Chapter 18

(LeoN/NEO) If You...

* * * * * *

‘Hakyeon-ah, am I crazy or doesn’t he look like…’ Amelia frozen and just as shocked at Hakyeon was right now.

Hakyeon swallowed hard, still trying to figure out whether he was hallucinating or not.

The new music teacher who stood right in front of the two of them and held out his hands, looked exactly like Leo. Tall and lean with long legs and broad shoulders. Small lips and those sharp intense eyes. Even though it has already been six years since Hakyeon last saw Leo, there was no way he would ever forget how the boy looked like.

After all, he spent much of his time drawing Leo’s features and profile in his sketchbook during those six long years of waiting. Hakyeon was afraid of forgetting, afraid of not remembering how the one he loves looked like.

‘Hello? It’s nice to meet you. I am the new music teacher, Taekwoon.’ The man introduced himself again.

Dumbfounded and still in shock, Hakyeon managed to accept the handshake and greet the man back but his mind was still puzzled by the meeting.

Hakyeon and Amelia both had their eyes tracing the man’s appearance and face. The man who calls himself ‘Taekwoon’ as he sat by the other children on the other side of the lunchroom.

‘How can someone look so alike? If I didn’t know any better, I would think that Leo is still alive,’ Amelia commented.

‘Do they really look that alike? Amelia, stop staring, it’s rude.’ Haerin sat down next to them after serving the both their lunch.

Haerin has only ever heard of Leo’s name and knew that Amelia was almost wedded to the boy but she has never met him in person even when she was in Brampton. She wasn’t interested.

‘Haerin, you mentioned that you guys found him along the river?’ Hakyeon initiated his question. He needs to make sure of something.

‘Yes. Father and the children was out fishing by the stream one day and found Taekwoon by the riverbank. You guys don’t really think that Taekwoon is Leo do you? I mean, everyone knows that Jung Leo died during the last battle of the war.’ Haerin suspected.

‘I know it’s impossible but what if he is?’ Hakyeon said.

‘I agree with Hakyeon. Not only does this Taekwoon look exactly like Leo but the fact that he doesn’t have any memories of his past makes him even more suspicious! What if Leo really did survive but just forgot everything and everyone?’ Amelia sided with Hakyeon.

Neither Hakyeon nor Amelia could take their eyes off Taekwoon and Taekwoon took notice of them staring. He got up from his seat and walked towards them.

‘Is something wrong?’ He asked.

‘Huh? Nothing. These two were just amazed at uh, how good looking you were. Haha…’ Haerin tried to joke with him so that Amelia and Hakyeon didn’t seem so rude with their staring. After all, nothing was sure at the moment but only suspicions.

‘Uh, thanks? Anyways, I promised Father that I will help him make a few deliveries to town so I’ll be back later tonight. Please help me watch the children while I’m gone.’ Taekwoon asked her.

‘Sure! Have a safe trip.’ Haerin replied.

‘Wait!’ Hakyeon suddenly shouted which surprised them all. ‘Um…’

‘?’ Taekwoon looked puzzled at the boy.

‘Can I come with you too? I’m still new around here so I think it’ll be helpful if I can assist you and learn more about this town.’ Hakyeon lied.

‘Uh sure? That’ll be great.’ Taekwoon smiled.

‘What are you doing?’ Amelia pulled Hakyeon in and asked whisperingly.

‘I want to make sure of something. He may or may not be Leo after all.’ He whispered back. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll be right back.’

Just like that, Hakyeon followed the strangely suspicious Taekwoon out into the town to help.

* * * * * *

‘To be honest, I’m just as new as you are around this town.’ Taekwoon said as the two awkwardly walked side by side through the town. ‘What did you say your name was again?’

‘It’s Cha Hakyeon! But you can just call me Hakyeon.’ He replied while trying to keep up with the conversation.

‘I see. What brings you to Pinewoods?’ Taekwoon asked.

‘Amelia and I are friends and I thought I’d come pay her a visit while I’m on my journey.’


‘Mhmm. It’s a rather long story and well, I guess you can say I’m just travelling around the country to do some research.’ Hakyeon couldn’t erase the strange and awkward feeling he was having while talking to someone who looked exactly like Leo. ‘So um, you really don’t remember anything of your past? That’s what Haerin said.’

‘Yeah. Nothing. Even my name was given by the Father back at the orphanage. He said there used to be someone who lived in this town many many years ago, and I reminded him of that person.’

‘I see… it’s a nice name.’ Hakyeon smiled but still awkward.

‘You mentioned that you were doing some research?’ Taekwoon changed the subject back to Hakyeon since he didn’t know much to say about himself.

‘Uh yeah. My mom runs a flower shop back home and I like studying flowers so I was just looking around the country to see if I can find some unique species that we don’t have back in the city.’

‘That’s nice...’ Taekwoon commented and their conversation came to a halt. He didn’t know how to continue since he knew nothing about flowers.

The both of them felt strange and awkward. They tried to come up with things to talk about during their errand but each time they tried, they would only say a few things and return back to silence. As much as Taekwoon looked like Leo, Hakyeon just couldn’t bring himself to look at the man. It was awkward and he was so nervous that his stomach clenched from the anxiety.

After he had finished running the errands with Taekwoon, it was time to bid farewell. He didn’t want to be too clingy or bombard Taekwoon with too many questions. It was the ‘first’ time they met after all.

‘Well, um, I’m going back to the bakery. It was nice meeting you! Good night.’ Hakyeon waved goodbye to Taekwoon in front of the orphanage in which he was staying at.

‘Yeah. It was nice meeting you too Hakyeon. Good night and thank you for helping me today.’ Taekwoon responded.

Just as Hakyeon turned around the corner, he couldn’t help but sneak a peek back at the orphanage to see Taekwoon one more time before the man walked inside the building.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

His heart pounded as he watched the large doors close.

‘Stop. Just because he looks like Leo doesn’t mean they’re the same person…’ Hakyeon could feel his heart cleaning in pain just from the thought.

* * * * * *

‘Well? Was he Leo?’ Amelia bombarded Hakyeon the moment he returned home.

‘I don’t know… we really didn’t talk much and he doesn’t have any memories of his past.’ Hakyeon replied.

Amelia sighed in disappointment.

‘Well, we can hope he is Leo then. If this Taekwoon doesn’t have any memories of his past than it could just mean that Leo hit his head or something and got amnesia?’ Amelia said positively.

‘Maybe…’ Hakyeon doubted.

‘We can just try to help him get his memories back! Leo loves you a lot so maybe if you spend enough time with him, this Taekwoon will remember you if he really is Leo!’ She said.


‘What’s wrong Hakyeonie? Don’t you want that to happen?’ She was curious about Hakyeon’s sudden silence.

‘It’s just that… is it really that good of a thing to remember?’ Hakyeon questioned.

‘What do you mean? Don’t you want him to remember you?’

‘I do and I wish that he is the same Leo we know of but… if he remembers, then he will also remember those six years during the war. Those battles… These few months during my trip, I’ve heard so many stories, seen too many people who were traumatized by the effects of the war. Even Ken hasn’t fully recovered from the battles. He gets nightmares almost every other night and even though he tells us that he’s fine, it’s obvious that he isn’t.’

Hakyeon had a point. He couldn’t just think selfishly about himself no more. Maybe if this had happened before his journey, he would do anything to get Taekwoon’s memories back but these past few months, he’s seen the outcome of the war.

Sure, their country may have won and peace was restored but the effects dealt by the war and those six years of endless battles was too painful for everyone.

Many homes and families were destroyed. Many had lost their loved ones and some were even injured and permanently disabled. Some captured by their enemies, and tortured before they found a way to escape through their struggles. Even though they returned home, those horrific memories would stay with them forever.

Just because they won the war didn’t mean that they didn’t lose anything at all. Too many sacrifices were made and too many painful experiences were created. If that’s so, if Taekwoon is really Leo, doesn’t it mean that recollecting the past means recollecting those traumatizing experiences as well?

Hakyeon didn’t know what to do. Maybe it would be best for Taekwoon not to remember anything at all.

* * * * * *

A few days later, Ken finally got the time to call the bakery.

‘Hello? Amelia? It’s Ken. Is Hakyeonie there?’ He asked.

‘He’s out right now. What’s wrong? You sound weird.’ She noticed something was off with his tone.

‘… Um, that town you say you’re staying at right now, what’s it called again?’ He wanted to make sure.

‘Pine woods. Why?’

‘You sure that’s what it’s called? And that there’s no other town in this entire country with the same name, right?’

‘Ken, you’re being ridiculous. Of course, I know what this town is called. I’ve been living here for the past few years for goodness sakes. What’s wrong?’

‘It’s just that… well, Ravi said that one of his messengers who passed by saw someone there and that person looked exactly like- ‘

‘Leo?’ Amelia cutted him off.

‘You know?! Wait, did you meet him?! What about Hakyeonie??’

Amelia sighed.

‘We did meet him but…’

‘But? Say something! Don’t leave me hanging here!’

‘He’s not Leo. Well, at least his name isn’t right now anyways. There’s a man named Taekwoon here and he does look exactly like Leo. Both Hakyeon and I were in shock at first but he doesn’t have any memories of us or his past.’

‘Huh? Then, he could be Leo! We never went back to find Leo’s corpse since everything melted and burnt up in the ruins after the explosions so that person could most likely be Leo!’

‘We know that’s possible but… Hakyeon is right.’

‘About what?’

‘If this Taekwoon is really in fact Leo, what happens if he gets back his memories?’

‘Uh, he’ll remember all of us and how much he loves Hakyeonie?’ Ken didn’t understand where she was going with the conversation.

‘Sure, but what about those six years? Six years at war?’

Ken gulped and fell silent.

Because he remembers. Because he lives to remember those six years.

Though his injuries have healed and he has gotten rather used to walking with one leg, he couldn’t erase the nightmares he kept having every single night. The deaths, the corpses that piles and scattered on the battle field, the blood that shed, the cries, and the fears… Everything was so clear in his mind and he remembers everything that he experienced during the war.

Even if Leo remembers, what then?


* * * * * * A/N * * * * * *

All those that caught the references from my other NEO Fanfic , I just want to say 'I love you~'  

You guys don't know how pleased and happy I am to know that you guys remembered and stuck around since then :) Honestly, I was having a blank moment while writing some of the previous chapters for this story because I didn't know the direction I want to take it but lately, the encouragement and positive feedbacks have given me more motivation to write the story and it makes me happy to bring you all more content. Not really sure how much longer this story will be since I write now once I get the inspiration but there will definitely be a lot of connections with < The World of Us >. After all, this is a somewhat-sequel to that fanfiction. Anyways, love you all! 

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Chapter 26: Ah, it was great! Thank godness they're together in the end of this one lmfaooo and wow I love all the sublte references to The World Of Us! Now onto the last one!
Chapter 1: Haha sorry but when I saw Brampton i sorta had to backpedaled to make sure I was seeing right bc i RARELY see Canadian cities portrayed in fics haha but then i see that you're Canadian so hello fellow Canadian! Lmao
AikaRikachu #3
Chapter 27: ireadthetrilogybackward.......I READ THE TRILOGY BACKWARD!!!!!!!!!!!
It's my pleasure to read such story like this <3 <3 <3 omg, authornim you're so great <3
Echo_of_Venus #5
Chapter 26: Just finished reading the second part of your triology, and I must say your writing is awesome!^~^ thank u so much for writing amazing stories, and keep up the wonderful work!
signorina_klutz #6
Chapter 26: Ohmygosh.The last part. I'm always crying everytime I remember their first win. The way Hakyeon thanked Starlights is so sincere. Another great story. Well done.
Chapter 27: OH MY GOD.. You such a genious writernim don't u?
Ughhhh I am so much honor to read ur stories..
Chapter 27: Wait, it's finished? ._. Didn't really expect that, tbh. I was still wondering about the dreams Hakyeon had, actually. Is that just something that you were planning do to something with, but then it got scrapped? Or were they just meant to be references to The World of Us - Hakyeon's subconsious remembering his past life?

Anyway, I enjoyed reading this, so thank you. ^^ I'll check out Dream.scape soon.
glamour_4502 #9
Chapter 27: I love the story! Thank you for this lovely story :)