Chapter 25

(LeoN/NEO) If You...

It was a busy time for Taekwoon.

He finished settling down after his father’s funeral as well as dealing with the public after his innocence was announced.

Ken and Ravi revealed to the public media all the evidence that was needed in order to clear Leo’s name.

Leo was no traitor but a true war hero and after many ups and downs, have finally returned to his hometown.

After his father had passed away, Taekwoon was busy being ‘Leo,’ and dealing with the public and politics. Luckily, Ken was always there to help him whenever he needed a hand.

Taekwoon sighed as he flopped onto the sofa. He was tired.

‘You okay?’ Ken asked.

‘I think so.’ Taekwoon replied with the little amount of energy he had left within him.

‘I know it’s hard especially since your memories haven’t fully returned but if you need help, you know I’ll be here for you.’ Ken smiled brightly at Taekwoon to reassure him.

‘Thanks. I really appreciate it.

‘Not a problem. That’s what family is for. But I’m quite amazed at how well you dealt with the craziness that’s been happening lately. What did they ask you about during the interrogation at the council meeting the other day?’

Taekwoon was asked for a testimony of what he could remember during the war and what happened afterwards. Of course, Taekwoon could only speak the truth. That he couldn’t remember anything at all. He had no memories.

Although from time to time, he can feel a bit of his past coming back to him, they were all just too hazy for him to make out what was real or not.

‘Nothing much. It’s not like I could tell them anything anyways.’ Taekwoon sighed.

‘Well, seeing how well you’ve handled yourself as ‘Leo,’ I guess it’s all right in the end. Might even be better for you not to remember.’ Ken said. ‘I guess Hakyeonie has a point…’

‘Hakyeon? Cha Hakyeon?’

Ken nodded.

‘He was worried. Worried that if you to remember anything about your past that you would start to recall the traumatic experiences too from the war. So, he said it might be better for you to not remember and just start fresh again. It’s all for your sake of course.’

‘I see…’

Taekwoon didn’t realize just how much Hakyeon cared for him. He was thinking about Taekwoon’s sake the entire time and even helped Taekwoon as much as he could especially after returning to Brampton.

‘Ow,’ Taekwoon suddenly felt a sharp pain run through his chest.

‘What’s wrong?’ Ken worried.

‘I don’t know. My chest just hurts a bit. It’s been like that lately…’

‘Should we call for a doctor?’

‘No, I don’t think so. It’s not too bad. I’ll be fine. Maybe I’m just tired and needs some rest.’

‘Okay. Guess you have been overworking lately. Things should settle down a bit more by now so you should have more time to breathe. Anyways, if things get too much for you to handle, don’t forget you have me and Ravi by your side.’

‘Thanks.’ Taekwoon couldn’t help but keep being grateful to those who stayed by his side the entire time.

Despite the fact that he was no longer ‘Leo,’ everyone around him cared about him greatly. The whole city was in an uproar when they realized that Leo had forgotten his memories and even his own name. It was strange for people at first to call the man by ‘Taekwoon,’ but they were trying to adjust for his sake especially after losing his father.

‘By the way, Ken suddenly asked, ‘have you seen Hakyeonie lately?’

Taekwoon shook his head.

He’s been so busy with everything and settling down that he hasn’t seen Hakyeon since the funeral.

‘I wonder what he’s up to. He was really sad when uncle passed away. After all, Hakyeon really looked up to your father as if uncle was his own father. His biological father died when he was younger so Hakyeon doesn’t really know the feelings about having a father by his side. Apparently him and uncle grew really close during the time we were in war. I can just imagine Hakyeon being really depressed right now.’ Ken sighed.

Taekwoon also worried a lot about Hakyeon.

During the funeral, Taekwoon noticed that Hakyeon was trying to hold back his tears very obviously the entire time. Just when Taekwoon turned around to see Hakyeon was missing from the scene, he became worried that the boy might be hiding somewhere and crying alone.

Except, he didn’t expect to find Hakyeon crying in Hongbin’s arms… and crying so painfully. As Taekwoon watched from afar and seeing Hakyeon cry so hard, his heart was also in pain. He wanted to rush straight to Hakyeon and comfort him but he was a second too late to do so.

‘Ken. Can I ask you something?’

‘Sure, go ahead.’

‘Who’s Lee Hongbin? I only know that he went to our school…’

‘Ah, him? Apparently him and Hakyeon when to the same elementary school together. He used to tease Hakyeon a lot when they were younger but when they met again in high school, Hongbin apologized and they’re friends now. I guess things worked out in the end for both of them. Hongbin looks after Hakyeon a lot, probably because he feels bad about how he treated Hakyeon in the past?’ Ken assumed.

‘I see…’ Taekwoon sighed.

So Hongbin is closer to Hakyeon compared to himself…

Ken noticed a dejected face on his cousin and couldn’t help but crack a smile.

‘Are you possibly, jealous?’ Ken asked.

‘Huh? Uh no. I- I was just wondering, that’s all.’

‘If you say so~’ Ken teased. Could it be that Taekwoon is…

*   *   *   *   *   *

It wasn’t just Taekwoon who has been busy lately. Hakyeon was quite busy himself while helping his mother at the shop.

Winter was right around the corner and many preparations had to be made. There is always an increased of orders and sales during this time of year for the upcoming holidays. Hakyeon thought he wouldn’t be able to make it back this year to help out at the shop when he initially left for his journey but one thing after another, he was back home in time for the holidays.

‘I’m seriously glad you’re here. I don’t know what I’d do without you son.’ Hakyeon’s mother thanked him.

‘It’s nothing.’ He replied.

‘Are the boys coming over later to help out as well?’ She asked.

‘Minhyuk said he’d be here a bit later and Hyuk will be coming too after he meets up with Sungjae.’

‘Even though they have their own school and work, they still come to help out every year. You’ve made such wonderful friends, Hakyeon-ah.’

Hakyeon couldn’t agree more.

Then the shop door chimed open.

It was Hongbin.

‘Oh? Hongbin-ah. Welcome.’ Hakyeon’s mother greeted the boy.

‘Good afternoon Mrs. Cha.’ Hongbin bowed politely.

‘Kong-ah! What brings you here?’ Hakyeon was surprised to see the unexpected visitor.

‘I thought you may need some help. I have time on my hands so I thought I’d come by to help out instead of sitting at home and being bored.’ Hongbin replied.

‘That’s great. The other kids will be late so it’s a good timing that you came. I really appreciate it.’ Hakyeon’s mother served him a cup of tea and some snacks then left the two boys alone to work.

‘So, what should I do first?’ Hongbin asked.

Hakyeon handed Hongbin some wrapping papers and boxes that are to be ready for the next delivery date while Hakyeon, himself, was hand-drawing each and every gift card that was ordered. It was a time consuming task but Hakyeon enjoyed it a lot.

‘Kong-ah.’ Hakyeon whispered.


‘Don’t tell my mom about that day…’

‘That day? Oh~ about you being a crybaby?’ Hongbin laughed.

‘Shh. I don’t want her to worry about me.’

‘What’s the big deal? Everyone was crying and sad that day, not just you.’

‘I just… don’t want her to worry okay?’

‘Fine, I’ll keep quiet. But are you feeling better now?’

Hakyeon nodded.

‘I’m fine now. I’m just more worried about…’


‘Yeah. His memories haven’t even returned and yet he’s got so much to deal with. I hope he’s doing all right.’ Hakyeon sighed.

‘Have you seen him at all lately?’

‘No. I didn’t want to disturb him. I heard from Ken that they’ve been really busy with all the political issues lately and it’s not like I would be of any help anyways.’

‘But don’t you want to see him? Don’t tell me you don’t miss him even for a bit?’

Hakyeon silently looked at Hongbin for a minute and sighed again.

‘I do.’

He misses Taekwoon a lot. More than he thought.

‘I heard from Ken that you guys call him Taekwoon now? Must be strange calling him by another name especially since you’re so used to calling him by Leo instead.’

‘Not really. I thought I’d feel strange at first too but I spent about a month or so in Pinewoods with him and got quite used to it. Honestly, I feel like the name he has now fits him better.’ Hakyeon chuckled a bit.

‘I guess you’re the strange one then,’ Hongbin laughed as well.

Hongbin have moved on with his feelings for Hakyeon but the two were still good friends. Hongbin knew from the very beginning of how Hakyeon felt for Leo so he could only watch from the side. He knew very well that his feelings would never be mutual and he didn’t want to put pressure on Hakyeon either by forcing the boy. So, he was content with the fact that he could just stay by Hakyeon’s side and cheer him on.

The two became good friends eventually despite their age differences and conflicts from the past, now, Hakyeon would share his stories and feelings with Hongbin openly.

It wasn’t just Hongbin, but there was still Minhyuk and Hyuk as well. They would often come over to visit Hakyeon and help him whenever he needed the assistance.

Though Hakyeon was upset about the minister’s death, he knew he had to move forward. He once talked about his future with the minister as well and the man encouraged him greatly to pursue his dreams.

Hakyeon loved to draw and help out at the flower shop but as he grew older, he began to think of whether or not that was truly his ‘dream.’

It wasn’t until his visit to Pinewoods that he realized a new found passion of his.

It was a short month in that small little village but Hakyeon realized that he enjoyed teaching children a lot. He had the time of his life there and it felt like the kids’s laughter would lessen his stress everyday.

Hakyeon really wants to try it out – teaching.

But there was still something that he wasn’t so sure of.


Hakyeon loves Taekwoon just as much as he did when the other was Leo. There wasn’t really much of a different between the two except for their names. Hakyeon was in a slight dilemma when it comes to what to do with Taekwoon.

I miss you Taekwoon-ah. Hakyeon sighed.

*   *   *   *   *   *

Taekwoon sat by the office that used to be his father’s and after finishing the pile of paperwork that was on top of the desk, he laid back on his seat and being bored.

He took a deep breath.

He misses Pinewood. He missed the carefree life he had when he was staying there. He missed the folks in the small town, the Father and the children back at the orphanage.

I’m bored.

Just as he was dozing away, there was a knock on the door that woke him from falling asleep.

‘Master. There’s a delivery for you.’ One of the maid notified him.

‘A delivery?’

‘Yes. It’s from Master Ken. It is in the living room right now.’

‘What it is?’

‘I’m not really sure myself. Please come out and see it for yourself.’

‘Okay. I’ll be right there.’

A gift for me? What’s that cousin of mine up to now?

Ken have been nothing but a great help and friend ever since Taekwoon returned to Brampton. He would often fill Taekwoon in on stories of their childhood and even barge into Taekwoon’s office from time to time with photos of when they were younger.

According to Ravi, Ken was in a depression for a long time when he thought Leo had died during the war and constantly would have nightmares about the war. He kept blaming himself for not being able to make it to Leo on time to save his own cousin. But as soon as he heard that Leo was still alive, and also finally getting to meet Taekwoon, his trauma was beginning to lift.

Ken has gotten used to calling his cousin ‘Taekwoon’ instead of ‘Leo,’ now too.

After about a few weeks being into Brampton, Taekwoon’s memories as Leo began to surface. He could remember some of his schoolmates, his family and significant places in Brampton from back when he was Leo but strangely enough, he could not remember one person.

He still can’t remember anything about Cha Hakyeon despite the fact that the two of them were good friends back from high school.

But Taekwoon would often have a headache just trying to recall.

As Taekwoon entered the living room, he saw a large object being covered by a giant white cloth at the center of the living room. As he lifted the cloth, he was stunned.

A beautifully hand-made grand piano.

‘Ta-dah!’ Ken came out of nowhere to surprise Taekwoon.

‘Ken-ah! What is this?’ Taekwoon asked.

‘What’s what? It’s a piano duh~ Thought you’d like it.’ Ken placed his hands on his hips, rather pleased with his present to his dear cousin.

‘I know but why…’

‘Why not? You like the piano and music whether you’re Leo or Taekwoon don’t you? I heard about it from Hakyeonie that you were teaching children music in Pinewoods after losing your memories. I guess there are just some things you can never forget.’

‘Hakyeon told you?’

‘Mhmm. Everything! Anyways, give it a try. I hope you like it.’

Even before Taekwoon sat down in front of the keyboard, he could feel his heart racing with joy. This was the best gift he could ask for especially after all the tiring things that’s been happening around him lately.

He placed a finger on one of the keys and played it. The single note that came out of the piano instantly lifted all the stress away.

‘This is a custom designed piano just for you. Uncle used to not let you play the piano at home so there’s never one around and you would always hide in the school music room to secretly play it. But after uncle fell ill, he said he didn’t want to hold you back anymore especially because playing the piano was the thing his own precious son enjoys the most. It was also part of his will to give you this present.’

‘Thank you.’ Taekwoon almost wanted to cry.

Then, he noticed the engravings that wrapped around the piano.

‘What are these?’ He asked.

‘Oh these? What were they called again? Ah right, they’re chrysanthemums. The November flowers. I asked Hakyeon about it and that’s what he told me. Since you’re born in November, this piano is specifically designed for you and no one else.’ Ken smiled. ‘I actually wanted Hakyeon to paint around the piano to give it more ‘beauty?’ But he’s been really busy at the boutique lately so I guess that’ll have to wait.’

This piano was simply a present from Ken but it was also from his father and Hakyeon.

The three of them wanted to give Taekwoon something to help him feel ease and at home in the big city.

Taekwoon was thankful.

His heart was finally at east and the fear he had have completely disappeared.

*   *   *   *   *   *

Taekwoon finally had a day to himself without having to deal with any work, so he decided to visit Hakyeon and thank him for everything.

Plus, he haven’t seen Hakyeon in awhile so he really wanted to make sure everything was all right with the boy.

‘Welcome.’ Hakyeon’s mom answered the door. ‘Oh? Well, if it isn’t Taekwoon. It’s been a long time! What brings you here?’

‘Hello Mrs. Cha. Is Hakyeon around?’ He asked.

‘He’s currently out doing some deliveries. He should be back soon though. Why don’t you go upstairs and wait for him at the study room? She suggested.

‘Okay. Thank you.’

Taekwoon went upstairs as told and opened the door to Hakyeon’s study room. Or also his bedroom. Hakyeon used to sleep in another room but as his drawings and work filled the place, Hakyeon moved his job to the study room which was also his father’s. So, Hakyeon spends more time in the study room than his own bedroom now.

The room itself wasn’t very big compared to Hakyeon’s actual bedroom. Along the side wall was a small couch-like bed for Hakyeon to rest on and Taekwoon stayed here once during his first night back in Brampton.

But he only rested here and didn’t really take the time to look around it.

Taekwoon noticed that Hakyeon didn’t only draw flowers anymore but also sketches of people he might have met during his journey as well as unique structures and landscapes. It was a room filled with memories of Hakyeon’s journey and the wonders of the world outside of the big city.

Then, a sketchbook flopped onto the floor from the desk.

Taekwoon saw that the desk was piled with drawings and used sketchbooks. It was messy and disorganized. He went to pick up the sketchbook and tried to gather the loose pages from the sketchbook that scattered across the floor.

‘Huh?’ Taekwoon noticed.

It was a sketch of him on the pages.

To be exact, it was a sketch of Taekwoon’s younger self – ‘Leo.’

Curious as to why there was a drawing of him, he picked up the pages and sketchbook to examine it. As he flipped through the book, he saw even more pictures of him drawing all over. Why does Hakyeon have so many drawings of me?

Taekwoon knew well he shouldn’t be flipping through someone’s sketchbook like this but he couldn’t help it. He was curious and puzzled as to why the boy had so many drawings of Leo. Just then, he noticed a wooden box on the desk in which caught his attention.

Taekwoon felt as if he’s seen the box somewhere before.

As he approached the box, his memories were slowly beginning to awaken.

Without realizing it, he reached for the box and held it in his arms. On the very top of the box was an engraving of Hakyeon’s name:

To my beloved, Cha Hakyeon.

‘This!’ Taekwoon recognized it. ‘But why… this is my writing?!’



*   *   *   *   *   * A/N *   *   *   *   *   *

So are you guys ready? The next chapter will be the final. I'm almost sad to see this go but I still have < Dream.scape > to work with next.

Also, after < Dream.scape > will be my NBIN fanfic! Yup, the storyboard is in the making ~ I just feel so bad about breaking Kong's beautiful heart time after time like this and honestly, NBIN really is my guilty pleasure along with literally All x Hakyeon. I really like Hakyeon a lot okay?

I was told maybe I should try another genre aside from 'romance' from one of my readers but I've been trying so many genres and tbh, romance is almost just a bonus thing becuase these are OTP fanfics for a reason? I try to implement a bit of AU and friendship, a mix between modern and fantasy in my writing. I don't like living in reality obviously~ 

Anyways, nuff said, I really hope you guys like this really long chapter. It's mainly dialogue which is why it's so long but I think conversations between the characters are more interesting than just words :D It's like you can hear the members actually talking to one another? Hard to describe. Hope you guys understand it! Anyways, look forward to the finale and thanks for reading!


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Chapter 26: Ah, it was great! Thank godness they're together in the end of this one lmfaooo and wow I love all the sublte references to The World Of Us! Now onto the last one!
Chapter 1: Haha sorry but when I saw Brampton i sorta had to backpedaled to make sure I was seeing right bc i RARELY see Canadian cities portrayed in fics haha but then i see that you're Canadian so hello fellow Canadian! Lmao
AikaRikachu #3
Chapter 27: ireadthetrilogybackward.......I READ THE TRILOGY BACKWARD!!!!!!!!!!!
It's my pleasure to read such story like this <3 <3 <3 omg, authornim you're so great <3
Echo_of_Venus #5
Chapter 26: Just finished reading the second part of your triology, and I must say your writing is awesome!^~^ thank u so much for writing amazing stories, and keep up the wonderful work!
signorina_klutz #6
Chapter 26: Ohmygosh.The last part. I'm always crying everytime I remember their first win. The way Hakyeon thanked Starlights is so sincere. Another great story. Well done.
Chapter 27: OH MY GOD.. You such a genious writernim don't u?
Ughhhh I am so much honor to read ur stories..
Chapter 27: Wait, it's finished? ._. Didn't really expect that, tbh. I was still wondering about the dreams Hakyeon had, actually. Is that just something that you were planning do to something with, but then it got scrapped? Or were they just meant to be references to The World of Us - Hakyeon's subconsious remembering his past life?

Anyway, I enjoyed reading this, so thank you. ^^ I'll check out Dream.scape soon.
glamour_4502 #9
Chapter 27: I love the story! Thank you for this lovely story :)