My destiny

You're my MVP
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-5 years later-

Fida POV

I sat under the gazebo… I still could see our images playing happily on the court… our memories from 5 years ago. I smiled to myself. The last time I came here was 5 years ago… I was crying for him to come back… and said that I would bury our love under this gazebo… a small smile formed on my lips when I remembered our first kiss… it was sweet and full of shyness. We both still unconfirmed with our own feelings towards each other. When we both first met each other, we were like a cat and a dog… we would try to piss off each other… he called me a stalker girl, I called him a jerk… then we started to be chingus… I was funny we were friends but still kept fighting. I wasn’t sure how, why and when I started to fall for him… he was so sweet when he sang to me and told me he liked me. His kiss was so warm that I could still feel it. There were a lot happened while we were together. It was like a tsunami came and broke us apart and at last he left me… he lose the MVP title last 5 years, but he was always the MVP in my heart.

I left Seoul and went home after I waited for a week but Donghae still didn’t come back. As I promised, I buried all our memories under this gazebo. As I went home, I decided to forget all about basketballs and all the things related to Donghae. I buried the locket under the gazebo together with our memories before I left. Within 5 years, I only focus on my studies. I entered college and focusing to get my degree.

*flash back*

-2 weeks ago-

I was studying before my phone rang. It was unknown international number. “hello?”
“yes? Who’s there?”
“it’s me… don’t you recognize my voice?” he was speaking in Korean
“ah… oppa?”
“ne… it’s me! how dare you didn’t contact me for 5 years?”
“mianhaeyo Khun oppa… you must be busy helping your mother in her office… how are you doing?”
“I’m good… and I’m in Seoul now… just arrived… come here…”
“no oppa… there’s too much memories there”
“you still can’t get over Donghae?”
“and you? How’s your relationship with Vic unnie?”
“I won’t tell you… I’ll tell you once you here and give me a peck on my cheek”
“oppa… I won’t go there… but oppa, what are you doing in Seoul?”
“ahh… I see you’re getting older… the next 2 weeks will be MY BIRTHDAY… I’m sure you’ve forgotten… you never wish my birthday for the last 4 years!!” he was shouting
“oppa… mianhae… erm… I just want to forget all the things that related to Donghae oppa… you’re his friends so…”
“you’re trying to forget me too?? How dare you trying to erase your one and only handsome cousin from your life!!”
“mianhae… I didn’t mean to-”
“if you don’t come here before my birthday party, I won’t forgive you”
“oppa… don’t do this to me…”
“I’m forcing you to come to my birthday party!!” he said before he hung up the phone
“OPPA…” I shouted “ahh… I guess I should go there” I sighed

-a day before-

“Khun oppa!!” I shouted as I reached the place I used to call home before.
“Fida!! Finally you come!!” he said then we were hugging each other
“I miss you oppa…”
“I miss you like hell so much!!” he said. “let’s sit…” he said
“oppa… you look so old… oppa… what’s with that glasses? Haha” I saw laughing to Khun oppa’s look. He looked like a father of 4 kids with glasses and old fashioned hair style
“ya… stop laughing at me! I have no time to dress myself… I’m so busy, my mom gave me too much works”
“haha… but you still have time to come here”
“it’s my special day… she can’t stop me! I’ll have my holiday for a month!”
“yeah right…”
“you look different with long hair” he said
“is that a praise or sarcasm?”
“of course a praise… you look pretty…”
“thanks oppa… well, how about you and Vic unnie?”
“my mom approve her… pheww…”
“finally!! That’s a good news! So now you and her…”
“yeah, we’re dating… and you? New boyfriend?”
“aww… you still wait for him?”
“I wish… but well, no one opens my heart yet…”
“hmm… I’m sure there’s someone better for you out there”

*end of flashback*

I was sitting on the gazebo; reminiscing the sweetest memories of my life. “Excuse me Miss…” someone called me from my back. I turned my body a bit and saw an ajussi.
“Miss… you can’t come here without permission… the owner disallow other people to come to this place… this is a private place”
“huh? I used to play basketball at here before… here is just an abandon place… I never knew there’s an owner for this place”
“I’m sorry Miss… I think you better go… the owner will come here very soon”
“oh… ok… but I need to look for something first”
“you lost anything here?”
“yes… it was a locket… I buried it here 5 years ago”
“oh… did you remember where you buried the locket?”
“Under this gazebo… I put a small rock to mark the place, but the mark has gone…”
“but Miss, you will ruin the land if you dig everywhere”
“let me find it, please… I’m sure will find it without ruining anything”
“ok… but please go before the owner come”
“ok…” the ajussi left and I started to search for the locket. I dug the soil under the gazebo with my hand… “where did I bury the locket? God… please help me to find it… I can’t visit this place anymore after this, so let me keep the locket…” I was searching and praying at the same time. While I saw searching, a black car passed behind me… “the owner has come?” I asked to myself “omo… I need to find it before he notice me” I kept digging the soil
“Miss… as promised, please leave this place” the ajussi came to me again and asked me to leave
“just a minute please… I promise I’ll go after I found the locket” I said, begging the ajussi
“what happen?” I heard a voice asking, I knew that was the owner but I ignored him and kept searching for the locket
“she lost something at here, sir…” said the ajussi
“you lost something?” the owner asked me
“ne… give me a minute… I’ll leave after I found it… I promise” I said without even looking at him
“oh, it seems very important to you” he said again
“yeah… very important”
“how u lost it?”
“I buried it under this gazebo 5 years ago…”
“5 years ago? What are you doing here 5 years ago?”
“you asked me so much… how about you help me to find it?” I said. He then squatting next to me and helped me digging the soil. I looked at his face. He was wearing a big sunglass… then he looked back at me. And staring at my face…
“you are…” he said then removed his sunglass “Fida?”
“oppa…” I said. I was so surprised and almost shuttering. He then got up and sat on the gazebo. I sat next to him.
“how are you doing?” he asked awkwardly
“I’m good… how about you?” I asked him back awkwardly
“me too… long time no see”
“yeah… so, you’re the owner?”
“yeah… I bought this place 2 years ago…”
“oh… erm… you’re so different”
“you too… long hair…” I just smiled to him “em… so, what’s the thing that you lost?” he asked. I was hesitated to tell him I was looking for the locket
“an earring”
“you buried your earring here? Why?”
“erm… I hate it… but now I think I better sell it, at least I get the money”
“oh… so, you still want to find it?”
“I don’t think so…”
“oppa... Donghae oppa…” someone called him. I saw a girl got out from his car, calling for him
“ne??” he replied to the girl
“palli… it’s so hot here… let’s go back!” she said
“ne…” he said…
“so, you want to go?” I asked
“ne…” he took out a pen “give me your hand” he said. I gave him my hand and he wrote something on my palm “my phone number… call me when you have time” he added
“I need to go… see you later. Bye”
“bye” I looked at him, he walked back to his car and drove his car away… “I met you, finally… but… why it feels so awkward? Is that your girlfriend? A new girlfriend? Huhhh… Am I the only one that still with this feeling? You didn’t look any excited to see me after 5 years we didn’t see each other… I think I better let the locket been buried here… there’s no need for me to keep searching for it” I said and went home after that.

I went home with a long face “are you ok?” asked Khun oppa
“what’s with the long face? Are you upsetting of anything?”
“oppa… I met him… I met him just now”
“Donghae oppa…”
“you met him?”
“oh… so? Why you look so gloomy? you should be happy”
“I think I’ll be happy after meeting him… but… I think he already forget me… he already has a new girlfriend”
“are you sure that’s his girlfriend?”
“I think so…”
“did you talk with him?”
“ne… but just a little… then he go… but he gave me his phone number”
“great… he‘s the only one among us that I can’t contact… ask him to come to my party tomorrow”
“you ask him yourself”
“no… you ask him”
“na na… listen to me… you ask him… arraseo?”
“alright… but I can’t promise you that he will come”

That night I was sitting on my bed looking at my cell… “why I feel so nervous? You can do it Fida… it’s not that you are asking him out, you just do it for Khun oppa…” I dialed his number slowly.
“hello?” my heart jumped when I heard his voice
“Donghae oppa?” I said
“ne… it that Fida?” he asked
“ne… it’s me”
“I thought you won’t call me…”
“I thought I won’t call you too…”
“but you’re still calling me”
“ah… ne. erm… are you free tomorrow night?”
“Khun oppa will hold a party, his birthday party… he ask me to invite you… will you come?”
“oh… you call me to invite me to the party?”
“well… ok… I’ll come…”
“erm… can I bring someone else with me?”
“a girl?”
“oh… yeah…”
“erm… yeah… sure you can…”
“erm… that’s it… so, see you tomorrow night!” I said
“that’s it? well… ok… see you tomorrow”
“ bye”
“bye…” I hung up the phone.
“huhhh… a girl? Yeah… bring your girlfriend tomorrow… let me see how cute she is! HUH!! Should I find someone to act as my boyfriend? He must be so full of himself if he sees me with no boyfriend… but who will be my boyfriend? Ahh…” then, I went to Khun oppa’s room to tell him I already invite Donghae to his birthday party “oppa… I’ve invited Donghae oppa, and he said he will come…” I said to Khun oppa
“oh, really? Great…”
“and he wants to bring his girlfriend as well…”
“oh… ok…”
“he really wants to show off to me his new girlfriend!! That jerk will never change!!”
“are you jealous?”
“no way… he already moved on… me too!!”
“oh, really? Then why you still have no boyfriends?”
“because I’m not ready yet! But he must be so proud of himself if he knows I still have no boyfriends… ahh… oppa, do you have friends that can act as my boyfriend?”
“huh? What are you thinking? Using my friend to pretend as your boyfriend?”
“ne… please oppa…”
“no way”
“oppa… I’m begging you… please”
“Then I won’t be here at your party tomorrow!! Huh!!” I said and took my steps to go out from his room
“ya!! Fida… wait…”
“you want to help me?”
“ahh… it’s not that easy…”
“then… I won’t come…”
“ya… ok, ok… I tried to find someone for you…”
“I want someone who looks better than Donghae oppa… much taller and have a muscular body… so that he knows that I can get someone much better than him! HAHA” I said and laughed like an evil witch
“ya… where can I find someone that perfect?”
“I know you can oppa… I trust in you! Good night oppa…” I said and gave him a peck on his cheek

Nickhun POV

Fida wanted me to help her find someone to be her fake boyfriend… “good looking, tall and muscular? Where can I find this perfect guy? Aish… this girl! She wants to take revenge but why am I the one who gets involved? Aigoo… is Donghae really has a new girlfriend? Poor my Fida… I know she’s so upset now… I know she still can’t get over him but still wants to pretend that she’s already moved on… well, I have to work hard to help my beloved sister to satisfy her heart” I get through all the contact numbers I have in my phone as well as in my social network’s accounts. After my long search and deep thought, I finally found someone who suited with what Fida wanted “he’s can be… hope he’ll agree to help her… God, please help her…” I said before I dialed his number…

The next morning, while I was sitting on the dining table ready to take my breakfast, Fida came to me… “how is it oppa? Have you found someone for me?”

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luv it! nice fic!
@Mizuki1987 Thank you so very much for liking my fic~ i really appreciate it!! ♥ anyway feel free to read my new fic too~ ^^
OMO!!!!! So beautiful!!!!!! I love your fic!!!!!! Thanks for it!!! ^_^
I cant believe it almost ending!!! Please make them together or ill cry!! :'(
Wae?!?!? Y did Donghae lose?!?!?!? Something is FISHY AND I DONT MEAN dONGHAE!!! Its so sad i hope Fida discovers about the bet and changes her mind!!! :(
Unnie Y U NO update!!! Please update soon!!
OMG!! Theyre fighting for her heart XDDD Thats so cool~!! But now im kinda nervous what if Leeteuk turn out to be a bad plater!! o.o
Aww poor teukie but i think is fair aigo donghae that happens when ur a pabo -shakes head- i disaprove.. update soon please
OMO PLEASE UPDATE SOON~!!!!! I lub~~~~ ur story!!! If it is posibe tomorrow XDDD i can barely sleep with this story in my head all the time!!! XDD
HanieDonghae #10
Please let Fida and Donghae together again! Leeteuk is nice to Fida but I love Fida and Donghae! Hehe, I really love your story! Update soon! :D