No longer mine

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Sara POV

Since I was new here, and I was too bored to stay home, I decided to wander around the area alone. Fida’s leg was hurt and Khun oppa didn’t bother to walk with me… so I was alone. It was nice and calming to watch a beautiful view. While I was walking and enjoying the view, I crossed a road without checking whether were there any car was coming… suddenly I heard a loud horn sound. I saw a car was coming my way but I was so shock that I couldn’t even move my body. All I could do was closing my eyes. As the car got nearer, I felt my body had been dragged to the roadside. All I knew I was sitting on the ground… “Are you ok?” a voice asked me and brought me back to my mind
“em…” I nodded.
“don’t you see the car? Aish… whatever… I see you’re ok, so I’m sure you can stand by yourself” he then walked away. As I could think straight, I stood up and chased him.
“Ya! Thanks for helping me…” I said
“hmm” he answered short.
“erm… I’m Sara” I took out my purse and pulled out 50000won “this is for the thanks” I handed the money to him
“I don’t need your money… just save it” he said and walked faster
“but I’m sincere… you save my life” I said while making a small run just to follow his big and fast steps
“you better give it to orphanage not me… and stop following me”
“Just forget it… ok?” he said and I just gave up.

Fida POV

I tried to call Donghae but he didn’t pick up his phone “he must be angry with me so much” I said. So, I decided to go to his house. I walked slowly as my cut was hurt me to death. I managed to walk to his house. The door was locked and I was sure there was no one home. I sat on the floor near the door so I could catch him while he returned. I waited for him almost 3 hours and I didn’t realize that I fell asleep. “fida…” I heard someone was calling my name. I opened my eyes
“what are you doing here?” he asked while frowning. I stood up.
“To see you…” I fake a smile
“go home” he said short
“oppa… let me explain” I said. But he just ignored me while inserting the door key inside the padlock “oppa… I was afraid that you will angry if I tell you I go to Eeteuk house for dinner. I   didn’t dare to tell you… it’s not that I was planning to lie you… no. Oppa… trust me I have nothing with him…”
“Nothing? So, kissing is nothing to you?”
“kiss? What do you mean?”
“stop pretending… if you love him just tell me! Why must you go out with him but still date me? What am I to you?”
“oppa… I really have nothing with him… we’re just friend. And I don’t understand about the kiss”
“huh… I don’t want to talk to you... just go home”
“oppa… I really don’t understand it… please oppa…”
“I said go home… I don’t want to see you face!”
“oppa… please…”
“you really want to know? I saw YOU AND THAT FLIRT was KISSING last night after chasing me… happy now? Do you recall the scene? Now GET THE OFF!!” he said raising his voice. I was dumbfounded and tried to recall the last night scene. Donghae just got into his home and shut the door right in front of my face. As I remembered what happ

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luv it! nice fic!
@Mizuki1987 Thank you so very much for liking my fic~ i really appreciate it!! ♥ anyway feel free to read my new fic too~ ^^
OMO!!!!! So beautiful!!!!!! I love your fic!!!!!! Thanks for it!!! ^_^
I cant believe it almost ending!!! Please make them together or ill cry!! :'(
Wae?!?!? Y did Donghae lose?!?!?!? Something is FISHY AND I DONT MEAN dONGHAE!!! Its so sad i hope Fida discovers about the bet and changes her mind!!! :(
Unnie Y U NO update!!! Please update soon!!
OMG!! Theyre fighting for her heart XDDD Thats so cool~!! But now im kinda nervous what if Leeteuk turn out to be a bad plater!! o.o
Aww poor teukie but i think is fair aigo donghae that happens when ur a pabo -shakes head- i disaprove.. update soon please
OMO PLEASE UPDATE SOON~!!!!! I lub~~~~ ur story!!! If it is posibe tomorrow XDDD i can barely sleep with this story in my head all the time!!! XDD
HanieDonghae #10
Please let Fida and Donghae together again! Leeteuk is nice to Fida but I love Fida and Donghae! Hehe, I really love your story! Update soon! :D