Landed in Korea



"hello? yes this is Alexandria Song. yes i'm in front of the airport now. okay i'll wait here."

so here i am. standing in front of an airport. hoping this will be an eventful internship. and that i'll get some food any minute now. i hate airplane food if its not from first class or business class. so yeah, i didn't eat much. is there a vendo here somewhere? nope. don't see one.

it's mid-october so it's kinda cold here already. good thing i brought a jacket just in case. i looked at my watch. it's still Philippine time. useless. i looked around me. no clock anywhere. a girl was standing beside me. probably waiting for someone. one thing i've done ever since this college, since i most of the time forget things to bring, is to look at other people's watch just to know what time it is. i saw it was 6:30pm. well it's definitely dark. what time is this guy gonna come already? i'm so hungry.

if you must know, i am now on my 5th year of Fashion Design. it's my intern year. and you must also be wondering why my internship is in another country. well my cousin works as a manager for a korean band. so he pitched me in to be one of the "outfit noona's". well i'm not exactly a noona. i'm still 19.

in the Philippines, the elementary ends at 6th grade. that's at 12 years old. so at my 2nd year of high school, i decided to pursue the fashion industry. cause basically i never bought clothes anymore. i make my own outfits when i turned 10. i just buy fabrics and sewing tools. lots of pencils and coloring materials. of course my parents got mad at me. but its a good thing they saw more of the positive side. cause well, they don't spend much for me unlike my other siblings. i am too thrifty. i save so much and spend a little. i guess that's why i bought my own phone, laptop, camera, etc.

when i was 12, i also started my own vlogs in Youtube. its been 7 years, and now i have around 800k subscribers. i feel very proud of myself actually. that in the midst of my struggles in the fashion design college, i still got to upload atleast thrice a week. usually i upload videos about DIY outfits and easy to do things in the house drawers and stuff and even gifts.

now back to reality. a car stopped in front of me. the backseat window rolled down. there he was, my cousin.
"hey little couz." he smirked.
"just get me food please?"
"okay okay. get in the car."

we went to this meat restaurant where you can heat up your own food. totally cool.
"so how's yer flight?"
"you know i hate airplane food."
"oh i thought they bought you first class tickets."
"nope. just regular."
"mm. so ready for your internship?"
"i'm kinda nervous."
"hey don't be. my band is very easy to get along with. plus the agency is gonna save up a lot of money with you."
"how did you get them to say yes anyway?"
"easy. i told them you do your own work. make 10 outfits in one day. save up a lot of money."
"yeah. it is true right?"
"yeah. maximum of 15 a day. and when i'm lazy, just around 6."
"seriously Lex, how do you do it?"
"i think i'm in the phase of life where i have devoted my life and soul to fashion." he laughs.
"you're just 19. oh and by the way, here people add one year in their age. so tell everyone you're 20 okay?"
"sure. i look 25 anyway."
"and practice your Korean."
"i still speak okay."
"good. now after here, we're gonna go see the CEO."
"what? can't we see him tomorrow?"
"he doesn't have time tomorrow. don't worry. you're gonna have a relaxing day tomorrow. your work doesn't start in three days anyway."
"you should ask him later to know more."

after dinner, we drove to Big Hit building. we walked through the hallow halls, under their dim lights. i feel very nervous. like i'm gonna throw up. it just hit me now how big this is for me. we went up to the 50th floor. my cousin said this entire floor is for the CEO. must be one big office. my cousin knocked three times before going in. i checked the time. 8:45pm. phew breath Lex.

"annyeong CEO. here's my cousin from the Philippines."
"hmm. the young designer. so you're Alexandria Song."
"de. annyeong haseyo."

his office is twice as big as my house back home. many figurines, may paintings, pictures of all his bands. his work table is in the middle of the room. in front of his table are couches and a center coffee table. and behind his table is a big window with the beautiful view of Seoul. definitely a clear night of city lights.

"i assumed you had quite a tiring flight so i'll make this quick." he sat down on his big chair and gave me a paper.

"i need you to sign this. it says that we will be of full responsibility over you. we will feed you, give you a home, and other necessities. and in return you will work for one of our bands. you will design and make them clothes for all their events for two years. you will also get paid via cash every end of the month. any questions?"
"yes. um where will i be staying?"
"with the boys in a dorm." i stood there in shock.

i will be living for two years... WITH BOYS???

"is there a problem?"
"um, are you sure Mr. CEO? she's not quite comfortable living with 7 boys." my cousin said.


"okay. i understand your concern Ms. Song." he smiled "but i assure you they will be of no harm to you. they are under contract and if they lay one finger on you, they will be terminated from this agency. i have read your resume Ms. Song. and if i'm right, it says there that before you make a clothing that can match a person, you first have to get to know them first? at least a little bit?" i nodded "this is a way for you to get to know them Ms. Song. you will be working with them for two years. and i think spending quality time with them will be good for you. and since they are all older than you, they will keep you safe."
"he's right Lex. it will be good for your work."

i looked at my cousin as i was still in shock. his assurance gave me hopes i signed the paper. Mr. CEO had a smile on his face.

"welcome to Big Hit Ms. Song."

oh boy. this will be quite an internship.

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