Over Or Back?! (Get Over Or Bring Back?!)



Everything that is happening to me is like my dream last one to two years ago. I still can't believe that Lord gave me the beautiful girl I was chasing in my dreams. Her hair perfectly lands on her milky white skin. Her brown orbs that perfectly staring innocently at me, those orbs that is dazzling and mesmerizing on my watery eyes as I feel like I can't see her really well enough because how she is luminous in my own eyes. That's how I saw the beautiful girl. I just know her hair, skin and most especially her eyes. When I saw her again during the last rehearsal, I want to smack myself on how can I be so blind that the person I was looking, searching, hoping and dreaming for is already in front of me, loving me. I knew it. 




It was her.... It was her.... It was her.... It was her, again.... It was her, again....



"It's you, again..." I smiled as I touch her shoulder to make her stop running away from me. "We met again..." I added. She is looking at me shyly, her face is still covered by her hair.






"Nayeon-ah... I knew it was you.." I said before I hold her hands. I make her turn to face  me. "W-why did you know my name?" her voice is shaking, I don't know why. The girl is still clueless about my identity.



"Don't you know me?" I asked anxiously. "Uhmmmm..... I'm sorry, I'm not sure who you are.. I always keep forgetting things and name, though.."



Why she didn't know me? I am disappointed. Why is this happening to us? I bit my lip to supress what I am feeling now. "Too bad.... You missed a special person in your life.."



"Special??? Who??" she innocently asked and I can already see her face. She is really beautiful, I thought to myself.


I caressed her hands and smiled, her eyes bore into mine as she waits my answer. "That person was.....    Me..."


"You????" she asked again.



"Yes...." I answered with a nod. Her gaze was softening after I said that. "I know how ridiculous I may sound but... I was looking for you since long time ago because you are so beautiful that I can't able to get over it until now that I am talking with you. I felt like the first day I saw you here in this flowery hanging bridge. I was astonished with your beauty again when I see you here again and now, I can't just let you go this time because I am your love, Nayeon-ah... I'm sad that you don't remember me at all."


"It was you?? The girl who is chasing me before?" her tone becomes soft and worried.


"Yeah... Why you're running away from me as if I did something bad before?" 


"A-actually.... I knew you..."the girl mumbled. "I was just scared and coward.. because... my feelings will get deeper if I approached you but you keep chasing and ran after me.." her eyes start to brim as she told me "Because this is  just a dream... This won't be real... My love can't be real.... I am just... an illusion to you, Kim Dahyun!! I'm not real!! From now on, stay away if you don't want to hurt yourself in the end. This love is worthless!!!!"





"No!! Please leave me!!!!" the girl cried out. I hugged the girl to calm her down, this is nonsense.



"You're real, Nayeon. It was you that I hated a lot back then. It was you that I helped and saved from your dangers. It was you that makes me smile and laugh with your sarcastic jokes. It was you that made me cried every night because I thought you are my first love. It was you who took my first kiss that I badly hoping for that it was still you to be my last."


"But how it'd happened??" the girl is still confused on what am I saying. I cupped her cheeks, her eyes falters, looking at me. I felt my heartbeat continued to increased at every second that passed by where only silence surrounded us. It took me forever to snapped out and make an action to let her remember it all. I took deep breath, I slowly tucked her hair behind her ears, she still staring confusily. I pressed my lips against hers, to let her remind that it was me, her Kim Dahyun... who she promised that she will never ever forget her name... She responded to our kiss. My breath hitched, she finally broke the kiss. Her eyes was still dazzling as ever while she blink many times, feeling breathless.



"I love you...Nayeon-ah... Please don't leave me. Please stay with me...." I pleaded at her, her lips is slowly stretched out into smile...



"Please..... I love you so much, Nayeon-ah..." I repeated. She just only smiled at me, not answering me. "I love you, Nayeon!! Why?? I love you! I love you! I love you!!!" I keep repeating, her hands are slowly detaching onto mine. "Nayeon!!! Please!! I love you!!! I can't live without you!! Please!! I love you, don't go!!! Don't leave me!!"









Huh?? Who's that??




I opened my eyes and see Nayeon hitting me pillow. Ohhhh~ I was just dreaming.. What a relief~



"YAH!! YAH!! YAH!!! STOP HITTING ME!! IT HURTS!!! I'M ALREADY AWAKE!!" I loudly said as I shield myself from her pillow attacks.



"Why are you sleep talking? You're creepy!! Especially when you were talking about me!! I don't know what's going on!! I thought you were talking at me and I saw your eyes closed." Nayeon sighed in tiredness. 



"Sorry~~ I just have beautiful-emotional dream!!" I nervously scratch my back of my head, feeling embarassed.



"Why you're mentioning my name in your dream?" Nayeon raised her eyebrow as she asked while scooting closer at me.



"Uhhhmmm.... I saw you there and you were running away from me..." I simply answered.



"Then?? Is it me who you're talking to?" 



"Yeah... You don't know me there.." I said feeling sudden sadness in my voice. 



"Then what about kissing your pillow? Are you kissing me there?" Nayeon grinned widely, I felt my cheeks are burning now, how can she make me still embarass with her lovely teases.



"Answer me, Kim. Are you freaking kissing me there?" Nayeon make it worst. I simply nod on her acknowledgement.



"I knew it!! It was me!!! You seriously loyal to me!!!!" Nayeon squealed as she engulfed me into her arms, suffocating me in her embrace.



"Nayeon!! I can't breathe!!!! Let me go!!!" I whined.



"You said that you don't want me to go so I'm never letting you go!! I always stay with you forever~~!!"Nayeon cutely said as she tightly hugged me. We both giggled at our childish act. "If you still don't let me go, I will seriously tickle you in your armpits, Im!!!"



"There! There! I let you go now. Happy?" she said as she unwrap her arms on my body then folded her arms as she sulked. I stupidly grinned at her and steal a peck on her lips as I said "It's still morning, you already sulking bunny. Good morning honey, by the way."


She nervously smiled and chuckled "Uhmmm... Y-yeah... G-good morning too, l-loves.. I-I'm go-oing to bath-room first." she stuttered. She fastly left the bed without turning back.



"She's really cute when she is embarass and giddy at the same time. Just like before.." I mumbled to myself before I fixed the bed, preparing get ready for this day.




OhMyGod!! I'm nervouswreck, am I? I am still shocked when every time Dahyun suddenly kiss me out of blue. It's not that I don't like it, I just really got suprise if she did that. OOOHHHH, DAHYUN!!! HOW CAN I BE NORMAL AROUND YOU RIGHT NOW?! I AM SHY NOW!!! Calm down, Nayeon... Inhale, Exhale!!! Be your casual, pretend that you're not nervous and awkward. Why Dahyun still makes me nervous? I don't get myself. I am the one should make her nervous because I am more experienced than her. I do more skinship than her. I am more showy than her, right? Why I'm still not get used to it?!! 



Right now, we are still in Incheon because Dahyun took me here because she just felt sorry about ignoring and arguing with me yesterday. I'm still clueless on what kind of excuses did Dahyun make in order for me to not go home at this time. We didn't talk about it since we had fun last night. 


(Last Night)

This is seriously fantastic and amazing. I never really thought it would be this simple yet comfortable. I was sitting on the couch while watching a romantic movie with Dahyun on my lap. That was it, just sitting watching a movie together. Well, actually there are something little more than that. She was between my legs, Dahyun's back against my front, with her head resting against on my neck and shoulder. My arms were around her waist. At first, I was playing with her shirt but now my hands were already played by Dahyun as she caressed it.



Her shirt is slightly risen and my fingers can't control to make circles against her skin that made her giggle and smile at some moments. Her skin, her steady breathed, her scent of her hair, her weight of her body. I loved it all. I would never get used to this feeling... this simple feelings that made my heart warm. Eventhough this is not so special, this is one of my favorite moment with her. All matters to me is we are together in each other side.



I slightly shift my body to cuddle her properly. "Hmmm..."Dahyun looked up at my sudden cuddle of her."What is it?" she asked me.



"Nothing." I smiled back, rubbing my cheek against her hair just like kitten do when their owner is there.



"Nayeon, baby.. You're so playful right now."Dahyun said as she keep watching the movie.



"Is it bad that I am playful?" I poke her thighs.



"Nya!! HAHAHAHAHA!! YAH!!!" She playfully pushed me away and leaned forward. I suddenly missed her back. I pouted from absence of her warmth. "I am cold-hearted girl, it will take moe than that to be able to snuggle with me..."



"Oh really??" I smirked.



"Yep..." She glanced at me to make sure that I was still listening to her. 



"You're gonna regret this,Kim! You asked for it!!!" I attacked her with my tickles again. Yeah, we love to tickle each other when we are alone. Are we weird? Her reaction was priceless, eyes wide and screaming in high pitched shriek of laughter for me to stop. She kept laughed for how long minutes as I gripped her so she couldn't get away from me and tickled her side and back as best as I could. Dahyun's legs kicking out repeatedly while her eyes are closed with gritted teeth. Dahyun begged for mercy  "Say please, first..." I .



"PPPPPPLLLLEASSSSSSSEE!!! STOOOPPPP!!! I'M DDDDDYYYIINNGGG!!!" I stopped my attacks and she collapsed against me causing my back to fall, she is panting heavily. We are now lying face to face on the couch.


"Neomuhae~Neomuhae~" Dahyun mumbled. I tried to tickle her again but she immediately grabbed my hands. "OKay! Okay! I take it back! I take it back!" 



"I'm sorry for tickling you earlier while we are cooking. It must be hard for you to not laugh." Dahyun softly said while her body still laying on me. I can still heard her quick panting. She snuggle closer to me, her face against on my neck. She buried her face on my neck.



"Please hug me Nayeon. I'm tired." Dahyun requested.



I was totally froze and speechless from that moment. Dahyun is not kind of girl who always asked for something. 



"Please???" She repeated again.


"Why still asking me? You could just put my arms around you, you know?" 



"I don't want that~ I want you to hug me using your touch..."



"Okay baby, I'll do it." 



I wrapped my arms around her body as I rested my hand on her back, pulling her closer to me. I saw her that she was blushing hard but a light smile on her face as she faced at my cheek. I turned a bit to see her face looking at me lovingly. I can't still believe that my feelings for her were returned. I smiled at her without showing my bunny teeth. She put her arms around my neck as she slowly bring my body to position sideward as we properly look each other faces, still my arms locked on her body. 



Dahyun's face softened, gaze changed to a caring one, the gesture I really love from Dahyun "Are you happy? she asked me softly.



"Of course..." I whispered. I asked her the same question "Are you?" 



She removed her arms around my neck as she cupped my cheeks "Mmmm.... I'm happy...." she smiled with satisfaction. "I'm really happy.. I'm happy! I'm happy!!" she kept repeating it like an idiot, like an idiot who really loves me.


I chuckled."You're too loud... I'm sleepy..." I groaned.



"Want to go bed now, princess?" she asked me quietly. "Yes, please..." I answered.



"All right..." she said before she finally stood and make a little stretches. I shrieked when she suddenly lifted me up from the couch. I hitted her shoulder, not wanting a feeling of being lifted up "YAH!! I'M JUST JOKING, DUBU!! YOU CAN'T TAKE ME THERE!! I'M HEAVY AND TALLER THAN YOU!! PUT ME DOWN!!!"



"I can't hear anything~~" Dahyun teased me as she really took me in her room, I guess? With quick steps, we arrived in the room. She counted before she lay me down on the bed "One, Two, Three!!!" I squealed very loud as her bed welcomes me.



"There you go, my princess. You're already on the bed. I hope you get some nice sleep. Nightie~!!!" Dahyun said like she is a knight or some sort of maid.



"YAH!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I almost yelled her because she is leaving me alone here. 



She just smiled at me "Why? Are you scared??" she teased me.



"I'm not scared!! Are you not going to sleep with me?!!" 



"Of course! It might something will happen between us when we sleep together."she said half innocently and half dumbly.



I facepalmed and told her "If you're worried about that, don't worry... I didn't experienced it before and I am not planning to do it today.... I'm also not ready for it..."



"Hmmphhh.... You're lying at me. you tried to kiss me before while I am sleeping so it will be no difference this time especially we are alone this night...." 



My cheeks flushed in crimson as I remembered what I did when we are in clinic as she fainted because of her anger towards to Yugyeom. 



"Anyways, I'm just joking, Nabongs. I will sleep with you. I'm just going to turn off the lights downstairs. Wait for me.." Dahyun smiled at me once again, leaving me flustered from her words again.



After a few moments, she already done as I saw her approaching me as she crawled up on the bed, lying beside me. 



"I thought you were already sleeping because you said you were sleepy. Thanks for waiting me, bunny." She sincerely said as she faced me. 


"You're welcome, loves.. I was waiting because I can't sleep.I want to cuddle you.." I said before wrapping my both arms around her waist and buried my face against her neck. She leaned over a bit onto her back and had me simply lay on me completely.



"Nayeon-ah??"Dahyun asked, asking if I still awake.



"Yes, Dahyunnie??" I answered before I let out a yawn.



"Did I tell you how much I really love you?"



"Yes, Kim Dahyun.. You told me many times that I could almost memorize it.."I answered nonchalantly. She giggled softly. "Thank you for loving me even I caused you a lot of pain when you thought that I loved Sana..." she added.


"It's already past Kim Dahyun. I am your present and future, those who should be matter. Already forget it. I also cause you a pain, too.." 


"Right, but not as much as I done to you..." she continued. "Stop it, Dahyun. Because of that pain, we realized that we actually really love each other.."


Dahyun grinned " Because of those pain, I realized many things."


Dahyun tightened the hug as she started "That I want to be  only person who can protect you for everything.. I want to be the only one who is watching over taking care of you.." Dahyun kissed my head before she continue. "I want to be the one who will be there for you, that one you can leaning on, that one who can share your problems with, that one you can always find in anytime."


"I want to be the one, and the only one who can walk with you though anything... sad and happy problems, memories to memories, happiness to happiness.. and just me..."


"I wanted to be the one who wake you up in the morning with kisses and breakfasts... I want to be the one who give you morning kisses, letting you choose whatever you breakfast in bed of in wherever you wishing for.." Dahyun said with a smile, letting out her warm feelings inside her heart.



"I want to be one who get you sleep at night... the one who you can share your nightmare with and being the one who can get into that sleepless nights of yours... and being the one in your dreams as the sweetest you could have...."


"I want to be the one and only one who you can always run back into... that one you can stand together with, that one who won't step away... that one who always be there for you and you alone.."


"I want to be the one who kick that person who hurt you and tell them to stay away from the person I really love the most... I want people to see me with you and tell me that we're perfect that people can be even many our school mates really supported us..."


"I want to be the only person who have you and only me.. I want to be the one who shower you with care, passion, and love..." Dahyun said with a sweet smile, planting a kiss on Nayeon's shoulder.




"I never expect myself to act like this. I never imagine that I will love someone like you this much for anyone else but you.." I blushed hard when I felt her hands on mine, holding it firmly.





I am still totally speechless from what she said just like now. She express her feelings to me so much than I expecting. I don't what should I do. She really love me too much that I am scared that she give her everything to me. I'm such lucky girl to Kim Dahyun as my girlfriend. She is too pure. Her love is pure.. 





She smiled and whispered "I love you, Nayeon..."





That words made me still feel like I am the happiest in the world. Even she said it many times, my feelings are the same when first time I heard those words from her. I replied with so much love "I love you, too... Kim Dahyun.. Sweet Dreams..."



She chuckled lightly and muttered "Oh, I thought you already sleeping, I didn't expect that answer... You really love me, did you. Goodnight, too~"



I smiled while my face still buried on her neck, I can feel she tightly hugged me as she nuzzle her nose on my neck, too. I wasn't sure how long I'm still awake but I know how her steady breathing and warmth of her body was keeping me up. How did lovers sleep like this? I've never been this close to Kim Dahyun since before.  




I don't want to sleep. I could enjoy this... I will never get used to this warmth.... I decided that I still must sleep, I don't want to be zombie tomorrow.







HAAAA~!! What are we gonna do today? I seriously want to just lay on the bed with her all day!!! She's really fluffy!!! Aishhhh!! Quit it, Nayeon!! She will look at you like a ert again!! I decided to go out from the bathroom.  To my suprise, I thought that Dahyun is preparing for the breakfast or something but I can see that she is sleeping soundlessly again.




Aisshhhh!! I forgot that she really loves to sleep... 




I crawled onto bed, not making any huge movements or sounds to not make her awake. Honestly, I was staring at her earlier when she is sleeping but it was just stopped when she started sleep talking by herself so I don't have a choice to wake her up because she's creepy. 




I lay down beside her, staring at my Dahyun's sleeping face again "Aishhhh... You are really a tofu. Your skin is so white and soft like tofu."I slowly move my hand to her cheek, pinching it slightly.



"I never get tired to see this face every morning." I cooed to myself, my hand still on her cheek. 



I come closer to Dahyun's face as I look her closer. My eyes automatically shifted down to her soft lips. I am hesitating to kiss her because she might suspected me again that I am ert. It's just I can't resist to kiss her when she is sleeping.



"Just a peck, Nayeon... Just a peck..."



Huh??Who's that?? Is it that me??





I can see how Dahyun is smiling widely with eyes closed. "Just kiss me Nayeon if you want.  I don't mind." she added.



 "Ahhh... No, thank you.. If I do that, you might think me again as ----AHHH!!!" I shrieked when she suddenly put her arm around my neck and pull me hard closer to her as our lips connected.



I closed my eyes, Dahyun leaned in closer as she brushed her tongue against my lips, requesting entrance. We keep eating each other lips. After a few minutes, we parted, gasping slightly for breath.



"Woahhh~ You're too bold, Dahyun-ahh.."




"It's just I want to kiss you in real life, Nayeon.. I'm disappointed that I was just kissing with my pillow earlier." she said and we both laughed.



"Want to sleep more?" I asked her while caressing her cheek.




"Uhhmmm..... Nope, but I still want to lay with you here. "She said as she kissed my hand that is happened on her cheek.




"I noticed something on you, Nayeon..."Dahyun started to tease me again as she looked at me with a stupid grin.




I warned her "Don't.... don't look at me like that!! I think I know what's going on!!" I covered my face with my both hands, scared that she might tease me about my morning face. It's her first time to see me bared face with close promixity in the morning.




"What?? I just noticed that you're actually pretty.." She said before she taking my wrist and encouraging me to reveal my face to her. "There you go..."



"B--but my hair is messy and my face hasn't been washed yet... I looked like a monster..."i pouted at her. She realy looks that she is admiring my natural beauty as she kissed my cheek abruptly. "I really like messy hair. It made me really turn on."



What?????? Did she really say that? I knew it!!! She's more ert than me!!!




"I'm bored... Nayeon, let's go out!!!" Dahyun said it opmitiscally. I was startled when heard her so I asked her "For what???"




"For a real date!!!!"Dahyun grinned widely as she grabbed my hand to make me stand up from the bed.



Wow!! It feels some sort of deja-vu again, huh? Kim Dahyun, stop giving me a heart attack.




They decided to go into town again, this time grabbing lunch casually at a fast food joint and sharing it on a bench at the park near to Dahyun's house. They ate with comfortable silence, just enjoying the cool breeze and sound of nature in this province. 



"It's really nice here, isn't?" Dahyun started to make a conversation out of blue as the wind blows her hair. "I normally come here to think."She added.




"Oh, really? Why here? Is there anything special here besides near at your house?" Nayeon asked.




"Everything started here." She pointed down the walkway. "This where I used to play when I was young and this is where I met Yeonnie first time. I was riding bicycle there and she was coming on my way then I didn't know how to stop my bicycle and I got nervous so we bumped each other. I felt really sorry for that day eventhough I got more severe bruises than her."



She continued "But thank god that you were not her because I've promised to myself that I will never ever fall in love to her."



"What if I am?"



Dahyun chuckled "I don't know. Maybe I will still love you because I still in love with you during our junior year. Maybe I disregard my hatred feelings for you when were young. Maybe I will ignore it. I really don't know."



"At least your answer was you will try to love me, right?"



"Yeah.. I guess. It depends on what my heart dictates me.." Dahyun smiled to herself.



"I really felt sorry when I was mad at you for no reason that time. I was thankful that we overcome that situation."Dahyun said as she grab Nayeon's hand to hers as she play it.



"Dahyunnie~ I never thought you love me in this way. I can't imagined that before."Nayeon said truthfully. For her, this is her dream that she really want to get. Dahyun is her dream.



"Why is that so? Am I not obvious or you're just oblivious?"Dahyun asked fastly like a bullet train. "I'm curious, Nayeon-ah.... Since when did you have feelings for me?"




"Since when??" Nayeon leaned her head on Dahyun's shoulder while thinking deeply.



"Let me guess it... Is it when I saw you crying at the classroom?" Dahyun tried. Nayeon loudly said while shaking her head. "Aniyo~!"



"When I saved you?"Dahyun attempted again. "Aniyo~!!!" Nayeon happily said while pouting.



"Uhhhmmmm.... Maybe it's more early than those events...... Hmmm... First day like me?"




"No!!!!!" Nayeon quickly denied but took back as she said "Your first statement was correct but you should know when it is."




"Give me some hints!! Maybe you like me because of my simple and natural actions that I never know when it happened." Dahyun whined.




"Maybe it's your natural attitude but on that day, you made a lot students admired you. Guess it~!!!!"




"Ahhhhh~~~ AHHHhhIIIII GIVE UP~~!!" Dahyun surrendered.




"Don't laugh at me when I tell you, okay.. Maybe you think me as a weird girl."Nayeon warned her and Dahyun just give her an eyesmile while nodding her head.





"I have feelings for you since when I saw you running with Sana during our P.E time. The time she fainted and you carried her by yourself to the clinic. Even you didn't do that to me, I seriously amazed."Nayeon confessed, a smile crept in her face while remembering that time, the time she felt her heart skip for a moment while watching Dahyun smiling like a child running with Sana to help her friend to finish the activity cheerfully. The time when her heart beating so fast when she saw Dahyun worried face as she quickly bend over her body to carry Sana behind her back even she is struggling, still Dahyun did it for her friend.




"You were a cool friend that time. A friend that everyone wants."Nayeon smiled sincerely. "I was flustered about that. I didn't expect that answer though. I expecting that answer when I ask it to Sana, not you."





"That's why I think I'm weird. It supposed not belong to me but it's just came in.. I supposed to be mad at you that time because you're not following my steps... but..I was suprised that I forget that I must be mad at you."Nayeon said.



A comfortable silence fills the air, enjoying each other warmth and presence, hand in hand, head leaned on each other.




"What excuse did you use to make Ms. Choi agree to you to take me here, huh? I even received her message saying that take care myself there." Nayeon spoke softly. Dahyun hummed in response before she answered "I told her that I was inviting you guys to sleep over here because we're done for our exams."




"She's not worried about my clothes, money and other stuff?"




"Nope, I told her that I will treat you all and I always tell her that you're not going home until the day after tomorrow."Dahyun winked at suprise Nayeon. "So it means we still have plenty time together....alone."




"Oh God!! What are you planning to do, Kim Dahyun?!!"Nayeon overracted.



"Actually, I don't have much but I was thinking if...." Dahyun stopped while staring Nayeon's side profile. "If what??"




"Do you know how to ride bicycle?" Dahyun quickly asked, praying that Nayeon knows how to ride because she has plan for it.




"Depends on what kind of bicycle. If it is mountain or high bike, I refuse to ride it." Nayeon rejected immediately.



"Well, if you don't like to ride. Can you trust me??"Dahyun asked while grinning.



"Of course! I always trust you!" Nayeon abruptly stand up from the bench while looking down at sitting Dahyun.



Dahyun's gaze soften from her girlfriend's response, she holds Nayeon's slowly then gave a firm squeeze on it while her eyes casted only on Nayeon's eyes, she said this with delicate tone.








"Ride with me...... I will never let you fall..."






Nayeon laughed loudly while shaking her head, she know this too much. "Wae?? I thought you trust me!" Dahyun's face turned into 180 degree change from hopeful to sadful.






"No, silly! I know you will not let me fall somewhere, to someone. It's only you I let myself fall for..." Nayeon still laughing, Dahyun blushed hard from the response she received. She didn't expect Nayeon can pick some cheesy line from her statement. Dahyun was so speechless.



"Let's stop it ridiculousness! Let's get start biking!!!" Dahyun announced as she stood and grabbed Nayeon's hand, walking together to get the bike that she will rent.





"HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA!!" Nayeon laughed again loudly this time. She eve clapped her hands as soon she see the bicycle they're going to ride.




"Why Nayeon-ah??!! What's the problem of riding a tandem bike??" Dahyun asked frustratingly.




"No, there's no problem.. It's just...... find this....sweet... Dahyun-ah..."Nayeon grinned widely with red crimson on her cheeks while poking Dahyun. "Aigggoooo~!! Dahyunnie is really sweet~!!"




Dahyun is blushing hard, trying to ignore as she pay the bike. "Come on, hop on!!"Nayeon yelled at Dahyun, feeling excited to ride bike with Dahyun.



"You forgot this.."Dahyun immediately go to Nayeon, afraid that she start biking without any protection.



"What is it??"Nayeon confusily said and without any signal, Dahyun put the helmet on Nayeon's head, their faces are few centimeters away, Dahyun's focus expression can be seen while fixing the string or whatever that kind of thing to lock or secure the helmet properly. Nayeon's heart melt again by Dahyun's action. 




"Perfect..." Dahyun mumbled, smiling with contentment and satisfication. Nayeon keep staring at her without any word escaping from . She's too preoccupied of Dahyun's eyes. "Next, knee pads!!" Dahyun crouched down with the same level of Nayeon as she wear it to her. Nayeon's bunny teeth revealed as she looks down at Dahyun happily. After a minute, Dahyun stand as her eyes meet Nayeon's.  "Next is elbow pads. I'm going to wear it for you...." Dahyun waited any response from her girlfriend. "Oh yeah, thanks loves.."
Dahyun acknowledge it as she replied it with a nod and smile while putting the elbow pads to Nayeon.



When Dahyun finishes, Nayeon suddenly volunteer to do what Dahyun did for her. She put the helmet, knee pads and elbow pads to Dahyun. After that, they rode the bike slowly, maintaining their balance as they pedal almost at the same time.


The cool breeze welcomes their face while strolling around the park. Luckily for them, there are not much people hanging around the park. Sometimes they will stop over if they spotted something delicious and beautiful and buy it right away while on their way without any destination.They almost pedal in sync like their hearts beating. Dahyun shared a lot of stories where she used to go there, there, over there. Dahyun is obviously happy while talking. Sometimes, they flirt or laughed each other as they saw something that catches their attention. They keep checking the sights. Dahyun don't have specific location where are they going. Just they keep pedalling, they didn't mind how long they were riding the bike as much they enjoyed their talk.They saw a lot of scenic views especially when the park is located nearby the beach.




"Let's swim there next time, Dahyun-ah~!!! It's going to be fun. Invite the gang. I'm sure they will love this place!!!" Nayeon ecstatically said, still pedaling.



"Yeah, I was thinking that too. Maybe some other time. Maybe during vacation, we can invite them here." Dahyun responded.



"Dahyun-ah... Did you know that this is the best date I've ever had?"






"Yeah, I'm serious..."Nayeon pouted.



"We just basically eat and bike around the park. It's too early to say that, Nayeon."Dahyun smirked before she turn right, going to somewhere.



"Where are we going again, Ms. Kim Dahyun?" Nayeon asked this question many times.



"A special place to my mind and heart. This is where I want to bring Yeonnie before but never got a chance."



They stopped and place the bike against the big oak tree and starting to walk. "Tell me~ Tell me~" Nayeon started to sing, wanting to know their next destination.




"Omo!! Are we going to camping, Dahyun-ah?! This is like we're going to forest~~!" Nayeon exclaimed. "Just wait and see, Nayeon.."



Nayeon tried her best to hold on the running girl who is dragging her excitedly. "W-wait!!! Slow down~ Dahyunniiieee~!!"



They both huffed for some air as they arrived in the place.



"We're here~!!!!" Dahyun smiled widely as she spread her arms to show the special place she been talking about earlier.



Nayeon's jaw dropped as she really wondered if it's really what Dahyun talking and bragging about.



The waves are crashing to the sand and the sun was almost to set, preparing for sunset. Salty sea tingled to their nose they breathed fresh air. The cold and refreshing breeze gently touches their skin and hair that can almost flew up because of strong wind. Crystal clear water stretched far into the horizon getting darker and deeper.



"Seashore~!!!!"Nayeon shrieked in happiness as she running around the shore, leaving Dahyun.



"Yah!! Nayeon-ah!! Be quiet!! The nature might got angry because you're too loud~!"



"You're no fun, Kim. Let's play~! Let's play~!"Nayeon suggested.



"What game you want to play?" Dahyun nonchalantly asked while walking towards to Nayeon.



Nayeon smirked then she suddenly went near at the water. "Let's splash water each other!! HAHAHHAHAHAH~!" Nayeon quickly threw water at Dahyun, her clothes damped wet a bit.  



"Yah, Im Nayeon! Come here~!!! I'm going to revenge you!! Come here~!!" Dahyun playfully yell at Nayeon who is really happy like a kid running away from her girlfriend.




"Kim Dahyun~!! Catch me if you can~!! *let Nayeon's beatboxing started as the EDM music, LOL* Catch me if you can~!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Nayeon girlfriend more by splashing more water. 




"You're lucky enough that I have small hands to throw water to you, hmmpppff.."Dahyun huffed while dodging Nayeon's water attack.



Nayeon stopped when she thought something ridiculous. She started as she say the words "Nayeon-squirtle!!! Use Splash~!!" she said like she was a Pokemon trainer before she totally splash Dahyun some more water that whole body is already wet.



Dahyun looked down to her drenched clothes with a pout, feeling upset about it that she looks like she is about to cry. Nayeon giggled as she went to Dahyun and engulfed her into her arms like she is drying Dahyun clothes by hugging her to transfer the water to her.



Unknowningly to Nayeon, Dahyun is staring deep into her who is wearing a sweet loving smile, but she can't even keep it long when she feel her face heated up and pullimg Nayeon closer to her, buried her face on the crook of Nayeon's neck.



"This is all I wanted.."Dahyun said in a soft whisper, making Nayeon trembles.



Dahyun continued with a sweet smile playing on her face "I'm cold because you splashed water on me, nonetheless you give me this warm hug. This is more than okay with me."



"Tchhh... You became a sweet talker between us huh, Dahyun." Nayeon giggled softly.




Dahyun chuckled, squeezing Nayeon bit harder as she tightly held her. "Kim Dahyun, I'm really happy right now.. that almost I can't explain what I feel for you because this feelings are so, so, so, so stronger than ever I felt before. Thank you for loving me, caring me, proctecting me and staying with me. I don't need to ask for more to you, you're perfect and my life with you is already complete..."



"So, Kim Dahyun.... I'm asking you to dance with me right here, right now. Shall we?? Like we did when we were at the auditorium on that afternoon.. No music, just listen to our heart beat, it's already perfect harmony..."




Dahyun released the hug and a wide grin plastered on her face as she look at Nayeon, offering her hand to take her. Dahyun gladly took Nayeon's hands as she put it on her shoulders then she put her both hands on Nayeon's waist. 



They smiled each other, swaying their bodies slowly and smoothly back and forth, not taking out their gazes to each other. The sound of the waves, the feel of the sand and water on their feet, the salty smell in the air, the view of the sunset over the water. It's really perfect timing to indulge this moment together. 



Nayeon stopped as she can't hold her breathe and feelings anymore as she caressed Dahyun's cheeks on her thumbs, staring at her with the same intense passion she been feeling all along.  



"I----Iove you, K-Kim Dahyun. I love you so much that I want you to keep me yours forever. Saranghaeyo...."Nayeon breathlessly said before she pull Dahyun closer as she crashed her lips on her girlfriend's hard, a deep passionate kiss. Dahyun leaned more closer, pressing her lips to Nayeon as she deepened the kiss as well. It took a little bit longer before they pulled out, staring at each other's eyes affectionately with a sweet smile on their face.


"Kiss me until my lips get swollen, I won't mind.. I really want to kiss you again.." Nayeon requested as they leaned their forehead to each other as they panted heavily.



"Don't worry I wanted to kiss you, too.." Dahyun smiled naughtily as she slid her arms around Nayeon's neck and slowly meeting Nayeon's eyes staring at her, leaning closer as Nayeon wants, including her, another deep hard kiss that they both make theirselves suffocated how they badly want to taste each other lips.



They both pull away, breathing hard with their faces are all red, with their heart beat abnormally fast, their chest tightened from the intense kiss they had, demanding more of air to keep their lungs to work properly.


Dahyun smiled and shakes her head "Oh no, this is bad.."Dahyun said between her heaved breath, giving a small smile along while leaning her forehead against Nayeon's. "I'm addicted..."


"What's so bad about that?" Nayeon mumbled and crushing themselves for another hug, putting her chin on Dahyun's shoulder.


"Now, I can't resist to kiss you anytime." Dahyun whispered.



"Then don't.." Nayeon whispered back, answering almost immediately.



Dahyun chuckled softly. "Seriously, please stop messing with my heart.."



".... Then please don't giving me a heart attack.  Calm me with your kisses, Hyun-ah."



Seconds passed when Dahyun doesn't say a word.



Dahyun pulled apart from the hug slightly, leaving a slight space in between them with her  arms still around Nayeon's waist. 



"Why? Did I say something wr-------"




This time, Dahyun beat her girlfriend for a another round of deep hard kiss before Nayeon finishes her sentence.




They're smiling in between their kiss, enjoying it more as they can. They feel that there's nothing left to keep the kiss from going more, and it's definitely not kind of place to go more. They parted again for nth time, resting for a while catching their breath.



"I------I....." Dahyun said hardly in between her heavy breath. ".....feel kidnapping you..."



"You already doing it.." Nayeon chuckled sofly, smiling widely. "But why... you wanted if I am yours..." Nayeon winked that makes Dahyun blushed hard. Nayeon added "And you're always welcome to..."


Dahyun giggled and locked their gazes again "You know what, I always holding back but you're really really pushing me to do it. So screw this~!!!" Dahyun frustratedly said as she start walking, holding Nayeon's hand with her.


"Don't tell to others, I am kidnapping you right now."


Nayeon was really amused "Where are we going, loves?"


"Anywhere.. I just need you with me.."



Author's Note:
Happy anniversary~! Happy anniversary~! Happy, happy, happy, happy~!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY~!!! WOHOOOOH~!!!! YO!! I'M BACK WITH SO MUCH DAMN MOMENTS OF DAYEON THAT I CAN THINK OF FOR ONE HELL WEEK~!! I'm happy that I can be able to update this within this day, January 27 but also I felt so bad that I can't update the Satzu Version of my Anniversary Chapter :( I really planned this to have two chapters like I did on the ending part but time is not enough for to update that. So, I pull back the Satzu's chapter and I am going to update it in February 14 :) and that's my next update. I badly want to update the Satzu's chapter but the chapter is still done yet and needed to fix more of it. I just guess that I need to work hard for the Satzu's chapter more because mostly of you are Satzu shippers, right? So right now I just give Dayeon an update because they were the first and main couple/otp in this story. 




I'm really thankful that I made this story so far than I expected. Last year, I remembered that I keep hesitating to make this story because I know how time consuming to write and think plots, lines and moments to make a beautiful story. I know that this is not much a kind of beautiful story, i know that I didn't obtain that requirements, I'm just emotional person when it comes on my works. So yeah, I never expect that I can able to write this long because I am busy person and preparing for work for only 2 months left but still I can't left this out hanging. Even I am tired, I keep thinking on what scenarios or lines I can add to this story. I am person who need to take a lot of time to be productive.  But your comments keeping me up to continue this so far. I'm really happy that you're enjoying this story. Heck, I'm still suprise that I still got more subscribers on Maybe We? than Over or Back?




Right now, I feel satisfied and ecstatic having this story on-going for one year. Last year, I was so excited on how many views I can get on that day that I always check it every hour passed. I feel so happy when I got few subscribers and 2 comments, I think.. Anticipating the story. I feel that I already improved a lot when it comes to English but nonetheless I want to become still bettter by writing this.



If you're curious on why did I make this fanfic? My first otp on Twice is not Dayeon, actually. I shipped Mina and Sana together and I remembered that I ship them because of Sixteen then I read one of the first fanfic in Twice's tag which is 'Style' by Avocado *not sure if it's correct but I knew you already read that because it's really good story for 2na* Then, one by one, many fanfics are already publishing with a good plot and last year if I'm not mistaken, many Dayeon fanfics are made before because there's a lot shipping them hard during Twice Tv when they were dancing in a studio. When I saw that video, I tell to myself "Damn, I'm going to ship them. Dahyun's stare are really something else." Then, I started reading their fanfics. I almost read them all because they have many moments in LOA Era and the authors are really damn good to my heart beat abnormally just reading by it. Then, I decided that I should make one since I want to make my own story. 



Honestly in the beginning, I don't have specific plan where will end this story up. I kinda feel that I must let out my emotion and feelings from my crush/friend. Also last year, I found out that I have a huge crush to my friend. *sighs* Yeah, all the emotion you've felt while reading this is what I feel to my crush. I represented myself as Dahyun here because I was looking for love but at the same time afraid to face it. Meanwhile, Nayeon of course is my crush. I hated my crush before because my crush is really famous in our school that can't bare it while me... I'm not famous like Dahyun but I was known as a model student in our class. I'm shy and quiet person which I put on Dahyun's role while Nayeon is pretty loud and socially  friendly to everyone which is my crush's personality. At first, I didn't like my crush because of her fame and I hate attention while my crush really loves it. We have opposite personalities but how come we become friends.. Rivalry become our way to interact each other. Quiz bees, projects and tests make us always competing to each other for me but for my crush, I don't know if my crush see me as a rival.  My crush talked me a lot regarding to those what I mention that soon my hate disappear as I get to know my crush. Last year, I just realized that I have a feelings for my crush and I can't stand anymore to share my feelings so I wrote this story. Because last year, my crush is really sweet, caring, always worried and make me feel that my crush has a same feelings with me. 



But all of those were only friendly gestures, probably because... last 5 months ago, my crush like someone else...., not me. I was really devasted that time and I think it's around Satzu's chapter which Tzuyu decided that she will give up on Sana. My heart is really on that pain that I change what I planned for both of them. The sadness you can feel from both of them is I actually felt. If I just confessed, I will know my crush's feelings. If I didn't become distant, my crush will still sweet and caring to me. Especially on Chapter "Tears" I poured my everything to make it really angsty that I even cried while writing it. Remembering those days, I am such a stupid person who still hope to my crush will love me back if I didn't admit my feelings.



And I still am because even my crush loves someone else right now, I keep still smiling and being happy to them but deep inside I was crying and sad about seeing them together and the worst was it was another person... Am I still not obvious? Can't my crush see how my smile different? Can't my crush can't see how my stares are speaking my feelings for them? Can't my crush see how my expression stiff when my crush told me sweet words? Is my crush dense or am I only the dense one because I didn't know that it's freaking sake of friendship?? How about my crush's hugs? How about my crush's cuddle? How about my crush's holding hand? How about my crush's naughty smiles and grins? How about my crush's sweet words? What is all that  mean? Is it still nothing or what? Is my crush really trying to mess my heart? I don't know anymore.




*Sighs* Last year is my realization of my feelings but now is the time that I must started to realize that I don't have chance because we're only friends.....  That's it, I need to stop this feelings for my sake and readers because I might do all chapters in angst theme.




Anyway, you can ignore the previous part of my note, don't mind me.. I'm just so tired thinking on how can I forget my crush when my crush still do a lot of skinships with me.  I know this is a hell long of note and I feel like I wanted to share of this back story and author's real story about this and once again, thank you so much for baring with mefor a year and I hope we stayed together until to the last chapter of this story.  Thank, thank you~! Votes, Comments, Views and Subscribers are highly appreciated of this love sick author HEHEHEHEH~ Please do comment, it makes me feel happy so much and how do you think guys with this chapter. I know I'm really late to update this but still happy, happy aniversary from all of us~!!!! Happy Chinese Year, Everyone and don't forget that up next is Satzu and I will update it in Valentines' Day, prepare for it~~!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH~!! BYE~~!

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MIMOnster #1
Mimo authornim
MIMOnster #2
bring back 😭😭😭 i want mimo 🍑🐧🍑🐧🍑🐧🍑
Taehyun92 #3
I need michaeng!!
Chapter 12: Hurt me more author ssi tt
Minaribaby #5
Chapter 2: Michaeng ^^
Taehyun92 #7
Chapter 12: I need michaeng in my life!
Taehyun92 #8
Michaeng please!
Chapter 12: So much is happening, I wish Mina and Chaeyoung can be together asap, and more wish for Chaeyoung to forget about Tzuyu, and just accept that she loves Mina. She dont have to hurt her everything. Kekeke...
rosenunal22 #10
Chapter 12: Michaeng