A big fight

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Fida POV

It was weekend, so I was planning to wake up late… while sleeping, my phone suddenly rang. “Yeoboseyo?” I picked it up without knowing who the caller was.
“Fida… you’re still sleeping?” he giggled
“who’s this?” I asked half awake
“it’s me… Eeteuk oppa!”
“oh… oppa… why calling me this early?”
“ya… It’s already 1pm!! Wake up!!”
“ahh… oppa…”
“Fida… do hear me?”
“hmmm… I’m up”
“my mom wants to meet you…”
“huh? Why?”
“she said she haven’t talk much with you yet… because you left last night”
“owh… erm…”
“please…we will have party at my house this evening and she’ll back to Canada tomorrow night”
“oh… erm… ok I guess”
“I’ll fetch you up at 4pm”
“hmm… ok.”
“See you at 4”
“ok….” I hung up the phone… should I tell Donghae oppa? Ahh… he must be angry with me again. I better keep quiet… he won’t know if I’m not telling him… mianhae oppa… it’s not that I want to lie to you, but I’m really caught in the middle.
I washed up and went down to the dining room to have lunch. Then I went straight to my room to get prepared. “What should I wear?” while I was selecting my evening dress, my phone rang. “Donghae oppa? Omo… what should I tell him if he ask me to go out?” I picked it up
“Fida… what are you doing? Let’s go out for a walk”
“erm… oppa… I don’t think I can… sorry”
“em… I’m not feeling well today”
“are you sick? Have you taken medicine? I’ll go there”
“no... I’m ok. Don’t worry… it just a girl’s matter”
“oh… PMS?” he giggle
“ok, ok… I won’t disturb you… I know you may have mood swing. So, have a good rest. Love you”
“love you too… oppa! Mianhae…”
“why say sorry? It’s not your fault… I’m ok”
“I just want to say sorry…”
“ok… I accept that…” he said… ahh… I really feel bad for lying Donghae oppa… he treat me so well… huhhh… ottohkaji?

Donghae POV

“ahh… it’s a bored weekend~ I better sleep…”
“Donghae-ya… let have lunch…” Halmeoni called me. I get up and went to halmeoni’s house. “You’re not going anywhere today?” she asked
“Don’t tell me you both are fighting again?”
“No halmeoni… she’s not feeling well today”
“what? You’re not visiting her?”
“She has her PMS… she’s not in a mood to see me I think…”
“aigoo… just go there and meet her. She’ll be ok. Just don’t make her angry…”
“halmeoni… what is good to eat while she’s having her PMS?”
“Not all women are the same, but usually girls will carve for sweet foods… I think it’s better to have chocolates.”
“Chocolate? Yeah… she loves chocolates! I’ll buy some for her after this!” I finished up my late lunch and went to candy shop to buy some chocolates. It took me awhile to choose… after finished my choco-shopping, I went straight to Fida’s house. As I arrived near her house, I saw a taxi stopped in front of the main gate. And I saw a girl walked out from the cab… “Who is that? I think I saw her somewhere… Fida have a guest? I may bother her if I come now… I better wait here until the guest going back” so, I decided to wait near her house.

Fida POV

“Miss Fida, you have a guest” said a house maid while I was dressing myself
“guest? Ok… I’ll go down in a minute” I said to the maid “it just 3.30 pm… he always early!” I went down and walked to the living room. There’s also Khun oppa at the living room. As I entered the living room, I saw a girl that I never met for quite long…
“Fida… it’s been a long time we never met each other!!” she came and hugged me
“Sara… yeah… long time no see”
“are you sure you want to stay here?” asked Khun oppa
“yes… I already decide to stay here! It’s getting bored to stay in States…”
“oh… nice…welcome” I faked a smile.
“thank you…” she said.  Khun oppa came near me
“trouble maker has arrived~~” he whispered. I just looked at him and made a what-the-hell-is-this face

Donghae POV

“I really think I saw her somewhere…” while I was thinking, I saw a familiar car stopped in front of the main gate. “The flirt guy? Why the hell is he doing here?” I saw he went out from the car and calling someone on the phone. Not long after that, I saw Fida came out with a dress.

Fida POV

I went out from the house as Eeteuk called me he has arrived. I saw him at the front gate standing near his car. “you look pretty in dress… you curl your hair… I like it”
“thanks… I feel bad for your mom. I just left last night without saying goodbye to her” he just smiled. He opened the car door for me “go in”. He said.
“Thank you” I smiled back to him and enter the car

Donghae POV

As I saw Fida entered the car, the bag of chocolates I held fell onto the ground “Fida… what is this? You’re lying me? How could you?” I felt warm tears fell onto my cheek “tell me that’s not Fida… she now is laying on bed…”

Fida POV

We reached Eeteuk house and his house so lively with decorations and foods. I’m the first guest that arrived “omma... Fida is here…” he called his mom. His mom came as Eeteuk called her.
“annyeonghaseyo eemo” I greeted her
“oh… Fida… come in… let’s have a sit”
“hmm…” I noded
“you’re so beautiful in dress… there’s no man that won’t fall for your look” she praised me
“thank you… but I’m just ordinary…” I said and blushed.
“Jungsoo-ya… I need to talk to her alone” she said.
“ne…” he get up and walked to his room.
“Fida…” she called me
“ne… eemo” I said nervously
“do you like Jungsoo?”
“erm… ne…”
“Do you love him?”
“Huh? Erm… ne as friend”
“do you know he likes you so much?”
“Ne…” I said while looked down
“why don’t you accept him more than a friend?”
“mianhae… I have someone that I like”
“your boyfriend?”
“Is he better than Jungsoo?”
“….” I just silenced without a word
“don’t worry, I won’t interfere young people’s love life” she smiled
“gomawo eemo” I smiled back

As the guest kept on arriving and Eeteuk’s mom busy inviting her guests in, I sat on the bench near the fountain at the house garden. “why sitting here alone?” a voice come from behind. I turn around and saw a guy stood handsomely with his white suit.
“why sitting here?” he sat next to me
“I need a fresh air”
“thanks for coming… I may be sitting here alone if you’re not coming”
“it’s ok… at least your mom’s wish is accomplished”
“haha… so, what were you guys talking about just now?”
“secret…” I smiled
“I’m sure it’s all about me… isn’t it?”
“I don’t know” he just smiled
“erm… fida…”
“Let’s dance…”
“Huh? No way… I’m at dancing… and it’s crowded inside”
“we dance here… just follow my lead”
“haha.. No way…” I lau

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luv it! nice fic!
@Mizuki1987 Thank you so very much for liking my fic~ i really appreciate it!! ♥ anyway feel free to read my new fic too~ ^^
OMO!!!!! So beautiful!!!!!! I love your fic!!!!!! Thanks for it!!! ^_^
I cant believe it almost ending!!! Please make them together or ill cry!! :'(
Wae?!?!? Y did Donghae lose?!?!?!? Something is FISHY AND I DONT MEAN dONGHAE!!! Its so sad i hope Fida discovers about the bet and changes her mind!!! :(
Unnie Y U NO update!!! Please update soon!!
OMG!! Theyre fighting for her heart XDDD Thats so cool~!! But now im kinda nervous what if Leeteuk turn out to be a bad plater!! o.o
Aww poor teukie but i think is fair aigo donghae that happens when ur a pabo -shakes head- i disaprove.. update soon please
OMO PLEASE UPDATE SOON~!!!!! I lub~~~~ ur story!!! If it is posibe tomorrow XDDD i can barely sleep with this story in my head all the time!!! XDD
HanieDonghae #10
Please let Fida and Donghae together again! Leeteuk is nice to Fida but I love Fida and Donghae! Hehe, I really love your story! Update soon! :D