Buns and cash

Dance on my palm

Jihoon crept into the room as silently as he could. The lights were off, enveloping the room in pitch black. He carefully toed off his sneakers and laid down his bag.


"Holy !" Jihoon cried out, hand grasping his chest as he gasped for air. "What the !"

Soonyoung jumped out of his bed and flipped the light switch on. "You're back late today! I wonder why?"

Jihoon rolled his eyes and pulled his towel hanging on his clothes rack, walking past the taller and straight into their shared toilet where he promptly locked the door. Jihoon stood under the spray of the shower head, allowing the hot water to wash away all the stresses from the day. He could feel his muscles groan under the relaxing water, letting everything wash away. All his pain, dreariness, burdens, and most importantly all their touches. He scrubbed his skin angrily at the memory of one too many touching him the wrong way.

The brunette emerged from the toilet with a towel wrapped around his waist and hair dripping water. He crossed the room, headed for his wardrobe to pull on some clothes. Soonyoung laid on his bed, lazily glancing between his phone and Jihoon. "Hey bunny. It's almost 1am. Are you always this early? Don't you normally come home later than that?"

Jihoon hastily pulled on some underwear and shorts before pushing a large shirt over his head. "It's none of your business."

"Oh but now that you're my pet, you've got to obey me."

Jihoon wanted to punch the smug smile off of the bastards face. His raised his fist, Soonyoung raising his eyebrow in response, before Jihoon put down his hands in defeat. He huffed out indignantly.

Soonyoung smiled in victory, "There we go bunny. Hit the lights, you have a long day tomorrow."


Soonyoung skipped into his 9am lecture which brought about dirty looks from Seokmin and Seungkwan. When he got up that morning, Jihoon had long disappeared. Obviously the smaller was just running from him, but he could not run for long. Soonyoung used to hate this current lecture as he unfortunately shared it with Jihoon, but now, the brunette could not escape his grasps unless he skipped the lecture and smear his perfect attendance record. So the next hour was going to be fun for Soonyoung.

Jihoon entered the lecture theatre with his laptop in one hand, glancing around for an empty space before he caught sight of Seungkwan waving his hands. He headed towards the said male and plopped down beside him.

"Damn, your eye bags are serious today Jihoon." Seungkwan muttered as he pulled out his pens.

"I'll survive." Jihoon groaned out before his head fell flat on the table.

"What are you doing there? Come here Jihoon."

Seungkwan and Seokmin turned towards the voice in surprise. Soonyoung was leaning back in his chair, pointing at the free seat beside him. Seokmin who sat on Soonyoung's other side nudged him in the ribs, "What's up with you?"

Soonyoung shrugged. "Can't I want Jihoon to sit beside me? Right bunny?"

"You and Jihoon don't go into the same sentence. Period." Seungkwan deadpanned.

Jihoon stood up abruptly, picking his laptop up to squeeze between Seungkwan and Seokmin to get to the other seat beside Soonyoung. "No. It's fine. I want to move."

"What?!" The two chorused.

"Good boy. Now take down notes for me. I'll see you in dreamland." Soonyoung whispered into the brunette's ear before leaning back in his seat, and allowing the professor who just entered to lull  him to sleep.

Jihoon bit his lip so hard that any harder, his flesh would have split into two. His grip on his  hand tightened as he redirected his attention to the professor. If Soonyoung was going to be this way, two could play that game.


The rest of the morning served as solitude for Jihoon. He did not share any more classes with the black-haired male that day, but it was simply the calm before the storm. The worst was lunch time where he would be forced into the same space with Soonyoung again with all his friends. He managed to escape Soonyoung in the hallways and even during breaks. But there was no running away now.

"Where's Jihoon?" Soonyoung questioned as he walked beside Seungcheol to the canteen.

Seungcheol frowned as he pushed through the entrance. "You've been asking for Jihoon an awful lot today. What gives?"

"Well, nothing really. I just found out about something we had in common. So we're bonding over that new found fact." Soonyoung beamed innocently.

Seungcheol nodded and patted Soonyoung on his back. "I'm glad the two of you are putting aside your differences. Jihoon's a great guy once you get to know him."

The two males found their group of friends and headed towards them. Upon catching sight of a familiar head, Soonyoung rushed to sit opposite the said male. "I'd like a set A. Thanks." Jihoon who had just stood up to get his lunch was slightly shocked, but regained his senses quick enough and headed to the counters to get the food. Jihoon sighed, he was tight on money that week, only having enough money for one meal that day.

Jeonghan glanced at Seungcheol before regarding Soonyoung. Their other friends likewise stared on, surprised at their interaction. "Since when were you and Jihoon chummy."

Soonyoung replied defensively. "What! When the two of us fight, you guys hate it. Now that we don't fight, you guys hate it as well?!"

Seungkwan clicked his tongue, shaking his head. "We don't hate it. We just find it...weird."

"Extremely weird."Seokmin piped in.

Soonyoung piped up just as Jihoon returned with one tray in hand. "Well, Jihoon and I are chummy now. Right bunny?"

Jihoon groaned internally as he pushed the tray of food towards Soonyoung. "Right."

Jeonghan cringed at the nickname and questioned Jihoon when he saw that the smaller who normally had a ravenous appetite did not buy any food for himself. "Where's your food Jihoon?"

"Not hungry." The smaller muttered. But the only thing running in his mind was to get out of there before his stomach betrays him and growl loudly, revealing the fact that he was in fact, starving.

"I'm a little tired today. Cut my pork chop for me Jihoon." Soonyoung slid his tray towards Jihoon and gestured at the meat with his fork.

Jihoon growled, and snatched the fork from the jerk's grasp. He stabbed the pork chop, tearing it apart into little sorry pieces. Just as he was about to throw out a curse, his patience wearing thin, he felt a tap on his back.

Jihoon turned around to find one of his course mates, Minsoo. Minsoo blushed when he realized that he had caught the attention of everyone on the table. "Er-erm, Jihoon. I-I need to speak to you. In private."

"Right, of course." Jihoon pushed the tray back to Soonyoung before getting up and following Minsoo out of the canteen.

"And there he goes," Seungkwan whistled, "another breaking heart."

The others laughed, seeming to understand what Seungkwan meant, except Soonyoung. "Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Are you stupid or what?" Seokmin called out. "Jihoon is crazy popular in case you didn't know. With the lads especially."

"Jihoon's a demon." Soonyoung countered.

Seungcheol picked up his burger to take a big bite. "A tiny and cute one nonetheless."


Jihoon followed Minsoo out of the canteen into the corridor. The hallways was reasonably quiet as Minsoo pulled Jihoon to the side.

"What's up Minsoo?"

The said male shyly held out the bun in his hand as he rubbed his neck with his other hand. A pink heart shaped note was stuck to the wrapper of the bun.

Jihoon glanced as the food in Minsoo's hand, mouth watering, but frowned at the pink note. "I accept the bun. But I can't accept your feelings. I'm sorry Minsoo. You deserve someone better. I'm
no good f

or you."

Minsoo started to panic, "Why Jihoon? Is it me? You're perfect for me."

Soonyoung exited the canteen just in time to see Minsoo pull Jihoon into his embrace. He pursed his lips as he headed towards the pair.

Jihoon fought against Minsoo's grip and pulled back. "I'm sorry Minsoo. But we can't be together. You're a great guy. I'm just not looking for a relationship right now." He tore off the pink note and gently pressed it into Minsoo's limp hand. "Thank you for the bun. It made my day." Jihoon then proceeded to smile brightly, emitting sunrays and all things good. Minsoo gripped his chest as he felt his heart quench at the sight.

"Ahem. Jihoon."

Minsoo and Jihoon pulled apart and turned to face the voice that belonged to Soonyoung who was leaning against the wall against them. Soonyoung nodded his head down the hallways and took off.

"I've got to go Minsoo. I'll see you in class." Jihoon then took off after Soonyoung down the hallways.

Jihoon fell into step with Soonyoung who was walking aimlessly. The taller extended his hand out to Jihoon, keeping its position when the smaller did not react.

"What?" Jihoon frowned.

Soonyoung looked dead straight, failing to notice the change in expression on Jihoon's face. "The bread. I'm still hungry."

Jihoon paused in his step, forcing Soonyoung to stop and stare back quizzically at him. Jihoon was seething. He was pissed that he was being pushed around like that, but there was nothing he could do. And that was the worst part. He could not fight back, could not fend himself. "You're a ing jerk you know that." Jihoon threw the bun at Soonyoung before turning the other way, storming off. As usual, his stomach betrayed him and growled loudly in the empty hallways. But Jihoon was sure that he had put enough distance between himself and the jerk for him not to hear anything.

Soonyoung stood rooted, albeit surprised, the bun lying on the ground. Jihoon was wrong. Soonyoung heard everything. Soonyoung could not help the smirk breaking out on his face. Revenge was sweet.


Jihoon walked into Rated, greeting Minhyun who stood behind the reception in his freshly pressed suit. "Hey Minhyun. What's the theme today?"

Minhyun chuckled. "You won't like today Woozi."

Jihoon groaned as he unslung his bag off of his shoulder. "What is it?"

"Maids." Came the reply.

Jihoon pushed through the doors that led to the staff changing rooms where outfits for the night were hung outside the individual lockers of each hosts. Jihoon frowned as he noticed the hideous frilly black dress hanging on his locker door.

"Minhyun!" Jihoon had burst out of the door, fully dress in one hand, the other balled up into a fist. "There is a dress hanging on my locker!"

Minhyun smiled apologetically. "Sorry Woozi. But we are short on female hosts today."

"Oh, so you conveniently hand me a dress despite me having a ?" Jihoon accused.

"I'm sorry Jihoon! But you're the most delicate of the guys here! You're cute and adorable. Most of our male customers love you even when you're in your male outfits. C'mon, just live up to their wet dreams for tonight." Minhyun pleaded.

Jihoon narrowed his eyes but relented shortly after Minhyun gave his stupid puppy dog eyes. "Fine. But you owe me one. I want a ing hot meal that makes me wet just from looking at it." Jihoon huffed as he made his way to change into the offensive material.


The black frilly dress was extremely short and extremely low cut. The dress hugged tightly around Jihoon's small waist and ended mid thigh. In addition to the dress, he had to pull on white thigh highs and a ridiculous pink ribbon was pinned to the side of his hair. Jihoon felt and looked ridiculous (read able) as he walked through the rows of customers in the ballroom. All eyes were drawn to him as he carried his tray with a glass of wine to one of his customers. A regular of his.

"Mmm Woozi. There you are." The said customer patted his laps as Jihoon arrived with his wine and placed it on the table.

Jihoon smirked and climbed onto his cust

omers lap, knees on either side of his thighs. Jihoon settled himself right over the customer's crotch, teasing by wiggling ever so slightly. "Hello Mr Choi, how it is that you always know when my shift is?" Jihoon circled his arms around Mr Choi's neck.

The said male brought his own hands up to grip Jihoon's waist, pushing the smaller down into his lap. Jihoon's pushed into Choi's . "Ahhhh..." The older moaned as he rocked his hips up, hands grabbing and kneading Jihoon's pert under the dress. He Jihoon's exposed neck before biting and . Hard.

Jihoon played along, teasingly moving his hips in rhythm with the other male, feeling hardness pressing his . He pushed Mr Choi's head against his neck as he gasped at the older's administration. Jihoon heard the man's breath pick up as he bucked his hips up into his . The man was almost there. Just as Mr Choi was about to , Jihoon pushed his head away from his neck and leapt onto his feet.

Mr Choi groaned as he lost contact with Jihoon's body, body burning for a release when Jihoon left him high and dry. "Woozi!"

Jihoon dusted off his dress and blew a kiss towards Mr Choi. "No can do. I'll see you next time darling."

Mr Choi sighed into his palms as he pressed a pillow onto his raging hard on. "You sure know how to keep a man coming for more, don't you Woozi."

Jihoon winked before strutting off, shaking his hips.


Jihoon stood outside his room door, surprised to find the lights still on from within. He unlocked the door to find Soonyoung sitting by his desk, busy with work. Upon hearing the keys jingle in the lock, Soonyoung turned to await Jihoon's entry. "Out late again. Was it work?" The male prodded.

"It's none of your business." Jihoon snapped back, walking past his roommate to reach his own desk.

"Is that a hickey?" Soonyoung was shocked. Why did he have a hickey? Were customers allowed to touch the hosts like that?

Jihoon's hand flew up to cover the purple spot on his neck. Cheeks burning red. "It's none of your damn business."

Soonyoung got up from his seat, grabbing Jihoon by the wrist. "This is ual assault."

Jihoon recoiled from his touch, tearing his wrist out of Soonyoung's grip but failed as the taller simply tightened his hold. ". Off." Jihoon spat out each word.

Soonyoung's expression softened. He was starting to feel slightly bad for Jihoon. Did Jihoon like what he was doing? He heard Jihoon sniffle into his pillow one night, but he thought that the other was being a cry baby. Could it be that someone had gone too far? "Do you let them touch you?" Soonyoung asked gently. Maybe it was the emotions of the early morning at 2am or that his brain was tired from all the work he was doing, but he was feeling sorry for Jihoon.

Jihoon flinched and in Soonyoung's moment of weakness, he pulled his wrist from the older's vice-like grip. Cradling his hand against his chest, he glared, "It's part of the job. You don't need to know any more than you already do." Jihoon then picked up his towel before turning on his heels.

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Chapter 2: I love this story so much, I hope you can update soon ㅠ
nishabacon627 #2
Chapter 2: Ohhhhhh this is so good
Chapter 2: i'm sobbing,
akiharu #5
Chapter 2: this is so interesting wow, i look forward to upcoming chapters!
iLawlix_ #6
Chapter 2: omfg i love this
caratgenes #7
Chapter 2: I like this already. I'm look forward for more, thanks for updating~
Simple-J #8
Chapter 1: Hope you can update soon! Likind this already