Chapter 9

(LeoN/NEO) If You...

* * * * * *

The two looked at one another back and forth.

Hakyeon was embarrassed not only was he caught in such an embarrassing outfit but the fact that he was also called cute by Leo. His face was red.

Leo grew silent and only knew how to stare at his friend, Hakyeon and what the boy was wearing. He didn’t even realize that he had subconsciously called Hakyeon ‘cute’ and making the boy even more embarrassed as he already was.

‘Stop looking at me already – Ow!’ Hakyeon felt a sudden sharp pain in his legs.

Leo rushed next to the boy to see if he was alright. He saw that the black stocking in which Hakyeon was wearing was torn apart and took Hakyeon’s legs closer to see if there was anything wrong with it.

‘Let me take a look.’ Leo said.

‘It’s okay. Don't worry about it.’ Hakyeon tried to push Leo’s touch away.

‘You’re bleeding.’

‘What?!’ Hakyeon didn’t think he would bleed from a few fallen objects but when he looked to confirm, he saw red dripping from his legs. He felt a bit faint from seeing his own blood.

‘Let’s get you to a hospital.’

‘What? No! It’s fine! It just needs a bit of washing or disinfecting and I’ll be fine. Plus, I can’t just leave Minhyuk or Ken to do all the festival work alone.’

‘What if you broke a bone? Or worst? We need to get you checked out.’

Hakyeon shook his head and refused Leo’s advice persistently.

‘Dammit Cha Hakyeon. You’re too stubborn at times you know that?’ Leo glared.


Leo was right with Hakyeon being stubborn but there was no way that Hakyeon would want anyone outside of campus to see him in such a fragile, damsel in distress state.

Leo saw the look on Hakyeon’s face and knew right away why the latter was being more persistent than usual. He sighed.

‘Fine.’ Leo said.

Leo forcefully lifted Hakyeon up with both of his arms.

‘What are you!-‘ Hakyeon panicked.

‘Shut up.’

Leo lifted the small boy in his arms like a princess and quickly found a way out. He tried to avoid most of the people as much as he could since he could tell how embarrassed Hakyeon was already being seen in such a state. Hakyeon covered his face the entire time he was being carried by Leo through the school.

‘Where’s the nurse’s office?’ Leo asked Hakyeon.

Right, Leo doesn’t know his way around the West Wing.

‘Turn right…’ Hakyeon answered in a murmur underneath his well-hidden face in which he peeked from time to time through the slips of his fingers.

The two finally reached the nurse’s office after dodging much commotion and crowd. But of course, they couldn’t avoid them all. For sure, there would already be gossips making their way through the entire school grounds.

‘What’s wrong?’ The school nurse asked as she saw Leo carrying someone in his arms.

‘My friend here is hurt. Can you help me take a look at him?’ Leo said as he gently placed Hakyeon on one of the beds.

‘Sure, not a problem. Let me take a look-‘ she was surprised to see the identity of the damsel in distress. ‘Hakyeon-ah?! What are you wearing??’

‘Hello Mrs. Park. Our class is doing a cross-dressing coffee shop and so… I look like this… gosh this is so embarrassing!’ Hakyeon went back to burying his face in his palms.

The nurse laughed and amused at seeing one of her students this shy for the first time.

‘Um, can you please take a look at his legs? He’s bleeding.’ Leo interrupted her joyful moment.

‘Right. Sorry about that. Here, let me take a look. It’s just a scrape on your skin, nothing to really worry about. But I do see you swelling up quite a bit on your ankle area. I’ll first disinfect the injury and give you an ice pack to help you cool down the sprain. Just wait here.’

‘Okay. Thanks’ Hakyeon said.

After Hakyeon’s wound was patched up, the nurse went out for another errand. Leaving the two in the nurse’s office. Alone, again.

* * * * * *

The two stole glances silently at one another again.

What do I say? This is so… awkward.

‘Thanks.’ Hakyeon muttered in a small quiet voice.

‘Hmm? Don’t worry about it. Are you okay?’ Leo asked another question back but awkwardly.

Hakyeon nodded.

‘It just stings a bit. Don’t worry about me.’

‘… Did you… watch my performance earlier?’ Leo asked.

Hakyeon nodded.

‘Mhmm. Ken brought me there to watch.’

What did you think of it?’

‘It was amazing! I knew you played the piano since you were young but I never actually thought you’d be that good in it!’ Hakyeon suddenly became excited after recalling Leo’s performance.

‘Thanks.’ Leo’s face felt warm after the sudden praise. ‘But why didn’t you stay until the end? You should’ve waited for me.’

‘Huh? Uh… I had to go back to help the class. I only skipped a bit during the break to watch. Sorry…’

A lie.

Hakyeon left in a rush because he felt like if he didn’t, his heart would explode to a thousand pieces through the endless sounds his heartstrings were making. He had to stop himself at all cause from falling any deeper than he already had.

‘You’re really good though! Do you like playing the piano?’ Hakyeon asked Leo and trying to change the subject.

‘I like it. But…’


‘There’s no future for me with it.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I…I’ve always admired how much passion and effort you’ve put in your own goals and dreams. You even had so many people supporting you during your time of need. But, I’m different.’

Hakyeon began to worry at the sudden dejected expression on Leo’s face. Maybe he shouldn’t have touched on such a topic.

‘You know. I’ve always loved music and piano was one of my favourite. But my father didn’t like the idea of me pursuing it as anything more than a hobby. Our family has always had some sort of political background as well as serving in the military for many generations. Even my older sisters all married to either high ranked officers or lieutenants to carry on the family traditions. Father would be furious if I decided to choose another path other than what he had expected from me.’

Leo has always loved music.

The joy.

The laughter.

The emotions.

Each sound could bring so much feelings from a person that he couldn’t help but fall deeply with music itself. Music brought him out of his misery and his saddest times.  But, he could never tell that to his father.

For once, Hakyeon realized that Leo wasn’t an aimless high school boy like he thought, but simply, a boy whose dreams were suppressed and predetermined by his upbringing.

‘Have you talked to the minister about it? Maybe he’ll understand. He’s very nice and kind after all.’

‘Father is nice but he’s also very strict and keen on customs. He’s only allowed me to come this far with my performances because he saw it as a hobby and that I promised to study hard in school and serve for the country in the future.’

When Leo was younger, after his mother had passed away, he lost all of his abilities to express himself. He was afraid and timid. Afraid that every action or word he spoke of would hurt someone he cared for in the process.

Music however, was the only way for him to release his emotions and allow him to express himself without speaking aloud. It was a way for him to communicate and convey how he felt. The music in which the piano made allowed him to speak in a beautiful tone that not only pleased his listeners, but his heart as well.

Leo was indeed passionate about music and even hope to compose for himself in the future. But because of his family traditions, it was a love that could not be answered.

Hakyeon didn’t know what to say to Leo.

Hakyeon was different.

Although there were people who looked down on his dreams, all of those who are close to him, supported his dreams all the way.

Without knowing what else to do to comfort Leo, Hakyeon went to hug the dejected boy. He wanted to give something warm and gentle to Leo. He couldn’t help but sympathize with the latter.

He thought that Leo had it all for the longest time but realized that Leo was the complete opposite.

Leo felt Hakyeon’s care and warmth. He responded back by hugging Hakyeon and buried his face down onto the boy who was sitting on the bed. He didn’t know why but he couldn’t help himself let out the tears.

It was as if Hakyeon had helped him release all the feelings and stress he had kept inside all these years with a simple hug.

* * * * * *

The awkwardness that the two had before was finally fading away. Hakyeon felt a lot better after resting his legs and Leo’s eyes were no longer red.

Hakyeon led Leo back to his classroom to meet up with Minhyuk as well as Ken. With Leo’s presence, the classroom coffee shop was crowded once again.

‘Well then, now that this is over, I guess it’s time!’ Ken let out a long stretch after cleaning up the place.

‘Time for what?’ Minhyuk asked as he flopped onto an empty chair from being overworked.

‘Miss Brampton duh! The contest is going to start soon!’ Ken was hyped up and the tired boys could only question at where Ken gets all his energy from, even after a long hardworking day.

‘Why do you care? It’s not like you’re entering are you?’ Minhyuk asked.

‘I’m not. But someone I know is~’ Ken smirked and smiled at Hakyeon.

Wait… Don’t tell me…’ Hakyeon gulped and backed away knowing exactly what the scheming look on Ken’s face meant. Leo was still clueless at his cousin’s actions.

‘What’s going on?’ Leo asked dumbfounded.

And just as Hakyeon had feared, the four of them found themselves standing in the middle of the crowd of people and waiting for the Miss Brampton contest to start.

* * * * * *

‘Hakyeon-hyung?’ Hyuk called out and was surprised to see both Hakyeon and Minhyuk in a maid’s dress. ‘Why… why do you two look like that?’

‘It’s just a part of our class activity for today. You didn’t even come visit! You brat!’ Minhyuk pinched Hyuk’s cheeks as punishment.

‘Ow~ I’m sorry! I was just too busy doing our class performance for the festival as well and our sections are too far from one another for me to make it back and forth in time during my breaks.’

‘What was your class doing?’ Hakyeon asked.

‘We were doing a play on stage!’

‘Oh? What play?’

‘Cinderella.’ Hyuk answered.

‘And I’m guessing you were Prince Charming?’ Ken jumped in on the conversation.

‘Uh, yes I was. How do you know? Wait, aren’t you Ken from the North Wing? And you’re…’ Hyuk finally realized that it wasn’t just Minhyuk and Hakyeon but there were two other boys standing next to them.

‘Hello. My name is Leo. You must be Han Sanghyuk. Hakyeon has told me about you before. It’s nice to finally meet you.’ Leo smiled at Hyuk who was smaller than him.

‘Hello…’ Hyuk greeted shyly after meeting Leo and Ken for the first time. Even his elementary division at the East Wing knew of all the rumors between these two infamous cousins.

‘By the way, where’s Sungjae? Isn’t he usually with you?’ Minhyuk asked.

‘Oh right! He’s lining up for the contest. He’s dressed up as Cinderella already so the class voted on him to enter as a representative.’ Hyuk said.

‘Oh~ it sounds like someone’s got competition with Cinderella.’ Ken teased.

‘What do you mean?’ Hyuk asked.

‘Our Hakyeonie here is also entering Miss. Brampton.’ Minhyuk laughed.

‘What?!’ Hyuk was surprised.

‘Against my will! Ken signed me up for it without even asking me!’ Hakyeon sulked.

‘Come on now. You’re going to be late for the line up~’ Ken nudged Hakyeon to the direction of the line.

Hakyeon was trying to resist with all his might but he was obviously weaker than Ken and couldn’t fight back. Hakyeon looked back one more time before he went into the line up and saw Leo standing there. Amused at the situation.

Hakyeon sighed.

At least he’s smiling again.


* * * * * * A/N * * * * * *

Happy Belated New Years! Updates will be slow for the next two weeks because I'll be away and in Seoul for my vacation! :D

If any one of you guys cringed during the last chapter and even this one, mission accomplished ~ I've always wanted to write something cringey and like stupid, so I had to okay?

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Please support VIXX's new and long-awaited comeback of 2018!
EAU DE VIXX 3rd full album and the concept is 'perfume' ?! <3


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Chapter 26: Ah, it was great! Thank godness they're together in the end of this one lmfaooo and wow I love all the sublte references to The World Of Us! Now onto the last one!
Chapter 1: Haha sorry but when I saw Brampton i sorta had to backpedaled to make sure I was seeing right bc i RARELY see Canadian cities portrayed in fics haha but then i see that you're Canadian so hello fellow Canadian! Lmao
AikaRikachu #3
Chapter 27: ireadthetrilogybackward.......I READ THE TRILOGY BACKWARD!!!!!!!!!!!
It's my pleasure to read such story like this <3 <3 <3 omg, authornim you're so great <3
Echo_of_Venus #5
Chapter 26: Just finished reading the second part of your triology, and I must say your writing is awesome!^~^ thank u so much for writing amazing stories, and keep up the wonderful work!
signorina_klutz #6
Chapter 26: Ohmygosh.The last part. I'm always crying everytime I remember their first win. The way Hakyeon thanked Starlights is so sincere. Another great story. Well done.
Chapter 27: OH MY GOD.. You such a genious writernim don't u?
Ughhhh I am so much honor to read ur stories..
Chapter 27: Wait, it's finished? ._. Didn't really expect that, tbh. I was still wondering about the dreams Hakyeon had, actually. Is that just something that you were planning do to something with, but then it got scrapped? Or were they just meant to be references to The World of Us - Hakyeon's subconsious remembering his past life?

Anyway, I enjoyed reading this, so thank you. ^^ I'll check out Dream.scape soon.
glamour_4502 #9
Chapter 27: I love the story! Thank you for this lovely story :)