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With you, I will be Happy
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"Jiyongie hyung!" Seungri yelled to the older which wouldn't have bothered the to acknowledge the younger if the annoying panda hadn't yelled into his ear. While he was working.

"Hyung, hyung, hyung, hyung, hyung," Seungri chanted over and over again. "Jiyongie, Jiyongie, Jiyongie, Jiyongie, Jiyokie1, Jiyokie."

Jiyong sat on his comfy chair for a few minutes, listening to the increasing annoying and torturous sound until he couldn't take it anymore and decided to read instead.

He heard a gasp from Seungri and turned around, thinking the younger was hurt. Instead, he saw a playful grin creep its way up onto the handsome face of Panda Seungri.

"What are you..."

"Jiyong hyung doesn't love me anymore. Panda Seungri sad!" Seungri cried out loud, flopping onto the floor while kicking and punching his legs and arms into the air.

"No, Seungri, I..."


"Okay okay, just shut up!" Jiyong tried to calm down the baby panda before he exploded or something.

"Ow!" Seungri's sudden cry of pain caught Jiyong's attention. "It hurts oppa!"

"What did I do?" Jiyong asked, putting his hands onto his hips. "I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Yes you did! You aren't loving me back and this is hurting right here!" Seungri pointed at his chest.


"Oppa! My heart!"



"Watcha reading?" Seungri scrambled over Jiyong's waist and looked at the book. "Is it good?"

"Hmm?" Jiyong glanced down at the panda lying on his lap. "Yeah, it's good. It's the by the bestseller author, Jessica Piney."

"What's the title called?"

"Eternally Scarred."

"Is it a horror book?"






"Then what?"

"It's nothing! Alright?"

"Okay! Can you read me a little bit of it for me? I'm dying with curiousity!"

"Why should I read to

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Maybe prompts might be nice? My imagination, as you all have seen on the last few chapters, is not that good and depressing because that is also my brain!


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Chapter 9: Woah... I don't know what to say...
soleyjun #2
Chapter 9: WTF what is this I just read?
Chapter 9: Wtf! Did Jiyongie just.????? Okay another chapter.., PLEAAAAASEE
Miggypot #4
Chapter 9: This is crazy omg!!! The craziest ive read!!!
Chapter 9: What did you doo??? Omg!! I can't believe this!!
I thought they'll have a sort-of-happy ending T_T
Chapter 9: Definitely not what I was expecting. You, my dear, have a wild imagination. The problem is I don't know if it's a good or crazy thing :P
Chapter 9: Oh my god what O.O wow