Jungkook -Will you?

BTS fluffs (mostly)

jungkook x reader- will you? (very fluffy)

word count: 892

i dont like using y/n cause it annoys me but i had to in this or it would’ve been weird

It was your first day at school, you were nervous to say good bye to your mum being without her for the first time in your life- to you kindergatern was a whole new concept, and from what you’d heard you didn’t like the sound of it.

You walk into the school gates and make your way into the large hall where a group of other kids were gathered, your mum leads you in by the hand as you cower behind her back.


A lady says walking up to you.

“Welcome to school”

She smiles.

“I’m your teacher mrs Tresoldi”

Your mum gives you a little push as you stumble forward to greet the teacher.


You mumble, suddenly your mum pull away from you and start to walk backwards.

“I’ll see you this afternoon darling”

She says.

“You’ll be fine”

As she says those words she leaves the room, you hold back tears as the closest thing to you had been ripped away. Your teacher guides you to the only free desk left, it was next to a boy with jet black hair and small round face.


He greets looking up at you as you take your seat next to him.


You say shyly as your teacher hands you a colouring book, slowly you begin to draw on the pages placing swirls here and circles. Suddenly the teacher calls out to you and the rest of the class.

“It’s lunch time”

She exclaims.

“Grab your food and head out to the playground”

She ushers you all outside. Before you could look you were in wonderland, swings and monkey bars everywhere. It was heaven. You dropped all your valuables at a bench and ran to the equipment. You run along the bridge and swing your way across the monkey bars giggling as you go. You make it back to the floor only to be roughly shove by an unknown force. Looking around you see the same dark haired boy.


You yell trying hard to hold back your tears, but within a matter of seconds you were a crying mess.

“Are you ok?”

The boy comes up to you.


You shout at him.

“You pushed me”

“I didn’t mean to..”

He says sitting next to you.

“I’m sorry”

He murmurs. Slowly he reaches out and takes your bleeding knee.

“I’ll fix it”

He says blowing on the wound.

“This is what my mum does to make me feel better”

He says still blowing. You sit in silence.


Suddenly the school bell rings signifying the end of lunch. The boy helps you up carefully bringing you back to class.

15 years later

“Where are we going??”

You ask as your boyfriend drags you down the street and too the bus stop. You wait for the bus as it appears on the horizon.


You groan as he pulls you onto the bus.

“Why cant you tell me?”

You ask annoyed.

“It’s a secret”

He says sitting you next to him in a free seat. You huff as the bus begins its trip, in a while you get to your destination.

“Let’s go”

Jungkook giggles pulling you off the bus. He suddenly covers your eyes and leads you down a small road. You finally stop as jungkook lets you see where you are.


He giggles. It was your old primary school.

“Why are we here?”

You ask

“I mean its not even a school day and even if the teachers were here they wouldn’t know us, i mean it was 15 years ago”

“You’ll see”

He says guiding you once again. You end up in the hall.

“Do you remember”

He says

“We sat here”

He takes your hand taking you to the extremely small seat, you giggle.

“I remember, this was where we met”

You say slipping jungkooks hand into yours, once again you felt yourself being dragged.


You exit into the playground. Excitedly you run to the equipment as if you were in kindergarten again. The first thing you decide to do was swing across the monkey bars as you had once done. You felt your hand slip from the railing as you were around halfway across, with this you fell to the floor.

“Are you ok?”

Jungkook says running over you. He helps you up.

“Let me see clumsy”

He kneels down to your knee height and takes out a box of bandaids from his pocket.

“Your prepared”

You laugh.

“I sure hope i am”

He places the bandaid on you knee and you take a step back to go and play some more. Quickly he reaches out catching your hand. Still kneeling he pulls a small black box out of his pocket.


He trails off.

“I’ve been waiting to say this to you since the first day i saw you in that classroom”

You stare at him in shock.

“y/n, will you marry me?”

He opens the box to reveal a silver ring with a flower engraved into it.


He waits in silence for you answer his head bowed hands out still displaying the ring.

“Of course”

You pull him off the ground hugging him tightly.

“I love you so much”

You say

“I love you more”

He whispers.

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