at me and pat my shoulders. "You're already used to my hugs, you won't need it anymore. I'm just going to prepare some food for your date today~"she teased and I quickly whined at her as I said "WE'RE NOT GOING ON A DATE OR WE ARE NOT DATING, MOM!!"


My mom always assume that whenever Mina came over here or have sleep over here that we are having private dates to ourselves. I can't blame mom as well. Mina comes here too often and you would think that we had some sort of relationship.


Mina just giggled at me and she interrupted me when she show her coffee to my mom and whispered which makes me curious. My mom squealed and hugged me suddenly after that and she said "I never knew that Chaeng-Chaeng is so sweet! By the way, congrats to you, Mina! I'm going to prepare more special food for our celebration and to your date!"


"MOM! I TOLD YOU THAT WE'RE NOT----" I denied again and I felt my hand tugged by Mina as she pull me going upstairs.


"We're going, Mrs. Son! I need to talk to her!" Mina said to my mom and mom answered her "Okay! Just make sure that you change your clothes before we eat! I'm going to the market first!"


"Yes mom!"


"Yes Mrs.Son!"


"Aishh! Why still calling me Mrs. Son! Just call me mom, Mina."


"I'm sorry, I can't help it but I will try." Mina just smiled at my mom and we proceeded to my room.



When we arrived in my room, Mina lie down on my bed while waiting for me to change.


"Just get some clothes on my closet and change or go shower, I bet mom will not make you go home again. When mom said celebration, it will take long hours to prepare and celebrate.  I will change later, I just clean this mess first. We're going to talk later." I said while cleaning my table which is really messy because of our project.



"Arasso. I just have quick shower." She answered before she stood and walk to my closet then she went in the bathroom.


I deeply sighed while holding my chest. "Why it's too hard to act around you, Mina?" I mumbled and I took out a penguin plushie inside my bag as I bought it earlier when Mina left me in the cafe. 


"I'm the one who should apologize to her earlier. She got ahead of me but still I need to give this to her." 


I placed the penguin on my bed and I decide to make a simple message again. I don't know why I like more making messages to her than saying it in front of her. When we're alone, sometimes I get shy and red, that's why she loves to tease me because I'm not like this when others teased me.


I started to scribble on a sticky note and I stick it on... where should I stick this note.



I tried on the head but it's ugly to have paper on penguin's head, the face will be cover by the paper. Maybe.... on the penguin's chest? Yeah, that will be look sincere!



I stick it on the penguin's chest and I stared the penguin with contentment. 



"I bet she will squeal and hug me once she see this..." I smiled and thinking that scenario will come again as she often hug me whenever she feels thankful towards me.


I put the penguin on my bed and I decided to take shower as well as I will go to other bathroom available in our house which is on my parent's room but.... I look back on my bed and see the penguin there. I was contemplating if which is better.. giving it to her personally by surprising her or just put the penguin there and let's find out what she will gonna do to me?



I went back and decided maybe I should give this to her later personally. But as things didn't go on my way as always when Mina went out from my bathroom with her wet hair and she's just wearing a bathrobe! A FREAKIN BATHROBE!


I was shocked and I can't move my any body parts as I was too stunned to the girl who is front of me. She look at me confusily and soon, she found out that I am hiding something on my back.


"Chae? What's that?" She said while pointing on ny back. I just stayed silent and continue staring at her. She was really really pretty! Her skin is so smooth. Her long legs were perfectly flawless. Even I wanted to divert my eyes away from her, I can't!


Heol! What am I thinking? Stop this, Son Chaeyoung! You're embarassing!! Kyahhh!! You're such a per ----


"Chaenggie~ Hello~" she waved her hand in front of my face. I didn't notice that she was literally in front of me, inches away from me. DARN!!!


"Uhmm.. Y-Yes?" Sh*t, why am I stuttering?


"Like what you're seeing, huh?" she sarcastically said and her hand is directly going to my but I quickly hit her hand.

"Not so fast, Myoui!" I said and she give me a confuse look.


"But!! It's a penguin!! Give me that!!" She whined like a kid and I just pulled my tongue out as I "No! This is not yours, you penguin addict!"





"I will give this to Myoui Mina who didn't lie to me!" I started walking around my room childishly while holding the penguin and I feel like Im winning because she's chasing me right now.


"Hey, stop there!" I warned and she complied as she stopped. "Let me take a bath first and go change! I don't want to feel your bare body when I decided to give this to you. I might get nosebleed." I said, I don't know if she understand what I meant.


But when I will step out from my room, she pull me and pin me on the wall as she trapped me in her arms.




Then, she suddey hugged me. I don't know if she can hear my heart beating fastly when our bodies was too close to each other.


"C-Chaengiee.." she whispered and I feel like I become a statue for not hugging her back because she's just wearing a bathrobe.



I answered with a hum and she spoke softly "Why are you doing this things to me?" 


"What? What am I doing? What things?" I pushed her lightly and look at her face, making the hug loosened. She has confuse look on her face.



She started as she said " You.." she stopped for a moment and look at my eyes like she was looking for something. She raise her hand and cupped my cheek that cause my fluttering feelings mess inside of me.

"You..." she said it again and she end her sentence when she caress my cheek " You being sweet to me.."


I just smiled at her before I lowered my head as I hide my red blushing face. Me?? Sweet?? I'm the one who should ask her about this! She's sweeter than me!


"Why? You don't like it?" I when I cupped her cheeks on my hands and I pinching it.


"I like it... and... it's okay if you were only sweet to me.." Mina answered with a gummy smile plastered on her face. "It's that only your concern? Can I go now?" I asked but then she pin me again to the wall and she mischievously smiled at me as she answered a firm "Nope.."


"What else do you want to ------" she interrupted my question as she tucked my hair and asked me.



"Can I kiss you?" Mina directly asked while staring at my orbs that almost making me drown because her stares making me flustered everytime.


"W-What?! N-No!" I loudly said with a mix of tone of weakness. But she just ignored me and touched my head and then she pulled it towards her, making my eyes automatically closed and then... I feel warm lips against my forehead.


That kiss felt like it meant something as she presses her lips longer with her eyes closed.


Then, she pull away and look at me again "I'm sorry for keeping something from you, Chaeyoungie.." she apologized.



"It's okay, Mina but don't ever do that again without letting me know first, okay? I really need to change and go shower, we seriously need to talk about it. Wait for me." I said and she just smiled and nod.



For the last time, I decided to hug her because I really appreciate her effort being sweet to me. At first, she was surprise as her eyes dilated then she slowly give in as she hug me back tightly.


"You're really amazing, Chaeyoung-ah." she whispered on my ears and I gave her a tickle on her side making her to release on the hug.



"Yah! Stop being cheesy, Myoui! I really need to go now before I melt!!" 



Aishhhh! Tell me Myoui Mina, is this what you called being normal around each other? Is this not pretending for you? Is this your true... feelings? Aishhh!! I'm getting frustrated! I don't know your heart, Mina. Am I really the one in your heart now? Or am I just assuming things that only meant for nothing?



When Chaeyoung left Mina in her room, she started to change her clothes and dry her hair. After that, she wander around Chaeyoung's room even though she was always here. She can't help to look at Chaeyoung's drawings on her sketchbooks which is being kept from Chaeyoung's drawer.


Chaeyoung already showed those drawings to her before but every time Mina was alone in Chaeyoung's room, she always look at her drawings with admiration.


She smiled widely when she see the drawing of her wearing a penguin onesie. 


Everyone in the class was sulky because their teacher made them suffer as they need to finish their difficult seatwork which is about logarithm without using calculator. If they didn't get any correct answer, they need to report in front of their class next week.


Chaeyoung already gave up as she just wanted to have time to relax because that time they were busy studying as their exam was nearing.


She just tapping her pen on her desk while looking outside of the classroom with frustrated Dahyun beside her as she keeps going back and forth to their teacher to check if her answer was right but as Chaeyoung could observe, her friend seems not getting it right. 


She look to the other side of the room, she saw Mina texting. She raised her eyebrow and got curious why Mina seems like she was not minding their seatwork which is really quite new from Chaeyoung since she knew Mina is really strict when it comes to her studies but there is something from Mina today that she already break that wall and just text this person.


She look around and she sees that one by one are going to their own friends, helping each other to answer the question and their teacher seems didn't mind it as she saw her teacher smirked and shook his head.


Her frustrated seatmate which is Dahyun went to her girlfriend who is frowning because also her didn't get any correct answer.


"I just give up.." Chaeyoung nonchalantly said. She put aside her book and took out her sketchbook from her bag and decided to just draw instead of racking her brain and getting nothing from it.


She looked around their room and her eyes directly went to her friend which is pouting cutely. Chaeyoung giggled with the sight and decided to take that person as her main subject of her drawing for today.


In the end of their day, she approached that person who is head hung low, sitting on her own desk.


"Hey, Mina.." 


Mina glanced on her, almost hitting Chaeyoung as she placed the sketchbook in front of her face.


"I draw you because you were cute while pouting and at the same time, you're sad or mad, I don't know. Maybe you were sulky for some reasons. Maybe about Momo again. Maybe to our evil teacher who made us suffer from his seatworks today. Maybe you have PMS today. Maybe you get out of stock of ketchup or it can be.. your lunch don't have ketchup with it and that's why your face was like that or maybe you just look cute or..  you're trying to be cute. Choose one.."



"Are you seriously comforting me or insulting me, Chaeng? Choose one." Mina glared at me. I just laughed and wrap my arm around her shoulder as I pat her head to calm her down.



"Aigoo.. Why you don't know what is a joke? I'm just making you smile, Myoui! Tell me why you were like that earlier like in my drawing." I asked her and she just shrugged but nonetheless answered me "Momo was not serious about her studies. I was telling her that the exam was in the 16th but she always go to her practice instead of attending class and catch up. I was telling her that at least show up twice in a week in school because she was really getting behind us, seriously. And every weekends, she uses her free time to practice more instead of meeting me and teach her. I am seriously working too much in our relationship, Chaeng.." Mina said before she let out a tired sigh and Chaeyoung just pushed the sketchbook towards to Mina.


"I don't know if I should just drawn a happy penguin Mina so that this will cheer you up. Anyways, here and take my drawing. That's what I get busy into during our Math class, I can't answer those questions."Chaeyoung almost tearing up the page from her sketchbook when Mina stopped her doing it so.



"No.. Thanks for your drawing, Chaeng. I'd really appreciate your art but you should be serious about your studies too. You mean that you want to report next week?" Mina asked her authoritatively and Chaeyoung just stupidly grin at her "Why not? Reporting can make my marks higher than answering those complicated questions! Seongsaenim just wanted to suffer and make us all report instead him, that's why he's doing it." 



"So you don't want this? Okay, I'll just keep this and always remember that you were a sulky penguin." 



"Yah!!! Come back here, Son Chaeyoung! Gimme that!!" Mina stood and chase Chaeyoung down the hallways.



"You told me that this is for me! Give me that!" Mina whined, getting the sketchbook from Chaeyoung's hand. But Chaeyoung is a playful one, teased Mina even more "Not until you smile first!"



Mina glared at her before she let out a forced smile "Happy, Chaeng? Give me your drawing."


"Oops.. Is that what you called smile? That's not the way you smile, Mina. Show me your gummy smile~" Chaeyoung annoyingly said and Mina was so close to hurt this friend because she don't know if Chaeyoung wanted her to be happy or she just want to play her emotions right now.


Mina hissed and walked out with frustration as she stomp her feet while walking back to their classroom.



"She thought I'm stupid to follow her. Gosh, she's so annoying." Mina talk herself but then suddenly Chaeyoung shouted "Mina! Wait! Don't be angry on my drawings! They were so innocent! They just want you to let you know how do you look earlier! Mina! Notice me!!" 


Mina smiled as she remembered that moment, she can't help but to feel sad that this drawing has connections with her and Momo. 


"If I was just happy that time, this drawing will be the best for me." Mina touched the sketchbook and see the drawing version of herself pouting sadly, wearing a penguin costume that she badly wants to wear one.


"Hey, I'm done. What are you doing?" Chaeyoung asked as she approached Mina. Mina just closes the sketchbook and smile sadly at Chaeyoung. "Oh, just looking at your artworks. I get bored without you."



Chaeyoung hummed and seated on her bed as she bring out the penguin plushie she keep from her. "Here, this is my congratulatory gift for you but first... spill it now!" 


Mina's lips was parted as she get shock and nervous when Chaeyoung is looking at her scarily. 


She inhaled sharply and asked very abruptly "DidJeongyeonlikeyouorsomethingordoessheconfessedatyou?Didyouaccepther? Chaeyoung asked her with eyes closed which is 180 degree change because she looked that she was the one who is afraid, afraid to know Mina's answer.


"What? Can you repeat it? I don't understand you."


"Nothing!! You're deaf!!!" Chaeyoung yelled at me and she rolled her eyes on Mina.


"I'm not deaf! You were like rapping that your words were really not clear to me! You repeat it!" Mina irritatingly said.


"Hmpfff! I said that does J-Jeongyeon c-confess to you? And-d d-do you ac-cept her confession-n?" Chaeyoung quietly said.


"What?! I can barely hear you, Chaeng. One more time, clearly and loudly.." Mina asked for more then Chaeyoung huffed in annoyance as she defeatedly said "Does Jeongyeon like you and confess to you? Do you accept her already? Do you like her?" 


"EHHHHHH??" Mina could only respond and Chaeyoung angrily reacted "EHH?!!! THAT'S THE ONLY THING YOU COULD ANSWER TO ME?! DID YOU UNDERSTAND ME, MYOUI?"


Mina came closer to Chaeyoung and she nudge her "Hey.. It's just that I was surprised to your questions. Why did you think that Jeong likes me?"


"Nothing.. I can't meedle those things. It's between you and her and I have nothing to do with it." She look to the other side, avoiding Mina's gaze. 


"I know that's not nothing to do it with you. You asked me those questions because??" Mina pushed Chaeyoung to talk about it. 


With her courage, she look at Mina angrily as she said firmly "Because you break our rule. You lied and --- I feel like you betray me.. if ever you have something going on between you two.. and... I-I am scared that you easily fall in love to her when supposedly doing our plan.. I-I want to help you more, Mina but not this early. I feel like you will replace me to Jeongyeon because you lov-----"



"Are you jealous, Son Chaeyoung?" Mina interrupted her with a stupid grin before she mention that word. She thought that Chaeyoung was being adorable but then Chaeyoung threw a pillow to Mina and yelled to her with her face blushing "YOU WISH!!!" 


Mina laughed histerically and pointed her index finger towards to the small girl "Look! You're blushing hard!"





"I'm serious, Son. I'm just curious why you're saying that you feel bad when that's our main goal, right? Forget the pain and love again, that's what you always reminding me. Why not Jeongyeon? She's our friend and you two were in good terms. She's really caring and I know that she will take care of me---" Mina stopped when she felt Chaeyoung pulled her into tight hug and hitting Mina's back as she whispered with annoyance "Stop it.. I don't want to hear it anymore.. I don't like her for you.."


"Why? Give me reasons why not Jeongyeon is the one for me."



"It's--- because she's no fun to be with.." Chaeyoung hesitantly answered.


"So are you. What's next?" Mina sarcastically said and she feel Chaeyoung hugged her tighter "You two were not close to each other."


"Eh?? We can be close over time. We will going to be that part and being close doesn't determine that she's the one for you if that person wasn't serious about you. And we're close to each other---" Mina stopped her words. She loosened the hug and look at Charyoung with her raised eyebrow before she continues "does it mean that you must be the one for me? Because we're really close literally right now. You want be my one?" 


"That's not what I mean, Myoui Mina! It's just---it's uncomfortable to see you two together, you know dating each other." Chaeyoung denied. Mina quickly smiled and messes Chaeyoung's hair as she laughed "You don't need to worry, Chaeng. I don't like Jeongyeon that way. Yes, she confessed to me and I rejected her." 



Mina felt like she really needs to explain to Chaeyoung that she really don't like Jeongyeon at all as she always see her as a good friend of hers, nothing more.


"Really? You rejected her?"Chaeyoung asked without looking at Mina and Mina just nod her head.



"Good.."Chaeyoung mumbled softly and smiled to Mina. "So how did she confess to you? I mean, why the gang knows it except me?"


"Because you we're dense, Chaeng."Mina muttered. Chaeyoung gave her a scary look and waiting for the story. "Okay, here it goes."




"Hey, Mina! I wanna tell you something! Can we talk after class?" Jeongyeon approached Mina who is talking with Nayeon and Mina responded her with a nod.


The time has came and they were standing, facing each other. Jeongyeon bring out a bouquet of roses from her bag. Mina looked at the bouquet then to Jeongyeon with confuse look.

"Jeong? What is this?" Mina asked calmly, not trying to freak out from the sudden confession of her friend.


"I know that this is out of blue and you might not notice this.. this feelings that I harbored for the long time, for you. You might see me as only your friend or classmate who loves to tease and annoy everyone but I am not that kind of person when it comes to you. I'm really serious when it's everything about you. I know that this is really shocking because Yoo Jeongyeon was in love? I know everyone will laugh when they found out this. But I don't care now if they laugh or tease me, I just want to let you know that Yoo Jeongyeon was seriously loves you, more than anything friends had."



"But Jeongyeon you know that I'm in love with someone else, right? And you were aware about that." Mina answered quietly, don't know how to deal this kind of situation. This is surely the most complicated confession she received because she doesn't want to hurt Jeongyeon but she also can't return those feelings.



Jeongyeon shook her head then she smiled bitterly "I know it, that's why I do this. I'm afraid that you were getting into another relationship without you knowing my love I kept for too long. I know that I don't stand any chance from her but I promise you, the love you you want from her, you will easily receive it from me." Jeongyeon handed the flowers to Mina and also she held Mina's hands as she look at her lovingly "Mina... I was in love with you since we're still freshman. I hid this for a long time, I endure it for our gang. I don't want to break our friendship because of these feelings and I was unsure if you will the same way too. I tried to forget these but I really can't especially right now that you got hurt from the person I really trust, the person who am I given up from your love. Mina, please... Please give me a chance to prove to you that I am the right person, the person who will take care your heart and will never ever break it." Jeongyeon stare intensely on Mina's eyes. Mina pushed the flowers lightly towards to Jeongyeon "I'm sorry, Jeongyeon. I really can't."



Jeongyeon just smiled with her eyes starting to brim "It's okay, Mina. Actually, this my first time confessing to someone else and it feels like I was thrown. But I won't stop loving you even I get hurt many times. I won't stop, Mina until you will realize that I am really serious about you."


"No, Jeongyeon.."


"Mina.. even you reject me as many as you want, I won't stop keep chasing you as long as you stay single. I know you love her but the question is -- does she really love you?"



Jeongyeon leaned closer to Mina and then she whispered on her ear, making Mina feel chills on her spine "Remember this words, Mina.."


"I will catch you if ever she hurt nor leave you..I'm serious, you need to open your eyes and you will fall for me.." 


Jeongyeon smiled nicely as she leaned back. She continue when she handed the flowers back to Mina "Take this. At least I gave something special to the girl I love the most. I will go now." Jeongyeon turned her back. She walked away with heavy heart, leaving Mina feeling guilty with flowers in her hand that is starting to tremble.




Mina's head was cowering now as she narrates Jeongyeon's confession but she didn't tell the part when Jeongyeon questioned her if Chaeyoung does love her back too and the threatening part when Jeongyeon told her that she will catch her whenever Chaeyoung hurt her, she doesn't want Chaeyoung to be conscious again with their plan just like she did when she kissed Chaeyoung on that day. 



"Are you really sure you don't have feelings for her?" Chaeyoung asked plainly then she continues "You look like you regret rejecting her just now? You look so sad."


Chaeyoung faced Mina and looked at her as she put her both hands on the latter's shoulder "Don't worry about me. I know that somehow you're worried for me if you decided to accept her. Don't reject her just because of me, Mina. You have feelings too and ------"


Mina cutted her off "I know. I rejected her because of my feelings too, Chaeng."



Chaeyoung chuckled "Oh.. did you forget her already? You're moving too fast, aren't you?"


"I guess.. I'm okay now. What do you think?" Mina smiled.


Chaeyoung looked at her teasingly "Maybe you love someone else now?


"Yeah."Mina answered a bit.



"Omo, who's that?" Chaeyoung was intrigued when Myoui Mina just admitted that she was in love to someone else who is not Momo anymore and Jeongyeon.


Mina pondered a bit, her hand is on her chin, pretending to think "Hmmm... That person is small with a big heart.."


"Ohhh~ That's why you're getting prettier!" Chaeyoung responded with happy tone exaggeratedly 


"Oh, really?" Mina shockingly asked. Chaeyoung just shrugged as she said in her not so sincere tone "Yeah, that person must be really special."



Mina giggled on what Chaeyoung's response "She's jealous again.."



Then suddenly, Mina got an idea as she teased Chaeyoung more as she bravely asked her that makes Chaeyoung's heart drop because how it was pounding so loud against her chest.









"Did you call yourself special?"




"So Mina, if you two were not dating, did Chaeyoung seeing someone else? I bet she will not share her love life to me anymore when she broke up with Tzuyu-----" Chaeyoung's mom stopped her words when Mina immediately answers, ignoring whining Chaeyoung "Nothing, Mrs. Son but she has a lot of admirers in school because of her hair." 

"Aigoo... I don't like those admirers! I was glad that Chaeyoung was picky. Because of her hair, they like my daughter? If you Mina just become a guy, I will assure you that my daughter will fall for you. You were the one who is closest to her ideal guy!"

"Mom! What are you saying?!" Chaeyoung shouted.

Chaeyoung's mom laughed "Why? I'm stating the truth. I tried to observe her, she was the closest one! I would not also mind if she was still girl, as long as she likes you, I will be happy you two!"





"We need to break up, Momo. This is for the sake of our dreams and for the show, they won't allow us to participate in the show if we're still together. I'm sorry." Ten said before he left Momo's in pain.



"We found out from our source that your hero broke up with you. How sad it was? So... I'm giving you a warning again to not let yourself close again to Myoui, understood? If you don't want get hurt your girl or yourself. Stay away, that's his words. " A man said with a masked on approached Momo that could only nod weakly and started to cry again.



But then, someone tapped her shoulders and asked her worriedly "Hey Momo, are you okay? Who's that?"


"What if.. Just what if, Chaeyoung.. If I confess to you like... I never got into relationship with Momo and you either with Tzuyu, is there possibility that you will like me back?" Mina asked anxiously.


"No.." Chaeyoung simply answered and then she continues as she explained the reason why she's holding back her feelings with a certain Myoui Mina "I don't want you to get hurt, Mina. Let's just stay like this."



Author's Note:
Hi readers, it's been already a month since I last updated and guess what? I wrote a long long chapter and this is my longest chapter ever that I wrote! It's almost 12k words and I keep writing it whenever I have a free time. I'm so sorry for waiting. Actually, I could just update this during July but I got busy working on teaser/trailer video part 3 because I feel like it and I want to post a video exactly on August 8 which is Michaeng Day and I forgot that Happy Michaeng Day, Yeoreobun!!


From this chapter, a lot of Michaeng moments happen here and I hope you like it and I know that you got frustrated from the flow of the story on how Michaeng was so slow but don't worry, Mina is on her way now! Kekekeke~


Okay so just like I wrote earlier, I already made the teaser/trailer video part 3 of this fic which is up now in Youtube. When the part 2 is about Momo's POV, the part 3 is about Mina's POV!! *Actually it looks like a fmv, not a trailer. Kekeke~ Michaeng shippers would probably enjoy the video.*


Here's the link of the FMV/TRAILER VIDEO:




Then the next part, part 4 which is Chaeyoung's POV but I still haven't started it yet, kekeke~ 

So stay tuned from my updates here and in the Youtube for the trailer/teaser videos, okay?

Comments, views, subscribers and votes were highly appreciated by this trash authornim :)

Thank you so much for reading this and hope you will stay until the end~ Bye!!! 

*I might come back late again because of my other on going fics, I need to update them, so just stay tuned!*

And wait! I have a favor from you all, just a little favor, just really little~

Random Question: Who do you think in Twice is the most childish or have kid like personality? Because I was thinking if it's Nayeon, she's the fake maknae? Sana, she's easily get too excited? Dahyun, she can't do y stuff because she's too innocent? Tzuyu? The maknae is not childish, I think. She's mature, right? But sometimes Tzuyu acts like maknae nowadays unlike before.. Who do you think? I have a reason why I ask this. Please answer MEEEEE!!!



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MIMOnster #1
Mimo authornim
MIMOnster #2
bring back 😭😭😭 i want mimo 🍑🐧🍑🐧🍑🐧🍑
Taehyun92 #3
I need michaeng!!
Chapter 12: Hurt me more author ssi tt
Minaribaby #5
Chapter 2: Michaeng ^^
Taehyun92 #7
Chapter 12: I need michaeng in my life!
Taehyun92 #8
Michaeng please!
Chapter 12: So much is happening, I wish Mina and Chaeyoung can be together asap, and more wish for Chaeyoung to forget about Tzuyu, and just accept that she loves Mina. She dont have to hurt her everything. Kekeke...
rosenunal22 #10
Chapter 12: Michaeng