chap 3

My Strange Boyfriend

‘good. i don’t want you to leave me.’


the alarm clock rings out into the cold morning air awakening youngjae. his hand slides out from under the covers to turn off the annoying sound. 


‘are you getting up?’ youngjae hears a mumble from behind him. he smiles to himself at his boyfriend’s cute morning voice.


‘yeah. i have work now, remember?’ youngjae giggles, slipping out of the bed.


‘ughhhh.’ jaebum groans while throwing the covers off of his body.


‘are you getting up also?’ youngjae his head to the side. jaebum grabs youngjae’s face in his hands, squeezing his cheeks together slightly.


‘of course! i have to make you breakfast, cutie.’ jaebum pecks youngjae on the lips, ‘go take a shower. i’ll see you downstairs.’




youngjae plops down in the seat across from jaebum, looking at his beautiful boyfriend.


‘why are you heart eyeing me right now?’ jaebum laughs out when he catches youngjae looking at him. youngjae blushes with smiling.


‘you are so beautiful.’ youngjae whispers, eyes going down to look down at his food. he can hear jaebum laugh slightly.


‘you are more beautiful. i miss seeing you during the day.’ jaebum replies while sighing heavily. youngjae looks up guiltily.


‘i’m sorry, i miss you too.’ 


jaebum shakes his head, ‘shouldn’t you be getting to work? it is almost 6:50.’


youngjae looks at his watch, eyes widening when he sees the time. ‘! bye, jaebum! see you later!’ he waves while grabbing his bags and storming out of the apartment.


jaebum sighs, ‘love you too.’ he mutters.




‘alright we are going to learn about the piano today!’ youngjae claps excitedly, ‘can anyone play the piano in here?’ a couple of the student raise their hands and youngjae smiles brightly at them.


‘mr.choi! can you play the piano?’ he hears hain call out to him. youngjae smiles at her which makes her smile as bright back.


‘yes, i can. if we have time at the end of class, i will show you guys.’ the class erupts in claps and ‘just do it now’ and ‘please, mr.choi!’


‘guys! let him teach first, then he will play.’ hain claps grabbing the attention of the rest of the class making them go silent.


youngjae nods at hain, ‘thank you.’




‘hain, can you stay after class?’ youngjae asks while looking at his desk that is messy with papers. a couple of girls ‘oohh’ and ‘aahh’ at this but hain just hit their shoulders making them giggle and run out of the class.


‘yes, youngjae?’ she walks up to his desk with blush splattered on her cheeks.


youngjae looks up with bright eyes, ‘you really know how to get the class quiet, right?’


‘yes, i do!’ she nods her head.


‘i want to thank you for that. i guess since i am still new it is hard to control of the cla-‘ youngjae gets cut off by lips pressed against his. his eyes widen and immediately his arms push hain back.


she looks at him with a confused look.


‘what are you doing?’ he asks with horror lacing his voice.


‘you didn’t want me to kiss you?’ hain’s eyes start to water in embarrassment.


youngjae shakes his head profusely, ‘of course not! you are a student!’ 


‘i’m sorry.’ is all she said before she ran out of the classroom, head down and tears falling down her face.

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Chapter 5: *dramatic background music*
Glad you make the sequel :D
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