At Home.

SHINee taking care of a preteen?

They came home. Michelle & Key was going to prepare the food.

Minho was on the computer. searching. . how to grab Michelle away from Taemin.

Michelle shouted "Dinner's ready!~" Key said proudly "Like mother like daughter," wiping stains on his apron

On the table, Michelle said "I made friends with GP BASIC. too bad Janey wasn't with them. Onew-Appa, do you know why?Trinity-Unnie was crying in the end."

Onew replied while eating "I heard Janey was banned from performing on music shows. the group was really upset. the song is touching,right Michelle?"

Michelle replied "Yes it is, AND DON'T TALK WHEN YOUR MOUTH IS FULL" 

The members roared with laughter.

Michelle sticked out her tongue with a mehrong. Onew sticked his tongue out too.

Michelle brushed her teeth. while the members are discussing something.

"Taemin, what now? still courting her? you can court her but. . don't break her heart." 

Taemin was happy that night. 


NIGHT PASSED and Michelle woke up to prepare breakfast. "Lets see. .Chicken,Juice,Eggs,Nuggets,Rice. all check." she prepared the table and pretended to sleep again. 

She asked Yoogeun to wake the Appas up. Jonghyun woke up first and went to the table. Jonghyun was suprised.He woke up all the other members. 

Onew smelled chicken and went to the Table. "CHICKEEN! wait,,who prepared this?" Yoogeun ran to Michelle and wake her up. 

"I did.You can eat now." Onew keeps on eating the chicken. 

Key said "Wow. you're a great cook!" "Thanks" 

Taemin tried to feed her. "Here" Michelle ate it sweetly. 

"Ehem." SHINee members declared. 

Michelle went to Yoogeun and fed him.


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congrats :>
elliptical #2
Congrats! ^^
Congratulations on the random feature! ^^
Congrats :D
serendipity203 #5
kyubish #6
Congrats :))
skylarjung #7
minhocapturedmyheart #8
congrats on the feature!