First Day

Happy Virus

Minyoung's Pov

So, today was an amazing morning. *scarcasm* I woke up to not to my alarm that goes off at 6:30. In fact, it was not 6:30, it was 6:25. I woke up to hear loud noises. Remember how in the beginning of the book I said my brother was Park Chanyeol of EXO. Well, that was him and s. (A/n By they way because yolo I'm having it be ot12 not ot9 cause why not.) Yep, all 12 of them in my house. Well, when I was awoken I fell on the floor again like every day and dragged myself out of my room. I then entered the kitchen to see them and surprisingly my house was not a mess yet.

"Yo baby sis, we have came here with breakfast and to deliver you to school." The tower said. (you know who he is)

"Oppa! Why did you wake me up so early?" I said already whining.
"It's just five minutes before your supposed to wake up. So, what's the big deal?!"
"The big deal is I need my sleep!"
"Well, it's 6:30 so start getting ready and then I'll drop you off at school."

Now I can start my day. I headed to my bathroom and took a shower. After my shower I got changed into my school uniform. (The outfit is at the top) I did my hair and makeup. Then I ate. Now, I finished my routine!

"Come on Minyoungie. Lets take you to school!" If your wondering where Luna is, she already went to school. I have such a great unnie. When we got to school nobody surrounded us so I was good, hopefully I don't have people going up to me and wanting to become my friend just because my brother is famous. My brother guided me to the office. Girls giving me stares. I thought they were going to say bad things but they ended up saying, "That's Chanyeol's baby sister. Right? She is so cute and she looks so pretty. They definitely look like siblings, they even have the same yoda  ears." Well that turned better then expected.

     We finally made it to the office and they gave me my schedule. My brother turned to me and said "Go to class now. I'll pick you up later."
     "Okay oppa." Now here comes the real struggle finding my class. I'm supposed to be in special classes but where is that. * bish where*
"MINYOUNGIE!!!!" I heard my name being called down the hallway.  I turned and saw Taehyung oppa calling me from down the hallway. I ran over. "Yo what's sup best fran!"

     "Best fran, I was looking for you because my sister apparently decided that you can find your our class by yourself without any troubles. But, I know you so well that I knew that you would get lost."
"Oh Tae. You know me so well. Wait. We're in the same class?"
     "Yes, yes we are. Everyone is BTS, Luna, and some rookie group that we don't talk to they just talk among themselves."
     "Awesome! I won't be alone!"
      "Yep and we don't switch classes. The only time we switch is when we go to the dance room or the studio. C'mon lets go to class!"

     We walked down the hallway until we reached a door that read special class. We entered and the first teacher wasn't here yet. Some boys saw me enter the classroom and looked at me then looked away. Okay, they are weird but probably not as weird as BTS because they are dorks. That's when I saw her..... Luna the person who left me behind this morning. This is when chaos happens.

"Unnie! Why did you leave me behind this morning?! You left me by myself to deal with the Giants this morning and my tower of a brother!" I yelled.

"Well, I wanted to see my brother before you did so I came early." She replied


"So you do love me. Love you to twin!" Tae yelled. Now, you see what I deal with each day.
Tae continued to say stuff and give her hugs and kisses. When the teacher walked in.

"KIM TAEHYUNG! GET TO YOUR SEAT THIS INSTANT!" The teacher yelled. Tae then slowly walked to his seat with his head down.

"Alright, so I see we have two new students. Please come introduce yourself so the class and I can know your name."

Unnie went first. "Hello I'm Kim Luna and I'm the younger sister of that idiot over there." She pointed at Taehyung and the class laughed.

Then I went,

"Hello I'm the ball of sunshine, Park Minyoung" I said.

"Okay now that you have introduced yourselves I'm going to give you a free period to get to know the rest of your classmates." She then walked out the classroom. After she left I turned to the person sitting next to me.

"Hello! As you already know, I'm Minyoung."

"Well Minyoung. I heard you said that you were a happy virus. Well my name is Dokyeom and I'm a happy virus too!"

"It feels great to meet another happy virus other than my brother!" I replied

"What is your brother's name?"

"Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol."

"Cool. You know you should come meet the rest of us. We usually don't talk to other people but you seem cool."

"Why don't you talk to BTS?"

"Because they seem scary and like, very serious, also they seem like they want to break us." He shivered.

"Oh please those dorks want to hurt you." I bursted out laughing, "Please. I've know them since we were young. They won't hurt you. They just do that so no boys tries to date me or Luna because they are really overprotective." I said while giggling.

"Wait, are you serious! Okay I feel pretty stupid!"

" You can sit with us during lunch and introduce yourself to them?"

"Okay! Seems like a plan!"

Skip to lunch time

So, when the teacher dismissed us for lunch I got up from my chair and dragged DK with me to the lunch room. We got our lunch and sat down with the BTS members and Luna. "Hey guys. This is DK. DK this is Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook."

"Yo what's up!" Yoongi said.

"It's nice to meet you." DK replied

DK was a little shy at first but as lunch continued he started telling jokes and joined Yoongi's swag train. Him and the boys became very close and him and Luna got even closer. I totally ship it. Out of the corner of my eye I could see his friends looking at us with a scared expression. Worried for him I guess. Then, all of the fun times ended and we had to head back to class. We got back to class and then I waited for the rest of the day to finish.

Time Skip to End of Day

The day finally ended and I said goodbye to DK and headed to Chanyeol. He was outside with his car to take us home. When we arrived at home I went to my room and did my homework. Then we headed over to Chanyeol's dorm.

A/n Hello! So I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter will be DK's Pov and then after that will be mysterious boy chapter who is the one who likes her it will be his Pov. Then the chapter after that will be Chanyeol's dorm chapter.


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