Getting The Butterflies


"i almost saw her ." Jungkook said cooly.

"YOU WHAT???" my cousin dropped everything in his hands.

everyone was kind of panicking now. my cousin is 185cm. so he was the tallest in the room. and he doesn't really have a nice face so when he's angry he looks like a devil with horns and firing eyes. and right now, he looks like he's gonna punch the hell out of Jungkook's face.

"look its not that bad."
"NICE!" my cousin high fived Jungkook.
"BWOH???" all of us screamed.
"Lex, as much as i'm protective of you, this is the closest you have to a boyfriend."
"jeongmal?" my mouth hanged.
"wait, you never had a boyfriend before?" Jungkook asked.
"well why are you asking?" V asked. Jungkook looked down.
"so basically, get the door fixed." i told my cousin. "oh and oppa, can you help me with the things i brought?"

we went to my room. all of them thinking about what we're gonna talk about. well all that i was gonna say was...

"what is wrong with you?"
"i haven't heard you call me 'oppa' in a really long time."
"can you answer my question please?"
"what?" he smiled at me.
"how could you say that? now they're gonna think that it's okay to open the bathroom door while i'm in there."
"no they're not. they're good guys Lex. it'll be fine."
"but they're boys. they must think of dirty things about me now."
"Lex, easy. they're not gonna do bad things to you okay? they're good guys. they respect women. trust me you'll be fine."
"no. i'm gonna be awkward around them now."
"chill. i'll go talk to them for you if it'll make you feel any better."
"oh. and a little tip, call me oppa. not my real name."
"fine. now go away."

he closed my door and i started cleaning up my things. there was a total of 13 shopping bags. and all of them were mine. and yes, my cousin paid for them all. he's rich since he's single. 

you must be wondering why i don't call my cousin 'oppa'. well since i lived in the Philippines for all my life, it's not a culture there to call someone 'oppa'. i called him 'kuya'.


"NICE!" manager hyung raised his arm. waiting for me to high five him. jeongmal? i said i almost saw his cousin . and he looks happy. chincha.

"Lex, as much as i'm protective of you, this is the closest you have to a boyfriend." manager hyung told Lex.

what? she never had a boyfriend? but she's pretty. that seems impossible. the things i next said came out of my mouth without me thinking.

"wait, you never had a boyfriend before?" why did i just asked that? well i am curious. REALLY curious.

"well why are you asking?" i looked down. damn you V hyung. i am ashamed of what i just asked. i didn't think that through. now i can't think of a good excuse. i think i'm blushing. my cheeks are getting a bit warm.

phew. good thing that ended. they went to Lex's room.

"you like her don't you?" Jimin hyung asked me.
"no i don't." i walked to the fridge. i need water. i feel like i lost a thousand pounds after sweating over what i just did.
"don't avoid us maknae. we know you. you don't avoid questions." Hope hyung said. now they're teasing me.
"i didn't avoid the question. i answered it."
"why drinking water? nervous over what just happened?" Suga hyung leaned on the door of the fridge.
"maybe because i'm thirsty?"
"we know you maknae. you eat or drink after being nervous as hell." Jin is such the omma. he knows how everyone eats.
"aish. chincha." i broke through their cave for ganging up on me. they were laughing at me.

"guys i need to speak to you." manager hyung called us to come to the living room. we all sat on the couch while manager hyung was in the middle standing. "guys. Lex is worried now that you're all gonna have dirty thoughts about her."
"she doesn't know us well so we understand." Suga hyung said.
"yeah. Jungkook is the only one who saw anyway so he's the only one who's gonna have dirty thoughts." i threw a pillow to V hyung. they all laughed.
"arasso arasso. listen. after what happened i think its gonna be hard for her to be close to everyone. so you guys need to take the initiative to talk her. at least sometimes. she's the only girl and she never associated herself with men. so be nice to her. and be on your best behavior. especially you Jungkook." they all looked at me.
"it was a mistake okay???"
"we know. we just love bullying the maknae." Jin shook my head.

Lex entered the living room. she changed into house clothes. she's seriously pretty in every clothing she wears. stop looking at her Jungkook! i looked at my phone. but i think i almost drooled.

"Lex can you cook dinner?"
"sure. what do you guys want?" she smiled.


"Lex can you cook dinner?"
"sure. what do you guys want?"
"actually, we only have ramen." Jin said.
"bwoh? chincha?" i laughed.
"you should've told us. we could've gone to the grocery before coming home." oppa said.
"mianhe. we forgot." Hope said.
"gwenchana." i smiled and went straight to the kitchen.

boys. all they have are easy to cook meals. chincha. its a good thing i grew up independently. both my parents work. and since i'm the only girl in the house most of the time, i cook for my brothers.

"i'm gonna have dinner with the other managers tonight Lex."oppa said as he put on his jackets.
"arasso take care."
"de. boys be good to Lex."
"de hyung! annyeong!" all of them shouted

Jungkook appeared to get the plates and chopsticks. that's very nice of him. but its very awkward to speak to him right now. after what happened earlier. it was awkward enough that he did also saw me . but its more awkward now that oppa said i never had a boyfriend and that it was okay for oppa that he did also almost saw me . jeez.

"look..." Jungkook spoke behind me. as he put the plates on the table. "i'm sorry that things just got even more awkward between us. it's only been a day since you lived here and now its ... this."
"ani. gwenchana."
"no its not." leaned on the counter to face me. "i wanna start over. and forget that happened."
"you're a very straight forward guy." i smiled.
"de. that's one of the things people like about me." he offered his hand. "i'm Jungkook."
"Lex." i shook his hand.
"if it makes you feel any better, you can call us oppa. the guys told me to tell you that."
"i'm not used to it yet. i lived in the Philippines all my life. i barely even call my cousin that. but i promise, i'll try."
"totally fine." we smiled at each other.

we all ate dinner at the round table in the middle of the kitchen. somehow they all sat before me and Jungkook so we sat beside each other. its obvious that they planned it. and i can also see that they're teasing Jungkook about me.

"how did you make a simple ramen taste so good Lex?" Jin complimented.
"yeah its like mom cooking." Hope said.
"im getting a lot of compliments today."
"ani chincha it taste really good." V said.
"gomawo." i shyly said.
"we already told Jungkook this but you can comfortably call us oppa." Rap Monster said.
"i'm still getting used to the korean culture. so i'm still adjusting. but i promise i'll call you guys that soon."
"Jungkook would definitely love that." Jimin joked. and JK kicked him from under the table.
"oh by the way, after doing the dishes i'm gonna check your measurements for the outfits."
"let's make a deal here Lex." Rap Monster swallowed. "you cook for us everyday, we do the dishes and clean the house. deal?"
"wait, clean the house and wash the dishes? isn't that unfair?"
"ani. believe us, giving us food is worth cleaning the house for." Suga said.
"chincha? so i have the power to not give food if one doesn't clean the house?"
"de. you have the power of encouraging us with food." Jin said.
"like a mom." V said. we all laughed.
"arasso. but is the note on the fridge true? no one is allergic to anything?"
"de. we can eat everything." Rap Monster said.
"but does anyone hate a certain food?"
"ani. we eat literally every kind of food."
"oh. arasso."
"maknae. why so quiet?" V teased and once again kicked under the table.
"de. you're not usually like this Jungkook." Hope joined in.
"stop it." Jk said shyly.
"i'll be in my room. call me when you're all done arasso?" i stood up and went to my room.

. i'm feeling something weird.

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