The Meeting


I honestly never thought that my cousin would actually allow me to live with 7 guys in one dorm. he was always so overprotective over me. one of the reasons why i never had a boyfriend is because of him. all the boys in my school were so scared of him that they never even talked to me. so all my friends were girls.

in the car on the way to the dorm, i got more nervous than i was in the CEO's office. i mean, this will be the first time i will be interacting with men.
"you still nervous?" my cousin asked while he putted his arm around me.
"i'm more nervous now than i was earlier."
"don't be. they're very nice kids."
"you make it sound like i'll be living with 12 year olds. do they know?"
"no. they'll be so surprised to see a woman walk in later. they're probably in their underwear." we laughed.
"please tell them now so that when we get there they would look decent."
"nah i'd rather see their faces when they see you."
"you're disgusting."

we got to the dorm. my cousin took my two luggages while i carry my backpack. he entered the pin to the dorm. he got in first.

"kids. you have a new dorm mate." he smiled widely.

their mouths hanged when they saw me. my cousin was right. they were all in their boxers.

"oh my God." i covered my eyes and turned around. i giggled.

"OH! HYUNG! CHINCHAAAAA!!!" they all hurried to their rooms. i swear they all said curses while my cousin was laughing in tears.

"it's okay you can turn around now. they're all changing."

my cousin brought me to a room and placed my luggage by the door. the room was pure white. two cabinets, a single bed, and lots of tables.

"this room is all yours. you can design it any way you want. this is where you'll work too."
"and where will you be?"
"i have my own place. three blocks away from here. but don't worry. you'll see me a lot. so what do you think of the room?"
"i don't think you'll recognize this room by tomorrow."
"i believe that. c'mon i'm gonna introduce you."

we walked to the living room. the boys all stood up in a line. they were all wearing shirts which is good.

"kids, meet my cousin. Alexandria."
"call me Lex." i smiled.
"she'll be your new and only fashion designer. and she'll be staying here for two years."
"TWO YEARS???" them all shocked.
"yes. CEO said so himself. so be nice to her and take care of her. Lex, this is BTS." they all smiled at me. "get acquainted kids. and i'll be in my dorm." he walked out.

we were left in awkward silence. i looked around the dorm but i didn't left my place.
"um... hi. i'm Rap Monster. the leader." he offered his hand. i shook.
"i'm Suga." such small eyes.
"i'm JHope." biggest smile of them all.
"Jin, the eldest."
"hi i'm Jimin.
"i'm V." i shook all their hands. they seem pretty nice.
"so how old are you?" Suga asked.
"i'm 19. but my korean age is 20."
"BWOH???" how many times will people be in shock today?
"de." i smiled while looking down.
"i think we can talk about this tomorrow." the eldest said. "it's getting late. have you eaten?"
"yeah. me and my cousin ate when i landed."
"well that's good. you should get some rest. we're sure you're very tired." i nodded and turned around to walk to my room.
"oh Lex?" i turned to face them. "welcome to Korea." they all smiled.
"kamsahamnida." i bowed to them and walked to my room.

that was so awkward. but they were all nice and respectful. but wait, the CEO said they were seven. but they were only six earlier. hmm. meh.

i changed into pajamas and unpacked my bags. i put all my clothes in the closets. it's a good thing i brought hangers. i brought my sewing machine and fabrics and placed them on the tables. i need more fabrics though. this isn't enough for seven men. well, eight to include my cousin. oh, nine. can't forget myself. i need to start shopping tomorrow.

i looked at the clock. 10:59pm. i think i need to sleep.

*BUZZZZZ* a text message from my cousin.

"Hey Lex. get some sleep okay? i know you need to do some shopping tomorrow so i'll pick you up at 1. cool? oh and you should probably cook for the boys tomorrow. if that's okay with you. they don't usually get proper breakfast. anyways, see you tomorrow. get comfy there okay? goodnight! love you couz!"

my cousin was always caring for me. and it's nice that he's caring for the boys too. he's single. so i think he's being the father figure to these boys. its nice to see this side of him. oh, i need to reply.

"you really know me for my love of shopping huh? haha! yeah it's cool. i'll tell the boys about that tomorrow. oh and don't worry, i'll cook for them tomorrow. goodnight too! love you too couz!"


7:00am alarm goes off. goodmorning Korea. good thing i'm not in jetlag. i barely get it anyway. hmm. gotta cook breakfast for the boys.

i walked to the kitchen. i can see they're not awake yet. there's no light on. but i gotta go make sure. i checked in their room. they're all sound asleep. okay Lex, let's 

make some food.

"no one is allergic to anything. anyone can eat everything." a note sticked to the refrigerator.

i cooked bacon and eggs. i think this will suffice 10 people. i'm guessing they eat like horses so i made sure its a lot. even i eat like one too. can't deny that.

"smells good." i turned around. shocked. it's the eldest.
"goodmorning to you too. and thanks." i smiled.
"i'm guessing hyung told you to cook for us?" he sat on the chair.
"yeah. he did. its the least i could do after you welcomed to me with no complaints."
"hmmmm that smells good!" the rest of them walked in. they all thanked me for the cooking. i ate with them.

"if you don't mind me asking. why live with us?" i stared at Suga.
"mianhe. Suga is very straight forward." Rap Monster defended him.
"ani gwenchana," i smiled "uh. i have to get to know the people who i'm making the clothes for. and CEO said this will be a good way."
"what do you mean 'get to know'?" V asked.
"i mean. be-friend. so that it'll fit the personality of a person. i believe that all of you have things in common and you all have differences too. and that's what i have to know. so that i can make clothes for each one of you that suits your commonalities and differences." they all stopped eating and just stared at me.
"i never heard that before. but its actually good." Jimin said.
"well i can say that i have devoted my life and soul into fashion." i giggled.
"chincha?" V was shocked.
"de. i started making clothes out of fabrics when i was 10. then i started making Youtube vlogs when i was 12. then in my 2nd year of highschool, i decided to enroll in a Fashion Designing college. and here i am. intern." i smiled. them shocked again. "anyway, i'm gonna go shopping with my cousin. im gonna take a shower now. can one of you wash the dishes?"
"don't worry. we got it from here." Hope answered. "oh, Lex?" i turned around.
"we bought some sachets of shampoo, conditioner, and bath soap for you last night. its in a small plastic in the bathroom." wow.
"oh. kamsahamnida. that's very thoughtful of you."
"you can speak comfortably to us." Rap Monster smiled.

that's very sweet of them. they probably guessed i didn't have any. i forgot to bring them cause i was too busy packing my clothes.

i just finished showering. . i forgot to shave my legs. i didn't have any clothes on yet so i put my towel around me as a cover. i put my foot on the edge of the bathtub and started shaving witha  razor.



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