~ 2 ~


Taemin ran to the upper deck as fast as he could, the tears blurred his vision and the vomit was already in his mouth, when he reached the prow he leaned at it and allowed himself to throw up.

He looked down at the water as he quietly sobbed, he could end this, right now, all he need to do is just jump, if he’ll be lucky enough he’ll froze and drown, if he won’t he’ll be food for the sharks, it’s what the Captain wanted for him anyway. His dreams of new life had been ruined because of his stupidity, he should have stayed down at the lower decks, he could have keep hiding until the ship would reach a land. But no...he needed fresh air because he felt sick.

With shaking hands he held the railing and pushed one of his legs behind it, then the other one, all he needed to do is let go and fall, he closed his eyes to feel braver and let go of one hand, his body thrown down and hit the prow hard, he cried with pain but before he could let go of the other hand someone caught his wrist and prevented him from falling.

Taemin’s eyes snapped open and a scared groan echoed in his throat, he looked up at the pirate that held him tightly and tried to lift him up, why he was doing it?!

“Let go…” he called at him with shaky voice.

“Hell no!”

“Key!please…” he cried out but Key hadn't listened to him, he pulled him up with all of his strength and when his body slammed against the deck he screamed with frustration, he could have let him die and save him from his lame life.

Taemin tried to get back on his feet, Key grabbed his arm to help him but he shoved him away “why?!”

“So you won’t drown” Key said coldly.

“I wanted to!”

“Unlucky you”

With anger in his eyes Taemin took few steps toward the railing, like trying to see if he’ll stop him again.

“Don’t you dare…” Key said and crossed his arms over his chest nonchalantly “you know, one word is all I need to make someone shoot you and stop you”

“Great!” Taemin called.

“Na ah…if you think someone would kill you, you’re wrong, they leave you to suffer from your wounds” he promised and let the words sink into the boy’s mind “now, you can try me or just be a smart boy and come with me”  

Taemin lowered his head defeated and Key smirked, he got him.

“Good boy. Now, come, let’s find you something to eat” he said and walked away, it took only few seconds before Taemin joined his side.

They walked quietly toward the ship’s kitchen where all of the Captain’s meals were made, the good smell of bread baking and meat grilling made the boy’s stomach growl, he placed his hand unconsciously and rubbed circles on it ,he was starving.

Key walked into the kitchen and gave orders to the cook, the other pirate looked unhappy with his tone, it was already after dinner’s time and he had to do the Captain’s meal but said nothing as he took a plate and filled it.

Taemin glanced at Key before he took a seat by the long table where usually the pirates ate.   

“Meat…” Key told the cook when he saw he was placing just rice and vegetables for the boy “and bread”

The cook did as been told before he served Taemin.

“Thank you” Taemin said and almost grabbed the bread from his hand, he was so hungry, manners weren't matter at the moment.   

“Eat slowly” Key ordered him as he sat next to him, he gave the boy butter and salt “your stomach would hurts”

Taemin nodded and forced himself to slow down, he took the butter and spread it all over the bread before he pushed it into his mouth again.

He relished on the meat’s taste and filled his mouth with rice and vegetables , Key watched him with a little smile and leaned his head on his palm.

Noticing, Taemin glanced at Key, he swallowed the food and cleaned his lips with the back of his hand “what?” he asked quietly.

Key’s smile disappeared and he shrugged without answering, he lifted his head from his palm and got one of the pitchers that were on the table, he got up from the bench and went to fill it with ice cold water from the drinking barrels that were at the kitchen.

“When was the last time you ate?”

Taemin shrugged, can’t even remember, he sneaked into the ship almost a week ago but food wasn’t within reach at the lower decks where he hide, it was OK though, he was used to feel hunger.    

“Drink” Key ordered as he placed the pitcher in front of the boy.

Taemin did as been told, he gulped right from the pitcher not even worried about the water that spilled down his chin, when he quenched his thirst he his lips and lowered the pitcher, he glanced at Key who sat back by his side “why are you helping me?”

“Captain’s order”

Taemin hadn't believed him though.

“Come on, finish your meal” Key said when he saw the cook taking Minho’s food on a tray to his cabin, usually they ate dinner together, tonight he’ll be watching the boy instead.

When Taemin finished his meal he followed Key to his cabin, the pirate gave him a pajama to wear just like he gave him clothes for his meeting with the Captain, they weren't at the same size but the fabric was so soft and smelled so good.

Key made him a bed from an old mattress, he placed a pillow and few fleece blankets to protect him from the cold, he treated him way too good for intruder and he had no idea why, either way he had no complains, it was better than anything he had for a long time.

Key left him alone for a hot tub, in his eyes there was a warning, he shouldn't run for his own good, to be honest running away was the last thing on his mind now, the bed Key made for him seems to be heavenly. He fell asleep at the moment he rested his head on the pillow, exhausted.

When Key finished his tub he wore clean clothes and got out of the cabin towards Minho’s, before he closed the door behind him he glanced at sleeping Taemin and a sad smile crossed his face, so much like his Mir.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~




Minho leaned at the windowsill with his monocular, too busy with thoughts about the boy who fooled him he hasn't heard the knock on the door.  

“Minho…” Key peeped into the cabin.

“Aye” the Captain said and lowered the monocular, he turned from the window to look at his friend.

“Wants some?” Key asked as he walked in and closed the door behind him, in his hand there was a bowl of fruits that had been cut unwillingly by the ship’s cook.

“No, thanks”

“There are kiwis…” Key tried to entice his friend who chuckled and got closer to him, he gave him the piece of fruit and placed the bowl on the big desk by the leftovers from his dinner.

“Where is the boy?” Minho asked when Key took a fruit to himself.

“In my cabin, sleeping”

Minho nodded and pushed the kiwi to his mouth “how about food?”

“He had plenty of that” Key said with a smile, after all his friend was a good man, he won’t let a person starve. Unlike the image he managed to himself, Minho was a good person, sometimes he just lost his ways but all humans does.  

“Good, good”

“You know…” Key mumbled and sat to the desk, he waited Minho to join him before he kept talking “he remind me of Mir…”

Minho knew Mir only by name, he met Key months after his step brother had sold at the slaves market.

“They’re pretty much alike, same delicate face… I think he’s at the same age as he was when…”

“We’ll find him” Minho promised like he always did, that’s was one of the reasons they went out on the open sea.

Key smiled and tapped Minho’s cheek lovingly though he knew it was impossible, it happened almost ten years ago and the image of his brother was fading away in his memories, even if they’ll find him he wasn’t sure he could recognize him.

“...So, what you’re gonna do with Taemin?”

Minho tilted his head “Taemin?”

“The boy” Key said and waved his hand like it should have been obvious for him to know the intruder’s name.

Suddenly, sell him at the slaves market seems to be something he shouldn't be saying in front of Key “don't know yet”

“Well, I can’t pet him all day long…”

Minho sighed and nodded “let him clean the deck or something until I’ll think of some kind of a punishment”

Key nodded and took another fruit into his mouth “should we arrange him some place to sleep?”

For a moment Minho looked pissed, the boy who intruded his ship has received a good treatment even after he fooled him, was he supposed to find him a place to sleep as well?! As far as his concern he could sleep on the deck. But he was concerned, not even sure why.

“I’ll ask some one to place a mattress for him at the lower deck”

“Good” Key mumbled while he chewed.

They sat quietly for a long moment before Minho opened his mouth “...he really got me fooled. How could I not see it?”

Well, telling his friend ‘because you’re ’ wasn't an option, so Key just said “well, he do have something feminine in his look”

“It’s probably the long hair and the delicate face” Minho excused.


Shaking his head like pushing away any farther thoughts about the boy, Minho got up from the chair, he started to his shirt and Key got the hint, he got up as well and took the bowl of fruits in his hands, it was time to go to sleep.



~ ~ ~ ~ ~




Taemin followed Key to the upper deck, it was still early and the sun was barely out, not to mention his eyes were still lidded but he thought it would be wise not to complain, so he got up too early, no big deal, he received a good meal and a good night sleep even though he was an intruder, he should just be thankful.

At the upper deck, Key gave him a bucket and a mop “scrub the deck” he ordered.

Taemin frowned, seriously? “ah…?” was all he could say.

“Something is not understood?”

“No…” Taemin said and shook his head, he rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes and took the mop to his hand.

“Don’t do anything stupid” Key said and gestured with his head toward a pirate who slept on a chair at the far end of the ship,Taemin saw the gun at the sheath to his waist and nodded understandingly.

“Good” was all Key said before he went to his own business.

Cleaning the deck wasn't so hard, just a little boring but he spent time at the sun and had fresh air so it was fine. Few of the pirates who passed by him once in awhile checked him out while he worked, they talked dirty at him and he realized they yet didn't know he was a boy because all they said described him all he never knew about the female body, it placed blush on his cheeks and that made them laugh, however he tried not to pay any attention and focus on his chore, as hard as it had been.

When the sky painted in vivid red he started to get tired and hungry, he took a seat at one of the barrels that were on the deck and looked at the ocean, he rubbed his belly unconsciously to calm his hunger as he watched the small waves, he was interrupted when Key showed behind him and placed his hand on his shoulder.

“I’m sorry, I was just taking a little rest” Taemin hurried to say as he turned to face the pirate.

Key who was standing with a plate in his hand took a seat next to him, he handed him the plate and ordered him to eat.

Taemin looked at the food and then at the pirate with a sheepish smile “thank you” he mumbled and held the grilled fish with his fingers, it was delicious.

Key watched him with a nostalgic smile, his brother Mir flashed in his memories.

“Key…” Taemin said quietly and ripped him from his thoughts, the pirate’s smile disappeared and he tilted his head “...why are you helping me?” he asked him just like he asked the day before.

“I’ve told you, Captain’s order” Key said with a shrug.

The boy shook his head, he hadn't believed him yesterday and same today.

Key gave him a bad look before he rolled his eyes and sighed “you remind me of my pet goat, you have the same doe eyes. now eat”

“Ya!” Taemin raised his voice angrily, he wasn't looking like a goat.

“Be careful with your tone” Key warned but he sounded amused, when Taemin pouted at him he snorted a laugh “eat!” he ordered again.

Taemin pushed the food into his mouth, still a little angry.

Key ignored his anger, he looked at the ocean and allowed himself to drift in thoughts.

When Taemin finished his meal he placed the plate on the wooden floor and glanced at Key, he was unique, his eyes were like a cat and their color was something he never saw before- sort of greenish, his face were like a drawing, the color of his hair bright as a sand, his clothes were expensive and he had high manners unlike the rest of the pirates on the ship, he was so different from the others and he wondered why he was being a pirate? he could be like one of those respectable men he saw when he lived on the streets, they always walked with their heads up proudly.

They sat quietly for long, when the sun disappeared in the sky Key shook his head from his thoughts and looked at the boy “come on” he mumbled at him and Taemin followed.

They made their way to Key’s cabin when Minho made his way to the upper deck, the boy haven't saw him since the day before when he tried to force himself on him, the sight of him made him a little scared that he might do it again. Grasping on Key’s shirt, Taemin tried to walk behind him like hiding from the Captain, Key glanced at him before he straightened his look at Minho.

The Captain who noticed stopped with a worried look on his face, he glanced at the boy before he turned his gaze at his friend “arrange the crew” he ordered.

Key’s face changed in concern, he knew that something bad was going to happen, Taemin shared his scared gaze between the two.

“Aye Captain” Key said and Minho rushed his way to the upper deck.

“What happened?” Taemin asked as he tried to keep up with Key’s pace toward the cabin. when they reached it the pirate pushed him inside “don't get out” he ordered and closed the door behind him.

Taemin frowned, he heard Key screaming at the corridors of the ship ‘all hands hoay!’ and though he had no idea what was the meaning of it he knew something bad was going to happen because of the sound of angry pirates rushing to the upper deck.



~ ~ ~ ~ ~




For what seems like eternity Taemin walked round at Key’s cabin, he heard the pirates rushing their feet on the upper deck but had no idea whats going on, it was only when he heard the Captain calling ‘false alarm’ it all became quiet.

“What happened?” Taemin asked when Key walked into the cabin moments later.

Key eyed the boy, he saw fear in his eyes “there was a suspicious ship” he mumbled as he passed by him, he looked exhausted as he sat on his bed and reached his boots, too tired to kick it aside.

Taemin got on his knees in front of him and pulled his boots one by one in order to help him, he took off his socks as well, when he raised his gaze at Key he met a surprised expression on his face.

“Thank you” Key said quietly.

Taemin nodded “I used to take off my father’s shoes all the time” he said like an excuse for his actions “that way it wasn't hurts so bad…”

“What was hurts?” Key asked confused.

“When he was hitting me…” the boy said like it was obvious “his shoes were hard as a rock, eventually I learned to take off his shoes and belt as we walked into the house”

“He used to hit you?”

“Hmmm… but only when he was drunk” Taemin tried to make a joke “of course he was drunk all the time”


“For making his life miserable, he always blamed me for my mother’s death, if I wasn't born she might have been still alive...but she died when she gave birth to me”

Key looked at the boy who shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal “this is why you have so many scars on your body?”

Taemin nodded, sometimes he forgot about his scars “it doesn't hurts anymore...don’t worry” he said when he saw the sad look on the pirate’s face.

“This is why you sneaked into our ship?”

“...I wanted a better life” Taemin’s voice barely sounded “I tried to run away from him many times but kept coming back because I was worried about him, if it wasn't me, no one would have take him home from the brothels, someone would have kick him out and leave him at the streets, there are a lot of thieves at the streets, you know”

“You should have let him stay on the streets” Key said angrily though it wasn’t his matter.

The boy smile for his concern “I did eventually, I ran away from home. I lived on the streets for few months before I sneaked into your ship, I heard the port workers talking about you pirates...I thought I could make it to a different land but…”

“We caught you”  Key finished his sentence.

Taemin nodded “I swear I never wanted more than just a ride”

Key sighed and nodded understandingly before he got to his feet “let’s make you a tub” he mumbled ending their conversation.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Minho walked round and round on the prow, an enemies ship threatened his territory, though they hadn't attacked his ship it kept him alert, eventually he placed  few pirates on guard before he went to his cabin.

On his way he stopped by Key’s door, he wanted to Knock on it but stopped when he heard Taemin’s voice, he attached his ear to it and what he heard made his heart clench in his chest.

“He used to hit you?” Key’s voice sounded clear.

“Hmmm… but only when he was drunk. Of course he was drunk all the time”


“For making his life miserable, he always blamed me for my mother’s death, if I wasn't born she might have been still alive...but she died when she gave birth to me”

“This is why you have so many scars on your body?”

There was a pause and Minho moved his ear from the door, he heard enough.



~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 



“Minho…” Key’s head peeped into the Captain’s cabin.


“I need a drink”

Usually, Key never took a liqueur on his tongue so when the words came out of his mouth it took Minho by surprise, he nodded and his friend walked into his cabin closing the door behind him.

“Everything alright?” Minho asked.

“It was a stressful night…” Key said avoiding his eyes,he would never admit that Taemin’s story about his past startled him a little.  

The Captain nodded understandingly, he reached his liquor cabinet where he kept his rum while his friend took a seat by his desk. He poured him a glass and watched as he gulped it in one before he placed his glass for another round.

After the third glass Key closed his eyes and smiled drunkenly “thanks”

Minho smirked, his friend never knew how to hold a drink “better?”

“Aye” Key said and sighed.

Minho poured himself a glass and got comfortable in his chair “I placed a crew on guard, hopefully it would be a quiet night”

Key nodded.

They’ve been quiet for a long moment, each one on his thoughts when suddenly small snorts heard in the cabin, Minho chuckled softly and called his friend who fell asleep.

Key mumbled in his drunken sleep and slowly opened his eyes “what?”

“You fell asleep”

“Oh…” Key smiled “I should go...to my cabin” he mumbled and closed his eyes again.

“Key…” Minho said melodically.  

“I’m up” he said and pushed his body from the chair as he opened his eyes.

“Need help?”

Key shook his head and walked toward the door, before he got out of the cabin Minho called his name and stopped him.

“Tomorrow night…bring the boy to my cabin after dinner”

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Chapter 6: Thanks for writing authornim
Chapter 4: It just sad both of them.
Chapter 3: Minho is so gentle i love him
Chapter 2: Taemin deserves better
Chapter 1: Such ineresting. I though tm is mermain but i dont think so
nikki_cro #6
Chapter 6: 2020 and reading it again ~ ❤it!
Chapter 6: Woaaah... this is so amazing! I neve read story like this before.. this is so good. Glad tht 2min finally together and key found his happiness even tho he couldnt find Mir.
Chapter 6: Omg it was something new and really nice to read! I wish there was more character development and epilogue after this but honestly, it's already good. Hope you will write more 2min~~ Love it❤
taeminho18 #9
Chapter 6: key already found his love omg i'm happy and sad at the same time uwu taemin and Minho also find their happiness. I hope there will be a happy ending for them :") can't wait for the next
i'm so happy all of them have their happy ending ^^
And thak you soooo much for the story authornim *hugs*
See you in your next stories :)