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After her meeting with Seung Hyun , and on the next day Mi Sun met Sung Min like planned . 

Sung Min is a private investigator and he has been friends with Mi Sun since high school . 

'' Long time no see , what made you call me ? '' Sung Min said as soon as sat at the table 

'' Hello to you too '' Mi Sun sarcastically said '' Before we talk , what do you want to drink ? '' she asked

'' Since you're offering , Espresso and waffles '' she then called the waiter and ordered . 

Few minutes after , their order came and Mi Sun decided to break the silence and ask him why did she actually called him there 

'' I want you to spy on someone and tell me everything she does , and everyone she sees , her past . I want to know everything about her '' she expressed 

'' Wow ! That's big . She must have done something bad to you for you to want that '' he was surprised 

Mi Sun stopped for awhile then said '' She stole my fiancé '' and she took a sip of her juice  . And not knowing the truth Sung Min believed what his friend has said 

'' Well who is she ? I need to know at least her name in order to do all of that '' he asked 

'' Choi Ji Hyun , before marriage her name was Kim Ji Hyun '' she paused for a second '' That's all I know about her for now and I am waiting for you to find me the rest '' 

'' Don't worry about that but you know '' he stopped eating and looked at her with a smirk on his face '' Nothing comes free in this life ''

She smiled her mischievous smile '' Of course I know that '' then she took her bag and took out a white envelope and passed it to him '' This just a little to help you but for every news you bring you'll get more and if  you can bring me something that can cause them to separate I will make sure to give you something you never thought of '' she then laid back on her chair and folded her arms 

As soon as those words were out of Sung Min's heart was filled with greed . His work wasn't that well those days and having that opportunity was  like gold to him . And when he opened the envelope , his eyes were wide with the sight of money but he always noticed something else 

'' Oh ! That's her , I thought you would need that '' Mi Sun explained immediately 

'' Well , this girl is really gorgeous and attractive no wonder she was able to steal your man . No man would resist such a beauty '' that made Mi Sun boil with anger . She knew Ji Hyun was beautiful but she would never admit it or like it when someone else said it . 

''  Whatever '' she said rolling her eyes 

'' Don't worry . No girl no matter how beautiful she is can hurt my friend like that . I'll do my best '' he assured her 

'' Thanks '' she then stood but before she leave she added '' You know my phone , just call me when you know a good thing or if it's really important , I'll be going now '' she then put some money on the table as a payment for the food and left leaving Sung Min grinding and counting the money he got . It's good to have friends like her , he thought . 

And after he finished eating , he left to finally start investigating about Ji Hyun . 






Ji Hyun pov : 



He left me without saying a word . The pain in my stomach was getting worse but I shrugged it off , it must be because of my period , it lasts a week sometimes . I just can't wait for it to be over . I was boiling with anger with the way he just treated me . I was passing back and forth in the living room but I grow tired and finally sat on the couch . I laid me head back and closed my eyes and tried to calm down . 


After like half an hour , I heard a knock . When I opened the door , Chaerin hugged me immediately . I needed it and hugged her even tighter . 

'' Woah ! I didn't know you miss me this much '' she said laughing but she soon knew I wasn't good so she quickly asked concerned '' What's wrong ? are you okay ? why do you look so pale ? what's happening with you ? you're even worse than the last time I saw you '' she bombarded me with her questions 

'' Easy Chae , let's go to my room first and then I'll tell . I want to lay down a little '' she nodded and we went to my room and she instantly asked again 

'' Come on ! Tell me what's wrong with you  '' she asked sitting down with me 

'' I can't handle this anymore Chaerin ! He's too much ! '' and I whined and I felt like crying 

'' You mean Seung Hyun ? Why ? What did he do to you ? He didn't hurt you or fo

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Chapter 46: just read for the second time....enjoyed it just as much as the first time! ty
Chapter 19: Kyaaaa.... Short DaraGon in this chappie.. And I kinda don't want to kick Tabi's anymore so here I am and can comment peacefully...
ThatFanGirlA #3
Chapter 43: I wonder if I can vote twice ;-)
ThatFanGirlA #4
Chapter 35: God the fluff
ThatFanGirlA #5
Chapter 24: Rereading this story, I notice when people are telling him not to let go of Ji hyun is actually foreshadowing for what's about to come
Chapter 43: 3AM here but I couldn't fall asleep without reading your story till the end. I loved it and please write more because you are really good at this.
JokerAtWork #7
Chapter 41: Seriously this fic is such a roller coaster. I think everything's going great and then BAM! Drama. I need to keep reading but I had to stop to breathe for a second!!!!
Chapter 16: Wahh...if i an jihyun.i dont no wheter i cn tolerate himmm..sobsob