Chapter 7

(LeoN/NEO) If You...

* * * * * *

The guests were chattering away, asking the person sitting next to them if they know what was going on. But no one did.

Why is the bride not appearing? Just then, one of the servants ran through the entrance and started shouting in alarm.

‘Lady Amelia is gone! She ran away! She left a letter here for you sir!’ He ran towards Amelia’s startled father who almost fainted from the news.

As he was reading through the letter, his face grew pale and an obvious sign of fear and unsettledness appeared on his every expression. Moments later, he stabilized himself and went to the minister, whispering something in his ears.

The minister was surprised at whatever Amelia’s father had told him. Both men went towards the groom who was standing and waiting for the bride, and told him of the news. Told Leo what was going on.

Soon, the announcement was made. The wedding was cancelled until further notice and until the bride was found.

The guests were escorted home one by one and Hakyeon could see that both families were apologizing nonstop towards all the guests that had come all this way for this special evening. To end up in pure disappointment.

* * * * * *

Hakyeon didn’t know what to do when he saw how sad and tired the minister was becoming. The minister finally caught glimpse at the poor boy who was standing around but not knowing what to do to help settle the chaos.

‘I’m very sorry Hakyeon-ah. I… don’t know what to say or what to do to make this up to you.’ The old man took Hakyeon’s small hands in his and sincerely apologized to Hakyeon even after apologizing to so many guests already that evening.

‘No. It’s alright. I’m fine. Please, don’t be sorry. Are you alright though? You don’t look so well.’ Hakyeon was worried.

‘I… I’m fine. I just need a bit of rest. So much had happened tonight and I need some time to think and settle this matter. Where is your mother?’

‘I’ve already sent her home sir. She was beginning to get tired as well since it was getting late but she’s also very much worried for you sir.’

‘Don’t worry. You should go home as well. It is indeed getting late. I will make it up to you once all of this settles down.’

‘Yes sir. Please get some rest. Good night.’

As Hakyeon went off on his way, he couldn’t help but wonder what happened to Leo. The groom that was to be married tonight. Since the guests were leaving one by one, there was no sight of Leo nor his chatty cousin, Ken either.

Hakyeon was just as worried for Leo as he was for the minister and decided to make sure Leo was alright before he went home. He wandered down the familiar hallways of the main in which he have grown familiar to after coming here on several occasions.

He passed by the dressing room in which Amelia’s dress was at. He peeked inside and saw the dress still untouched from the display mannequin; both lonely and in isolation.

Just then, Hakyeon heard talking from another room nearby. The groom’s dressing room, that was located near the bride’s.

‘To think she really went ahead and did it. How are you holding up man?’

It was Ken’s voice.

He seems to be talking to someone. Hakyeon grew curious and peeked through the small slit of the opened door and saw Leo sitting on a chair while Ken continued his talking.

Leo was quiet.

‘Look. We knew this wasn’t going to work out after all. This wedding was too much of a lie for her to handle. She just couldn’t fake it any longer but she should’ve at least warned us before she eloped with that person.’

What? Eloped? Amelia did? What are they talking about?

Hakyeon couldn’t help but feel guilt from eavesdropping but at the same time, if what Ken was saying is true, then everything that was happening up to this point made sense. He’s had enough of secrets being kept from him and especially from Leo, who was no longer just a client but also a close friend. If Leo knew the truth, why didn’t he say anything to Hakyeon?

Hakyeon grew frustrated.

He couldn’t stand around to listen in on Ken and Leo’s conversation any longer. He wanted an explanation.

‘What is going on?’ Hakyeon went inside and interrupted the two cousins who didn’t know how to respond. ‘Explain.’

Leo saw a stern and serious look on Hakyeon’s face. He knew the boy overheard their conversation and he knew he was in trouble.

‘Hakyeon-ah. I… I can explain.’ Leo stuttered.

‘Well, you better explain now. I knew something was wrong for awhile since the first time you came to find me and told me not to waste my time on arranging your wedding. Then, Ken comes and tell me the exact same thing yet neither of you ever told me why!’ Hakyeon was disappointed that the truth was never given to him and he had blindly tried his best to prove that everything he did for this project would be worth it. He did all he could for this project, for Leo.

‘I’m really sorry Hakyeon-ah. We can explain so please, calm down and listen to me. We didn’t mean any harm trust me. We just… didn’t know what else to do.’

‘Yeah. We’re really sorry Hakyeon.’ Ken rubbed his palms together to apologize and trying to put on the saddest puppy eyes he could for Hakyeon.

It didn’t really work but Hakyeon calmed down after a bit and sat on the sofa next to Leo’s chair. Waiting for the long awaited explanation.

The truth.

* * * * * *

‘Well?’ He said coldly and firmly.

‘You see… Amelia, she likes someone else. She likes someone she isn’t supposed to and if uncle were to ever find out, it wouldn’t be her that’d be in trouble but the other person as well.’ Leo started to explain.’

‘Someone she’s not supposed to?’

Ken nodded.

‘She fell in love with a common folk. And… her classmate to be exact.’

‘Her classmate? But didn’t Amelia go to-‘

‘An all-girl’s academy.’

Hakyeon swallowed hard.

‘We all know that she’s always been a bit strong minded and a tomboy. But neither of us thought that she’d be the type to also fall for someone of her own gender. The one she loves, she wants to protect and care for. She was in a dilemma for a long time and since we’re both childhood friends, she had already consulted me all about it.’

‘I just so happened to find out along the way.’ Ken added.

‘Then what about this marriage?’ Hakyeon asked.

‘To cover up the truth. To hide away her ideals and preferences from the world and to protect the person she loves the most. If her family or anyone else of this city were to find out, it would bring an uproar for sure. I wanted to help her but at the same time, I didn’t know what I could do. We thought that maybe by going through with this arranged marriage, it could some how cover up the truth but… she couldn’t go through with it in the end.’

Hakyeon was stunned. He didn’t think that there was such a story to Amelia especially when she always seemed so caring, bright and cheerful whenever they met up to discuss about the marriage. To think, Amelia might have been very sad each time they talked about the marriage together and Hakyeon recalled the bittersweet expression on Amelia’s face when she saw Hakyeon’s sketches.

‘We really thought she could endure it this whole façade but I guess the pressure really got to her. She actually ran away to elope with the girl she loves. I’m worried for her. How will she survive outside the city?’ Ken thought.

‘Don’t worry about it. The Amelia I know could survive anywhere, even on an inhabited island alone if she has to. She’s strong. Anyways, I’m really sorry Hakyeon-ah. We really didn’t want to hide this from you but we were still strangers in the beginning. Protecting Amelia was my priority. Please, forgive us.’ Leo said with a face that Hakyeon didn’t know how to stay angry at for any longer.

Especially when Leo was only trying to protect a precious friend.

‘I understand. Sorry for getting a bit too angry back there too.’

‘No. You had all the rights to be angry at us. After all, you’ve put so much heart into this project yet…’

‘Don’t worry about it. Just because this one didn’t go through accordingly, doesn’t mean it’s a lost. In fact, I’ve received much from accepting this project already. I got to do the things I love the most, I even got to meet the minister, and on top of that, made friends with the Jung Leo and Lee Ken. Right?’ Hakyeon finally smiled. Which helped to ease the unsettled mess in Leo’s heart.

‘Thank you Hakyeon-ah.’ Leo said softly.

‘Sorry for interrupting your little moment of bonding there but I have to go. It’s getting late and I need to send my family home safely. They’re probably still waiting for me at the lobby. I’ll catch up with the two of you later okay?’ Ken said.

‘Thanks Ken. For everything.’ Leo said.

‘Haha. Don’t fret. Anyways, you two have fun and good night!’ And Ken left for the night.

* * * * * *

After Ken had left the room, there was a strange and awkward silent atmosphere in the room.

Sure Leo have already explained everything to Hakyeon and Hakyeon have also forgiven Leo for hiding the truth. But the two of them exchanged looks at one another and not know how to carry on with the conversation.

‘Were you…’ Leo suddenly spoke up.


‘Did you feel disgusted or weirded out when you found out that Amelia likes a girl rather than… well a guy?’

Hakyeon frozen.

No. Strangely not one bit. In fact, he was relieved and empathetic of Amelia’s situation. A situation that he understood too well of.

‘No. Not at all. Amelia is a really nice girl and she deserves all the best in the world. As long as she truly loves someone with all her heart, it shouldn’t matter whether her partner was a guy or girl.’

Leo smiled in relief hearing the exact words that he wanted to hear from Hakyeon. He trusted Hakyeon enough to reveal the truth to him after all.

‘But… um, are you really okay though? I mean… your long awaited wedding was cancelled and Amelia isn’t around anymore. The two of you were so close to one another.’

‘I’m fine as long as she’s doing fine as well. I saw how much pressure and stress she was going through all these years to be the perfect little girl for her father and the elegant lady of Brampton. Neither of who she really was. Maybe the eloping was for the best rather than having to be a prisoner here in a place where she would have to fake for the rest of her life being someone she isn’t on the inside.’

‘I see…’

Hakyeon looked a bit down from hearing how endearing Amelia was to Leo. He had little hope to begin with his secret crush in the first place but now, he felt like he had zero chance after all. Just because the bride ran away didn’t mean that Hakyeon could sweep the groom off his feet and live happily ever after all.

‘Hakyeon?’ Leo caught glimpse of a Hakyeon that was all too familiar. One that would fall too deep into his own thoughts and delusions to realize what was going on or who he was talking to.

‘Hakyeon-ah!’ Leo shook him. ‘Don’t misunderstand. Amelia is nothing but a friend okay? A little sister for me. Nothing more and nothing else.’

As if Leo could read into Hakyeon’s strange behavior…

‘Huh? Sorry you don’t really have to explain to me anymore. You’ve told me more than enough and I’m fine with it really.’


‘Sorry Leo-ah. I’m really tired for tonight. I think I need to meet up with mom back home and explain that everything is okay. Can we talk another day instead?’

‘Okay…’ Leo looked disappointed.

* * * * * *

The truth about Amelia’s sudden disappearance made Hakyeon realize some things.

The world is not very accepting.

Even if Hakyeon’s love could bare fruit, the world would look down upon it.

Not only will it affect Hakyeon, but also the person he loves the most.

Hakyeon did not want to hurt the person he cherishes the most.


He decided.

To move on.


* * * * * * A/N * * * * * *

This was a bad chapter for Christmas... but um, Merry Christmas anyways! Don't worry, there's actually no true angst in this story for future reference but we must always struggle for a happy ending right?

By the way, Amelia's name is totally a no-brainer but her last name 'Valentines' is actually a character from Leo's current musical Monte Cristo. 

Brampton is also a name of a city in Ontario, Canada which is also known as a 'flower city.' 

Finally, I've decided to remove the chapter images and titles for the time-being until I find more suitable names for them. Just wasn't happy with how they turned out after all and I'm ... well I hate being a perfectionist at times and it was bugging me xD


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Chapter 26: Ah, it was great! Thank godness they're together in the end of this one lmfaooo and wow I love all the sublte references to The World Of Us! Now onto the last one!
Chapter 1: Haha sorry but when I saw Brampton i sorta had to backpedaled to make sure I was seeing right bc i RARELY see Canadian cities portrayed in fics haha but then i see that you're Canadian so hello fellow Canadian! Lmao
AikaRikachu #3
Chapter 27: ireadthetrilogybackward.......I READ THE TRILOGY BACKWARD!!!!!!!!!!!
It's my pleasure to read such story like this <3 <3 <3 omg, authornim you're so great <3
Echo_of_Venus #5
Chapter 26: Just finished reading the second part of your triology, and I must say your writing is awesome!^~^ thank u so much for writing amazing stories, and keep up the wonderful work!
signorina_klutz #6
Chapter 26: Ohmygosh.The last part. I'm always crying everytime I remember their first win. The way Hakyeon thanked Starlights is so sincere. Another great story. Well done.
Chapter 27: OH MY GOD.. You such a genious writernim don't u?
Ughhhh I am so much honor to read ur stories..
Chapter 27: Wait, it's finished? ._. Didn't really expect that, tbh. I was still wondering about the dreams Hakyeon had, actually. Is that just something that you were planning do to something with, but then it got scrapped? Or were they just meant to be references to The World of Us - Hakyeon's subconsious remembering his past life?

Anyway, I enjoyed reading this, so thank you. ^^ I'll check out Dream.scape soon.
glamour_4502 #9
Chapter 27: I love the story! Thank you for this lovely story :)